the only remaining argument against capatalism

His type of governments are THE most successful mass murders in history though. They have managed to murder more people in the last 125 years than all of religion has in the last 2,000 years. That is the one thing they are very good at.

lol, Sure Bubba, sure, NOT the right wing authoritarian regimes... lol

So you're saying communism is right wing?

Murray Rothbard considered Bismarckism and later fascism and Nazism examples of an amalgamation of conservatism with right-wing socialism

Communism had MANY right wing authoritarian things, yes!

So communism is right wing? Just checking to make sure you made such a stupid statement. All that redistribution of wealth, etc. is so right wing. Why don't you show me one thing about communism that was right wing.

You mean the authoritarian like Putin in Russia?? lol

Russia doesn't function under communism. Perhaps you didn't hear but the Soviet Union, of which Russia was just one of fifteen parts, went away 25 years ago.
Do you even know what bill the Food stamp program is in?

Sure Bubba, the red states wefare farm bill!

Poor angry little bubba can't get through his pointy little head that the farm subsidies are a progressive thing. Most are for the creation of ethanol to use as an oxygenate to reduce air pollution. Then add to that the bio diesel subsidies designed to wean us off of that evil petroleum and you have shown that majority of those BS farm subsidies are progressive initiatives.

Poor, poor angry propagandist. Still butthurt after watching his progressive candidates wiped from the slate in the last elections.

He's ranting forever about how we need a redistribution of wealth, and now, we have him arguing against his own position?

Classic. He's combative just for the sake of being combative. Now he seems to be against programs meant to help the poor. :lmao:

If I'm not mistaken, it was the Democrats that fought tooth and nail against the proposed cuts to the SNAP program finally compromising on $9 billion. Now he AGREES with the Tea Party that they should have been $40 billion slashed deeper? I think we just crossed into the twilight zone. :cool:

ANOTHER right winger that can't use logic and reading as well as missing the reading comprehension gene. Shocking

I'm 100% for social safety net programs, even when they support the red state leechers, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of their positions, you see in THEIR eyes, they aren't the moochers, but in reality, they are!

Try to keep up Bubba!

So when the poor, elderly and disabled and poverty stricken children that are starving and need critical assistance just by circumstance of birth happen to live in a red state, all of a sudden they are, "leechers?"

And you want to talk about, "hypocrisy?."

The point of the thread is an indictment of capitalism. You are a rabid partisan with the mistaken belief that one party is guilty and the other is not. This is complete balderdash. You are being an obtuse hyper partisan. Both sides are beholden to a system that is now mired in something akin to fascism, or crony capitalism. There is enough blood on the hands of the elites establishment to go around.


Why do you think the CFR corporate owned press has conducted a smear campaign against these populist candidates that have been elected? Because they know that these folks are a threat to the established order. ASK YOURSELF, ever since these representatives have been elected, and this MSM smear campaign has been initiated, why has no new budget been passed? Only continuing resolutions.

The whole reason the grass roots movement of the Tea Party took as their symbology, "The Tea Party," was because they no longer wanted the elites in D.C. to spend on programs with out real representation in the halls of congress. You know, "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION?" Well, now here we are, five odd year later, these folks still have that representation. The press claims year after year that the Tea Party movement is waning or has died while the establishment politicians in DC try to wait out the anger and the revolt by NOT passing a new budget. AND NOTHING SEEMS TO HAPPEN, while the corruption continues. Sometimes I think tax payers should just refuse to pay taxes, or the representatives and Senators shouldn't get paid UNTIL THEY DO THEIR JOBS!

Meanwhile, hyper-partisans in the hinterlands buy the MSM propaganda that "capitalism," is the problem, and not the government corrupting the economy. If folks weren't so daft about how the system has been screwed up, it might be comical.


I'm 100% for social safety net programs, even when they support the red state leechers, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of their positions, you see in THEIR eyes, they aren't the moochers, but in reality, they are!

Try to keep up Bubba!

"The whole reason the grass roots movement of the Tea Party took as their symbology, "The Tea Party," was because they no longer wanted the elites in D.C. to spend on programs with out real representation in the halls of congress. You know, "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION?"

Sure Bubba, sure, after Dubya/GOP policies blew up the deficit debt, gave US 2 UNFUNDED wars, 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, UNFUNDED Medicare expansion, it took until the black guy to get elected before the TP morons formed???? lol

TP are NOTHING but the latest example of the Koch's and their ilk and the incorporation of the Birchers/KKK...

Stop projecting like your low info bull sh*t isn't some form of partisan BS from the libertarian side, who generally supports the GOP!
lol, Sure Bubba, sure, NOT the right wing authoritarian regimes... lol

So you're saying communism is right wing?

Murray Rothbard considered Bismarckism and later fascism and Nazism examples of an amalgamation of conservatism with right-wing socialism

Communism had MANY right wing authoritarian things, yes!

So communism is right wing? Just checking to make sure you made such a stupid statement. All that redistribution of wealth, etc. is so right wing. Why don't you show me one thing about communism that was right wing.

You mean the authoritarian like Putin in Russia?? lol

Russia doesn't function under communism. Perhaps you didn't hear but the Soviet Union, of which Russia was just one of fifteen parts, went away 25 years ago.

Yeah, that right wing authoritarian Putin runs it now, the right wings hero right? What power did he have in the old Soviet again? lol

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