the only remaining argument against capatalism

The wealth gap then:
Poor people walk where they need to go on dirty, dusty roads, lucky to have shoes.
Rich people ride in horse-drawn carriages.

The wealth gap now:
Poor people drive their 2001 Ford Focus hither and thither.
Rich people drive their 2016 Lamborghini to and fro.

This dramatic decrease in the wealth gap brought to you by Capitalism.

Superficial America is what you mean. We can still challenge ourselves on success without giving the same car to everyone. I know American politics are proving me wrong today, but maybe. People might get smarter.
Grow up and take responsibility for your own life.

Like most adults.



Someone as Liberal as he is that says he's an Independent is nothing more than a coward unwilling to call himself what the rest of us know he is.

He's not a liberal. I'm a liberal. He's a progressive. Progressives are scum.

BS, Libertarian ISN'T a liberal, you are as close to a liberal as Mussolini

I'm not a libertarian twerp. Libertarians are against government control of corporations. I'm not. I just want the controls to be equally applied to ALL corporations, not just used as weapons against those corporations that are not allied with the politicians in charge.

Let me know when you develop a brain junior.

Sure Bubba, sure. You are only a right wing conservative libertarian who supports the GOP,

Ummmm, no I don't bubba. I am many times on record here being against the GOP. You though, you are all for progressivism and the mass murders that that particular governmental system entails.

Nonsense, you, like 99% of the right wingers here support the GOP 99% of the time. Get honest!

I support the Dems too, but vote as liberal as I can, generally Green when I can!
Anyone that demands another person meet the responsibility a parent has to his kids is a moocher.

If getting the vote of a bunch of freeloaders means pandering to them with another person's money, no thank. They aren't worth having.

Never in my life have I seen the mindset that one person owes another as with today's Liberals. I don't owe you or anyone else a damn thing simply because you don't have it including food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc. Buy it yourself or do without.

This is only a guess, but I suspect I paid as much in taxes, as you earned in 2014. The only people I disrespect, who receive (in theory) my tax dollars, are the Members of Congress.

Sure you did. Why don't you prove it if you suspect it.

Tell me your 2014 income, and I'll post how much I paid in federal income tax, and if necessary, real estate taxes on two homes in CA., special district taxes, sales taxes and surtax on gasoline.

YOU posting some number isn't proof you dumbass. Do you really think I'd believe some arrogant asshole like you?

My 2014 income was $1 million.

Good for you. Too bad it doesn't make you happy, being a bad tempered man and iniquitous in word (and deed?) won't fair well when St. Peter laughs at your entry request.

Oh, and do you really believe I believe you, and that your income was $1 million? I believe my suspicion was correct, since nothing you've posted has ever been factual or evidence based.

BTW, you call me names because those assertive, intelligence and liberal hold conservatives accountable. The funny thing is, your reaction is the same as the punk who spits and hollers vulgarity while locked up in a juvenile institution.

I didn't expect you to believe me. Funny thing is you said if I did you'd post how much you paid in taxes. What's even funnier is that you'd expect me to believe the number you posted. I asked you to prove it and you think a number you'd give me is proof because you said it and consider you saying it as evidence.

Calling you a dumbass isn't calling you a name. It would be if you weren't one. Since you are, it's a character identification and it's giving you more credit that you deserve.
He's not a liberal. I'm a liberal. He's a progressive. Progressives are scum.

BS, Libertarian ISN'T a liberal, you are as close to a liberal as Mussolini

I'm not a libertarian twerp. Libertarians are against government control of corporations. I'm not. I just want the controls to be equally applied to ALL corporations, not just used as weapons against those corporations that are not allied with the politicians in charge.

Let me know when you develop a brain junior.

Sure Bubba, sure. You are only a right wing conservative libertarian who supports the GOP,

Ummmm, no I don't bubba. I am many times on record here being against the GOP. You though, you are all for progressivism and the mass murders that that particular governmental system entails.

Nonsense, you, like 99% of the right wingers here support the GOP 99% of the time. Get honest!

I support the Dems too, but vote as liberal as I can, generally Green when I can!

No, no I don't. I can't stand the GOP foreign policy, I can't stand their energy policy, I can't stand that they bailed out the banks at Obama's request, I can't stand that the perps at Goldman Sachs are not sitting in the greybar Hilton, no. I am very much against the GOP.

I however AM for the US of A. You aren't. You're a hateful, totalitarian socialist, and you are despicable because of that.
The wealth gap then:
Poor people walk where they need to go on dirty, dusty roads, lucky to have shoes.
Rich people ride in horse-drawn carriages.

The wealth gap now:
Poor people drive their 2001 Ford Focus hither and thither.
Rich people drive their 2016 Lamborghini to and fro.

This dramatic decrease in the wealth gap brought to you by Capitalism.

Superficial America is what you mean. We can still challenge ourselves on success without giving the same car to everyone. I know American politics are proving me wrong today, but maybe. People might get smarter.
Grow up and take responsibility for your own life.

Like most adults.




Funny how you never seem to mention the progressives on your side....



Poor angry little bubba can't get through his pointy little head that the farm subsidies are a progressive thing. Most are for the creation of ethanol to use as an oxygenate to reduce air pollution. Then add to that the bio diesel subsidies designed to wean us off of that evil petroleum and you have shown that majority of those BS farm subsidies are progressive initiatives.

Poor, poor angry propagandist. Still butthurt after watching his progressive candidates wiped from the slate in the last elections.

He's ranting forever about how we need a redistribution of wealth, and now, we have him arguing against his own position?

Classic. He's combative just for the sake of being combative. Now he seems to be against programs meant to help the poor. :lmao:

If I'm not mistaken, it was the Democrats that fought tooth and nail against the proposed cuts to the SNAP program finally compromising on $9 billion. Now he AGREES with the Tea Party that they should have been $40 billion slashed deeper? I think we just crossed into the twilight zone. :cool:

ANOTHER right winger that can't use logic and reading as well as missing the reading comprehensions gene. Shocking

I'm 100% for social safety net programs, even when they support the red state leechers, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of their positions, you see in THEIR eyes, they aren't the moochers, but in reality, they are!

Try to keep up Bubba!

it's not a safety net when it becomes a lifestyle. Learn the difference.

Don't understand how the system works and choose to use the GOP's fav wedge language instead huh? Shocking

Welfare is limited to 5 years LIFETIME Bubba

SNAP is just because Corps, although record Corp profits and the lowest wages ever recorded, refuse to pay living wages

ASS I've already presented out to you, ALL you have are right wing memes devoid of FACTS to back them up!

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities



Provide a link about the 5 year lifetime welfare.

Don't blame the corporations for not paying a higher wage to someone whose skills are at the higher level.

You've presented bleeding heart propaganda.

Your cartoon is missing one thing. The woman has a choice of whether or not to have the baby. While the people talking to the baby may not want her to have an abortion, they can't stop here under current law. If she has it, it's because SHE chooses to have it not because someone forced her. Her choice, her costs regardless of result. That's called life.

IF you don't think the right has restricted MANY from getting abortions you are crazy or a fkking liar. Which???

\Got it, YOU are arguing from a place of IGNORANCE and call me a propagandist??? lol

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) is a United States federal law considered to be a major welfare reform. The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America .... President Bill Clinton signed PRWORA into law on August 22, 1996, fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it"

It started the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program, which placed time limits on welfare assistance and replaced the longstanding Aid to Families with Dependent Children program. Other changes to the welfare system included stricter conditions for food stamps eligibility, reductions in immigrant welfare assistance, and recipient work requirements.

The bill's primary requirements and effects included the following:
  • Ending welfare as an entitlement program;
  • Requiring recipients to begin working after two years of receiving benefits;
  • Placing a lifetime limit of five years on benefits paid by federal funds;
  • Aiming to encourage two-parent families and discouraging out-of-wedlock births;
  • Enhancing enforcement of child support; and
  • Requiring state professional and occupational licenses to be withheld from undocumented immigrants.
In granting states wider latitude for designing their own programs, some states have decided to place additional requirements on recipients. Although the law placed a time limit for benefits supported by federal funds of no more than two consecutive years and no more than a collective total of five years over a lifetime, some states have enacted briefer limits.

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The wealth gap then:
Poor people walk where they need to go on dirty, dusty roads, lucky to have shoes.
Rich people ride in horse-drawn carriages.

The wealth gap now:
Poor people drive their 2001 Ford Focus hither and thither.
Rich people drive their 2016 Lamborghini to and fro.

This dramatic decrease in the wealth gap brought to you by Capitalism.

Superficial America is what you mean. We can still challenge ourselves on success without giving the same car to everyone. I know American politics are proving me wrong today, but maybe. People might get smarter.
Grow up and take responsibility for your own life.

Like most adults.




Funny how you never seem to mention the progressives on your side....




To funny Bubba..
Superficial America is what you mean. We can still challenge ourselves on success without giving the same car to everyone. I know American politics are proving me wrong today, but maybe. People might get smarter.
Grow up and take responsibility for your own life.

Like most adults.




Funny how you never seem to mention the progressives on your side....




To funny Bubba..

No junior, you're not funny at all. You're simply pathetic and that is all. Just pathetic.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
BS, Libertarian ISN'T a liberal, you are as close to a liberal as Mussolini

I'm not a libertarian twerp. Libertarians are against government control of corporations. I'm not. I just want the controls to be equally applied to ALL corporations, not just used as weapons against those corporations that are not allied with the politicians in charge.

Let me know when you develop a brain junior.

Sure Bubba, sure. You are only a right wing conservative libertarian who supports the GOP,

Ummmm, no I don't bubba. I am many times on record here being against the GOP. You though, you are all for progressivism and the mass murders that that particular governmental system entails.

Nonsense, you, like 99% of the right wingers here support the GOP 99% of the time. Get honest!

I support the Dems too, but vote as liberal as I can, generally Green when I can!

No, no I don't. I can't stand the GOP foreign policy, I can't stand their energy policy, I can't stand that they bailed out the banks at Obama's request, I can't stand that the perps at Goldman Sachs are not sitting in the greybar Hilton, no. I am very much against the GOP.

I however AM for the US of A. You aren't. You're a hateful, totalitarian socialist, and you are despicable because of that.

BUSH asked for the bankster bailout AFTER he destroyed the US economy

YOU are a POS liar, Hard to imagine one worse on this board, except perhaps the Rabbit!
I'm not a libertarian twerp. Libertarians are against government control of corporations. I'm not. I just want the controls to be equally applied to ALL corporations, not just used as weapons against those corporations that are not allied with the politicians in charge.

Let me know when you develop a brain junior.

Sure Bubba, sure. You are only a right wing conservative libertarian who supports the GOP,

Ummmm, no I don't bubba. I am many times on record here being against the GOP. You though, you are all for progressivism and the mass murders that that particular governmental system entails.

Nonsense, you, like 99% of the right wingers here support the GOP 99% of the time. Get honest!

I support the Dems too, but vote as liberal as I can, generally Green when I can!

No, no I don't. I can't stand the GOP foreign policy, I can't stand their energy policy, I can't stand that they bailed out the banks at Obama's request, I can't stand that the perps at Goldman Sachs are not sitting in the greybar Hilton, no. I am very much against the GOP.

I however AM for the US of A. You aren't. You're a hateful, totalitarian socialist, and you are despicable because of that.

BUSH asked for the bankster bailout AFTER he destroyed the US economy

YOU are a POS liar, Hard to imagine one worse on this board, except perhaps the Rabbit!

Started under Bush, but obummer finished it nimrod. Jeezus, how old are you? Are you old enough to drive? You sound like my eight year old daughter.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol

Yet the Ayn Rand fantasists can't name ONE state or nation to EVER use their BS. Weird!
Sure Bubba, sure. You are only a right wing conservative libertarian who supports the GOP,

Ummmm, no I don't bubba. I am many times on record here being against the GOP. You though, you are all for progressivism and the mass murders that that particular governmental system entails.

Nonsense, you, like 99% of the right wingers here support the GOP 99% of the time. Get honest!

I support the Dems too, but vote as liberal as I can, generally Green when I can!

No, no I don't. I can't stand the GOP foreign policy, I can't stand their energy policy, I can't stand that they bailed out the banks at Obama's request, I can't stand that the perps at Goldman Sachs are not sitting in the greybar Hilton, no. I am very much against the GOP.

I however AM for the US of A. You aren't. You're a hateful, totalitarian socialist, and you are despicable because of that.

BUSH asked for the bankster bailout AFTER he destroyed the US economy

YOU are a POS liar, Hard to imagine one worse on this board, except perhaps the Rabbit!

Started under Bush, but obummer finished it nimrod. Jeezus, how old are you? Are you old enough to drive? You sound like my eight year old daughter.

The ENTIRE $700 TARP was approved under Bush, when his SOT went and asked for it with what a 3 page request??? lol
This is only a guess, but I suspect I paid as much in taxes, as you earned in 2014. The only people I disrespect, who receive (in theory) my tax dollars, are the Members of Congress.

Sure you did. Why don't you prove it if you suspect it.

Tell me your 2014 income, and I'll post how much I paid in federal income tax, and if necessary, real estate taxes on two homes in CA., special district taxes, sales taxes and surtax on gasoline.

YOU posting some number isn't proof you dumbass. Do you really think I'd believe some arrogant asshole like you?

My 2014 income was $1 million.

Good for you. Too bad it doesn't make you happy, being a bad tempered man and iniquitous in word (and deed?) won't fair well when St. Peter laughs at your entry request.

Oh, and do you really believe I believe you, and that your income was $1 million? I believe my suspicion was correct, since nothing you've posted has ever been factual or evidence based.

BTW, you call me names because those assertive, intelligence and liberal hold conservatives accountable. The funny thing is, your reaction is the same as the punk who spits and hollers vulgarity while locked up in a juvenile institution.

Bad tempered? You've got to be kidding. The only bad tempered poster here is poor old butthurt dad and his propaganda.

You mean I don't play well with right wing liars and dumbed down low info followers of theirs called conservative/GOPers? Shocking
Sure you did. Why don't you prove it if you suspect it.

Tell me your 2014 income, and I'll post how much I paid in federal income tax, and if necessary, real estate taxes on two homes in CA., special district taxes, sales taxes and surtax on gasoline.

YOU posting some number isn't proof you dumbass. Do you really think I'd believe some arrogant asshole like you?

My 2014 income was $1 million.

Good for you. Too bad it doesn't make you happy, being a bad tempered man and iniquitous in word (and deed?) won't fair well when St. Peter laughs at your entry request.

Oh, and do you really believe I believe you, and that your income was $1 million? I believe my suspicion was correct, since nothing you've posted has ever been factual or evidence based.

BTW, you call me names because those assertive, intelligence and liberal hold conservatives accountable. The funny thing is, your reaction is the same as the punk who spits and hollers vulgarity while locked up in a juvenile institution.

Bad tempered? You've got to be kidding. The only bad tempered poster here is poor old butthurt dad and his propaganda.

You mean I don't play well with right wing liars and dumbed down low info followers of theirs called conservative/GOPers? Shocking

You can't compete on the high level of conservatives. You'd lose if you tried so you make excuses as to why you won't play. The only way we'd consider letting you play is if you had the ball and then we'd just use the ball and push you aside.
Sure you did. Why don't you prove it if you suspect it.

Tell me your 2014 income, and I'll post how much I paid in federal income tax, and if necessary, real estate taxes on two homes in CA., special district taxes, sales taxes and surtax on gasoline.

YOU posting some number isn't proof you dumbass. Do you really think I'd believe some arrogant asshole like you?

My 2014 income was $1 million.

Good for you. Too bad it doesn't make you happy, being a bad tempered man and iniquitous in word (and deed?) won't fair well when St. Peter laughs at your entry request.

Oh, and do you really believe I believe you, and that your income was $1 million? I believe my suspicion was correct, since nothing you've posted has ever been factual or evidence based.

BTW, you call me names because those assertive, intelligence and liberal hold conservatives accountable. The funny thing is, your reaction is the same as the punk who spits and hollers vulgarity while locked up in a juvenile institution.

Bad tempered? You've got to be kidding. The only bad tempered poster here is poor old butthurt dad and his propaganda.

You mean I don't play well with right wing liars and dumbed down low info followers of theirs called conservative/GOPers? Shocking

No, you ARE a liar. As has been proven repeatedly. And if you will recall I stated that I didn't agree with TARP, and I wanted to see the perps behind bars. So, you are LYING again by omission. See how that works junior?
He's ranting forever about how we need a redistribution of wealth, and now, we have him arguing against his own position?

Classic. He's combative just for the sake of being combative. Now he seems to be against programs meant to help the poor. :lmao:

If I'm not mistaken, it was the Democrats that fought tooth and nail against the proposed cuts to the SNAP program finally compromising on $9 billion. Now he AGREES with the Tea Party that they should have been $40 billion slashed deeper? I think we just crossed into the twilight zone. :cool:

ANOTHER right winger that can't use logic and reading as well as missing the reading comprehensions gene. Shocking

I'm 100% for social safety net programs, even when they support the red state leechers, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of their positions, you see in THEIR eyes, they aren't the moochers, but in reality, they are!

Try to keep up Bubba!

it's not a safety net when it becomes a lifestyle. Learn the difference.

Don't understand how the system works and choose to use the GOP's fav wedge language instead huh? Shocking

Welfare is limited to 5 years LIFETIME Bubba

SNAP is just because Corps, although record Corp profits and the lowest wages ever recorded, refuse to pay living wages

ASS I've already presented out to you, ALL you have are right wing memes devoid of FACTS to back them up!

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities



Provide a link about the 5 year lifetime welfare.

Don't blame the corporations for not paying a higher wage to someone whose skills are at the higher level.

You've presented bleeding heart propaganda.

Your cartoon is missing one thing. The woman has a choice of whether or not to have the baby. While the people talking to the baby may not want her to have an abortion, they can't stop here under current law. If she has it, it's because SHE chooses to have it not because someone forced her. Her choice, her costs regardless of result. That's called life.

IF you don't think the right has restricted MANY from getting abortions you are crazy or a fkking liar. Which???

\Got it, YOU are arguing from a place of IGNORANCE and call me a propagandist??? lol

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) is a United States federal law considered to be a major welfare reform. The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America .... President Bill Clinton signed PRWORA into law on August 22, 1996, fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it"

It started the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program, which placed time limits on welfare assistance and replaced the longstanding Aid to Families with Dependent Children program. Other changes to the welfare system included stricter conditions for food stamps eligibility, reductions in immigrant welfare assistance, and recipient work requirements.

The bill's primary requirements and effects included the following:
  • Ending welfare as an entitlement program;
  • Requiring recipients to begin working after two years of receiving benefits;
  • Placing a lifetime limit of five years on benefits paid by federal funds;
  • Aiming to encourage two-parent families and discouraging out-of-wedlock births;
  • Enhancing enforcement of child support; and
  • Requiring state professional and occupational licenses to be withheld from undocumented immigrants.
In granting states wider latitude for designing their own programs, some states have decided to place additional requirements on recipients. Although the law placed a time limit for benefits supported by federal funds of no more than two consecutive years and no more than a collective total of five years over a lifetime, some states have enacted briefer limits.

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I said stop her.

When that shit is followed, let me know.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol

Yet the Ayn Rand fantasists can't name ONE state or nation to EVER use their BS. Weird!

You can't name one SUCCESSFUL state or nation that's used what you support. Weird!!!!!
Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol

Yet the Ayn Rand fantasists can't name ONE state or nation to EVER use their BS. Weird!

You can't name one SUCCESSFUL state or nation that's used what you support. Weird!!!!!

His type of governments are THE most successful mass murders in history though. They have managed to murder more people in the last 125 years than all of religion has in the last 2,000 years. That is the one thing they are very good at.
Tell me your 2014 income, and I'll post how much I paid in federal income tax, and if necessary, real estate taxes on two homes in CA., special district taxes, sales taxes and surtax on gasoline.

YOU posting some number isn't proof you dumbass. Do you really think I'd believe some arrogant asshole like you?

My 2014 income was $1 million.

Good for you. Too bad it doesn't make you happy, being a bad tempered man and iniquitous in word (and deed?) won't fair well when St. Peter laughs at your entry request.

Oh, and do you really believe I believe you, and that your income was $1 million? I believe my suspicion was correct, since nothing you've posted has ever been factual or evidence based.

BTW, you call me names because those assertive, intelligence and liberal hold conservatives accountable. The funny thing is, your reaction is the same as the punk who spits and hollers vulgarity while locked up in a juvenile institution.

Bad tempered? You've got to be kidding. The only bad tempered poster here is poor old butthurt dad and his propaganda.

You mean I don't play well with right wing liars and dumbed down low info followers of theirs called conservative/GOPers? Shocking

You can't compete on the high level of conservatives. You'd lose if you tried so you make excuses as to why you won't play. The only way we'd consider letting you play is if you had the ball and then we'd just use the ball and push you aside.

Says the Klown who didn't know welfare was changed 19 years ago to limit it to 5 years?? lol

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