The ONLY word for this is tragic

Article 1

“No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.”?!?!?

Really?!? :bang3:

Article 1 establishes a Legislative Branch whose job it is to pass laws. That branch is elected by We the People and is empowered to pass any legislation that is necessary and proper.
If that legislation is unwarranted, the President has veto power over that legislation
If that legislation is unconstitutional, the Judicial Branch will declare it so

So, where does Obamacare fit in? It was passed by both Houses of Congress, signed by the President and declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court

"We the People" do NOT want Obamacare. Not only was this proven by every poll ever taken on it, but also by the fact that the American people overwhelmingly voted out the Dumbocrats from Congress after they passed Obamacare.

Your faux Constitutionalism is transparent. Would you like to try again without your faux "we the people" rhetoric? The people did not know that their representatives were going to ass-fuck them like they did with Obamacare and they immediately fired those ass wipes for doing so (and you know it).
You people need to take some lessons from Middle Easteners on how to change a regime you don't like.

Get off your fat, lazy asses and take it to the streets.

You pussies don't have a hair on your ass if you don't.
“No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.”?!?!?

Really?!? :bang3:

Yet another example of the disingenuous liberal. When asked for specifics, they cite generalities that don't apply and then run for the hills. I'd be willing to bet my house that RW (if tested in person without the ability to cheat) could not even tell you how many articles there are in the Constitution. Something tells me that someone once posted "Article I" here on USMB and now that's his answer for everything (even when it clearly doesn't apply) because he thinks it makes him look "educated".

Rather intolerant of you.

BTW, the Constitution has 7 Articles.

Is your name RW?!? :cuckoo:

(obviously somebody felt the need to come to the rescue of a fellow liberal rather quickly :eusa_whistle:)

By the way - what was "intolerant" about my post? Pointing out the facts? Did I advocate for the silencing of RW? Did I advocate for violence against him? Did I even attack him personally?!?!? :cuckoo:
You people need to take some lessons from Middle Easteners on how to change a regime you don't like.

Get off your fat, lazy asses and take it to the streets.

You pussies don't have a hair on your ass if you don't.

Another libtard who believes that violence - and not rule of law - should control a country.... :bang3:
“No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.”?!?!?

Really?!? :bang3:

Article 1 establishes a Legislative Branch whose job it is to pass laws. That branch is elected by We the People and is empowered to pass any legislation that is necessary and proper.
If that legislation is unwarranted, the President has veto power over that legislation
If that legislation is unconstitutional, the Judicial Branch will declare it so

So, where does Obamacare fit in? It was passed by both Houses of Congress, signed by the President and declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court

And here we see why the Constitution was created in the first place - to protect us from the extreme, unhinged, radicals.

My friend, Congress does not have the power to pass "any" laws they want. The federal government was delegated (do you understand what delegated means?) 18 enumerated powers from the states. That's all Congress has the power to create legislation on - those 18 enumerated powers only. And healthcare is NOT one of those 18 enumerated powers.

Would you like to try again?

I'm afraid they do

Congress can even pass 40 laws to repeal Obamacare if they want to. But it still has to pass the Constitutional process to become law of the land

Obamacare did just that
“No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.”?!?!?

Really?!? :bang3:

Article 1 establishes a Legislative Branch whose job it is to pass laws. That branch is elected by We the People and is empowered to pass any legislation that is necessary and proper.
If that legislation is unwarranted, the President has veto power over that legislation
If that legislation is unconstitutional, the Judicial Branch will declare it so

So, where does Obamacare fit in? It was passed by both Houses of Congress, signed by the President and declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court

"We the People" do NOT want Obamacare. Not only was this proven by every poll ever taken on it, but also by the fact that the American people overwhelmingly voted out the Dumbocrats from Congress after they passed Obamacare.

Your faux Constitutionalism is transparent. Would you like to try again without your faux "we the people" rhetoric? The people did not know that their representatives were going to ass-fuck them like they did with Obamacare and they immediately fired those ass wipes for doing so (and you know it).

Polls do not make laws, Congress does (Article 1)

A Constitutionally elected Congress passed Obamacare. It was signed by a Constitutionally elected President and found Constitutional by a Constitutionally formed Supreme Court

We the People have spoken
I know, I know.... this thread will soon be filled with the most absurd spin from radical leftists like RDean and Rightwinger whose entire "case" will be that this isn't actually happening (even though it undeniably is) and this is "right-wing fear tactics", blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

But here's the thing. When it's the end of the day, the pc is finally powered-down, and they are all alone in the dark with their thoughts, I refuse to believe that even the most radical among them believes this is actually good for America. To have some of the most well known corporations refuse to hire, cut back hours, or drop healthcare coverage for their employees all together is simply not good for America. Period. Obamacare has been one of the biggest embarrassing disasters in U.S. history. It was written half-assed, passed by Dumbocrats not one of which actually read it, implemented blindly.

LOL. You are so full of shit that your eyes have turned brown.

What you fellows really fear, and it is an accurate fear, is that after 1Jan14, a great many people are going to find that they can finally afford health care. And they are not going to feel kindly toward lying hacks like you that have been misleading them for the last two years.

Folks, I rest my case. Businesses are laying off people because of Obamacare, others are cutting hours because of Obamacare, and others still are dropping coverage for their employees because of Obamacare.

But here we have yet another ignorant libtard ignoring reality in favor of the fantasy (p.s. jack-ass, healthcare costs have already skyrocketed since Obamacare was signed into law - can't wait to laugh in your big dumb stupid face [MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION] when on January 2, 2014 when costs aren't down even $.50)

Except that the government will claim, "insurance costs have fallen to the lowest rates in fifty years etc. etc. etc.". The MSM will repeat the lies, the insurance agencies will back them up, no true data will be presented and it will take years, if not decades to find out they were lying their asses off. By then it will be too late.


I know you won't like this but it is a darned good bet that when they do get power again, they will "see the light" just as Obama did with the Patriot Act and take advantage of the shit the Dems handed us. They will blame the Dems, but take control just the same. They will come up with excuse after excuse as to why they can't touch it.

Immie, the bill takes the constitution and warps it to give Institutional Power held by Congress to the White House. It also indentures the average working man in America to a life of slavery to any taxes the administration wishes to impose upon the public for this horrific and unconstitutional piece of shit the Democrats foisted on America.

It needs to be dismantled to remove the unconstitutional aspects, and started over with a smarter Congress curbing down the tax to where it indeed is affordable, and not unaffordable as it is in its present quasi-legal catch-22 quandary.

It's a blight on the Constitution, on freedom, and represents the highest tax in the history of the United States if it is implemented illegally onto a free people who will be so worn out for working for a cruel government they will be like slaves, and not free men and women.

If left alone, it is the precursor to destroying the Constitution.

"Affordable" Health care act is a misnomer, named that way to fool the people as Democrats grab power and glory for themselves at the expense of free and proud Americans.

It's so bad the Supreme Court refused to touch it. Had Justice Roberts not decided to let it be, the Democrats were waiting in the wings to stage an all-out war on "mean" conservatives, in order to procure more power for themselves and less power for the people.

And Congressman Dr. John Boehner deserves a starry crown for fighting this certain end to America's prosperity. I owe Dr. Boehner a debt of gratitude, because I know he's fighting the good fight for the people of the country, whom Obama wishes to subjugate eternally through consolidating his power exactly like Hugo Chavez had planned to do before he died of cancer from smoking for years, blaming Americans for his cancer to anyone who'd listen to his lies. :evil:

I agree with everything you say up to but excluding your praise of Boehner. Just like the liberals regarding the Patriot Act he is preaching what his base wants to hear. When the opportunity arises, if I were you I would put my money on the Republicans screwing us all over again.

Article 1 establishes a Legislative Branch whose job it is to pass laws. That branch is elected by We the People and is empowered to pass any legislation that is necessary and proper.
If that legislation is unwarranted, the President has veto power over that legislation
If that legislation is unconstitutional, the Judicial Branch will declare it so

So, where does Obamacare fit in? It was passed by both Houses of Congress, signed by the President and declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court

And here we see why the Constitution was created in the first place - to protect us from the extreme, unhinged, radicals.

My friend, Congress does not have the power to pass "any" laws they want. The federal government was delegated (do you understand what delegated means?) 18 enumerated powers from the states. That's all Congress has the power to create legislation on - those 18 enumerated powers only. And healthcare is NOT one of those 18 enumerated powers.

Would you like to try again?

I'm afraid they do

Congress can even pass 40 laws to repeal Obamacare if they want to. But it still has to pass the Constitutional process to become law of the land

Obamacare did just that

And the House controls the purse strings.

If they refuse to fund it, it will die of natural causes. So, here's the hoped-for headline:

"Obamacare visits the death panel!"
I happen to agree with Rottweiler, Obamacare is unworkable

America needs to get away from the idea that Americans need to get their health insurance from their employers. It made sense at one point, but we are well past that. Why would anyone want their employer to determine what heathcare they can get?

But Obamacare is what you end up with when you refuse to consider universal healthcare or a government option for the uninsured

But regardless it is better than what Republicans have been providing us which is a variation of "Wedontcare"
If you are unable to cover your healthcare costs, it is not their problem.......they only have to protect tax breaks for the wealthy
Healthcare exchanges are currently limited to individuals and employees working in companies with less than 100 employees, 50 in some states. However, in 2017 the exchanges will have the option to open their doors to all employees. Since the fee (penalty) paid by large employers to shift their employees to the exchanges is fixed, the rise in healthcare cost over the years will make the exchanges a good option for both large and small employers. For some employers, it will be a good option now.

I've never liked the idea of employer sponsored healthcare plans. It's costly for employers, limits employee options, and ties insurance to the job.

Obamacare is better than nothing but certainly not as good as single payer.
And here we see why the Constitution was created in the first place - to protect us from the extreme, unhinged, radicals.

My friend, Congress does not have the power to pass "any" laws they want. The federal government was delegated (do you understand what delegated means?) 18 enumerated powers from the states. That's all Congress has the power to create legislation on - those 18 enumerated powers only. And healthcare is NOT one of those 18 enumerated powers.

Would you like to try again?

I'm afraid they do

Congress can even pass 40 laws to repeal Obamacare if they want to. But it still has to pass the Constitutional process to become law of the land

Obamacare did just that

And the House controls the purse strings.

If they refuse to fund it, it will die of natural causes. So, here's the hoped-for headline:

"Obamacare visits the death panel!"

They can defund by shutting down the Government

Let them try
I'm afraid they do

Congress can even pass 40 laws to repeal Obamacare if they want to. But it still has to pass the Constitutional process to become law of the land

Obamacare did just that

And the House controls the purse strings.

If they refuse to fund it, it will die of natural causes. So, here's the hoped-for headline:

"Obamacare visits the death panel!"

They can defund by shutting down the Government

Let them try

^ Note the immediate lolberal reliance on wholly dishonest liberal propaganda.

Your claim is false. It is dishonest. Here's the reality. They can defund it by defunding IT and it alone. :thup:

It would be the scumbag President and the moron liberal congress cretins who would then try to parlay that into a 'government shutdown.'

But, ok.

LET them.

As long as they end up taking the entire blame for something that is entirely their choice.
I know, I know.... this thread will soon be filled with the most absurd spin from radical leftists like RDean and Rightwinger whose entire "case" will be that this isn't actually happening (even though it undeniably is) and this is "right-wing fear tactics", blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

But here's the thing. When it's the end of the day, the pc is finally powered-down, and they are all alone in the dark with their thoughts, I refuse to believe that even the most radical among them believes this is actually good for America. To have some of the most well known corporations refuse to hire, cut back hours, or drop healthcare coverage for their employees all together is simply not good for America. Period. Obamacare has been one of the biggest embarrassing disasters in U.S. history. It was written half-assed, passed by Dumbocrats not one of which actually read it, implemented blindly.

OK, you told us what you think.

Give us some evidence, crunch the numbers, empirical data.
And the House controls the purse strings.

If they refuse to fund it, it will die of natural causes. So, here's the hoped-for headline:

"Obamacare visits the death panel!"

They can defund by shutting down the Government

Let them try

^ Note the immediate lolberal reliance on wholly dishonest liberal propaganda.

Your claim is false. It is dishonest. Here's the reality. They can defund it by defunding IT and it alone. :thup:

It would be the scumbag President and the moron liberal congress cretins who would then try to parlay that into a 'government shutdown.'

But, ok.

LET them.

As long as they end up taking the entire blame for something that is entirely their choice.

If they could do it, they would have already done so

They can't
They can defund by shutting down the Government

Let them try

^ Note the immediate lolberal reliance on wholly dishonest liberal propaganda.

Your claim is false. It is dishonest. Here's the reality. They can defund it by defunding IT and it alone. :thup:

It would be the scumbag President and the moron liberal congress cretins who would then try to parlay that into a 'government shutdown.'

But, ok.

LET them.

As long as they end up taking the entire blame for something that is entirely their choice.

If they could do it, they would have already done so

They can't

They can do it.

They have not yet even tried. It takes WILL and leadership.

The House GOP leadership is pretty fucking weak and spineless.

But your reliance on that fact as "evidence" that it "can't" be done is fallacy. Very silly of you. As per usual.
The fucking Congress doesn't even do its job properly. But since they will not stand up and pass a forthright actual by God BUDGET, they instead come up with "spending bills."

They are on the cusp of some major spending bills NOW. The HOUSE could (and the Senate will NOT) pass a spending bill that funds ALL of government EXCEPT for "Obamacare." Since the two sets of spending bills will not match up, they would have to go seek a compromise bill.

The HOUSE COULD then simply stick to its guns. They COULD say, simply and unequivocally, "We will authorize spending for ALL of the government EXCEPT we will decline to fund Obamacare in any way whatsoever."

If they did that, the Senate MIGHT cave-in and vote for all the other spending (they love spending) even without funding Obambam care.

Yes, the President would very likely then veto the whole fucking thing.

What of it?

That would be HIS choice. And I could live with that outcome anyway.

shut 'er down.
^ Note the immediate lolberal reliance on wholly dishonest liberal propaganda.

Your claim is false. It is dishonest. Here's the reality. They can defund it by defunding IT and it alone. :thup:

It would be the scumbag President and the moron liberal congress cretins who would then try to parlay that into a 'government shutdown.'

But, ok.

LET them.

As long as they end up taking the entire blame for something that is entirely their choice.

If they could do it, they would have already done so

They can't

They can do it.

They have not yet even tried. It takes WILL and leadership.

The House GOP leadership is pretty fucking weak and spineless.

But your reliance on that fact as "evidence" that it "can't" be done is fallacy. Very silly of you. As per usual.
Of course the House will try, it's expected. However, the risks are too great to carry through. After all, shutting down the government does not defund Obamacare. It is simply a protest that the public is getting tired of.
If they could do it, they would have already done so

They can't

They can do it.

They have not yet even tried. It takes WILL and leadership.

The House GOP leadership is pretty fucking weak and spineless.

But your reliance on that fact as "evidence" that it "can't" be done is fallacy. Very silly of you. As per usual.
Of course the House will try, it's expected. However, the risks are too great to carry through. After all, shutting down the government does not defund Obamacare. It is simply a protest that the public is getting tired of.

Shutting down the government would be ENTIRELY the liberal Democratics' doing.

The House SHOULD try.

But since I believe that the GOP members of the House (especially the "leadership") LACK nadz, I don't doubt that they will give up right after their pathetic meaningless posturing.
They can do it.

They have not yet even tried. It takes WILL and leadership.

The House GOP leadership is pretty fucking weak and spineless.

But your reliance on that fact as "evidence" that it "can't" be done is fallacy. Very silly of you. As per usual.
Of course the House will try, it's expected. However, the risks are too great to carry through. After all, shutting down the government does not defund Obamacare. It is simply a protest that the public is getting tired of.

Shutting down the government would be ENTIRELY the liberal Democratics' doing.

The House SHOULD try.

But since I believe that the GOP members of the House (especially the "leadership") LACK nadz, I don't doubt that they will give up right after their pathetic meaningless posturing.

It worked so well when Newt tried it didn't it?

Somehow the public always blames Republicans for these things. Life is so unfair sometimes

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