The ONLY word for this is tragic

Having the info in database is fine. Giving the gov't access to that private medical information isn't.
Especially the IRS.

What do you think the IRS is going to do with your medical information?

I'm just curious.

It's not the point. According to the law they need to know whether or not to tax you. You will be required to prove Medical Insurance to the IRS. The Medical Data base is another matter, but of course I'm sure the IRS may take a peek or two.

Now to the other point. The IRS Union has applied for a Waiver. They don't want ACA. Yet they are the ones who get to ENFORCE IT UPON THE PEOPLE.

What happened to UNIFORMITY WITH LAWS TO ALL THE PEOPLE? Oh, I'm sorry Unions are exempt.................................

And the Left calls this shit RIGHTEOUS. You've got to be Freakin Kidding me.
Article 1 establishes a Legislative Branch whose job it is to pass laws. That branch is elected by We the People and is empowered to pass any legislation that is necessary and proper.
If that legislation is unwarranted, the President has veto power over that legislation
If that legislation is unconstitutional, the Judicial Branch will declare it so

So, where does Obamacare fit in? It was passed by both Houses of Congress, signed by the President and declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court

"We the People" do NOT want Obamacare. Not only was this proven by every poll ever taken on it, but also by the fact that the American people overwhelmingly voted out the Dumbocrats from Congress after they passed Obamacare.

Your faux Constitutionalism is transparent. Would you like to try again without your faux "we the people" rhetoric? The people did not know that their representatives were going to ass-fuck them like they did with Obamacare and they immediately fired those ass wipes for doing so (and you know it).

Polls do not make laws, Congress does (Article 1)

A Constitutionally elected Congress passed Obamacare. It was signed by a Constitutionally elected President and found Constitutional by a Constitutionally formed Supreme Court

We the People have spoken

First - Congress does not have the authority to create "any" law they want. I'm sorry you're too ignorant to understand the Constitution, but they don't. Either have a friend explain it to you or you'll just have to take my word for it.

Second, stop with your obnoxious "we the people" stuff. You don't even respect or abide by the Constitution, you've never read it, and you don't understand it. Furthermore We The People have spoken - and we are overwhelmingly disgusted by the unconstitutional disaster known as Obamacare. We The People did not authorize our representatives to pass this unconstitutional disaster, nor were any of them honest enough to declare that was their intention before we voted them into office. And that is why We The People voted the Dumbocrats out of Congress in record numbers after Obamacare.

You The Parasties just continue to be disingenuous horses-asses because you've been thoroughly defeated with facts.
Riddle me this................................

Currently Snowden and the NSA scandal. America including the Dems are yelling out about how the Gov't is spying on us all. It has caused a public outrage including the Libs.

Yet Obamacare forces all of us to put our Medical Records into a Federal Database. Something that has ALWAYS BEEN PRIVATE INFORMATION.

Nothing is said, and IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

Reminds me of the saying," 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Haven't you heard from your conservative pals? You don't have a right to privacy.

It's not in the Constitution. So quit your bitching.


I'll quit bitching when hell freezes over, and then I'll fight you on the ice.

How about you stop forcing your beliefs on others? It isn't for you to decide who gets to see my medical records.


My post, CORRECTLY, pointed out a concern that in olden days Liberals and Demcraps would have went Bat Shit Crazy over, but not today................................

As it fits your views and Mantra.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Right. Because having to pay $1200 out of pocket every month for a private ins plan is exactly the same as paying a $60/month cell phone bill or eating out every once in a while.

It's not the "same" - that's the point. :cuckoo:

One (paying $1,200 per month for health insurance) is the action of a mature, responsible adult. The other (taking that health insurance money and pissing it away on cell phones and dining out) is the action of an immature, irresponsible asshole....

One is a $1200 per month ins bill. The other is a $60 per month phone bill. There is no comparison. Are you suggesting that people should do without everything else just to pay an exorbitant health ins premium to private companies? Should people sell their cars stop buying new clothes as well? That's just stupid.

Stop using the phone, eating, and clothing your children, you free-loaders. You should be using that money to pay for health insurance. Those poor CEOs aren't going to be able to buy that second yacht otherwise.

Yes!!!!! :bang3:

It's amazing - you're actually "baffled" that people should pay for NEEDS before they pay for unnecessary WANTS?!? :bang3:

Sorry brother, I know one of the corner-stone traits of liberals is insane jealousy, but CEO's who can afford a "second yacht" do not owe you anything. And they do not owe anyone health insurance.

Why is that so difficult for you to grasp? And if you're so opposed to FREEDOM (which includes the freedom to spend your money on a second yacht), why don't you move to Cuba? It literally has everything you advocate for.
Riddle me this................................

Currently Snowden and the NSA scandal. America including the Dems are yelling out about how the Gov't is spying on us all. It has caused a public outrage including the Libs.

Yet Obamacare forces all of us to put our Medical Records into a Federal Database. Something that has ALWAYS BEEN PRIVATE INFORMATION.

Nothing is said, and IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

Reminds me of the saying," 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Or it's just common sense.

Frankly, if I'm knocked unconscious in an accident, I want the hospital to know that I have an allergy to Pennicillin. I want them to know about that medical device.

96,000 Americans die every year because of medical mistakes. This would cut that down.

I see....................The I'S HAVE IT........

aka There are a lot of I's in your statement. Now please explain how the I'S have the power to tell the ME'S what we are required to do.

That's the part Liberals don't have a clue about.

Are you kidding? JoeB. is a self-professed communist and a little Hitler wannabe. He believes to his core that you owe him and that he has the right to control you

It's not the point. According to the law they need to know whether or not to tax you. You will be required to prove Medical Insurance to the IRS. The Medical Data base is another matter, but of course I'm sure the IRS may take a peek or two.

Now to the other point. The IRS Union has applied for a Waiver. They don't want ACA. Yet they are the ones who get to ENFORCE IT UPON THE PEOPLE.

What happened to UNIFORMITY WITH LAWS TO ALL THE PEOPLE? Oh, I'm sorry Unions are exempt.................................

And the Left calls this shit RIGHTEOUS. You've got to be Freakin Kidding me.

Government employee unions have excellent insurance. They aren't the problem.

The problem are the employers who provide shitty insurance.

But again, other than your silly paranoia, you still haven't made a good case as to why we shouldn't have all patient information on a national database.
Or it's just common sense.

Frankly, if I'm knocked unconscious in an accident, I want the hospital to know that I have an allergy to Pennicillin. I want them to know about that medical device.

96,000 Americans die every year because of medical mistakes. This would cut that down.

I see....................The I'S HAVE IT........

aka There are a lot of I's in your statement. Now please explain how the I'S have the power to tell the ME'S what we are required to do.

That's the part Liberals don't have a clue about.

Are you kidding? JoeB. is a self-professed communist and a little Hitler wannabe. He believes to his core that you owe him and that he has the right to control you

Yawn, Buttsoiler, do you think screaming "Communist" at everyone is a way to win an argument?

To the point, a national database is good medical management. It will save money by eliminating unnecessary tests and it will save lives by making sure doctors have valid information.
"We the People" do NOT want Obamacare. Not only was this proven by every poll ever taken on it, but also by the fact that the American people overwhelmingly voted out the Dumbocrats from Congress after they passed Obamacare.

Your faux Constitutionalism is transparent. Would you like to try again without your faux "we the people" rhetoric? The people did not know that their representatives were going to ass-fuck them like they did with Obamacare and they immediately fired those ass wipes for doing so (and you know it).

Polls do not make laws, Congress does (Article 1)

A Constitutionally elected Congress passed Obamacare. It was signed by a Constitutionally elected President and found Constitutional by a Constitutionally formed Supreme Court

We the People have spoken

First - Congress does not have the authority to create "any" law they want. I'm sorry you're too ignorant to understand the Constitution, but they don't. Either have a friend explain it to you or you'll just have to take my word for it.

Second, stop with your obnoxious "we the people" stuff. You don't even respect or abide by the Constitution, you've never read it, and you don't understand it. Furthermore We The People have spoken - and we are overwhelmingly disgusted by the unconstitutional disaster known as Obamacare. We The People did not authorize our representatives to pass this unconstitutional disaster, nor were any of them honest enough to declare that was their intention before we voted them into office. And that is why We The People voted the Dumbocrats out of Congress in record numbers after Obamacare.

You The Parasties just continue to be disingenuous horses-asses because you've been thoroughly defeated with facts.

First, Liberals created "We the People" and I will continue to use it when referring to the Constitution that you are so clueless about

Second, You have obviously had your head in the sand if you think Congress cannot pass any bill it wants. They do it on a daily basis passing bills that have no hope of surviving
If Congress passes a bill that is outside the Constitution, a Presidential veto or a Supreme Court override is the next Constitutional step

This is the system that We the People have established and it has been in place for over 200 years
Yawn, Buttsoiler, do you think screaming "Communist" at everyone is a way to win an argument?

To the point, a national database is good medical management. It will save money by eliminating unnecessary tests and it will save lives by making sure doctors have valid information.

"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the 'good' intentions of those who create it." -Milton Friedman

"Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich." -William F. Buckley, Jr.

By the way, you're the one who confessed to being a communist. Don't run from it now like a coward. You claim it, you own it.
Polls do not make laws, Congress does (Article 1)

A Constitutionally elected Congress passed Obamacare. It was signed by a Constitutionally elected President and found Constitutional by a Constitutionally formed Supreme Court

We the People have spoken

First - Congress does not have the authority to create "any" law they want. I'm sorry you're too ignorant to understand the Constitution, but they don't. Either have a friend explain it to you or you'll just have to take my word for it.

Second, stop with your obnoxious "we the people" stuff. You don't even respect or abide by the Constitution, you've never read it, and you don't understand it. Furthermore We The People have spoken - and we are overwhelmingly disgusted by the unconstitutional disaster known as Obamacare. We The People did not authorize our representatives to pass this unconstitutional disaster, nor were any of them honest enough to declare that was their intention before we voted them into office. And that is why We The People voted the Dumbocrats out of Congress in record numbers after Obamacare.

You The Parasties just continue to be disingenuous horses-asses because you've been thoroughly defeated with facts.

First, Liberals created "We the People" and I will continue to use it when referring to the Constitution that you are so clueless about

Second, You have obviously had your head in the sand if you think Congress cannot pass any bill it wants. They do it on a daily basis passing bills that have no hope of surviving
If Congress passes a bill that is outside the Constitution, a Presidential veto or a Supreme Court override is the next Constitutional step

This is the system that We the People have established and it has been in place for over 200 years

No jack-ass... We The People was created by conservatives. You The Parasites try to destroy it daily with your ignorance. Trying to mask your anti-constitutional parasite ideology by ignorantly and nonsensically stating "we the people" in each post is humiliating yourself more than normal.

We The People overwhelming reject Obamacare - which was unconstitutionally rammed down our throats by representatives who LIED to us to get into office. This FACT was PROVEN not only by the polls showing the majority of America is against Obamacare, but by the overwhelming votes cast to remove those representatives from Congress who were responsible for that unconstitutional disaster.

We The People have spoken. And that's why You The Parasites have your panties in such a bunch.
Yawn, Buttsoiler, do you think screaming "Communist" at everyone is a way to win an argument?

To the point, a national database is good medical management. It will save money by eliminating unnecessary tests and it will save lives by making sure doctors have valid information.

"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the 'good' intentions of those who create it." -Milton Friedman

"Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich." -William F. Buckley, Jr.

By the way, you're the one who confessed to being a communist. Don't run from it now like a coward. You claim it, you own it.

Guy, since you seem unable to even DEFINE communism intelligently, you really can't tell who is and isn't.

Again, centralized data management. The private sector ALREADY does this. We had something called the "Digitial Revolution" back in the 1990's, sorry you missed it.
If Congress passes a bill that is outside the Constitution, a Presidential veto or a Supreme Court override is the next Constitutional step

And what happens when an anti-constitutional marxist president (such as Obama) refuses to veto it and a Supreme Court stacked with anti-constitutional left-wing radicals like Sotomayor & Kagan - appointed by that same anti-constitutional president - who have never read the Constitution (like yourself) refuse to uphold the Constitution? You just automatically lose all of your rights? Really? You're so thoroughly ignorant that you think that's how it works? :eusa_whistle:

No jack-ass... We The People was created by conservatives. You The Parasites try to destroy it daily with your ignorance. Trying to mask your anti-constitutional parasite ideology by ignorantly and nonsensically stating "we the people" in each post is humiliating yourself more than normal.

We The People overwhelming reject Obamacare - which was unconstitutionally rammed down our throats by representatives who LIED to us to get into office. This FACT was PROVEN not only by the polls showing the majority of America is against Obamacare, but by the overwhelming votes cast to remove those representatives from Congress who were responsible for that unconstitutional disaster.

We The People have spoken. And that's why You The Parasites have your panties in such a bunch.

Last time I checked, we had a national election in 2012 and you guys lost.
Yawn, Buttsoiler, do you think screaming "Communist" at everyone is a way to win an argument?

To the point, a national database is good medical management. It will save money by eliminating unnecessary tests and it will save lives by making sure doctors have valid information.

"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the 'good' intentions of those who create it." -Milton Friedman

"Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich." -William F. Buckley, Jr.

By the way, you're the one who confessed to being a communist. Don't run from it now like a coward. You claim it, you own it.

Guy, since you seem unable to even DEFINE communism intelligently, you really can't tell who is and isn't.

Again, centralized data management. The private sector ALREADY does this. We had something called the "Digitial Revolution" back in the 1990's, sorry you missed it.

Yes folks, JoeB. really is this stupid.... :lmao:
First - Congress does not have the authority to create "any" law they want. I'm sorry you're too ignorant to understand the Constitution, but they don't. Either have a friend explain it to you or you'll just have to take my word for it.

Second, stop with your obnoxious "we the people" stuff. You don't even respect or abide by the Constitution, you've never read it, and you don't understand it. Furthermore We The People have spoken - and we are overwhelmingly disgusted by the unconstitutional disaster known as Obamacare. We The People did not authorize our representatives to pass this unconstitutional disaster, nor were any of them honest enough to declare that was their intention before we voted them into office. And that is why We The People voted the Dumbocrats out of Congress in record numbers after Obamacare.

You The Parasties just continue to be disingenuous horses-asses because you've been thoroughly defeated with facts.

First, Liberals created "We the People" and I will continue to use it when referring to the Constitution that you are so clueless about

Second, You have obviously had your head in the sand if you think Congress cannot pass any bill it wants. They do it on a daily basis passing bills that have no hope of surviving
If Congress passes a bill that is outside the Constitution, a Presidential veto or a Supreme Court override is the next Constitutional step

This is the system that We the People have established and it has been in place for over 200 years

No jack-ass... We The People was created by conservatives. You The Parasites try to destroy it daily with your ignorance. Trying to mask your anti-constitutional parasite ideology by ignorantly and nonsensically stating "we the people" in each post is humiliating yourself more than normal.

We The People overwhelming reject Obamacare - which was unconstitutionally rammed down our throats by representatives who LIED to us to get into office. This FACT was PROVEN not only by the polls showing the majority of America is against Obamacare, but by the overwhelming votes cast to remove those representatives from Congress who were responsible for that unconstitutional disaster.

We The People have spoken. And that's why You The Parasites have your panties in such a bunch.

At the time our great Constitution was written, Conservatives backed the crown and were appalled at the idea of forming a country controlled by We the People

They still are

Obamacare is constitutional and I have a Supreme Court decision saying so. By what grounds do you claim it is unconstitutional?
Last edited:

No jack-ass... We The People was created by conservatives. You The Parasites try to destroy it daily with your ignorance. Trying to mask your anti-constitutional parasite ideology by ignorantly and nonsensically stating "we the people" in each post is humiliating yourself more than normal.

We The People overwhelming reject Obamacare - which was unconstitutionally rammed down our throats by representatives who LIED to us to get into office. This FACT was PROVEN not only by the polls showing the majority of America is against Obamacare, but by the overwhelming votes cast to remove those representatives from Congress who were responsible for that unconstitutional disaster.

We The People have spoken. And that's why You The Parasites have your panties in such a bunch.

Last time I checked, we had a national election in 2012 and you guys lost.

Last time I checked - we had the MAJORITY in the House (you know - the legislative branch which creates the laws and controls the national purse strings).

This is how DUMB people like JoeB. are - having no clue how their own government was designed, they believe the presidency is a dictator and therefore they "won" :bang3:

The only thing you control, stupid, is the U.S. military. That's all
At the time our great Constitution was written, Conservatives backed the crown and were appalled at the idea of forming a country controlled by We the People

They still are

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I love how you play this game because you're so ashamed of your parties history. The Constitution is a 100% conservative document. Small government. Limited Power. Maximum Freedom. All of the things You The Parasites hate.

You're the same jack-ass who keeps trying to claim the Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party who freed the slaves were "liberals" because you're ashamed of your parties pro-slavery, pro-oppression history (which, sadly, continues to this very day).

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

It's not the point. According to the law they need to know whether or not to tax you. You will be required to prove Medical Insurance to the IRS. The Medical Data base is another matter, but of course I'm sure the IRS may take a peek or two.

Now to the other point. The IRS Union has applied for a Waiver. They don't want ACA. Yet they are the ones who get to ENFORCE IT UPON THE PEOPLE.

What happened to UNIFORMITY WITH LAWS TO ALL THE PEOPLE? Oh, I'm sorry Unions are exempt.................................

And the Left calls this shit RIGHTEOUS. You've got to be Freakin Kidding me.

Government employee unions have excellent insurance. They aren't the problem.

The problem are the employers who provide shitty insurance.

But again, other than your silly paranoia, you still haven't made a good case as to why we shouldn't have all patient information on a national database.

They are the problem if they are exempt from a LAW proposed to the ENTIRE NATION. Why should they get a pass when everyone else has to OBEY THE LAW.

aka WHY ARE THEY GRANTED SPECIAL PRIVILEDGES??????? Do you agree with laws that only to apply to some, and not others? Of course you do. Because you are obviously a Liberal Mouth piece that defends its OWN SELF INTEREST.

By the same token, many CORPS have Great Insurance plans, as GOOD OR BETTER THAN UNION PLANS. If Chevron or Exxon applies for a WAIVER do you agree that aren't the problem as well? So step up to the plate and bat Liberal. If you agree Unions and the IRS should be exempt then it is time for the Corps and Businesses to be exempt as well as THEY MEET YOUR STANDARDS AS WELL.

So now EVERYONE STARTS getting exempted by YOUR RULES. How many are left after we ALTER THE LAW to give Waivers to ALL THAT SEEM WORTHY? Yet NATIONWIDE PARTICIPATION is REQUIRED to ENSURE THE LAWS SUCCESS. We need everyone aboard to Ensure that rates drop for EVERYONE. Just not the Unions. Ummmm Not the IRS.....
and so on.

Post your HYPOCRISY TO THE UNIFORMED and not me as it easily recognized. You are nothing more than a Mount piece for LIBERAL PRAVDA.

SECOND issue. I've made no good points about the national database. How about I re-state my opinion. It isn't ANY OF YOUR DAMNED BUSINESS NOR THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS to force me to put MY PERSONAL INFORMATION OUT. My medical data should be available to those I DEEM WORTHY of NEEDING TO KNOW. Not the IRS, and not the Federal Gov't.

Liberals always talk about people's rights to PRIVACY. Yet simply look the other way when it suits their own SELF SERVING INTERESTS.
At the time our great Constitution was written, Conservatives backed the crown and were appalled at the idea of forming a country controlled by We the People

They still are

No matter how much history upsets you, or how hard you try to rewrite it, nothing will change the fact that it was your Dumbocrats who embraced slavery and started a war against your own nation to keep slaves. And it was your Dumbocrats who had proud members of the KKK in the Senate. And it was your Dumbcorats who fought against the Civil Rights movement.

You The Parasites have always been about control and oppression. That's why you force everyone into your programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare.

Facts....they are a bitch, uh winger? :lol:

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