The Orange One Hits New All-Time Low In Latest Quinnipiac Poll

Liberals create fake polls and afterwards believe them. Tail wags the dog.

Nobody can help them if they prefer to live in a Wonderland next door to Alice and to keep ignoring the reality.

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We know. He's not pres really. Polls told us so.

Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump. As long as they need to support him to keep their jobs, they will, but not one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
We know. He's not pres really. Polls told us so.

Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump. As long as they need to support him to keep their jobs, they will, but not one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
The more you libtards fuss and fume over the polls, the more people with brains, move towards President Trump. Keep up the work, and you Dumbocraps wont see power till 2090.

We know. He's not pres really. Polls told us so.

Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump. As long as they need to support him to keep their jobs, they will, but not one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
I'm still waiting for Hillary's coronation. You know she has a 98.4% chance of winning according to poll analysis.
We know. He's not pres really. Polls told us so.

Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump. As long as they need to support him to keep their jobs, they will, but not one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
I'm still waiting for Hillary's coronation. You know she has a 98.4% chance of winning according to poll analysis.

Hillary lost. Get new material.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
The way this plays out, of course, is the way he's treated by Republican congresspeople. Particularly those running in 2018.

He's already pretty much becoming an island.
The way this plays out, of course, is the way he's treated by Republican congresspeople. Particularly those running in 2018.

He's already pretty much becoming an island.

Considering he's being hit by the media, you on the left (yes that was intentional) and the establishment he's more of a rock.
The way this plays out, of course, is the way he's treated by Republican congresspeople. Particularly those running in 2018. He's already pretty much becoming an island.
Considering he's being hit by the media, you on the left (yes that was intentional) and the establishment he's more of a rock.
Rock, island, whatever.

He has fewer and fewer people who will follow him now.
Quinnipiac just before the election: :)

Four-way races which list both presidential and vice-presidential candidates show:
  • Florida: Clinton gets 46 percent to Trump's 45 percent, with 2 percent for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson and 2 percent for Green party candidate Jill Stein. Clinton edged Trump 48 - 44 percent October 17;
  • North Carolina: Clinton at 47 percent to Trump's 44 percent, with 3 percent for Johnson. Clinton squeaked by Trump 47 - 43 percent October 27;
  • Ohio: Trump leads Clinton 46 - 41 percent, with 5 percent for Johnson and 2 percent for Stein. Clinton and Trump tied 45 - 45 percent October 17;
  • Pennsylvania: Clinton leads Trump 48 - 43 percent, with 3 percent for Johnson and 3 percent for Stein. Clinton topped Trump 47 - 41 percent October 17.

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