The Orange One Hits New All-Time Low In Latest Quinnipiac Poll

He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
Why do they keep doing so many polls? I don't recall this many ever before. Who is paying for them? That's what I want to know. Do one every three months and shut the hell up about it.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail

Only poll I'm paying attention to is the stock market. It went above 22,000 for the first time in history.

But we all know, "Kaplizm is da debbil", right?
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail

Only poll I'm paying attention to is the stock market. It went above 22,000 for the first time in history.

But we all know, "Kaplizm is da debbil", right?

No one doubts that you're in the one third of Americans who approve of Trump's performance.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail

Only poll I'm paying attention to is the stock market. It went above 22,000 for the first time in history.

But we all know, "Kaplizm is da debbil", right?
Trump needs to take over Politifact. He's tells the truth more than they do.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
Why do they keep doing so many polls? I don't recall this many ever before. Who is paying for them? That's what I want to know. Do one every three months and shut the hell up about it.
Well it could be that they have a product that is in demand for sale.
Liberals create fake polls and afterwards believe them. Tail wags the dog. Nothing new.
You can't blame them for grabbing on to their polls and PC. That's all they've got left.

Remember how they bragged about taking back the control of congress :lmao:

Abortion Barbie is going to turn Texas blueeeeeeeee!!!!!! Then she got shellacked

Texas is still turning blue. You can pretend the demographics aren't changing if you want to, but that won't change a thing. Texas will be blue and brown before you realize what happened.
The DOW hits all time high, fact. Liberals claim Trump is unpopular...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Liberals just go by the facts, not the fake news.

Liberals create fake polls and afterwards believe them. Tail wags the dog. Nothing new.
You can't blame them for grabbing on to their polls and PC. That's all they've got left.

Remember how they bragged about taking back the control of congress :lmao:

Abortion Barbie is going to turn Texas blueeeeeeeee!!!!!! Then she got shellacked

Texas is still turning blue. You can pretend the demographics aren't changing if you want to, but that won't change a thing. Texas will be blue and brown before you realize what happened.

True enough, Houston is blue and it is overcoming Chicago as the third largest city in the country. Austin is certainly blue, I mean blueberry blue. Don't know much about Dallas but yep, Texas is going blue.
We know. He's not pres really. Polls told us so.

Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump. As long as they need to support him to keep their jobs, they will, but not one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump.

That the stampede hasn't already happened fairly well indicates to me just how many people value party over country. As Jeff Flake, per 538 has sided with Trump 93.5% of the time, wrote, Republicans became party to a "Faustian bargain" whereby they "pretended that the emperor wasn’t naked. Even worse: [they] checked our critical faculties at the door and pretended that the emperor was making sense."
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
Why do they keep doing so many polls? I don't recall this many ever before. Who is paying for them? That's what I want to know. Do one every three months and shut the hell up about it.
Well it could be that they have a product that is in demand for sale.
WHAT product?
Who is buying it?
I'm not too bright; you need to be clear with me.
Liberals create fake polls and afterwards believe them. Tail wags the dog. Nothing new.
You can't blame them for grabbing on to their polls and PC. That's all they've got left.

Remember how they bragged about taking back the control of congress :lmao:

Abortion Barbie is going to turn Texas blueeeeeeeee!!!!!! Then she got shellacked

Texas is still turning blue. You can pretend the demographics aren't changing if you want to, but that won't change a thing. Texas will be blue and brown before you realize what happened.

True enough, Houston is blue and it is overcoming Chicago as the third largest city in the country. Austin is certainly blue, I mean blueberry blue. Don't know much about Dallas but yep, Texas is going blue.
Austin is blue, but it's gerrymandered so bad till it hardly matters. Houston is not split up quite as bad, but bad enough.
We know. He's not pres really. Polls told us so.

Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump. As long as they need to support him to keep their jobs, they will, but not one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump.

That the stampede hasn't already happened fairly well indicates to me just how many people value party over country. As Jeff Flake, per 538 has sided with Trump 93.5% of the time, wrote, Republicans became party to a "Faustian bargain" whereby they "pretended that the emperor wasn’t naked. Even worse: [they] checked our critical faculties at the door and pretended that the emperor was making sense."
I can't imagine more ignorance. Trump was lambasted by the Republicans and appealed directly to the electorate.

Trump took on two political dynasties, the two major political parties, academia, the media, the polls, Hollywood and just about everyone and everything else yet prevailed.

Butt hurt is not just confined to Dems and other idiots, but to the nevertrumpers in his party.

Suck it up! Democracy's a bitch I suppose.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Expect the Conservatives to give him the Bush treatment; deny he ever happened, they ever played a part in it, and call him a fake Conservative after the fact.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
Why do they keep doing so many polls? I don't recall this many ever before. Who is paying for them? That's what I want to know. Do one every three months and shut the hell up about it.
Well it could be that they have a product that is in demand for sale.
WHAT product?
Who is buying it?
I'm not too bright; you need to be clear with me.
/----/ these polls of random adults are cheap and fast to run. The results are used by the MSM to generate news stories that fit their agenda. Cheaper than hiring investigative reporters. Polls of Likely Voters are very accurate but very expensive.
You can't blame them for grabbing on to their polls and PC. That's all they've got left.

Remember how they bragged about taking back the control of congress :lmao:

Abortion Barbie is going to turn Texas blueeeeeeeee!!!!!! Then she got shellacked

Texas is still turning blue. You can pretend the demographics aren't changing if you want to, but that won't change a thing. Texas will be blue and brown before you realize what happened.

True enough, Houston is blue and it is overcoming Chicago as the third largest city in the country. Austin is certainly blue, I mean blueberry blue. Don't know much about Dallas but yep, Texas is going blue.
Austin is blue, but it's gerrymandered so bad till it hardly matters. Houston is not split up quite as bad, but bad enough.
How do you Gerrymander a state? Alas, the dumbing down of America.
We know. He's not pres really. Polls told us so.

Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump. As long as they need to support him to keep their jobs, they will, but not one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
Wait until his popularity with Republicans drops below 50%. At that point, you better not stand between right wing politicians and the door, because there will be a mass migration away from Trump.

That the stampede hasn't already happened fairly well indicates to me just how many people value party over country. As Jeff Flake, per 538 has sided with Trump 93.5% of the time, wrote, Republicans became party to a "Faustian bargain" whereby they "pretended that the emperor wasn’t naked. Even worse: [they] checked our critical faculties at the door and pretended that the emperor was making sense."
I can't imagine more ignorance. Trump was lambasted by the Republicans and appealed directly to the electorate.

Trump took on two political dynasties, the two major political parties, academia, the media, the polls, Hollywood and just about everyone and everything else yet prevailed.

Butt hurt is not just confined to Dems and other idiots, but to the nevertrumpers in his party.

Suck it up! Democracy's a bitch I suppose.

Trump had the perfect storm. Russian help, Comey's crap, a glitch in the electoral college, and more crazies than anybody thought were voters.

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