The Orange One Hits New All-Time Low In Latest Quinnipiac Poll

He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
/----/ We don't care what biased lib polls say.

Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
/----/ We don't care what biased lib polls say.

Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.
The DOW hits all time high, fact. Liberals claim Trump is unpopular...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

When the dow was soaring under obama it wasn't a good economic indicator...
Obama has left Trump a decent Financial-Economy compared what Obama had to deal with after 8 years of GW Bush.

With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
/----/ We don't care what biased lib polls say.

Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.

Do you care he has done pretty much nothing he claimed he would do?
The DOW hits all time high, fact. Liberals claim Trump is unpopular...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

When the dow was soaring under obama it wasn't a good economic indicator...
Obama has left Trump a decent Financial-Economy compared what Obama had to deal with after 8 years of GW Bush.

With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.

Until they change some policy it is obamas economy.
He's down to 33% now. I'm still waiting for him to get below 30% by Labor Day.

Here is the link to all the details;
QU Poll Release Detail
/----/ We don't care what biased lib polls say.

Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.
What are your predictions? Will Trump's approval numbers go up or go down????
This time last year Quinnipiac had Hillary up by 7 points.
Along those same lines of logic........When you bit into that red apple and your mouth filled with watermelon juice, did you notice that you had a hard time breathing with your head up your arse and no place to spit the seeds? Phucking pathetic rubes!
/----/ We don't care what biased lib polls say.

Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.
What are your predictions? Will Trump's approval numbers go up or go down????
/----/ I predict that we don't give a rats ass about your biased polls.
/----/ We don't care what biased lib polls say.

Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.

Do you care he has done pretty much nothing he claimed he would do?
/----/ he's done plenty and is doing more everyday. Try as you must but you won't undermine our support of President Trump with your bullshit
The DOW hits all time high, fact. Liberals claim Trump is unpopular...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

When the dow was soaring under obama it wasn't a good economic indicator...
Obama has left Trump a decent Financial-Economy compared what Obama had to deal with after 8 years of GW Bush.

With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.
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Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.

Do you care he has done pretty much nothing he claimed he would do?
/----/ he's done plenty and is doing more everyday. Try as you must but you won't undermine our support of President Trump with your bullshit
What major Legislation or policies has Trump signed into LAW?????
The DOW hits all time high, fact. Liberals claim Trump is unpopular...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

When the dow was soaring under obama it wasn't a good economic indicator...
Obama has left Trump a decent Financial-Economy compared what Obama had to deal with after 8 years of GW Bush.

With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo she budget but Trumps economy.
Republicans voice opposition to Trump's budget: 'Dead on arrival'
Republicans voice opposition to Trump's budget: 'Dead on arrival'
Donald Trump’s proposal to reduce spending by $3.6tn, mostly by slashing antipoverty programs that provide social safety nets for the poor, ran into bipartisan opposition on Capitol Hill, where a number of Republican lawmakers rejected the cuts as “draconian” and “nonstarters”.

The president’s plan recommends $616bn in cuts to Medicaid, the government insurance programme for the poorest and many disabled Americans, while increasing border security spending by $2.6bn – including $1.6bn to begin construction on a wall along the US-Mexico border.


Trump's budget: major slashes to social programs – but $1.6bn for the wall
Read more
While fiscal conservatives welcomed the proposal, which aims to balance the budget by 2027, Republicans raised concerns that the plan would slice too deeply into programs that provide poor Americans access to healthcare, food stamps and student loans, setting the stage for a showdown over budget priorities.

“The cuts are draconian,” Kentucky representative Harold Rogers, a powerful member of the House Appropriations Committee, said of the proposed cuts to Medicaid.

Representative Mark Meadows, the chairman of the arch-conservative Freedom Caucus, praised the budget as “conservative” and said the White House presented a plan that “fundamentally could be implemented”. Though Meadows said he was encouraged by budget reductions to welfare programs, he could not get behind stripping funding from Meals on Wheels, a program that provides meal assistance for senior citizens that the president’s budget chief, Mick Mulvaney, dismissed in March as “just not showing any results”.

Arizona senator John McCain called the proposal “dead on arrival” in a statement, and knocked the $603m defense budget request “inadequate to the challenges we face”.

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell told reporters, “The president’s budget, as we all know, is a recommendation. We’ll be taking into account what the president is recommending but it will not be determinative in every respect.”

Trump’s package of spending cuts and tax breaks assumes an economic growth rate of 3%, which many analysts have dismissed as improbable. The Congressional Budget Office forecast under current policy is 1.9%.

Presidential budgets are wish lists the White House sends to Congress. There was never a chance it would pass through untouched.

“Clearly Congress will take that budget, and then work on our own budget, which is the case every single year, but at least we now have common objectives,” House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters.

Rather than criticize the budget, the Wisconsin conservative sought to paint a rosier picture, insisting that there were elements of the proposal that all Republicans could get behind.

“Here’s what I’m happy about – we finally have a president who’s willing to actually balance the budget,” Ryan said. “The last president never proposed, let alone tried, to balance the budget.”

Analysis The only good news about Trump's budget? It's unlikely to pass
The White House’s proposal, full of cuts to major programs, aims to balance the federal budget in a decade – benefitting the rich as it clobbers the poor
Read more
Democrats were fiercely critical of the plan, which they said would hit hardest the people who helped elevate Trump to the White House.

“The Trump budget exists somewhere over the rainbow, where the dreams of Mick Mulvaney, Paul Ryan and the Koch brothers really do come true,” Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer told reporters. “Of course, these dreams are a nightmare for the average working American.”

Senator Bernie Sanders recalled Trump’s campaign promises, saying: “Sadly, this budget exposes all of that verbiage for what it really was – just cheap and dishonest campaign rhetoric that was meant to get votes. Nothing more than that,” the Vermont Independent said.

Asked if there was any element of the budget that Democrats could cooperate on, Sanders conceded that the $25bn proposal to provide six weeks of paid leave for mothers and fathers after the birth or adoption of a child is a “good start” if “inadequate”.

Texas is still turning blue. You can pretend the demographics aren't changing if you want to, but that won't change a thing. Texas will be blue and brown before you realize what happened.

True enough, Houston is blue and it is overcoming Chicago as the third largest city in the country. Austin is certainly blue, I mean blueberry blue. Don't know much about Dallas but yep, Texas is going blue.
Austin is blue, but it's gerrymandered so bad till it hardly matters. Houston is not split up quite as bad, but bad enough.
How do you Gerrymander a state? Alas, the dumbing down of America.

In Texas, we do it like this
Wtf does that have to to with the dying of the beast in Texas or anywhere else?

You asked how to gerrymander a state dumb ass.
Liberals create fake polls and afterwards believe them. Tail wags the dog. Nothing new.
You can't blame them for grabbing on to their polls and PC. That's all they've got left.

Remember how they bragged about taking back the control of congress :lmao:

Abortion Barbie is going to turn Texas blueeeeeeeee!!!!!! Then she got shellacked

Texas is still turning blue. You can pretend the demographics aren't changing if you want to, but that won't change a thing. Texas will be blue and brown before you realize what happened.
The northwest and northeast turning blood red will more than make up for that when it happens.

White Democrats will die out with the baby boomers.
Liberals create fake polls and afterwards believe them. Tail wags the dog. Nothing new.
You can't blame them for grabbing on to their polls and PC. That's all they've got left.

Remember how they bragged about taking back the control of congress :lmao:

Abortion Barbie is going to turn Texas blueeeeeeeee!!!!!! Then she got shellacked

Texas is still turning blue. You can pretend the demographics aren't changing if you want to, but that won't change a thing. Texas will be blue and brown before you realize what happened.

True enough, Houston is blue and it is overcoming Chicago as the third largest city in the country. Austin is certainly blue, I mean blueberry blue. Don't know much about Dallas but yep, Texas is going blue.
Once you pick your anti-white piece of shit candidate for 2020 you will start to see lily white liberal cities trending red....

It almost happened with the "Bernie bros" last time, but this time there won't be a decrepit old white woman to soothe the anger many white Democrat millennials have.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.

Do you care he has done pretty much nothing he claimed he would do?
/----/ he's done plenty and is doing more everyday. Try as you must but you won't undermine our support of President Trump with your bullshit
What major Legislation or policies has Trump signed into LAW?????
/----/ Congress hasn't sent him anything of substance. Seems like you need a refresher course in Civics. BTW the USSC pick is top of the list so far. And he's eliminating 16 regs from the CFR for every new one passed. And the flow of illegals is down to a trickle. And he's not filling vacant agency jobs. Not bad for 6 months on the job. And hildabeast ain't President

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