The Orange One Hits New All-Time Low In Latest Quinnipiac Poll

/----/ Sober up Pal. You're slobbering all over the board.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Sixty-two percent (62%) disapprove.

Trump’s overall approval numbers this week are lower than any Barack Obama received during his entire presidency.
Doesn't matter what you care about.
/----/ Sure you care. The whole purpose of the anti Trump polls is to drive a wedge between the president and his base. But it's not working.
Trump is currently at 33 % approval and between 58-65 percent disapproval! So tell me will Trump reach 45 percent by the end of December??????
/----/ Bogus BS poll. And we don't care.

Do you care he has done pretty much nothing he claimed he would do?
/----/ he's done plenty and is doing more everyday. Try as you must but you won't undermine our support of President Trump with your bullshit

Like what?
The DOW hits all time high, fact. Liberals claim Trump is unpopular...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

When the dow was soaring under obama it wasn't a good economic indicator...
Obama has left Trump a decent Financial-Economy compared what Obama had to deal with after 8 years of GW Bush.

With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
When the dow was soaring under obama it wasn't a good economic indicator...
Obama has left Trump a decent Financial-Economy compared what Obama had to deal with after 8 years of GW Bush.

With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy
Obama has left Trump a decent Financial-Economy compared what Obama had to deal with after 8 years of GW Bush.

With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
With noting being passed it is really still obamas Dow.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
/---/ Funny that the Obozo economy sucked the big one for 8 years until Trump became president when it suddenly took off like a rocket. Funny how that worked out.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
/---/ Funny that the Obozo economy sucked the big one for 8 years until Trump became president when it suddenly took off like a rocket. Funny how that worked out.

Funny I haven't noticed a change. You have any stats to support that claim?
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
/---/ Funny that the Obozo economy sucked the big one for 8 years until Trump became president when it suddenly took off like a rocket. Funny how that worked out.

Funny I haven't noticed a change. You have any stats to support that claim?
/----/ Ask Rastamen. It was his point.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
/---/ Funny that the Obozo economy sucked the big one for 8 years until Trump became president when it suddenly took off like a rocket. Funny how that worked out.

That never happened.
The 2017 Economy is still Obama's economy. The Trump Economy begins in Jan 2018! Let's see how Trump's economy is fairing in July of 2018. Meanwhile, Trump is taking credit for President Obama's economy.
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
/---/ Funny that the Obozo economy sucked the big one for 8 years until Trump became president when it suddenly took off like a rocket. Funny how that worked out.
^^ Bull Pucky
/----/ no you Cretin it's Obozo's budget but Trumps economy.

What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
/---/ Funny that the Obozo economy sucked the big one for 8 years until Trump became president when it suddenly took off like a rocket. Funny how that worked out.

That never happened.
/----/ so who is lying? Libs who say the economy was great for 8 years and is still great thanks to Obozo or those who say today's economy was great but now sucks ?
What economic policies has Trump passed?
/----/ Only Congress can pass legislation you big dummy

So if nothing has changed it is still the Obama economy.
/---/ Funny that the Obozo economy sucked the big one for 8 years until Trump became president when it suddenly took off like a rocket. Funny how that worked out.

That never happened.
/----/ so who is lying? Libs who say the economy was great for 8 years and is still great thanks to Obozo or those who say today's economy was great but now sucks ?
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