The Orange One Hits New All-Time Low In Latest Quinnipiac Poll

Hillary is less popular.....

Just saying.
That's why millions more voted for Hillary.
Actually they didn't.

NPR: 25 Million Votes For Clinton 'Completely Fake' - She Lost...

Great fake story.
This is a report from NPR....not some rightwing site.
NPR specializes in leftist propaganda.
Why do you feel it's fake now when this Russia Russia Russia BS is being pushed as real for going on 8 months?

No dumb ass. NPR never said that. You need to read your own link.
I read it.

NPR reported it in 2012. It's comes from a Pew research report. It's pretty cut and dried.... Dumbass.
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This is a report from NPR....not some rightwing site.
NPR specializes in leftist propaganda.
Why do you feel it's fake now when this Russia Russia Russia BS is being pushed as real for going on 8 months?

No dumb ass. NPR never said that. You need to read your own link.
I read it.

NPR reported it in 2012. It's comes from a Pew research report. It's pretty cut and dried.... Dumbass.

OK. So what was NPR's statement concerning Clinton receiving 25 million completely fake votes?
This is a report from NPR....not some rightwing site.
NPR specializes in leftist propaganda.
Why do you feel it's fake now when this Russia Russia Russia BS is being pushed as real for going on 8 months?

No dumb ass. NPR never said that. You need to read your own link.
I read it.

NPR reported it in 2012. It's comes from a Pew research report. It's pretty cut and dried.... Dumbass.

So point out who or where anybody credible said 25 million votes for Hillary were fake.
The only poll that matters is the one which happens on election day. It doesn't take an algorithm to understand Trump is a lose cannon, unfit and dangerous***.

Current thinking suggests social media (or unsocial media if one considers this message board) can be a more effective tool in predicting how an election might turn. It would interest me if everyone who posted on this message board was required to post their location. I infer those who don't are embarrassed by their community or region.

***My opinion, some actually believe Trump is competent, but have yet to make that case.
Although I wasn't actively posting here at election time, it appears this board though Hildebeast was a shoe-in, Wry.

Everybody did, including Trump who whined about a fixed election. Complacency can be fatal, a lesson learned in high school when we looked past the final opponent and lost a game we should have beaten by at least four TD's.

Sect. Clinton was the most experienced of all the D's and R's who sought the nomination, and had she won, we wouldn't be in the chaotic situation we are today. It's time for all patriotic citizens to stand up and say, "Enough" and for Pence and the Power Elite in The Congress to put America First and apply the 25th Amendment to solve this current nightmare.

Our nation has serious problems, and Trump is decompensating rapidly; everyone who is not in denial knows this to be true. My biggest fear is Trump will wag the dog if he is not replaced, and many innocent human beings will die a premature death by his continued tenure.
This is a report from NPR....not some rightwing site.
NPR specializes in leftist propaganda.
Why do you feel it's fake now when this Russia Russia Russia BS is being pushed as real for going on 8 months?

No dumb ass. NPR never said that. You need to read your own link.
I read it.

NPR reported it in 2012. It's comes from a Pew research report. It's pretty cut and dried.... Dumbass.

So point out who or where anybody credible said 25 million votes for Hillary were fake.
Try reading the article.
Although I wasn't actively posting here at election time, it appears this board though Hildebeast was a shoe-in, Wry.

Everybody did, including Trump who whined about a fixed election. Complacency can be fatal, a lesson learned in high school when we looked past the final opponent and lost a game we should have beaten by at least four TD's.

Sect. Clinton was the most experienced of all the D's and R's who sought the nomination, and had she won, we wouldn't be in the chaotic situation we are today. It's time for all patriotic citizens to stand up and say, "Enough" and for Pence and the Power Elite in The Congress to put America First and apply the 25th Amendment to solve this current nightmare.

Our nation has serious problems, and Trump is decompensating rapidly; everyone who is not in denial knows this to be true. My biggest fear is Trump will wag the dog if he is not replaced, and many innocent human beings will die a premature death by his continued tenure.
Experience as in the most corrupt in Washington.
Although I wasn't actively posting here at election time, it appears this board though Hildebeast was a shoe-in, Wry.

Everybody did, including Trump who whined about a fixed election. Complacency can be fatal, a lesson learned in high school when we looked past the final opponent and lost a game we should have beaten by at least four TD's.

Sect. Clinton was the most experienced of all the D's and R's who sought the nomination, and had she won, we wouldn't be in the chaotic situation we are today. It's time for all patriotic citizens to stand up and say, "Enough" and for Pence and the Power Elite in The Congress to put America First and apply the 25th Amendment to solve this current nightmare.

Our nation has serious problems, and Trump is decompensating rapidly; everyone who is not in denial knows this to be true. My biggest fear is Trump will wag the dog if he is not replaced, and many innocent human beings will die a premature death by his continued tenure.

Experience as in the most corrupt in Washington.

Idiot-gram ^^^ and a non sequitur.
Still better than the Half-Black One even if doctored polls say otherwise.
Now we have "Putin's" Bitch......running the country!!!! Trump will fail! Just think, Aug 2009 Obama's approval rating was over 60 percent. Trump's approval rating is at 33 percent and 60 percent of the population believes Trump's a god damn fucking liar!!!!!!
If you say so, but I got into college and law school despite racist affirmative action, which penalizes Asians for being born Asian.
Chinkaroo this is no Country for Yellow people ...this is Now Official; White Trump country..No immigrants like you are wanted here p[robabvly vote illegal and eat dogs ....
You are taking the Jobs of Regular Real White Americans

So what are you? A nigga? Cracker? Beaner? Wop? Kyke? Sand Nigga? Jap? Gook? Or maybe just a faggot?
Incest and inbreeding hasn't been kind to you.
/----/ if Obozo gets credit for the rise in the market, then so does Pres Trump
when Obama took over the economy was crashing like a Trump Casino property....we were losing 800,000 jobs a month....He saved our white asses .....
/---/ Obozo took what should have been a 6 month recession and turned it into an 8 year recession. Trump pulled us out.
The GOP filibustered, sabotaged and obstructed President Obama for 8 long years! What did all you inbred conservatives expect????
All the polls show the vast majority of Americans do not support Trump.

You ReTrumplicans are a shrinking minority. You voted for a clown and now are surprised that the circus has come to town!

But no one else is surprised, this is exactly what we expected from this lying, cheating know nothing.
He was also at an 'all time low' in the polls before the election. Look how that worked out. lol

I can only guess Trump supporters have busy lives...and don't answer calls from unknown #'s.
I say that because I won't answer calls from #'s I don't recognize, and recently bought a call blocker to stop them.
/----/ if Obozo gets credit for the rise in the market, then so does Pres Trump
when Obama took over the economy was crashing like a Trump Casino property....we were losing 800,000 jobs a month....He saved our white asses .....
/---/ Obozo took what should have been a 6 month recession and turned it into an 8 year recession. Trump pulled us out.
The GOP filibustered, sabotaged and obstructed President Obama for 8 long years! What did all you inbred conservatives expect????
/----/ Actually the GOP leadership was so intimidated by Obozo they stood back and let him get everything he wanted rather be called racist
/----/ if Obozo gets credit for the rise in the market, then so does Pres Trump
when Obama took over the economy was crashing like a Trump Casino property....we were losing 800,000 jobs a month....He saved our white asses .....
/---/ Obozo took what should have been a 6 month recession and turned it into an 8 year recession. Trump pulled us out.
The GOP filibustered, sabotaged and obstructed President Obama for 8 long years! What did all you inbred conservatives expect????
/----/ Actually the GOP leadership was so intimidated by Obozo they stood back and let him get everything he wanted rather be called racist
The GOP leadership has begun to bail on Trump and are no longer intimidated by just 7 short months.

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