The Orange One Needs To STFU!

His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention.

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?

Kennedy put himself in that position by pulling the rug from under the Cuban freedom fighters and showed himself as weak. That invited Cuban and Russian aggression and he got it in spades.

Are lefties that freaking stupid? Surely they must know that Bill Clinton sold the nuclear technology and hardware to N.K. Surely the left must know that N.K. tested bombs and missiles during the eight years of Obama. Trump did nothing but anger the crazy violent American left.
I've found oopma lumpas to be wise. Not sure why you have racial prejudice to them because of their orange skin
"His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention."

After 8 years of an Islamic Extremist-sympathizing, terrorist-financing / supplying / arming / training / defending / protecting, Mexican Drug Cartel-Arming, Iran-appeasing, Red-Line-Coward, it's funny how snowflakes almost wet themselves when a leader shows a backbone in warning our enemies not to push their luck. There's a new sheriff in town....and he's not a pu$$y like the last one.
After 8 years of an Islamic Extremist-sympathizing, terrorist-financing / supplying / arming / training / defending / protecting, Mexican Drug Cartel-Arming, Iran-appeasing, Red-Line-Coward, it's funny how snowflakes almost wet themselves when a leader shows a backbone in warning our enemies not to push their luck. There's a new sheriff in town....and he's not a pu$$y like the last one.

Some people eventually get a clue and some do not....

O was horrible, but your take is even worse.

Let's start from the top...What hit the Pentagon on 911, a 757 or a US made bunker buster cruise missile?

Trump sucks greasy prison dick but that doesnt mean i am going to engage in bullshit and dishonesty.
But that is exactly what you've done in our current exchange. If you weren't massaging 'The Orange Tool' why were you standing up for that asshole's tweet storms against NK with his Bully Speak rather than proper diplomatic channels???? Did you reread the OP as I suggested? Now the dumb bastard has really pissed off China, which is the HUGH FUCKING ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!

And every "head in the sand" coward lefty refuses to see the obvious connection.


If you had a human brain, which you do not, you might notice that the "Terror war" crowd is overwhelmingly LEFTIST....

DIANNE FEINSTEIN - gave the final speech in the US Senate to go to war with Iraq
CHUCKY SCHUMER - wants US military action against all of Israel's enemies regardless of reason
Henry WAXMAN - the most left wing member of the House was a die hard supporter of W across the board as W outspent LBJ
Lindsay Graham - big spending homosexual never misses an opportunity to badger for more military action to help Israel

Conservative used to mean TRUTH MATTERED before sold out treasonous sub humans like yourself hijacked the word...
After 8 years of an Islamic Extremist-sympathizing, terrorist-financing / supplying / arming / training / defending / protecting, Mexican Drug Cartel-Arming, Iran-appeasing, Red-Line-Coward, it's funny how snowflakes almost wet themselves when a leader shows a backbone in warning our enemies not to push their luck. There's a new sheriff in town....and he's not a pu$$y like the last one.

Some people eventually get a clue and some do not....

O was horrible, but your take is even worse.

Let's start from the top...What hit the Pentagon on 911, a 757 or a US made bunker buster cruise missile?

Holy Shit.... You're a '9/11-Was-An_inside-Job' nut-job. Ok, that explains it all then. Yeah, this is me walking away not listening to you much anymore.... :p
His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention.

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Mattis disagrees with you.
You're a '9/11-Was-An_inside-Job' nut-job.

Always an insult, never an explanation of just how a 757 flew in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground, which oh by the way puts its engines IN THE GROUND.....

Next thing we'll be told is that this below vid is NOT a "controlled demolition" ....

Always an insult, never an explanation of just how a 757 flew in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground, which oh by the way puts its engines IN THE GROUND.....

Nice photo....where exactly were you standing when you took this photo and what was the shutter speed on your camera?

Breaking: Trump infuriates liberals by saying his "fire and fury" message wasn't strong enough :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Kennedy put himself in that position by pulling the rug from under the Cuban freedom fighters and showed himself as weak. That invited Cuban and Russian aggression and he got it in spades.
Interesting rewrite of historical facts there, Tex! In the Navy, we always identified the difference between a fairy tale and a 'Sea Story' by how it started and you have used the 'Now this ain't no shit' opening!
His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention.

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis, really? So I take it you do, also? OH MY GAWD! How am I to go on living with your disappointment! Now piss off!
Kennedy put himself in that position by pulling the rug from under the Cuban freedom fighters and showed himself as weak. That invited Cuban and Russian aggression and he got it in spades.
Interesting rewrite of historical facts there, Tex! In the Navy, we always identified the difference between a fairy tale and a 'Sea Story' by how it started and you have used the 'Now this ain't no shit' opening!

#4: Kennedy’s Failure at the Bay of Pigs (Top 10 Mistakes by U.S. Presidents) | Britannica Blog

President Kennedy pulls air support for Bay of Pigs invasion - Letter to Editor | Havana Journal

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Give JFK a break. The Bay of Pigs wasn't his baby. That was an Eisenhower plan that he allowed to proceed. That may have been a mistake, but it wasn't a simply a matter of wanting to look 'strong and Presidential'.
Conservative used to mean TRUTH MATTERED before sold out treasonous sub humans like yourself hijacked the word...

You dope!
I'm not talking about the elitist Establishment fucks.....EVERYONE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT BACKSTABBERS THEY ARE....

I'm talking about the MORON you

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