The Orange One Needs To STFU!

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Give JFK a break. The Bay of Pigs wasn't his baby. That was an Eisenhower plan that he allowed to proceed. That may have been a mistake, but it wasn't a simply a matter of wanting to look 'strong and Presidential'.
So I shouldn't blame Eisenhower in that case for not shit canning Operation Ajax inside Iran in 1953 because it was a left over plan from the Truman administration? How did that regime change go knocking off a lawfully elected democratic government and eventually installing the Shah? Can we say regime change? How we doing with Iran now?

JFK had a three month window to call the Bay of Pigs invasion off, but he didn't, well knowing the USSR was an ally of Cuba. Or how about Eisenhower getting us started in Vietnam sending in "military advisers" after the French Foreign Legion got their asses tossed out. Every 'Nam vet that was in RVN was so very proud to serve there and be poisoned with toxic defoliants and to be used as the pawns of a President's errors and mistakes...FUCKIN' A!

No, I'm not going to tread easy on foolish errors that former OR CURRENT presidents make while in office!
His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention.

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis, really? So I take it you do, also? OH MY GAWD! How am I to go on living with your disappointment! Now piss off!
You are basing your OP on your experience.
His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention.

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis, really? So I take it you do, also? OH MY GAWD! How am I to go on living with your disappointment! Now piss off!
You are basing your OP on your experience.
You are basing your OP on your experience.
FOOL! Can you spell HISTORY?
His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention.

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis disagrees with you.
Mattis, really? So I take it you do, also? OH MY GAWD! How am I to go on living with your disappointment! Now piss off!
You are basing your OP on your experience.
You are basing your OP on your experience.
FOOL! Can you spell HISTORY?
History is not experience?
His "leadership ability" is bringing the US to the brink of nuclear warfare and the stupid ass just may get it in his mind to launch a preemptive strike with NK's goading's instead of keeping his bleeding mouth SHUT and using his delegated proxies to maneuver the Ship of State! But OH NO, that narcissistic lump has to get his daily dose of attention.

This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?

Fat bastard un is the one making the threats. Damn you're stupid.
This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Give JFK a break. The Bay of Pigs wasn't his baby. That was an Eisenhower plan that he allowed to proceed. That may have been a mistake, but it wasn't a simply a matter of wanting to look 'strong and Presidential'.
So I shouldn't blame Eisenhower in that case for not shit canning Operation Ajax inside Iran in 1953 because it was a left over plan from the Truman administration? How did that regime change go knocking off a lawfully elected democratic government and eventually installing the Shah? Can we say regime change? How we doing with Iran now?

JFK had a three month window to call the Bay of Pigs invasion off, but he didn't, well knowing the USSR was an ally of Cuba. Or how about Eisenhower getting us started in Vietnam sending in "military advisers" after the French Foreign Legion got their asses tossed out. Every 'Nam vet that was in RVN was so very proud to serve there and be poisoned with toxic defoliants and to be used as the pawns of a President's errors and mistakes...FUCKIN' A!

No, I'm not going to tread easy on foolish errors that former OR CURRENT presidents make while in office!
My point was the it was not "simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?" It wasn't that simple. I'm not saying presidents shouldn't be criticized, but the implication of your post was that JFK had a lot to do with the planning, which is untrue. If he did, he probably would have sent in the planes.
This guy is the greatest threat to the US since JFK! How many of you remember the Bay of Pigs and what that lead to with the USSR in short order simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?
Give JFK a break. The Bay of Pigs wasn't his baby. That was an Eisenhower plan that he allowed to proceed. That may have been a mistake, but it wasn't a simply a matter of wanting to look 'strong and Presidential'.
So I shouldn't blame Eisenhower in that case for not shit canning Operation Ajax inside Iran in 1953 because it was a left over plan from the Truman administration? How did that regime change go knocking off a lawfully elected democratic government and eventually installing the Shah? Can we say regime change? How we doing with Iran now?

JFK had a three month window to call the Bay of Pigs invasion off, but he didn't, well knowing the USSR was an ally of Cuba. Or how about Eisenhower getting us started in Vietnam sending in "military advisers" after the French Foreign Legion got their asses tossed out. Every 'Nam vet that was in RVN was so very proud to serve there and be poisoned with toxic defoliants and to be used as the pawns of a President's errors and mistakes...FUCKIN' A!

No, I'm not going to tread easy on foolish errors that former OR CURRENT presidents make while in office!
My point was the it was not "simply because JFK wanted to look 'strong and Presidential' early on in his term?" It wasn't that simple. I'm not saying presidents shouldn't be criticized, but the implication of your post was that JFK had a lot to do with the planning, which is untrue. If he did, he probably would have sent in the planes.
I do not believe you have a full grasp of the totality of the ramifications of JFK's decision over the last 55 years as I and others in my peer group have who lived through it while sitting at one of the ground zero targets in CONUS. Having made a full study of the initial fiasco surrounding the BOP stupidity of engaging in war without Congressional authorization, its fallout of the USSR with an excuse to install IRBM's in Cuba and the World waiting for WWIII to start, the blockade of the Soviet shipping to Cuba never would have been necessary.

BTW, I NEVER implied he did any planning, knowing full well he didn't have a handle the full scope of the situation in Cuba in early 1961 when he took office. His decision to proceed with the plan, much of which he was ignorant or ill informed was fantastically STUPID! Then the new kid on the block got cold feet without follow through. Thank Gawd he never got the chance to do that poorly in Vietnam, which was left to the #2 General, LBJ and his wonderful sidekick McNamara!

Bottom line is JFK fucked up BIGLY feeling so jump-up powerful while being careless and thoughtless of long term consequences. He had given the Soviets the excuse to start installing those missiles in Cuba and it was only by chance that a U-2 caught those facilities being built so we could do something before it was a fait accompli.

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