The Orange One Will Not Have Free Hand Waging War Say Some In Congress


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Looks like there is bipartisan support in Congress now to force the Ego-in-Chief to get authorization from Congress in the form of a NEW authorization to use military force (AUMF) under the War Powers Resolution (1973). It was SUPPOSED to limit presidential power to commit the United States to armed engagements around the world with the unintended consequence of the circumvention of Congress' Constitutional responsibility of a declaration of war for conflicts/WARS in which the US gets actively engaged.

The message is being sent to the Panderer-in-Chief before the Orange Wonder unilaterally commits the US to other non-authorized conflicts in Iraq, Syria and possibly the Korean Peninsula. That is, of course, if Congress has the cajones to follow through.

Obama was wrong to involve the US in Libya without an AUMF from Congress authorizing the action, and I said at the time that was an impeachable offense and he should have been held to account. The Orange One will be dead wrong, too, if he pits US forces against an adversary not noted in the existing 2002 AUMF and subject to Articles of Impeachment being drawn up just as should have been done to his predecessor!

Lawmakers say Trump needs Congress' OK to wage war on ISIS

"WASHINGTON — When Congress returns from recess, U.S. President Donald Trump will face a push from some lawmakers who say he should ask for their authorization to wage an extended war in Syria and Iraq.

A top House Republican, Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole, said the authorization passed after 9/11 has been stretched beyond its original intent. To fight Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces or the Islamic State group, Trump should submit a request to Congress, he told Defense News."
~~ Lawmakers say Trump needs Congress' OK to wage war on ISIS ~~
Remember that republicans control everything. So Trump basically will have a free hand waging war.
But the push is bipartisan, thank God! We're either a Nation of Laws or just another third world country with an oligarchy running the show top down!
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The Republicons in Congress are spineless brown-nosers, they won't deny their dear leader and his glee in sending other people to die.
The Republicons in Congress are spineless brown-nosers, they won't deny their dear leader and his glee in sending other people to die.
Congratulating the soldier who he just awarded the Purple Heart was stellar.
Oh Gawd, is this the time when the Democrats start pretending to be 'Anti-War' again? Pretty convenient flip-flop, no? A Republican's President now, must be time to be disingenuous hypocrites again. Oh boy, same ole same ole i guess.

That being said, Congress should assert itself again on matters of War. It's allowed far too much power to US Presidents to wage War. Congress does need to step up. But that's obviously not what this is about for Democrats. It's only about sabotaging Trump and getting the power back. Just more 'Party before Country' hate and greed.
Oh Gawd, is this the time when the Democrats start pretending to be 'Anti-War' again? Pretty convenient flip-flop, no? A Republican's President now, must be time to be disingenuous hypocrites again. Oh boy, same ole same ole i guess.

That being said, Congress should assert itself again on matters of War. It's allowed far too much power to US Presidents to wage War. Congress does need to step up. But that's obviously not what this is about for Democrats. It's only about sabotaging Trump and getting the power back. Just more 'Party before Country' hate and greed.
I agree with you Congress needs to put its money where its mouth is. Or whatever. They've been wussing out of making important decisions for much too long.
Looks like there is bipartisan support in Congress now to force the Ego-in-Chief to get authorization from Congress in the form of a NEW authorization to use military force (AUMF) under the War Powers Resolution (1973). It was SUPPOSED to limit presidential power to commit the United States to armed engagements around the world with the unintended consequence of the circumvention of Congress' Constitutional responsibility of a declaration of war for conflicts/WARS in which the US gets actively engaged.

The message is being sent to the Panderer-in-Chief before the Orange Wonder unilaterally commits the US to other non-authorized conflicts in Iraq, Syria and possibly the Korean Peninsula. That is, of course, if Congress has the cajones to follow through.

Obama was wrong to involve the US in Libya without an AUMF from Congress authorizing the action, and I said at the time that was an impeachable offense and he should have been held to account. The Orange One will be dead wrong, too, if he pits US forces against an adversary not noted in the existing 2002 AUMF and subject to Articles of Impeachment being drawn up just as should have been done to his predecessor!

Lawmakers say Trump needs Congress' OK to wage war on ISIS

"WASHINGTON — When Congress returns from recess, U.S. President Donald Trump will face a push from some lawmakers who say he should ask for their authorization to wage an extended war in Syria and Iraq.

A top House Republican, Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole, said the authorization passed after 9/11 has been stretched beyond its original intent. To fight Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces or the Islamic State group, Trump should submit a request to Congress, he told Defense News."
~~ Lawmakers say Trump needs Congress' OK to wage war on ISIS ~~
Silly stuff, under the war powers act the president can go to war for sixty days without reporting to Congress if he declares it is an emergency and then if Congress refuses to authorize further action, he has thirty days to withdraw the troops. President Trump is clearly not interested in going to war but only to establish a credible threat of military action to gain an advantage in negotiations. If necessary, he can and will use measured military actions to as part of his negotiating strategy.
Silly stuff, under the war powers act the president can go to war for sixty days without reporting to Congress if he declares it is an emergency and then if Congress refuses to authorize further action, he has thirty days to withdraw the troops. President Trump is clearly not interested in going to war but only to establish a credible threat of military action to gain an advantage in negotiations. If necessary, he can and will use measured military actions to as part of his negotiating strategy.
These are the conditions for a president to initiate military actions. Notice that negotiating strategy is absent.

(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-inChief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
Looks like there is bipartisan support in Congress now to force the Ego-in-Chief to get authorization from Congress in the form of a NEW authorization to use military force (AUMF) under the War Powers Resolution (1973). It was SUPPOSED to limit presidential power to commit the United States to armed engagements around the world with the unintended consequence of the circumvention of Congress' Constitutional responsibility of a declaration of war for conflicts/WARS in which the US gets actively engaged.

The message is being sent to the Panderer-in-Chief before the Orange Wonder unilaterally commits the US to other non-authorized conflicts in Iraq, Syria and possibly the Korean Peninsula. That is, of course, if Congress has the cajones to follow through.

Obama was wrong to involve the US in Libya without an AUMF from Congress authorizing the action, and I said at the time that was an impeachable offense and he should have been held to account. The Orange One will be dead wrong, too, if he pits US forces against an adversary not noted in the existing 2002 AUMF and subject to Articles of Impeachment being drawn up just as should have been done to his predecessor!

Lawmakers say Trump needs Congress' OK to wage war on ISIS

"WASHINGTON — When Congress returns from recess, U.S. President Donald Trump will face a push from some lawmakers who say he should ask for their authorization to wage an extended war in Syria and Iraq.

A top House Republican, Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole, said the authorization passed after 9/11 has been stretched beyond its original intent. To fight Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces or the Islamic State group, Trump should submit a request to Congress, he told Defense News."
~~ Lawmakers say Trump needs Congress' OK to wage war on ISIS ~~
Silly stuff, under the war powers act the president can go to war for sixty days without reporting to Congress if he declares it is an emergency and then if Congress refuses to authorize further action, he has thirty days to withdraw the troops. President Trump is clearly not interested in going to war but only to establish a credible threat of military action to gain an advantage in negotiations. If necessary, he can and will use measured military actions to as part of his negotiating strategy.
Wrong! You need to refresh your understanding and knowledge of the 1973 War Powers Resolution codified at 50 USC §§ 1541-1548 to get a better handle on the notification and time periods. With that, compare that new found understanding to the events and responses in the ME over the last four months or so to evaluate the compliance.

It's just wonderful to have a spokesman for the Orange Anointed One on this board to relay his actual intent of negotiation rather than the bombast coming from his mouth or his tiny little tweeting fingers threatening an attack by the US military! Truly!!
Oh Gawd, is this the time when the Democrats start pretending to be 'Anti-War' again? Pretty convenient flip-flop, no? A Republican's President now, must be time to be disingenuous hypocrites again. Oh boy, same ole same ole i guess.

That being said, Congress should assert itself again on matters of War. It's allowed far too much power to US Presidents to wage War. Congress does need to step up. But that's obviously not what this is about for Democrats. It's only about sabotaging Trump and getting the power back. Just more 'Party before Country' hate and greed.
I agree with you Congress needs to put its money where its mouth is. Or whatever. They've been wussing out of making important decisions for much too long.

Yeah, it's basically handed absolute power over to Presidents to wage War. It's incompetence and cowardice. It needs to assert its rightful authority again. But like i said, that's not with this about for Democrats. It's a convenient flip-flop for them. It's only about sabotaging Trump and getting the power back.
Oh Gawd, is this the time when the Democrats start pretending to be 'Anti-War' again? Pretty convenient flip-flop, no? A Republican's President now, must be time to be disingenuous hypocrites again. Oh boy, same ole same ole i guess.

That being said, Congress should assert itself again on matters of War. It's allowed far too much power to US Presidents to wage War. Congress does need to step up. But that's obviously not what this is about for Democrats. It's only about sabotaging Trump and getting the power back. Just more 'Party before Country' hate and greed.
I agree with you Congress needs to put its money where its mouth is. Or whatever. They've been wussing out of making important decisions for much too long.

Yeah, it's basically handed absolute power over to Presidents to wage War. It's incompetence and cowardice. It needs to assert its rightful authority again. But like i said, that's not with this about for Democrats. It's a convenient flip-flop for them. It's only about sabotaging Trump and getting the power back.
I would agree if the Democrats hadn't also wussed out on backing Obama's Red Line on Syria in 2013 and his initial push for gun control when he was first elected. The people in Congress on either side of the aisle cannot think of ANYTHING but their next election campaign.

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