The Orange Patriot Descends from His Golden Throne to Troll the Left

If you lefties really want to understand why NOTHING you try works, this video may help:

Yanno if you really want to understand why you're in a fucked-up place ---- you're lauding trollism here.

That all by itself should be sufficient revelation.

The fact that it isn't, is the fucked-up part.
If you used the word "black" in relation to the last president you probably would have been called "racist" by the sensitive left even though it was halfway accurate. I don't understand the "orange" stuff but if it keeps angry crazy lefties from smashing windows and torching cars again it's fine with me.
So, what's next? What is a poor lib gonna do? Collect all those cans, collect all those glass bottles? Pool all your pennies together and hire a hit man too bump off Trump? Wouldn't put it past you weasels. Jesus help us.
Trump knows how to mess with Dems and they fall for it every time.

He's also a great negotiator. He has achieved a lot that the left said couldn't be done. Of course, they fear that he will drain the swamp. That wouldn't bode well for most Dems and some Repubs. Too many swamp creatures. Take away their security clearance when they no longer hold their positions and keep exposing the deep state. Great plan that scares the shit out of leftists.

The media focuses more on his tweets than they do his successes. Fortunately, if polls are any indication, the people are actually looking at his accomplishments. Must make the leftists feel so irrelevant. Boo hoo.

Meanwhile, Trump will keep messing with Dems. They will continue to lose their shit and react in ways that show what fools they are.

If you used the word "black" in relation to the last president you probably would have been called "racist" by the sensitive left even though it was halfway accurate. I don't understand the "orange" stuff but if it keeps angry crazy lefties from smashing windows and torching cars again it's fine with me.

To describe someone or some thing as "black" cannot by itself be racism. Your strawman speculation fallacy fall down.

The "orange" stuff, nobody understands. It's not even a color found in nature, and yet Rump insists on painting his own face that way. Nobody knows why or how. Although we can certainly speculate it's that snowflakery vanity where the narcissist can't stand to present himself as he is on account of his teeny-weenie self esteem.
So, what's next? What is a poor lib gonna do? Collect all those cans, collect all those glass bottles? Pool all your pennies together and hire a hit man too bump off Trump? Wouldn't put it past you weasels. Jesus help us.

Again --- strawman speculation fallacy fall down, go boom.
This guy has a great channel. Here he provides more insight on the Trumpinator

This is basically yet another "revelation" that commercial media depends on attention, and attention is created by controversy. Nothing new about that. When you plug in a narcissist whose every energy is expended on "Me Me Me" and he knows that ------ he's gonna get free press. Nothing new about that. Emotion, fear and loathing, disaster, scandal --- it all sells and always has. That's the price of making a commercial venture out of the news. That's exactly why we get OJ driving on a freeway and how Michael Jackson died and a fire in some apartment building you never heard of.

And kudos to the videographer for finding the only known event of Rump ever uttering the words "I apologize". Four seconds before he immediately veers off to a Tu Quoque, somehow changing the subject to "Bill Clinton", who not only wasn't running for anything, he also wasn't part of the Access Hollywood bus.

One of the lines the narrator uses reminds me of how Lush Rimjob described his job decades ago --- saying his objective was "to make you mad". As in for example "slut slut slut".

All of that garners attention, and attention (not assent but attention) means ratings, and ratings mean profit.

He's correct that simplicity sells, but there's no virtue in it.
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