the origins of covid need to be investigated thoroughly .

It would not surprise me if it were an accidental lab thing, at all. The key being "accidental".
i never said they purposefully leaked the virus ... but it seams that after pandora's box was opened they restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international travel ....
i never said they purposefully leaked the virus ... but it seams that after pandora's box was opened they restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international travel ....
Think of it like Trumpism. They did not wish to impede commerce any more than necessary and weren't about to admit to the world, they had a problem they couldn't deal with.
This was no leak. It was a release.
The Chinese concocted a virus that would be a threat only to those who are an impediment to the chicom gov; old, sick and fat people. They knew the west would sacrifice their own economies to protect those people so the chicoms released it. The objective was to impact our economy and thereby influence the election to remove Trump, who had become the greatest threat to CCP domination.
The timing is obvious. The Chinese suddenly becoming transparent in reporting the quarantining of the entire Wuhan province. The point in that was to create plausible deniability. But by then the virus had already been released.
And democrats are more willing to help the chicoms screw our economy than to cede any power.
The CCP this week suddenly became transparent again, allowing the reporting of their lockdown of another city. This time it was for the purpose of dissuading the international community from bagging their olympics.
Always an angle.
Pure BS conspiracy speculation. It was not a release. They would not release it in their own population without a guaranteed cure or preventative. That is the stupidest idea, I have heard the nut ball right wing fanatics came up with during this whole pandemic. Not surprisingly, you guys were putting this out as Trump was praising and thanking the Chinese for their cooperation, early in the pandemic.
Nonsense. Right wingers believe crazier shit than this. They think Trump won the election. :laughing0301:
There's a lot republicans who don't understand. One is what difference will it make if it is never found? Absolutely nothing. You want revenge and now blame democrats for not persuing it.
Fuck off. It doesn't matter.

Yet you want revenge on those unwilling to take an experimental shot that could have very terrible consequences to their life and health. But you have no interest in holding those accountable who unleashed this on the world and caused so many deaths? You're just a fucking lowlife hack.
the origins of covid 19 needs to investigated thoroughly ! i dont understand why the left dismisses the theory that it leaked from a lab as a conspiracy being pushed by loons . what virus in the past that emerged from nature has been as infectious as covid 19 ? what virus has mutated so fast with so many different variants ? what virus in the past has so many [millions] of asymptomatic Typhoid Mary's ? we need to find out where this virus came from because if it was a lab accident the law of averages says it WILL happen again ! what if the next outbreak is just as contagious with a 50% mortality rate ! that would be the end of civilization as we know it ! dont believe it can happen ? 5yrs ago did the public believe we would be going through what we are going through today ?
I just don't know how to investigate it thoroughly. Even if we invaded China and took it over, I'm sure any evidence is long gone. Assuming China is not taken over by the US, we don't have a rat's ass chance of every finding out the truth.
Yet you want revenge on those unwilling to take an experimental shot that could have very terrible consequences to their life and health. But you have no interest in holding those accountable who unleashed this on the world and caused so many deaths? You're just a fucking lowlife hack.

Those unwilling to get jabbed are doing it for stupid reasons. It is not experimental and been shown beneficial regardless of what conspiracy theories say. "Could" have consequences isn't good enough excuse to not have it. Get some evidence to support that crap.
You don't have a leg to stand on there son.

The virus was not "unleashed like some nuclear weapon. That's typical I hate China bullshit coming from the Republican haters, like you. Why is it only the anti communists like you are wanting revenge? Because it's political with you nuts. The rest of the world doesn't care.
Only the Republican dickheads in America want to punish some scapegoat like always.
Stick with your bible son. It ain't gonna happen.
Nonsense. Right wingers believe crazier shit than this. They think Trump won the election. :laughing0301:
Many people know bullshit. When it is their politics that muddle the realities in a nation that loses it freedoms, the game presents itself. So to you Covid is just a simple flu. See what happens when you depend on a nation who has become a superpower due to purchasing products from them can do to you. We are China's bitch. We are a classy looking whore dressed to the nines with a steadily decreasing affordability to many people of great living conditions behind the scenes supplanted by increasing payouts from our government benefactors. We then argue who is not paying their fair share to supplant people who struggle more and more. Pay attention to government that is bloated. We could not even build a rocket to low earth orbit cheap enough to carry men and women anymore. What Space X does to do that would cost five times more for the old government ways.
Many people know bullshit. When it is their politics that muddle the realities in a nation that loses it freedoms, the game presents itself. So to you Covid is just a simple flu. See what happens when you depend on a nation who has become a superpower due to purchasing products from them can do to you. We are China's bitch. We are a classy looking whore dressed to the nines with a steadily decreasing affordability to many people of great living conditions behind the scenes supplanted by increasing payouts from our government benefactors. We then argue who is not paying their fair share to supplant people who struggle more and more. Pay attention to government that is bloated. We could not even build a rocket to low earth orbit cheap enough to carry men and women anymore. What Space X does to do that would cost five times more for the old government ways.
To me the Covid is just a simple flu? Where did you get that idea? BTW, Biden has stopped the flow of solar panels made by Chinese slaves if that makes you feel any better. China is a superpower because they have a billion and a half people and they sell their shit all over the world. They have a right to be a superpower whether that scares you or not.
Those unwilling to get jabbed are doing it for stupid reasons. It is not experimental and been shown beneficial regardless of what conspiracy theories say. "Could" have consequences isn't good enough excuse to not have it. Get some evidence to support that crap.
You don't have a leg to stand on there son.

The virus was not "unleashed like some nuclear weapon. That's typical I hate China bullshit coming from the Republican haters, like you. Why is it only the anti communists like you are wanting revenge? Because it's political with you nuts. The rest of the world doesn't care.
Only the Republican dickheads in America want to punish some scapegoat like always.
Stick with your bible son. It ain't gonna happen.
I’ll repeat, lowlife hack.
Perhaps, there wouldn't be the need for an investigation, so much because of Trump, there were people there.

March 25 2020
The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak.

The Atlanta-based CDC, America’s preeminent disease fighting agency, provides public health assistance to nations around the world and works with them to help stop outbreaks of contagious diseases from spreading globally. It has worked in China for 30 years.

The CDC’s China headcount has shrunk to around 14 staffers, down from approximately 47 people since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, the documents show.

“The CDC office in Beijing is a shell of its former self,” said one of the people, a U.S. official who worked in China at the time of the drawdown.

Separately, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the global relief program which had a role in helping China monitor and respond to outbreaks, also shut their Beijing offices on Trump’s watch.
Before the closures, each office was staffed by a U.S. official. In addition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA) transferred out of China in 2018 the manager of an animal disease monitoring program.
The latest:

New Research Points to Wuhan Market as Pandemic Origin​

Carl Zimmer and Benjamin Mueller
Sun, February 27, 2022, 10:54 AM·6 min read

It may have started in a roadside market but very hard to believe those origins crippled the world
What did happen it was exploited to defeat Trump and punish his supporters.
the origins of covid 19 needs to investigated thoroughly ! i dont understand why the left dismisses the theory that it leaked from a lab as a conspiracy being pushed by loons . what virus in the past that emerged from nature has been as infectious as covid 19 ? what virus has mutated so fast with so many different variants ? what virus in the past has so many [millions] of asymptomatic Typhoid Mary's ? we need to find out where this virus came from because if it was a lab accident the law of averages says it WILL happen again ! what if the next outbreak is just as contagious with a 50% mortality rate ! that would be the end of civilization as we know it ! dont believe it can happen ? 5yrs ago did the public believe we would be going through what we are going through today ?
Not just the origin but the timing. just when the 2020 US election was getting underway.

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