The origins of European homosexuality


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Before the Indo-Aryans came to Europe, there was a matriarchy of wild proto-Germanic peoples. These peoples violated the natural order of things: women did not compete in beauty, and men did not compete in martial arts; instead of individual competition of the American type, there was a collective system.

For this reason, evolution destroyed the masculine principle in the ancient Europeans, the hormonal background of the victorious man died out. It was replaced by “dog lust.” In this situation, when there are no natural sexual emotions, sex is reduced to mechanical friction and ejaculation, for this reason the gender of the partner becomes unimportant, a hole into which the penis can be inserted is enough.
Before the Indo-Aryans came to Europe, there was a matriarchy of wild proto-Germanic peoples. These peoples violated the natural order of things: women did not compete in beauty, and men did not compete in martial arts; instead of individual competition of the American type, there was a collective system.

For this reason, evolution destroyed the masculine principle in the ancient Europeans, the hormonal background of the victorious man died out. It was replaced by “dog lust.” In this situation, when there are no natural sexual emotions, sex is reduced to mechanical friction and ejaculation, for this reason the gender of the partner becomes unimportant, a hole into which the penis can be inserted is enough.
I don't remember a philosophy forum, but this does not sound like science and technology, as it does not have a link, backing up the facts proposed.
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I don't remember a philosophy forum, but this does not sound like science and technology, as it does not have a link, backing up the facts proposed.
Мatriarchy and communalism of pre-Indo-Aryan Europe is a fact proven by archeology. These trends in Europe can be traced until recently. For example, there were women at the head of state.
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The cult of ugly women - paleoveners and stone vaginas (ancient vaginas for masturbation) is a well-known fact in archeology.

All communal collectivist societies strived for childbearing and valued female "incubators", this proves their collectivism.

There were public longhouses everywhere, and so on.

These are scientific facts.
The cult of ugly women - paleoveners and stone vaginas (ancient vaginas for masturbation) is a well-known fact in archeology.

All communal collectivist societies strived for childbearing and valued female "incubators", this proves their collectivism.

There were public longhouses everywhere, and so on.

These are scientific facts.
Not to mention the herpes outbreaks were killer.
The gallantry of the Оld Order in France is also an atavism of matriarchy
The cult of ugly women - paleoveners and stone vaginas (ancient vaginas for masturbation) is a well-known fact in archeology.

All communal collectivist societies strived for childbearing and valued female "incubators", this proves their collectivism.

There were public longhouses everywhere, and so on.

These are scientific facts.
In other words, a person can catch a dose of the clap by sitting on a toilet seat?
Got any pictures?
It's well described. For example, at the courts of noble ladies of Europe there were Italian Greyhounds, they were intended for sexual pleasures. There is a lot of evidence about Queen Augusta Federica, she died from a perineal rupture, there is a version that she tried to have sex with a horse. According to another version, this is the result of a toilet explosion (this is not convincing)
It is also associated with alcohol. Alcohol is an easily accessible drug, it has always been consumed in ancient Europe (eg the Orgies of Cybella), it is associated with sexual wildness. The Russians have a proverb: “there are no ugly women, the only thing that happens is that there is not enough alcohol” Northern Europeans have a natural predisposition to alcoholism; they have a lot of alcohol dehydrogenase in their liver.
Those people who willingly have sex while intoxicated have something to do with it. Sex while intoxicated is completely disordered and is not associated with real emotions of different genders.
As a rule, families with reduced social responsibility, who drink a lot of alcohol, have a lot of children who receive benefits from the state. This suggests that alcohol stimulates fertility.
I also have a hypothesis that humans acquired a biochemical and anatomical resemblance to a pig precisely because of mixing with Europids and other old europeans. Pig farming was the traditional occupation of the ancient Europeans, and they lived with them in the same public barracks. These tight junctions of some kind could influence genetics. There may have been no sexual contact, but there may have been horizontal transfer through food or feces. Currently, horizontal gene transfer has been proven by reverse transcription.
It is likely that the degree of similarity to the pig varies among different populations.
You should read the Book of Leviticus ... them Hebrew men were total pigs ... and things were really bad among the sons and daughters of Cain before the Great Flood ... Sodom and Gomorrah stuff ...
You should read the Book of Leviticus ... them Hebrew men were total pigs ... and things were really bad among the sons and daughters of Cain before the Great Flood ... Sodom and Gomorrah stuff ...
Don't forget Genesis. Ham, son of Noah saw his father passed out naked in a tent looked at him and most likely raped him, then went out and told his brothers.
When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, he said,
“Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.”

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