The "OZONE HOLE" scam was the pre-curser to the Global Warmists movement.

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Since it is clear that you don't know anything about the ozone layer, it is clear that you don't know whether the protocols have done anything.

Let me see if i can make this easy to under stand...for starters lets start with an analogy...the ocean, the surf, and the beach. The area where the ocean meets the beach is called the surf, and in the upper atmosphere, the area where the sunlight meets the air is termed the ozone layer, because in that region ozone is produced as a result of the UV acting breaking O2 molecules into O molecules some of which reform into O3 molecules,

The surf is a doesn't protect the land from being flooded by the ocean, just as the ozone layer is a result. it is there as a result of harmful UV being dissipated by breaking O2 into O...Some of the O molecules then reform into O3. Ozone is a result, not a cause.

O3 is the result of the photo-chemical process between oxygen and UV light. But it is the photo-chemical process itself which protects us; the ozone is a mere by-product.If you could snap your fingers and make every single last molecule of ozone disappear, it would have absolutely no bearing on the amount of UV light reaching the Earth. The ozone layer would "recharge" for lack of a better word as soon as the next UV radiation was expended breaking down O2 molecules...some of which would then reform onto O3...this process would take milliseconds.

Now that you know how O3 is formed, there are two places on earth where the angle at which incoming solar radiation is oblique and much of it reflects off into space, and there is little oxygen being moved to the upper atmosphere by warm rising currents...Not much incoming solar radiation and not much O2 for what does make in into the atmosphere to break down into O some of which then would reform into O3.

The "holes" vary in size from summer to winter over each pole with them being larger during each respective winter...and the "hole" is always larger over the south pole because it receives less solar energy than the north due to the tilt of the earth.

So what did the protocols do?
So let's cut to the chase, do you think the ozone hole is a contrived scam by globalists? Do you think it was a mistake to ban CFCs and other ozone depletion gasses? Those were my questions which you did not answer.

Of was first made political by a young senator named al gore...His largest campaign contributor...3M had a very expensive CFC free replacement for freon.

And since O3 replenishes immediately, what do you believe the protocols is like trying to protect the land by keeping surfers off the surf for fear of wearing it down.
That is weird. The first finding that CFCs were causing ozone depletion was in 1976 in a report by the United States National Academy of Sciences. It was at that time that the US began making efforts to move away from aerosol spray cans. The US banned the use of CFCs in 1978. I remember that myself. Al Gore was barely out of law school and was about to enter the Congress as a first term member of the House.

In 1983 the Reagan Administration signed the Vienna Convention of the Protection of the Ozone Layer. Once again that was before Al Gore was elected senator. In 1987 the Montreal Protocols were signed.
A political solution to a non problem.. This is the norm for the UN and its useful idiots..

Relate the size of the holes to solar output in october for those years...note how much larger it got between 2014 and 2018 as the sun began to go quiet.
A quick look at think progress indicates that I wasn't that far off..

We Saved The Ozone Layer. We Can Save The Climate.

clip: Congress held hearings under the bipartisan leadership of Senators Max Baucus, John Chafee, and Al Gore, and Representatives Henry Waxman and Sherwood Boehlert, keeping the danger in the public eye. And the news media covered the story, without giving equal time to marginal skeptics.

The discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole added new urgency. By 1986, even the chemical industry acknowledged CFC limits were needed.

The chemical industry being 3m who made billions on their CFC free freon replacement...abd those marginal skeptics were pointing out that the holes were always there and talking about the science of the ozone layer and how it couldn't be destroyed so long as there was O2 in the stratosphere and UV coming in from the sun.

The Ozone "hole" was known back in the 1950's, when Dobson measured low values in the late 1950's, he was the same man who PREDICTED low O3 numbers back in the 1920's with his research.
The "holes" vary in size from summer to winter over each pole with them being larger during each respective winter...and the "hole" is always larger over the south pole because it receives less solar energy than the north due to the tilt of the earth.
JFC. His very very own 'science'. So it's the tilt, eh? What a fucking joke.

I never make claims i can't back up...unlike you.
I suggest that you might look at solar output over those "healing" years...since the sun is what makes it.
And there's more sun at the Arctic, right, that's why the 'hole' there is smaller?
Ozone is in fact AN ion there is a reason for it not collecting at the negative pole of the earth. Get two magnets and figure it out. This is something only kindergartners and grammar school scientist can investigate. Dimshits need not attempt they will suffer brain explosions. Solar activity and electrical activity both cause massive changes in ozone production and diffusion. All natural and cyclical always have been always will be.
Hilarious. Same Shit, Different Dimwit.

You know what's the same shit? guys denying actual science with nothing to support your ridiculous fantasies. I will be sure to keep you posted as the "holes" grow as the solar minimum progresses. See how effective your protocols are in the face of nature.
The deterioration of the conservative mind continues. I think there must be a mind wasting disease that affects only conservatives. It has to be the answer to this plethora of insipid posts and theories.
I take it you find it more plausible that CFCs sprayed from cans made their way to the North pole and carved a "hole" in the Ozone and only banning them allowed the "hole" to close. It's people like you that made the ultimate snake oil salesman Al Gore a mega Millionaire.
The deterioration of the conservative mind continues. I think there must be a mind wasting disease that affects only conservatives. It has to be the answer to this plethora of insipid posts and theories.
I take it you find it more plausible that CFCs sprayed from cans made their way to the North pole and carved a "hole" in the Ozone and only banning them allowed the "hole" to close. It's people like you that made the ultimate snake oil salesman Al Gore a mega Millionaire.
See Post 37.
Personally, I will not get bated into a debate with those who pull facts from thin air.
LOL.. You wouldn't know a scientific fact if it hit you in the damn head... All you are is a parrot who doesn't have a clue...
The ban on those nasty CFCs back in the 80s which closed "The Hole in the Ozone" (queue woman screaming) was a bunch of Liberal Hooey. But the success of the Ozone scam gave birth the Warmer movement and many of the same scientists that pushed the Ozone scare are the same ones pushing human caused climate change. Don't believe them, they have a reason why they use "science" to push scams just like they did with the Ozone Hole and CFCs.

New Ozone Hole Scare Won't Save the Great Climate Hoax | PSI Intl
And now we know that O-Zone is coupled with solar output.. It comes and goes cyclically like every other system on earth...

Its been a scam and continues to be a scam.... They expanded on it..

So, Billy Boy, the self-proclaimed atmospheric physicist rejects the relationship between CFCs and the Ozone Hole. Will wonders never cease. Yes, Momma, he really is that stupid.
Personally, I will not get bated into a debate with those who pull facts from thin air.
LOL.. You wouldn't know a scientific fact if it hit you in the damn head... All you are is a parrot who doesn't have a clue...
I know enough that the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer ratified by the US Congress in 1985 and signed by 197 nations and which led to the Montreal Protocols was among the most successful agreements in history. I further know that those who call this agreement a scam or who say this agreement was a fraud perpetuated by Al Gore or has enriched Al Gore are fools without credibility, especially since Al Gore was not even in Congress when the first studies of CFC damage to the ozone were first reported.

Yeah, I'll take the word of the scientific world over a few politically biased amateur scientists who post on internet forums.
Personally, I will not get bated into a debate with those who pull facts from thin air.
LOL.. You wouldn't know a scientific fact if it hit you in the damn head... All you are is a parrot who doesn't have a clue...
I know enough that the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer ratified by the US Congress in 1985 and signed by 197 nations and which led to the Montreal Protocols was among the most successful agreements in history. I further know that those who call this agreement a scam or who say this agreement was a fraud perpetuated by Al Gore or has enriched Al Gore are fools without credibility, especially since Al Gore was not even in Congress when the first studies of CFC damage to the ozone were first reported.

Yeah, I'll take the word of the scientific world over a few politically biased amateur scientists who post on internet forums.
If it was so successful then why is China making and using it on a massive scale?
You choose to ignore reality "the Montreal Protocols was among the most successful agreements in history." even though it`s already been posted that China does not give a rat`s ass about the Montreal Protocol. So I`ll post it again:
China 'home foam' gas key to ozone mystery
Cut-price Chinese home insulation is being blamed for a massive rise in emissions of a gas, highly damaging to the Earth's protective ozone layer.
The authorities have banned CFC-11 but enforcement of the regulation is poor.

"We were absolutely gobsmacked to find that companies very openly confirmed using CFC-11 while acknowledging it was illegal," Avipsa Mahapatra from EIA told BBC News.

"The fact that they were so blasé about it, the fact that they told us very openly how pervasive it is in the market, these were shocking findings for us."
What can be done about this?
As China is a signatory of the Montreal Protocol that governs the use of ozone-depleting substances, it should be possible to put trade sanctions in place. However, since the protocol was signed in 1987, this weapon of last resort has never been used and it's not expected in this case.

Now tell me again that the Montreal Protocols was among the most successful agreements in history.
China vows greater efforts to curb ozone-depleting chemicals | Reuters

Chinese action on Montreal Protocol violators

China moves to outlaw CFCs | Reuters

China’s efforts to protect the ozone layer | Letters

Yes, it is one of the most successful agreements in history. And I'm curious as to whether you believe Chinese violators are evidence of the agreement being a scam. This whole thread seems to be just another of the many unsubstantiated assertions for which global warming deniers have become famous.
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.If you could snap your fingers and make every single last molecule of ozone disappear, it would have absolutely no bearing on the amount of UV light reaching the Earth.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo...

SSDD is literally denying that ozone absorbs UV light. That's literally on a level with round-earth denial. I'm just trying to decide if that's the dumbest thing he's ever typed. Given how many stupid things he's said over the years, it's hard to decide.

...this process would take milliseconds.

Oh, do show us your science backing up your claim that the ozone layer would reform in milliseconds if removed.

and the "hole" is always larger over the south pole because it receives less solar energy than the north due to the tilt of the earth.

There's another dumb-off contender! According to the SSDD theory, the south pole in its winter receives less solar energy that the north pole in its winter. Why? Something about tilt. He apparently thinks earth's axial tilt varies on the short term.

...i predict that the "holes" will increase in size as the solar minimum progresses and deepens without regard to the montreal or any other protocol.

As the holes have been shrinking as the solar minimum develops, such a prediction is already proven wrong. That was easy.
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The Ozone "hole" was known back in the 1950's, when Dobson measured low values in the late 1950's,

Yes. But not nearly as low as they later got. Very dishonest of you to leave that out. Such dishonesty is standard behavior for cultists.

Denialism isn't the actual cult. Right-wing-crank authoritarianism is the actual cult. Ozone depletion denial, global warming denial and DDT harm denial are just some of the many kook conspiracy theories that the cultists are mandated to believe.
The Ozone "hole" was known back in the 1950's, when Dobson measured low values in the late 1950's,

Yes. But not nearly as low as they later got. Very dishonest of you to leave that out. Such dishonesty is standard behavior for cultists.

Denialism isn't the actual cult. Right-wing-crank authoritarianism is the actual cult. Ozone depletion denial, global warming denial and DDT harm denial are just some of the many kook conspiracy theories that the cultists are mandated to believe.

Bla bla bla, your inner ugliness spills out vividly.

What I said was correct and you know it since you didn't say it was wrong at all.

You act like a miserable human being.
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