The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Any trained military operator is going to ask himself what a man is doing to running directly at a vehicle where he knows a deadly threat exists

Hey, dipshit, using your definition, I'm a "trained military operator" and, as a "trained military operator" I can say, without hesitation and based on what you've written here, that you are absolutely, 100% ignorant of what a "trained military operator" knows or how he conducts himself.

In other words, you're a fucking know-nothing idiot...
yeah but Travis was a trained boarding officer so he was heavily schooled in international maritime law enforcement firearms and Firearm tactics and was a local life long gun enthusiast with a veteran local law enforcement officer for father so he new the laws

that's basically the SWAT team of the United States military with a multi-decade local law enforcement officer as a father
post 26315045
Therefore a 6 foot tall man could only cast a shadow about 3 and a half feet.

We lost Mohammed. He did some interesting calculations regarding slicing the pie.

when the two men come back into view they cross the Centerline about five of AA’s shadows from the hinge of the door. that’s about 17 feet

Deduct 7 feet from the door at the hinge to the front of the truck that puts both men roughly ten feet in front of the truck as they both cross back to the left of the center of the roads.

That does not support the theories test they were 3 feet in front of the truck when TM fired the first shot and wounded AA in the lower chest.

I say TM was about six feet in front of the truck smack dab straight away from the center of the grill when he shot AA within half a second of AA coming around the truck and being able to realize that TM was there.

There was no 90 turn and ambush by AA.

AA has half a second to react to TM blocking his path of escape and he was shot.

The shotgun was aimed at AA when he came around the truck - And say “one thous....” and AA wax shot.
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post 26436722
Travis who is now foolishly trying to cut off the criminals path of Escape against his father's wise

I thought you said TM was a highly military trained law enforcement officer who was slicing the pie in a brilliant military tactic

post 26436722
Travis who is now foolishly trying to cut off the criminals path of Escape against his father's wise

The McMichaels moved about 3 feet while your criminal hero moved around 100 yards and then pulled the 90° sneak attack ambush

he moved toward the front of the truck because anyone trained by the United States military in Firearms tactics has enough sense to put an engine block between himself and someone who is clearly a dangerous threat... it's a critical game of angles called slicing the pie,

But now your latest version has TM being foolish and not up against the engine block for protection from the unarmed jogger - slicing the pie.
his movement to the front of the truck was an intelligent military tactic However the fact that he didn't stop at the front left quarter panel and continued toward arberry was a foolish mistake his father Warned him of by yelling "travis no" because he realized while he was in Mortal danger Travis was now in a position where Maude could easily attack him

perhaps if Travis was wise enough to keep his distance Maude would not have decided to rush him

the McMichaels were over excited idiots because they finally caught the guy wanted for all the criminal activity in their neighborhood and knew he was very likely to escape by simply running away as was his standard criminal MO

if travis had satyed on the other side of the engine block aeberry could have sliced the pie on him so it was a smart move but over done a bit

he should have stayed right next to the front left tire and covered his corner leaving his father largely unprotected for his best legal position

I know this stuff can be confusing
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his movement to the front of the truck was an intelligent military tactic

no way was it a defensive tactic with his old man standing wide open on a phone in the bed of the truck between TM’s path and AA’s path. you an idiot for letting that bullcrap touch one nerve ending in that racist brain of yours.

A defensive move would have been to drive away take a picture leave it to the real cops to handle it. - Not be stupid as you say where you have to shoot an unarmed jogger because you bring your firearm right up to his nose and you shit your pants as you pull the trigger, and end up killing him because he looked like a black dude trespassing on a surveillance video.
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and what should you do when a man holding a gun is blocking your path of travel?

if I have half a second to decide - there is nothing I can do - because In this case I have been shot - not fatally but shot. The man is crazy so I attack and try to get the gun to avoid being shot again and have a weapon to use against the other two crazy white fuckers who have assaulted me for seven minutes.

I’m WHITE though why do you ask such a stupid question.
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if Travis ran in front of berry boy he would have been pushed DOWN the street not across it dumbass

He had a shotgun. We know he got out in front of the truck by about six feet. When he was in front of the truck in the middle of the lane he was also in front of AA. He had a shotgun you stupid racist. If AA didn’t stop he could shoot him to make him stop even from an angle.

It has already been explained to you about the angles dumbass. Try reading it this time.

post: 26423706
No. The video evidence shows AA turned a 45 degree angle coming around the front of the truck not expecting TM to be there. As he did that he saw TM directly either in his path or moving in the direction that would block his path and within half a second TM fired a shot hitting AA In the chest. TM then began running backwards with AA in pursuit.

They pretty much stay on a 45 degree angle coming out about 10 feet in front of the truck coming back into view and then they turn a second 45 to complete a full 90 turn perpendicular to the centerline.
But he had a perfect shot right here:
View attachment 448563

If Travis wanted to kill a black jogger in broad daylight in front of witnesses in the middle of the street while his dad was on the phone with 911 he had a perfect opportunity in that frame!!!

he had an easy kill right there, why would he wait for Arberry to run up and be able to take cover behind his truck?

why wait till the man you had been chasing is already on top of you to pull the trigger?
He couldn't shoot Arbery there because he risked hitting Bryan who was behind Arbery. You'll note in that frame, taken from Bryan's phone, Arbery is lined up about a foot off of center from Travis' position.
what about when amaud was running around the back side of the truck he could have easily shot him then

perfect angle because Travis was standing on the driver side of the truck while Roddy was safely directly behind maude about 30 meters

View attachment 448847
"Meters?" What country are you from?
View attachment 449457
That doesn't answer my question. Americans don't measure in meters. So what country are you from? Or are you too embarrassed to say?
why u trying to change the subject?

berry boi was like half a football field away from the mcmichels when he decided he was done running and clearly went into Attack Mode

some believe he realized he had been identified and decided he was going to kill in order to escape

Grandpa McMichael knew him personally you know

You're too embarrassed to answer?? :lmao:

Explains a lot.

And regardless of the rest of your lies, you already conceded Travis committed murder. Albeit, unwittingly. When you admitted Travis was a deadly threat to Arbery. So even if you don't know it, you now you agree with normal people that Arbery was in fear for his life and acted in self-defense by trying to disarm Travis. Meanwhile, Travis, who posed a deadly threat to Arbery, shot and killed Arbery for trying to save his own life. And by posing as a deadly threat to Arbery, Travis forfeited his legal right to employing lethal self defense.
if I have half a second to decide - there is nothing I can do - because In this case I have been shot - not fatally but shot. The man is crazy so I attack and try to get the gun to avoid been shot again and have a weapon to use against the other two crazy white fuckers who have assaulted me for seven minutes.

I’m WHITE though why do you ask such a stupid question
so are you saying maude changed his direction of travel AFTER he had been shot?

Travis just shot him because he was "getting away" not because he grabbed the firearm?
if Travis ran in front of berry boy he would have been pushed DOWN the street not across it dumbass

He had a shotgun. We know he got out in front of the truck by about six feet. When he was in front of the truck in the middle of the lane he was also in front of AA. He had a shotgun you stupid racist. If AA didn’t stop he could shoot him to make him stop even from an angle.

It has already been explained to you about the angles dumbass. Try reading it this time.

post: 26423706
No. The video evidence shows AA turned a 45 degree angle coming around the front of the truck not expecting TM to be there. As he did that he saw TM directly either in his path or moving in the direction that would block his path and within half a second TM fired a shot hitting AA In the chest. TM then began running backwards with AA in pursuit.

They pretty much stay on a 45 degree angle coming out about 10 feet in front of the truck coming back into view and then they turn a second 45 to complete a full 90 turn perpendicular to the centerline.
But he had a perfect shot right here:
View attachment 448563

If Travis wanted to kill a black jogger in broad daylight in front of witnesses in the middle of the street while his dad was on the phone with 911 he had a perfect opportunity in that frame!!!

he had an easy kill right there, why would he wait for Arberry to run up and be able to take cover behind his truck?

why wait till the man you had been chasing is already on top of you to pull the trigger?
He couldn't shoot Arbery there because he risked hitting Bryan who was behind Arbery. You'll note in that frame, taken from Bryan's phone, Arbery is lined up about a foot off of center from Travis' position.
what about when amaud was running around the back side of the truck he could have easily shot him then

perfect angle because Travis was standing on the driver side of the truck while Roddy was safely directly behind maude about 30 meters

View attachment 448847
"Meters?" What country are you from?
View attachment 449457
That doesn't answer my question. Americans don't measure in meters. So what country are you from? Or are you too embarrassed to say?
why u trying to change the subject?

berry boi was like half a football field away from the mcmichels when he decided he was done running and clearly went into Attack Mode

some believe he realized he had been identified and decided he was going to kill in order to escape

Grandpa McMichael knew him personally you know

You're too embarrassed to answer?? :lmao:

Explains a lot.

And regardless of the rest of your lies, you already conceded Travis committed murder. Albeit, unwittingly. When you admitted Travis was a deadly threat to Arbery. So even if you don't know it, you now you agree with normal people that Arbery was in fear for his life and acted in self-defense by trying to disarm Travis. Meanwhile, Travis, who posed a deadly threat to Arbery, shot and killed Arbery for trying to save his own life. And by posing as a deadly threat to Arbery, Travis forfeited his legal right to employing lethal self defense.

Travis was FORCED to commit HOMICIDE when arberry attacked him and arberrys actions were understandable when you consider his mental problems and exposure to BLM propaganda but his use of VIOLENT FORCE opened the door to Travis's use of force

Arberry believed that the McMichaels were a deadly threat according to you YET he continued to "casually jog" around the truck


Any trained military operator is going to ask himself what a man is doing to running directly at a vehicle where he knows a deadly threat exists

Hey, dipshit, using your definition, I'm a "trained military operator" and, as a "trained military operator" I can say, without hesitation and based on what you've written here, that you are absolutely, 100% ignorant of what a "trained military operator" knows or how he conducts himself.

In other words, you're a fucking know-nothing idiot...
yeah but Travis was a trained boarding officer so he was heavily schooled in international maritime law enforcement firearms and Firearm tactics and was a local life long gun enthusiast with a veteran local law enforcement officer for father so he new the laws

that's basically the SWAT team of the United States military with a multi-decade local law enforcement officer as a father

They weren't at sea, ya moron. They were in Satilla Shores. :eusa_doh:
if Travis ran in front of berry boy he would have been pushed DOWN the street not across it dumbass

He had a shotgun. We know he got out in front of the truck by about six feet. When he was in front of the truck in the middle of the lane he was also in front of AA. He had a shotgun you stupid racist. If AA didn’t stop he could shoot him to make him stop even from an angle.

It has already been explained to you about the angles dumbass. Try reading it this time.

post: 26423706
No. The video evidence shows AA turned a 45 degree angle coming around the front of the truck not expecting TM to be there. As he did that he saw TM directly either in his path or moving in the direction that would block his path and within half a second TM fired a shot hitting AA In the chest. TM then began running backwards with AA in pursuit.

They pretty much stay on a 45 degree angle coming out about 10 feet in front of the truck coming back into view and then they turn a second 45 to complete a full 90 turn perpendicular to the centerline.
But he had a perfect shot right here:
View attachment 448563

If Travis wanted to kill a black jogger in broad daylight in front of witnesses in the middle of the street while his dad was on the phone with 911 he had a perfect opportunity in that frame!!!

he had an easy kill right there, why would he wait for Arberry to run up and be able to take cover behind his truck?

why wait till the man you had been chasing is already on top of you to pull the trigger?
He couldn't shoot Arbery there because he risked hitting Bryan who was behind Arbery. You'll note in that frame, taken from Bryan's phone, Arbery is lined up about a foot off of center from Travis' position.
what about when amaud was running around the back side of the truck he could have easily shot him then

perfect angle because Travis was standing on the driver side of the truck while Roddy was safely directly behind maude about 30 meters

View attachment 448847
"Meters?" What country are you from?
View attachment 449457
That doesn't answer my question. Americans don't measure in meters. So what country are you from? Or are you too embarrassed to say?
why u trying to change the subject?

berry boi was like half a football field away from the mcmichels when he decided he was done running and clearly went into Attack Mode

some believe he realized he had been identified and decided he was going to kill in order to escape

Grandpa McMichael knew him personally you know

You're too embarrassed to answer?? :lmao:

Explains a lot.

And regardless of the rest of your lies, you already conceded Travis committed murder. Albeit, unwittingly. When you admitted Travis was a deadly threat to Arbery. So even if you don't know it, you now you agree with normal people that Arbery was in fear for his life and acted in self-defense by trying to disarm Travis. Meanwhile, Travis, who posed a deadly threat to Arbery, shot and killed Arbery for trying to save his own life. And by posing as a deadly threat to Arbery, Travis forfeited his legal right to employing lethal self defense.

Travis was FORCED to commit HOMICIDE when arberry attacked him and arberrys actions were understandable when you consider his mental problems and exposure to BLM propaganda but his use of VIOLENT FORCE opened the door to Travis's use of force

Arberry believed that the McMichaels were a deadly threat according to you YET he continued to "casually jog" around the truck


View attachment 449663
Travis posed a deadly threat to Arbery. You finally admitted that yourself. That gave Arbery the right to defend himself while at the same time, evaporated Travis' legal right to use lethal force to defend himself.

Clearly, you're not a lawyer as you just lost your own case. Shit, you probably don't even watch law shows on TV.

so are you saying maude changed his direction of travel AFTER he had been shot?

We can’t see it exactly but it appears to be one motion heading southwest assuming the truck was facing west

AA was running west to escape the neighborhood and went momentarily off the pavement to get around the truck and GM standing in the bed holding a phone. While off the pavement AA’s knowledge of TM’s whereabouts could only be that TM was still on the other side of the road and truck and he had therefore ran already made it past him. So AA TURNS a bit heading southwest for a split second and is shot in the chest as he made the slight turn . We don’t know if AA saw him prior to being shot but that does not matter. He was shot. We know that.

Then the momentum carries both men in a southwest direction as TM ran backwards with AA in pursuit until both men in a southwest direction crossed the center of the road about 10 feet ahead of the truck and we see what happens after that.
Any trained military operator is going to ask himself what a man is doing to running directly at a vehicle where he knows a deadly threat exists

Hey, dipshit, using your definition, I'm a "trained military operator" and, as a "trained military operator" I can say, without hesitation and based on what you've written here, that you are absolutely, 100% ignorant of what a "trained military operator" knows or how he conducts himself.

In other words, you're a fucking know-nothing idiot...
yeah but Travis was a trained boarding officer so he was heavily schooled in international maritime law enforcement firearms and Firearm tactics and was a local life long gun enthusiast with a veteran local law enforcement officer for father so he new the laws

that's basically the SWAT team of the United States military with a multi-decade local law enforcement officer as a father

They weren't at sea, ya moron. They were in Satilla Shores. :eusa_doh:
yeah but you may be surprised that international maritime law enforcement is even more complicated than satilla shores

Any trained military operator is going to ask himself what a man is doing to running directly at a vehicle where he knows a deadly threat exists

Hey, dipshit, using your definition, I'm a "trained military operator" and, as a "trained military operator" I can say, without hesitation and based on what you've written here, that you are absolutely, 100% ignorant of what a "trained military operator" knows or how he conducts himself.

In other words, you're a fucking know-nothing idiot...
yeah but Travis was a trained boarding officer so he was heavily schooled in international maritime law enforcement firearms and Firearm tactics and was a local life long gun enthusiast with a veteran local law enforcement officer for father so he new the laws

that's basically the SWAT team of the United States military with a multi-decade local law enforcement officer as a father

They weren't at sea, ya moron. They were in Satilla Shores. :eusa_doh:
yeah but you may be surprised that international maritime law enforcement is even more complicated than satilla shores

Who cares if it is? You still admitted Travis murdered Arbery. And if a Travisphile like you can admit that, you can imagine what a selected jury will do to him. :badgrin:
Travis posed a deadly threat to Arbery. You finally admitted that yourself. That gave Arbery the right to defend himself while at the same time, evaporated Travis' legal right to use lethal force to defend himself
Arberry believed that travis was a deadly threat so that makes his actions understandable but just because you're crazy and fraid doesnt mean that it somehow "evaporated" Travis's legal right to use lethal force to defend himself

arberry was not reacting to being shot when he rushed Travis

he was shot because he attacked travis

he should have just kept on running
Arberry believed that travis was a deadly threat so that makes his actions understandable

How are TMs aggressive actions to run toward AA in order to intercept AAs escape in the way that we know he did Indicative that he believed that AA’s chosen and specific path of travel to exit the neighborhood, made TM believe that AA was a threat to him or his father?

You can’t have it that way because TMs actions do not show that he considered AA to be a threat. TM’s actions to approach AAs intended path shows it was his intent to stop AA. You admit it was stupid of TM to try. it therefore it means it is even more stupid for you to say that TM was fearful of an attack when he moved to the most dangerous spot on the road where he was most vulnerable to an attack by surprising his victim that he was there with gun aimed.

If TM truly wanted to avoid shooting AA or prevent putting the shotgun within AA’s reach he would have stayed where he was when he saw AA swerve right after this:

But instead he did this very stupid move:

And that move is way more than 3 ft as you lied about for weeks.

post 26444624
he should have stayed right next to the front left tire and covered his corner leaving his father largely unprotected for his best legal position

If he stayed there and didn’t shoot then AA would have escaped . no prison for the vigilantes threesome.

But he didn’t so it’s prison time for murdering a man for jogging while black.
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Arberry believed that travis was a deadly threat so that makes his actions understandable

How are TMs aggressive actions to run toward AA in order to intercept AAs escape in the way that we know he did Indicative that he believed that AA’s chosen and specific path of travel to exit the neighborhood, made TM believe that AA was a threat to him or his father?

You can’t have it that way because TMs actions do not show that he considered AA to be a threat. TM’s actions to approach AAs intended path shows it was his intent to stop AA. You admit it was stupid of TM to try. it therefore it means it is even more stupid for you to say that TM was fearful of an attack when he moved to the most dangerous spot on the road where he was most vulnerable to an attack by surprising his victim that he was there with gun aimed.

If TM truly wanted to avoid shooting AA or prevent putting the shotgun within AA’s reach he would have stayed where he was when he saw AA swerve right after this:
View attachment 449756
But instead he did this very stupid move:
View attachment 449758
And that move is way more than 3 ft as you lied about for weeks.

post 26444624
he should have stayed right next to the front left tire and covered his corner leaving his father largely unprotected for his best legal position

If he stayed there and didn’t shoot then AA would have escaped . no prison for the vigilantes threesome.

But he didn’t so it’s prison time for murdering a man for jogging while black.
I'm sure you were squealing for prison time for George Zimmerman and the cop that shot Jacob Blake as well but we know how those BLM propaganda narratives turned out don't we?

Hopefully it'll be the same in this case as I've noticed Oprah and LeBron seem to clam up after they realized they they were trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal with long history of insane Behavior like threatening his mother and imprisoning her to such an extent that even she had to call the cops on him

Even if Travis did walk the considerable distance of the driver side door to the front of the truck (about 3 ft straight-line measurement) in an attempt to cut off Maude's "path of Escape" he was way too slow to even get a hand on the kid who cut a 90-degree angle and ran directly at him reminiscent of an Al-Qaeda suicide charge that had a similar consequence

Long story short there was not absolutely nothing to stop maude from
"jogging while black" or a considerably more likely theory of fleeing the crime scene as Travis McMichael never even put a hand on him much less stood in his way

the whole issue behind false imprisonment is someone closing a door and locking you in a room or blocking your path in a dark alley where you have no reasonable means of Escape

a matter of fact Georgia law clearly states that you have to have no reasonable means of Escape in order to utilize violence on someone who has not utilized violence on you and no matter how desperate you may be to suggest the opposite Travis McMichael did not "point a gun" at the fleeing Criminal

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

False Imprisonment | Georgia Criminal Lawyer


* no fences no walls no dogs no waterways!!!

Dom DeLuise could have outrun two
pickup trucks in this neighborhood by simply walking in between houses has any innocent black jogger would do if they were being stalked by three murderous rednecks with guns... now if you decided you had to kill your witness then maybe rushing them sounded like a good idea

You do realize that Gregory McMichael knew him personally don't you?
post 26444624,
he should have stayed right next to the front left tire and covered his corner leaving his father largely unprotected for his best legal position

Are you gonna let your fellow Travisphobe (thanks Faun) know that TM was really stupid to move to where Mohammed says he moved?

post 26313834
Then TM retreated to the front of the truck and AA hooked around passenger side of the truck and attacked TM when he was standing approximately where GM was standing in this frame from the police body cam.

IF TM was there it is inevitable to conclude that AA had no way to know that TM was there because his vision would be blocked by the Truck and GM’s ass right up to the final second when TM shot him for not stopping.

How does AA see through that to know that TM is there ready to shoot him if he didn’t stop?

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