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The "Palestinians" are like the guy who murders his parents and then cries for mercy

The "Palestinians" are like the guy who murders his parents and then cries for mercy

It's more like Gaza is the new Warsaw Ghetto. Another gift from your saviour Hitler to the Jews.

The Racist Pro- Palestinian refuses to acknowledge that right after Israel left Gaza more Rockets started to be fired. Maybe if they acted like Civilized people instead of the SAVAGES they are they would have more Freedom.

Click here: Haj Amin el-Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem

Hitler, the Animal who killed over 6,000,000 Jews is our " Savior?" No , my dear. Hitler is and will always be the ARABS SAVIOR. During WW 11 THE Grand Mufti actually met with Hitler on several occasions. Of course, being the Racist Bigot you are you see NOTHING wrong with that. You are JUST like them :redface:
Hitler led the jews to the Promised Land. You should at least give him his props. :clap2:
The Racist Pro- Palestinian
For someone who supports a country that has legalized apartheid, you shouldn't be talking about the racism in others.

refuses to acknowledge that right after Israel left Gaza more Rockets started to be fired.
You refuse to acknowledge the reason those rockets are fired, which is a belligerent occupation now entering its 45th year.

Maybe if you stopped treating them like savages, they'd be more civilized.

Israeli's treat the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews.

Click here: Haj Amin el-Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
I did. Nothing happened. Your link is bullshit. Just like your sense of morality and justice.

Hitler, the Animal who killed over 6,000,000 Jews is our " Savior?" No , my dear. Hitler is and will always be the ARABS SAVIOR. During WW 11 THE Grand Mufti actually met with Hitler on several occasions. Of course, being the Racist Bigot you are you see NOTHING wrong with that. You are JUST like them :lol::clap2:
You see nothing wrong with the Israeli's doing the very same things Hitler did.
  • scapegoating an entire race of people for all its problems
  • treating an entire population of people like they're sub-human
  • acquiring land by force
  • unprovoked attacks against its neighbors
Seeing all the time and energy you spend emulating the things Hitler did, its just logical to conclude he's someone you hold in high regard.

My link didn't work for you? Look up the Grand Mufti yourself then. The Israelis put people on trains, Concentration Camps, put then into ovens, experiment on them while stile alive, etc, etc? Leave it to the Pro- Palestinian mindset. Maybe you can tell us why those animals immediately increased their Roclet attacks after Israel pulled out of Gaza. Israel provoked attacks against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria? Only in your Pro- Palestinian Mindset. " Acquiring land by force?" If the Arabs had won any of the Wars somehow I doubt you would feel that way. Mein Kumpf is required reading for many in the Arab World . You and your ilk are the ones who hold Hitler in high regard :mad:
My link didn't work for you? Look up the Grand Mufti yourself then.
Nope. Your claim, you provide the link.

The Israelis put people on trains, Concentration Camps, put then into ovens, experiment on them while stile alive, etc, etc? Leave it to the Pro- Palestinian mindset.
Those things were not on my list. Nice dodge.

Maybe you can tell us why those animals immediately increased their Roclet attacks after Israel pulled out of Gaza.
Because Israel never stopped shooting at Palestinian's from across the border, nor did they curtail weekly air strikes and then there's the little matter of the economic blockade that has been going on since 2006, which, BTW, is a war crime.

Israel provoked attacks against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria? Only in your Pro- Palestinian Mindset.
Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt, not the other way around. And I don't recall any incident of Jordan and Syria attacking Israel.

" Acquiring land by force?" If the Arabs had won any of the Wars somehow I doubt you would feel that way.
No, you wish I would feel that way! Acquiring land by force has been outlawed since WWII.

Mein Kumpf is required reading for many in the Arab World . You and your ilk are the ones who hold Hitler in high regard :mad:
Where have I ever said anything praising Hitler? Post the particular comment of mine that leads you to that conclusion, otherwise, shut your fuckin' lying mouth, asshole!
My link didn't work for you? Look up the Grand Mufti yourself then.
Nope. Your claim, you provide the link.

The Israelis put people on trains, Concentration Camps, put then into ovens, experiment on them while stile alive, etc, etc? Leave it to the Pro- Palestinian mindset.
Those things were not on my list. Nice dodge.

Because Israel never stopped shooting at Palestinian's from across the border, nor did they curtail weekly air strikes and then there's the little matter of the economic blockade that has been going on since 2006, which, BTW, is a war crime.

Immediately after Israel left Gaza they did their " weakly air strikes" Another lie. Maybe if those Animals actually showed they were ready for " peace" instead of advocating Israel's destruction the blockade would be lifted by now

Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt, not the other way around. And I don't recall any incident of Jordan and Syria attacking Israel.

Again; The Pro- Palestinian lies. Israel didn't " wait" until she was actually attacked by the Arab Countries all around her? TOO BAD

Nasser was aware of the pressure he was exerting to force Israel’s hand, and challenged Israel to fight almost daily. The day after the blockade was set up, he said defiantly: "The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome! We are ready for war."(10)

Nasser challenged Israel to fight almost daily. "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight," he said on May 27.(11) The following day, he added: "We will not accept any...coexistence with Israel...Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel....The war with Israel is in effect since 1948."(12)

King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30. Nasser then announced:

The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel...to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations.(13)

President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq joined in the war of words: "The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear -- to wipe Israel off the map."(14) On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

The Arab rhetoric was matched by the mobilization of Arab forces. Approximately 465,000 troops, more than 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft ringed Israel.(15)

By this time, Israeli forces had been on alert for three weeks. The country could not remain fully mobilized indefinitely, nor could it allow its sea lane through the Gulf of Aqaba to be interdicted. Israel decided to preempt the expected Arab attack. To do this successfully, Israel needed the element of surprise. Had it waited for an Arab invasion, Israel would have been at a potentially catastrophic disadvantage. On June 5, Prime Minister Eshkol gave the order to attack Egypt.

" Acquiring land by force?" If the Arabs had won any of the Wars somehow I doubt you would feel that way.
No, you wish I would feel that way! Acquiring land by force has been outlawed since WWII.

Mein Kumpf is required reading for many in the Arab World . You and your ilk are the ones who hold Hitler in high regard :mad:
Where have I ever said anything praising Hitler? Post the particular comment of mine that leads you to that conclusion, otherwise, shut your fuckin' lying mouth, asshole!

Leave it to a Pro- Palestinian PRICK to start to curse when the truth is exposed! He ADORES HITLER! THEY ALL DO !!!
Haj Amin el-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (1893-1974)

Figure 1.--The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini met with German Führer Adolf Hitler in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin (November 28, 1941). Historian Christopher Browning summarizes what Hitler, who would not shake his hand or have coffee with him, told the Mufti, to 'lock ...deep in his heart' that Germany has resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time, direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well'. When Germany had defeated Russia and broken through the Caucasus into the Middle East, it would have no further imperial goals of its own and would support Arab liberation... But Hitler did have one goal. "Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power". (Das deutsche Ziel würde dann lediglich die Vernichtung des im arabischen Raum unter der Protektion der britischen Macht lebenden Judentums sein). In short, Jews were not simply to be driven out of the German sphere but would be hunted down and destroyed even beyond it.’ This leads to two observations. First with the killing of European Jews now in progress, Hitler was already turning his mind on how to obtain more Jews to feed into the NAZI killing machine. Second, the Mufti seems to have been oblivious as tgo the NAZI danger, both on racial lines and emperial goals. Photo source: Heinrich Hoffmann. Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1987-004-09A.

Haj Amin el-Husseini had been an officer in the Ottoman Army. He turned to school teaching. The British sentenced him to 10 years of prison for fomenting anti-Jewish riots (1920). After his election to Grand Mufti of Jerulselum under suspicious circumstances he was pardoned by British High Commissioner Sir Herbert Sammuels. Until Husseini the post of Grand Mufti was filled by a Koranic scholar, he turned the post into a political platform Husseini became a strident spokesmen against British rule and virulent anti-Semitism. He set up hit squads to attack both political opponents and isolated Jewish settlements. [Porch, p. 22.] The Palestinians Arabs have a notable record of choosing poor leaders and backing failed foreign groups (Hitler, the Soviets, and Saddam). This uneviable record began with Husseini. Reduced Jewish immigration in the 1920s, the rise of the National Party, and a new British administration caused a reversal of Husseini's fortunes. Renewed Jewish immigration because of the rise of Fascism in Europe resulted in renwed friction between the Arabs and Jews.

Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el Husseini was born in Jerusalem (1893-97). (We note various dates for his birth.) The Husseni family was both wealthy and influential. They were also devoutly Muslim. Jerusalem was then the capital of Ottoman Palestine. His grandfather Mustapha and his half-brother Kemal had both been the Muftis of Jerusalem. They never presented themselves as Grand Muftis despite the fact that both had considerable religious training. Tahir al-Husayni was Amin's father and at the time the Mufti of Jerusalem. He was also outspokenly critical of Zionist immigraion. The al-Husseini clan acquired their inflence from landowners in southern Palestine, especially around Jerusalem. Thirteen members of the clan had been appointed mayors of Jerusalem (1864-1920). Husseini while still a teenager accompanied his mother Zainab to Mecca (1913). This was made aekatively easy pilgrmige because of the recent contruction of the Hejaz Railwat. He thus was entitled to and received the honorific title of Hajj.

Amin al-Husseini attended a Qur'anic school (kuttub). He then attended an Ottoman government secondary school (rüshidiyye) in Jerusalem where he learned Turkish. He also attended a Catholic secondary school run by French missionaries, the Catholic Frères. Here he learned French. He also studied at the Alliance Israélite Universelle with its non-Zionist Jewish director Albert Antébi. At the time there were no universities in Palestine. Thus Husseini attended the Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Following the family tradition, he studied Islamic philosophy and law. He only attended Al Azhar for only a year. He also studied at the Dar al-Da'wa wa-l-Irshad, under Rashid Rida, a salafi intellectual. Rida becane Amin's mentor. The family groomed him to hold religious office. His education was typical of the Ottoman secular effendi. Husseini took more interest in politics than religio. He only donned a religious turban after being appointed mufti (1921). Just prior to World War I, Husseini studied at the School of Administration in Istanbul. This was the most secular of the variou Ottoman academic institutions.

World War I (1914-18)
Husseini was commissione as an artillery officer in the Ottoman Army. He was assigned to the 47th Brigade stationed in Smyrna. near the city of Izmir. This was a Greek city in Turkey far from World War I battlefields. His commanding officer approved a 3-month disability leave and returned to Jerusalem (November 1916). He was recovering from an illness when the city was finally taken by the British after a long campaign (December 1917). The British with the assistance of the Arab (Sherifian) Army conquered the rest of Ottoman-controlled Palestine and Syria(1918). Arab Palestinian recruits hoping to throw off Ottoman rule also participated along with Jewish troops. Ending his assistance with the Ottomans, Husseini became a Sherifian officer and helped recruit troops to serve in Faisal bin Al Hussein Bin Ali El-Hashemi's army during the Arab Revolt. The British employed him as a recruiter in Jerusalem and Damascus. The British recruited withthe understanding that they were fighting in a national effort to liberate their country from Ottoman rule. Nothing to this point suggests Husseini planned to follow his famiky sesires for a religious creer. His interests were increasingly directed toward Arab nationalism. We are not sure just when this became a passion. There was no sign of it while he was becoming an Ottoman effendi. When Husseni returned home after the War it was to a very different Palesine. The fellow Muslim Ottomons were one and the British were in control.

School Teacher
He turned to school teaching after World War I. He taught at the Rashidiya school, near Herod's Gate in East Jerusalem.

Palestine (1919-20)
The population of Palestine at the time of World War I was largely Palestinian Arab, an estimated 800,000 people. Most were Muslims. There were about 60,000 Jews, many who emigrated from Europe as part of the Zionist movement. Husseini, a devout Muslim, was offended by the Jewish immigrants. It was not only a religious matter. He viewed immigration as zero sum game. He saw each Jewish immigrant as displacing an Arab Muslim. This is of course a very different view than say how America has viewed immigration. It also flies in the face of economic data which shows that Jewish immigration helped revive the Palesinian economy which had been one of the poorest parts of the Ottoman Empire. Hussein was right, however, that Jewish immigration was diluting the Palestinian population and would eventually reach the point tht they could demand political rights. He saw this as a threat to the Palestinian people and Islam. The idea of sharing power and ending Islamic control was totally unacceptable to Husseini. As a still relatively young man, he thus rejected both the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate in Palestine. Thus from the very beginning of the British Mandate, Husseini sought to end further Jewish immigration. He founded the Society of Palestinian Youth and began writing articles in Arab newspapers. He shrply criticised the British Mandate and British immigration policies.

Palestinian Riots
He went far further, however, and helped incite riots and attacks on Jews. Husseini ("Nebi musa") and Aref el-Aref, was largely responsible for riots targeting Jews in Jerusalem.

Prison Sentence (April 1920)
British authorities accused Husseni of inciting Arab riots against attacking Jews crowds in Jerusalem (April 4, 1920). He was tried by a military court with incitement to violence. He subsequently absconded from his bail and was tried in absentia and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.

Appointment to Grand Mufti (1921/22)
The first British High Commissioner for Palestine was Sir Herbert Samuel, a British Jew. Sammuel assumed control (July 1,1920). Samuel sought to build a positive relationship with the Palestinian Arabs and one of the steps he took was pardoning Husseini. Sir Robert Storrs, governor of Jerusalem took the further step of appointing Husseni to the post of Grand Mufti. This was theoretically an elected post, but Sir Richard essentially rigged the election. He thought that given the importance of the Husseni family that it would helpful to British interests to reign in Husseni's radicalism. He sought to do this by bringing him into the system with the important post. Husseni was not, however, brought into the system. The British thus made an advocate of violence into the principal religious and political spkesmen for the Palestinian Arabs. The post of Grand Mufti was actually invented by the British. The Mufti while disdaining the British, used that title and several others, includung "eminence." The Islamic scholar, sheikh-and president of his former university, Al-Azbar in Cairo, writes, "In Islam, there are no "eminencies" and no "grand" muftis. Before Allah all men are equal, and it ill behooves a religious teacher to assume such redundant titles... A mufti is a teacher in Islam. And even to that title Hajj Amin should have no claim, for he has not finished a single course of studies here at the University. He owes his appointment to political influence and family connections. He is a politician." As Grand Muffti he had both influence and access to funds. One estimate is 200,000 pounds annually. He used these funds to work against the British. He both financed terror attacks and worked establisjing his personal authority in Palestine. The British also appointed Husseni president of the Supreme Muslim Council, and, later, the Arab Higher Committee. This gave him access to even more resource. The head of the Council, until Husseni obtained the post, was elected every 5 years. Husseni essentially seized control. He used threats to bring others under control. This gave him access to the Council allowance from the British Mandate government. He also gained control over Muslim charitable donatiins as well as donations from abroad. He used these resources to purchase patronage and influence in Palestine. One of Husseini's major projects as Grand Mufti was to begin the renovation of the Al-Aqsa and Omar mosques on the temple mount (Haram as Sharif) in order to build up the importance of Jerusalem as a Muslim holy place and Palestinian national symbol. These projects were noted not only in Palestine and the wider Arab world. It served to generate donations from around the Arab world. The work provide more patronage. The post of Grand Mufti was also important in the wider Islamic world. Jerusalem was a holy city not only to Christians and Jew, but also to Muslims. Jerusalem is the third most important city (after Mecca and Medina) to Muslims because of the Islamic sites. Husseini was both an Arab nationalist and a Muslim fundamentalist. He detested European imperialism and materialism. As an Islamicist he found European seccular life offensive and resisted its implementation in Palestine. Until Husseini the post of Grand Mufti was a position filled by Koranic scholars. Husseini turned the post into a political platform. Husseini became a strident spokesmen against British rule and virulent anti-Semite. He set up hit squads to attack both political opponents and isolated Jewish settlements. [Porch, p. 22.] The Palestinians Arabs have a notable record of choosing poor leaders and backing failed foreign groups (Hitler, the Soviets, Saddam, and now fundamentalists). This uneviable record began with Husseini.

Yasser Arafat
A young Yasser Arafat met the Grand Mufti. Arafat saw the Mufti s a role model and mentor. Biographers report that Arafat (Mohammed el Husseini) was a distant relative, but is not clear that this is the case. Arafat begsan working for the Mufti when he was 16 years old. He was involved in the Mufti's covert terrorist network. He assisted in the smuggling nd purchase of weapons to attack Jewish settlers in Palestine. Sheik Hassan Abu Saud, the mufti of al-Shafaria, also worked with the Mufti. Al Husseni was thus a precursor of both the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and of the Palestinian national struggle. One author writes, "The terrorism, fanaticism, and ruthlessness of that movement reflect the enduring legacy and influence of the Grand Mufti."

Terror Operations
The Grand Mufti was active in terror attacks on Palestinian Jews. Attacking the British was aangerous activity. The largey unarmed Jews were softer targets. The Mufti thus instigated Arab riots against Jews (1920, 1921, 1929, and 1936). The Mufti organized the fedayeen, Muslim suicide squads (1921). And the attacks were not limited to the British and Jews. The Mufti and his associates played a major role in the developing relationship between The Arabs and Jews in Palestine. The Mufti essentially massacred the moderate leadership of the Palestinian Arab community. There was thus no prominant voice for moderation among the Palestinians. This establish a pattern of clan violence. It lso lft the most vociferous epostles of violence and anti-Semitism as the principal political element among Arab Palestinians. Husseini even before his appointment as Grand Mufti built a tradition of Arab pogroms against Jewish civilians, including terrible atrocities against women, children, and the elderly. This helped build a culture of violence among Palestinian Arabs. It also inspired hated among the Jews affected by the violence.

Political Trends
Reduced Jewish immigration in the 1920s, the rise of the National Party, and a new British administration caused a reversal of Husseini's fortunes. Renewed Jewish immigration because of the rise of Fascism in Europe resulted in renwed friction between the Arabs and Jews.

Riots (1929)
The Mufti appears to have instigated the riots of 1929. We do not yet have much information about these riots.

All-Islamic Conference (December 1931)
The Grand Mufti organized an All-Islamic Conference which was held in Jerusalem. The Mufti made contacts with other muslim leaders in many different countries. Amon others he met Bosnians, both political and religious leaders. Bosnia at the time was part of Yugoslavia. One of the Bosnian leaders was Muslim leaderÝ Mehmed Spaho. He was the president of the Yugoslavian Muslim Organization (Uzeiraga Hadzihasanovic, JMO) and hadzi-Mujaga Merhemic. The Grand Mufti was elected president of the Conference.

Arab Revolt/Great Uprising (1936-39)
The Jerusalem Grand Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini helped inspire riots and disorders throughout Palestine (April 1936). Six prominent Arab leaders formed the Arab High Command to to protest Zionist activities, especially land purchases and immigration. The Arab High Command organized a general strike of Arab workers and a boycott of Jewish products (April 1936). Soon the initial peaceful actions escalated into attacks on Jews as well as the British authorities. Riots occured in Jerusalem and other cities. The Mufti took over leadership of what came to be called the Arab Revolt. These disorders, seen as the first stage of the "Arab Revolt" continued until November, 1936. Another stage of disorders began in September, 1937. The cause was the Peel Commission which suggested the partition of Palestine. The second stahe was much more violent. There were more intense figting with British forces as well as attacks on more Jewish settlements. The violence was not only aimed at the British and Jews. The Mufti used the violence to settle scores with rival Palestinian factioins. Under the cobver of his Higher Arab Committee he ordered the killing of hundreds of Palestinian leaders in 11 different clans. The Mufti apparently obtained covert support from both The Italian Fascists and German NAZIs. Full details on this are not available. Count Ciano, Mussolini's son-in-law and Italian Foreign Minister, wrote that the Italian Secret Service had funded the Mufti for many years. [Ciano] The NAZI Siecherheitsdienst (SS Secret Service) claimed that without their support, the Palestinians could not have continued the Revolt. The British were hard pressed at the time and actually authorized the arming of the Haganah. The British and the Haganah worked togrther. Effecive operations were organized by Charles Orde Wingate who later became famous in Burma. Wingate established Special Night Squads of Jewish volunteers. The British sucessfully defeated the Arab Revolt. Husseini was able to find refuge in Iraq. The British government cocerned about the British position in the Arab world sought to apease Arab opinion with the 1939 White Paper.

NAZI Contacts (1937)
The Deutsches Nachrichten Buro (German News Bureau) had a Palestine office in Jerusalem. The director was Franz Reichert (1933-38). It was here that the first contacts occurred between NAZI operatives and Islamic leaders. The full extent of these contacts are not known. The Mufti is believed to have first approched NAZI agents at the German Consul in Jerusalem (July 21,1937). He subsequently dispatched an aide to Germany for secret talks in Berlin with NAZI officials. Secret foreign opperations by NAZI Germany were primarily conducted by Heinrich Himmler's SS. Obergruppenfuehrer Reinhard Heydrich was Himmler's second in line of command to Himmler. Heydrich commanded the Reich Security Head Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt,RSHA) and was the head of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the SS Security Service. It was Heydrich who oversaw the contacts with the Mufti. He personally dispatched two secret opertives to Palestine, SS Hauptscharfuehrer Adolf Eichmann and SS Oberscharfuehrer Herbert Hagen (September or October 1937). A principal assignment was to make contact with the Grand Mufti. The NAZI agents pledged aid to the Mufti in his struggle with the British. Both the NAZIS and Italian Fascists are believed to have delivered financial support as well as smuggled arms, but I do not yet have detailed information on this. Another aspect of NAZI mission was to assess the possibility of deporting German Jews to Palestine. One report suggests that the Mufti persuaded him against such an effort. These reports are, however, murky. There is no definitive evidence that the Mufti was still in Palestine to meet with Eichmann.

Lebanon (1937)
The Mufti was deeply involved in the escalating viloence in Palestine. One of the actions against the British was the murder of the British commissioner for the Galilee. The British attempted to arrest the Mufti. He and the entire "Higher Arab Committee" to escape arrest slipped across the border into Lebanon (probably September or October 1937). As Lebanon was controlled by the French, he was not safe there. He made his way to Iraq, although I do not have details on this.

Iraq (1939-41)
The Mufti set up his headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq (1939). He circulated extensively in military and government circles. He established a political departmentî that contacted German and Italian agents. Iraq was a backwater of World War II, but a very important backwater. Iraq was an important in maintaining comminication lines between India and the British position in Egypt protecting the Suez Canal. Even more importantly, Iraq was the principle source of oil for the British Desert Army and the Royal Navy Eastern Mediterranean Squadron. Iraq had been a Turkish Province until seized by the British during World war I. The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1930 provided for a major British stake in Iraq. The British obtained a stake in the developing Mosul and Kirkuk oil fields and air bases near Baghdad in central Iraq and Basra in the south. To help protect the bases the British had a mixed force which included Iraqis recruited for this purpose. The British were also given transit rights. Britain with these guarantees granted independence to Iraq (1932). Nationalists criticized the treaty, but the Nuri es-Sa'id Governent was pro-British. The royal governent created a small army consisting of of five divisions, a navy consisting of river patrol craft, and a small airforce with obsolete aircraft. When war broke out in Europe (September 1939) Sa'id wanted to support Britain and declare war on Germany, but Iraqi nationalists oppsosed this. Sa'id Government did break off relations. A new Government led by Rashid Ali took power (March 1940). Ali was backed by the pro-Axis Golden Square. The Grand Mufti fleeing British police in Palestine found refuge in Iraq. He immediately began to agitate against the British. The fall of France (June 1940) dramatically changed the military ballance in the Mediterranean and thus the Middle East. Ali initiated various intrigues against Britain. British military successes in the Western Desert caused Ali to resign. The next primeminister acted to breakup the Golden Square. A military coup placed Ali back in power (April 3, 1941). At the same time, spectacular German successes in Yugoslavia, Greece, and Crete convinced the Iraqi nationalists that the Germans would quickly defeat the British. The Grand Muftin issued a formal fatwa-- "a holy war against Britain" (May 1941). The Mufti's announced the fatwa in Iraq and helped to launch "the pro-Nazi" Iraqi uprising. Ali tore up the 1930 Treaty and struck at the British air base at Habbaniya. The French Vichy authorities controlling Syria assisted Ali by allowing the German and Italians to deliver some assistance. General Wavell, the British Middle East commander was hard pressed at the time. He had to contend with Rommel in the Wester Dessert and the disaterous intervention in Greece. He was reluctant to commit forces to Iraq, but Churchill insisted. An Indian division struck from the south landing at Basara. The Habforce (a British brigade and the Arab Legion) struck west from Jordan. When the revolt failed, Husseini escaped to Tehran.

Iran (1941)
Reza Shah's Government declared Iran neutral with the outbreak of World War II in Europe. The British suspected that the Shah was sympathetic with the NAZIs who were active diplomatically in Iran. There was considerable sympathy for the NAZIs among the Iranian military. After the coup failed in Iraq, the Grand Mufti sought refuge in Iran and immediately began stiring up trouble for the British. The Iranians rejected British demands to expel Axis agents. After the NAZI invasion of the Soviet Union it became vital to open supply lines to the Soviets. The British and Soviets thus launched a coordinated invasion (August 26, 1941). The Soviets invaded from the north. The British from Iraq where they had defeated a pro-Axis rebellion and by troops landed along hte Persian Gulf. There was only limited resistance. Reza Shah abdicated (September 16). His son ascended the throne as Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. At the time of the War, Iran had just begun to develop its petroleum indutry. It did not play an important factor in the War. Britain fought the War largely with American oil, although the 8th Army fought the War in the Western Desert largely with Iraqi oil. Iran's importance in the War was largely as a conduit for American Lend Lease shipments to the Soviets. Iran in fact became the major conduit for American Lend Lease aid to the Soviets. Given the fact that the Wehrmacht was largely destroyed on the Eastern Front by the Red Army, these supplies delivered through Iran were very important indeed.

Escape from Teheran
When the British and Soviets intervened in Iran, the Mufti again had to flee. I am not sure a definitive account exists of his movements. Varying accounts indicate that he fled to Turkey or Afghanistan. Both countries were neutral. And the Mufti had contacts in both countries. It is known that he reached Albania (October 24). Albania at the time was occupied by Fascist Italy. He then went to southern Italy and then on to Rome (October 27).

NAZI Germany (1941-45)
When the British and Soviets intervened in Iran, Husseini escaped first to Italy, finally reaching Berlin. He was enthusiastic received by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the small Islamic community of Germany which with due deference to the NAZIs pronounced him the "Führer of the Arabic world." Husseini was received by Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. He then met with Adolf Hitler (November 28,1941). Hitler at the time was on the verge of victory in Russia. The Germans establish an administrative office or bureau. It was here that the Muftis war time activies were planned and conducted. He assisted the NAZIs in a variety of ways. 1) He made extensive propaganda broadcasts. 2) He organized espionage and fifth column activities in Muslim populated areas of Europe (the Soviet Union and the Balkans) and the Middle East. 3) He lelped form Muslim Waffen SS and Wehrmacht units in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo-Metohija, Western Macedonia, North Africa, and NAZI-occupied areas of the Soviet Union. 4) He set up schools and training centers for Muslim imams and mullahs who would accompany the Muslim military units. He was especially active in Bosnia and Kosovo-Albania. He spent much of the War in Berlin making anti-British propaganda for the NAZIs. He also supported NAZI efforts to promote Muslim resistance to the Soviets and British. He helped form Muslim military inits in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Defeats in the East creating a need for manpower. The Wehrmacht had formed Muslim units in the Soviet Union. Himmler had an interest in Islam and decided that the SS should also form Muslim units. The assignment was given to Gottlob Berger, head of the SS Main Office in control of recruiting. He met with both Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann. Arab supporters of the NAZIs seemed to have blithy assumed that they would be liberated by the Axis and thus achieve independence. It is difficult to see how any minimally educated observer in 1940-41 could have reached that conclusion, especially given Italian conduct in Libya and German conduct in the Occupied East.

The Holocaust
The NAZIs had an ally in the Grand Mufti of Jurelselum. He aplauded Hitler's seizure of power in Germany (1933). He was enthusiastic received by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the small Islamic community of Germany which due deference to the NAZIs pronounced him the "Führer of the Arabic world." Husseini's first speech in Berlin denounced the Jews as the "most fierce enemies of the Muslims" and an "ever corruptive element" in the world. Husseini was an honored guest of the NAZI's in Berlin. Husseini is reported to have visited Auschwitz and encouraged the SS staff operating the gas chambers to work harder. Husseini was exploited by Goebbels' propaganda machine and made numerous broadcasts in Arabic to the Middle East promoting the NAZIs and giving virulently anti-Semitic sermons. Another largely ignored question is the fact that the Arabs are also semmites. NAZI racist science claimed that the Jews had genitically carried diseases. One wonders why the Arabs did not carry these diseases. Of course the NAZI racist science was a pseudo science so they could invent an Arab people free of such contamination. Husseini was an honored guest of the NAZI's in Berlin. He was received by Hitler twice. He pressed Hitler on the last group of Jews left in NAZI hands--the Hungarian Jews. He did not want them to be allowed to escape, fearing they would come to Palestine. Adolf Eichman at the time was attempting to negotiate with the British to exchange 5,000 Hungarian children for German POWs. Husseini's point of view prevalied. The SS were dispatched the children to the NAZI death camps in Poland. Husseini is reported to have visited Auschwitz and encouraged the SS staff operating the gas chambers to work harder. Husseini was exploited by Goebbels' propaganda machine and made numerous broadcasts in Arabic to the Middle East promoting the NAZIs and giving virulently anti-Semitic sermons.

Refuge in Egypt
After the War he eluded the Allies and was given refuge in Egypt (1945). There he strongly influenced men like Yasser Arafat, Gamel Abdul Nassar, and Anwar Sadat.

U.N. Partition Plan (1947)
The Mufti helped organize irregular groups in Palestine to resist the UN partition plan (1947).

Palestine After the War
The Mufti's influence appears to have waned after the War bwtween the Arabs and Isrealis (1948-49). Palestinians have generally ignored the Muftis NAZI associations. Some members of the Husseni family were more moderate. Feisal Husseini was, however, a relative moderatev. He had portfolio for Jerusalem in the Palestinian National Authority.

Assasination of King Abdullah (1951)
The experienced of the First Isreali-Palestinian War caused King Abdullah to change his mind about a military sollution. The King delivered a different message to the Arabs than Nassar who was determined to destroy Isrrael with military force. King Andullah became convinced that an accomodation needed to be reached with Israel. Nasser's impassioned pleas had more appeal to the Aran public than King Abdullah's quiet voice of compromise. This flexible approach was anathema to Palestinians and many other Arabs. A group of 10 conspirators frustrated by the King's more flexible support for Palestinian nationalist aspirations plotted to assasinate him. A young Palestinian shot the King at the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem (July 20, 1951). The leader of the group was a cousin of the Grand Mufti. King Abdullah was seceeded by his son Talal. The King's grandson Prince Hussain, who was at his side when he was shot.

We notice European news programing addressing the historical roots of the Palestinian-Isreali conflict which address the role of the Grand Mufti. One such program was aired in Norway by NRK. Incredibly, they failed to mention the NAZI associations of the Grand Mufti. Readers attempting to undedrstand the conflict should be suspivious of any presentation pretending to be objective if they cover up the Grand Mufti's NAZI past. Other presentations try to downplay the Grand Mufti's NAZI associations. We note a 30 minute BBC special report on BBC Radio 4 (week of July 25-31, 2010). Aalid Shooebat reports, "The BBC in their usual bias at the end of the report try to discount for sake of "balance," the current influence of Haj Min Husseini on the current political situation in the conflict as immaterial." He maintains as the BBC refused to admit, "... the reason the Grand MUfti is not so much revered by the Palestiniains today is because he did not succeed in destroying the Jews and Israel."

My link didn't work for you? Look up the Grand Mufti yourself then.
Nope. Your claim, you provide the link.

The Israelis put people on trains, Concentration Camps, put then into ovens, experiment on them while stile alive, etc, etc? Leave it to the Pro- Palestinian mindset.
Those things were not on my list. Nice dodge.

Because Israel never stopped shooting at Palestinian's from across the border, nor did they curtail weekly air strikes and then there's the little matter of the economic blockade that has been going on since 2006, which, BTW, is a war crime.

Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt, not the other way around. And I don't recall any incident of Jordan and Syria attacking Israel.

" Acquiring land by force?" If the Arabs had won any of the Wars somehow I doubt you would feel that way.
No, you wish I would feel that way! Acquiring land by force has been outlawed since WWII.

The Arabs Initiated the 67 War. Deal with it
Mein Kumpf is required reading for many in the Arab World . You and your ilk are the ones who hold Hitler in high regard :mad:
Where have I ever said anything praising Hitler? Post the particular comment of mine that leads you to that conclusion, otherwise, shut your fuckin' lying mouth, asshole!

Put your PRICK in your MOUTH and SWALLOW IT :D
my link didn't work for you? Look up the grand mufti yourself then.
nope. Your claim, you provide the link.

Those things were not on my list. Nice dodge.
You accused the israelis of acting like hitler. Nice dodge

because israel never stopped shooting at palestinian's from across the border, nor did they curtail weekly air strikes and then there's the little matter of the economic blockade that has been going on since 2006, which, btw, is a war crime.

Another lie
israeli tanks rolled into egypt, not the other way around. And i don't recall any incident of jordan and syria attacking israel.

Nassar made it quite cleat his goal was to destroy israel along with the rest of the arab world. Syria was shooting at israelis from the golan heights. Egypt and jordan were getting their military together at israel's borders
no, you wish i would feel that way! Acquiring land by force has been outlawed since wwii.

The arabs initiated the 67 war. Deal with it
mein kumpf is required reading for many in the arab world . You and your ilk are the ones who hold hitler in high regard :mad:
where have i ever said anything praising hitler? Post the particular comment of mine that leads you to that conclusion, otherwise, shut your fuckin' lying mouth, asshole!

put your prick in your mouth and swallow it :d
Maybe if those Animals actually showed they were ready for " peace" instead of advocating Israel's destruction the blockade would be lifted by now
They did. Several times. But you people just dismissed it as bullshit. But that's not the reason for the blockade, the reason Israel did this, was to punish the Palestinian's for electing Hamas as their government. In essence, Israel is starving 1.5 million people because they didn't like the results of a democratic election that was none of their fucking business in the first place. That's a good indication of just how fucked Israeli's are.

Again; The Pro- Palestinian lies.
Interesting? We have a bi-polar sociopath here. First you say I'm lying, then right after that, you prove what I said was true!

Israel didn't " wait" until she was actually attacked by the Arab Countries all around her? TOO BAD
You waffle more than IHOP!

Leave it to a Pro- Palestinian PRICK to start to curse when the truth is exposed! He ADORES HITLER! THEY ALL DO !!!
You have to prove the truth, you can't claim it. And you haven't provided anything to back up what you said. You haven't even tried to explain the reasons that led you to that conclusion. And most of the people who do that shit, are full of shit. So right now, you're full of shit! And that's the truth.
You are, of course, lying again GP. :D
Could you possibly manage to be a little more obtuse?
Kindly reveal my lies...or admit your own.

We had this conversation not long ago. Five million Jews do not "rule six million Arabs between the River and the sea" but you will disappear and repeat your lies in the future as you did in the past, Princess. :D
"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".[49]..."

"According to Palestinian evaluations, The West Bank is inhabited by approximately 2.4 million Palestinians and the Gaza Strip by another 1.4 million. According to a study presented at The Sixth Herzliya Conference on The Balance of Israel's National Security[51] there are 1.4 million Palestinians in the West Bank.

"This study was criticised by demographer Sergio DellaPergola, who estimated 3.33 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip combined at the end of 2005.[52]

"According to these Israeli and Palestinian estimates, the population in Israel and the Palestinian Territories stands at 9.8–10.8 million.

"Jordan has a population of around 6 million (2007 estimate).[53][54] Palestinians constitute approximately half of this number."

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you seriously claiming there are more Jews than Arabs living between the River and the sea?
We had this conversation not long ago. Five million Jews do not "rule six million Arabs between the River and the sea." :D
Is it a possibility that Georgie is getting his minuends confused with his subtrahends? He ain't too swift, y'know.

The 'point' that islamo nazis are trying to make is that if
one combines ---jordan and the area now called the west bank,
and the land called GAZA ----into one place-----and ask the whole
to vote on whether jews should be alive----the vote would be a majority
would say NO ---so all jews should drop dead as a bow to
*********** DEMOCRACY ****************
Jordan doesn't lie between the River and the sea, does it?
Would you care to share your version of contemporary Arab/Jew demographics in the former Mandate Palestine?

"A conclusion of the findings shows that the number of Jews and Palestinians between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea are almost even. According to the Palestinian Authority's CBS there are about 300,000 more Jews than Palestinians, while according to the Israeli CBS that number stands at 100,000."

Do you agree?

Moot point-----your insistence that a majority has a right to vote
a minority out of existence is out dated, nor does it describe
"democracy"----- Lets see how it works out in Egypt

I was confused about the demographic of syria----and not all
that interested-----but it is news to me that sunnis are a
minority there----gee. They are a "minority" and being
targeted------so ----it must be legal to kill them -----according
to the islamo nazi definition of "democracy"
How would Jews OR Arabs vote the other out of existence when they exist in virtually equal numbers?

One person; one vote would seem to guarantee a nearly 50-50 split in any democratically elected legislature?

Syria's Alawites apparently believe that if Assad falls they and their families will be murdered by "free Syrians." I suppose that could be just another example of royal Saudi democracy in action.
How would Jews OR Arabs vote the other out of existence when they exist in virtually equal numbers?

The same way several countries in north
africa became "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" over
the past 1400 years. The same way Pakistan
became a "muslim country"-----over less time
than that. etc etc In fact the same way
IRAN became a "muslim country" (clue----
it did not happen because millions of
zoroastrians "saw the beauty of islam" )
Most strikingly ---the same way ARABIA
became an ISLAMIC KINGDOM---the initial
makeover was a sea of blood

of course it is a way not much unlike the
way the USA became a christian country---
also not because of "the beauty.........."

the MIDDLE EAST---which would include ALL
of the countries of the Middle east and
complete and total equality and religious
freedom for ALL When you get that
concept on the table----you could then
propose that Israel give up its role as
a place of refuge from your filth---for

Aggressively evangelistic creeds spread
by slit throats
Isreal doesn't want peace it wants all the land from the nile to the euphrates, if they want peace then why are they building more illegall settements in the west bank. oh well they have statehood now so lets see what happens at the ICC. In years to come we will look back on the isreali zionist experiment and view it with the same destain as apartied in south africa and the hollocast. and maybe palestine can regain all their land back and the zionist can go back to the land of there ancestors 'Europe'.

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