The Palin Brawl

Yeah, you can tell how they don't fear Palin.


Every time Sarah Palin makes a fool of herself and gets ridiculed, all you can say is "Libruls are afraid of her".....yeah, we're trembling, because she's so up so high in the polls.:D

I want to see her debate Hillary! LOL!

Yeah, you can tell how they don't fear Palin.


I want to see her debate Hillary! LOL!


she'd run circles around the old lady. Palin actually RAN something LIKE a state with 3 military installations, and early warning radar and who had a son serving IN IRAQ at the time she was picked for VP.
Hillary has ran what? besides her mouth and being a career politician, she had SOS bestowed on her without having to be elected for it.
you people don't live in the real world do you?
Does anyone believe that a single person at that party didn't know who the Palin's were? Of course they knew. And they decided to beat the crap out of them anyhow.
If the media is as left wing as you people claim, why is this story not all over their outlets?
Yeah, you can tell how they don't fear Palin.


I want to see her debate Hillary! LOL!


she'd run circles around the old lady. Palin actually RAN something LIKE a state with 3 military installations, and early warning radar and who had a son serving IN IRAQ at the time she was picked for VP.
Hillary has ran what? besides her mouth and being a career politician, she had SOS bestowed on her without having to be elected for it.
you people don't live in the real world do you?

She quit her job, to write a book.

Maybe she can school Hillary on how Paul Revere was ringing them bells to warn the British and stuff. (she should probably write that on her hand)

They could put that debate on "pay-per-view."

If the media is as left wing as you people claim, why is this story not all over their outlets?

why should it be National news it's so damn petty.
Because it's funny and funny means entertaining. Her shtick has been to insult people who live and believe differently than herself and her fan club. She regularly preaches and lectures about how she and her crowd are better people than her opponents. She belittles and disparages as a way of dividing people. She has purposely made herself a celebrity and dragged her family into that life as well. She represents the exact opposite of class and dignity. Whether she screamed out about not knowing who they were or screaming out about her sons veteran status, it shows a deeply flawed and insecure person. Mothers don't constantly brag about their sons veteran status. They know better. She's a crappy mom on top of everything else.
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Does anyone believe that a single person at that party didn't know who the Palin's were? Of course they knew. And they decided to beat the crap out of them anyhow.

You mean when Bristol beat the crap out of the Progressive who called her a ****?
If the media is as left wing as you people claim, why is this story not all over their outlets?

why should it be National news it's so damn petty.

Because it's freaking funny...

just because you're immature doesn't mean the rest of the people in this country is
we have more serious thing to worry about

Like this steph?

Operation american spring US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Does anyone believe that a single person at that party didn't know who the Palin's were? Of course they knew. And they decided to beat the crap out of them anyhow.

You mean when Bristol beat the crap out of the Progressive who called her a ****?
Frank, when a grown man allows a drunken tramp to punch him a few times it isn't the same as getting the crap beat out of him. He was man enough to control himself and not knock the low class trash on her ass. To a Palin fan, a spoiled, drunken, tramp can behave that way and they will thump their chest like it's really cool, the same way stupid people do.

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