The Palin Brawl

Does anyone believe that a single person at that party didn't know who the Palin's were? Of course they knew. And they decided to beat the crap out of them anyhow.

You mean when Bristol beat the crap out of the Progressive who called her a ****?
Frank, when a grown man allows a drunken tramp to punch him a few times it isn't the same as getting the crap beat out of him. He was man enough to control himself and not knock the low class trash on her ass. To a Palin fan, a spoiled, drunken, tramp can behave that way and they will thump their chest like it's really cool, the same way stupid people do.

drunken white trash whore's are their hero's
Yeah, you can tell how they don't fear Palin.


I want to see her debate Hillary! LOL!


she'd run circles around the old lady. Palin actually RAN something LIKE a state with 3 military installations, and early warning radar and who had a son serving IN IRAQ at the time she was picked for VP.
Hillary has ran what? besides her mouth and being a career politician, she had SOS bestowed on her without having to be elected for it.
you people don't live in the real world do you?

Hillary ran the state department for 4 years.

That's a lot of work to negotiate with foreign leaders and run the state department. She did it for four years.

She was also the first lady of this nation for 8 years. She was the first lady of Arkansas too. She was a US senator for 7 years.

palin quit after 2 years.
If the media is as left wing as you people claim, why is this story not all over their outlets?

why should it be National news it's so damn petty.

Because it's freaking funny...

just because you're immature doesn't mean the rest of the people in this country is
we have more serious thing to worry about

Like this steph?

Operation american spring US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Let's roll people...

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Yeah, you can tell how they don't fear Palin.


I want to see her debate Hillary! LOL!


she'd run circles around the old lady. Palin actually RAN something LIKE a state with 3 military installations, and early warning radar and who had a son serving IN IRAQ at the time she was picked for VP.
Hillary has ran what? besides her mouth and being a career politician, she had SOS bestowed on her without having to be elected for it.
you people don't live in the real world do you?

Hillary ran the state department for 4 years.

That's a lot of work to negotiate with foreign leaders and run the state department. She did it for four years.

She was also the first lady of this nation for 8 years. She was the first lady of Arkansas too. She was a US senator for 7 years.

palin quit after 2 years.

And Sarah went to how many community colleges?

Yep, I'd like to see community college, debate Yale.

Palin Clan Fight Club

You know what they say about alcohol--it takes away inhibitions and brings out the real you. Now the world can see what a vicious, vindictive person she is.


The details that have come out from Saturday night's party have been almost as jumbled and chaotic as the party itself. Witnesses have said Sarah Palin was there along with her husband, Todd, and other members of their family. Police have confirmed that "some of the Palin family members were in attendance" but have declined to say what their role was or what exactly transpired. Investigators continued to look into the incident this week.

Coyne stands out as the person who has provided the most detailed picture of what happened that night, quoting several eyewitnesses in a lengthy post published on Thursday. But as other news outlets have jumped into the fray, TPM has pulled the most concrete details together, along with our own reporting, for a look at what has come to be known as the "Palin Brawl."

At least two named sources said the Palin family was at the party and members of the clan were involved in two altercations that night. Both eyewitnesses reported seeing the former Alaska governor herself at the scene. In addition, Coyne spoke to an anonymous source who said Sarah Palin became physically involved in the second altercation.

On Friday, TPM spoke to a neighbor, James Sarafin, who lives on the same street where the party took place. He said he didn't see much and described the people who live at the house as generally "good neighbors."

The retired lawyer said he never saw the Palins but he did see the stretch Hummer limousine they reportedly arrived in. Saturday's party was so loud, Sarafin said, he "could hear the music thumping through the walls of our house." He looked out at one point and said there were about "20, 25 people out there" who were "mobbing around the front of my house."

"It was probably after midnight when I heard a bunch of shouting outside," he told TPM.
Hillary QUIT after two years on the job representing the people of New York. People she so dearly loved that she bought a house there just to be with them. But then abandoned them.

Hillary QUIT her "Secretary of State" job at the moment her very own beloved president needed her most to at least try to remember that something happened one night in Benghzai. The very "president" who understood she could be abused after pushing her under the bus in 2007, after which she sat up when he whistled and took the fall for Him posing as "Secretary of State".

She was the first-abused-lady of this nation (it wasn't fashionable to complain about psychological abuse like hubby getting blow jobs "at work" at the time).

Now, anybody care to suggest anything she did on her own - other than hitch her wagon to a rising star? I mean, when he WAS a star rather than an America's first Dirty Old Man?
I demand a rematch! The story today is that 4 guys entered the hummer and jumped on Track. I say, even it up! Sarah, Todd, Bristol and Track against the four guys in a wire cage, with NO folding chairs! I'll take the Palins with 2 out of 3 falls!
I demand a rematch! The story today is that 4 guys entered the hummer and jumped on Track. I say, even it up! Sarah, Todd, Bristol and Track against the four guys in a wire cage, with NO folding chairs! I'll take the Palins with 2 out of 3 falls!
What were those guys doing in the Limo with Willow when Track caught them?
You liberals just can't help pre-judging about Palin. It makes no difference that there may be another side to the story. Like this:

Palin “Brawl.” Another Side to the Story

Aha. It appears someone attacked Track Palin and they were only defending themselves. Even the NYT reports this. However, the Palin haters could care less about TRUTH and won't even bother to read this.

More @ That Alaska Brawl Reportedly Involving Sarah Palin and Her Family There 8217 s Another Side to the Story That 8217 s Been in the News with links and quotes.
Yeah, you can tell how they don't fear Palin.


I want to see her debate Hillary! LOL!


she'd run circles around the old lady. Palin actually RAN something LIKE a state with 3 military installations, and early warning radar and who had a son serving IN IRAQ at the time she was picked for VP.
Hillary has ran what? besides her mouth and being a career politician, she had SOS bestowed on her without having to be elected for it.
you people don't live in the real world do you?

So you are saying that a federal military installation is under a governors control ?:cuckoo:

does your stupidity and ignorance know no bound

Hillary was elected a senator from the educated state of NY

Damn you are really Ignorant
You liberals just can't help pre-judging about Palin. It makes no difference that there may be another side to the story. Like this:

Palin “Brawl.” Another Side to the Story

Aha. It appears someone attacked Track Palin and they were only defending themselves. Even the NYT reports this. However, the Palin haters could care less about TRUTH and won't even bother to read this.

More @ That Alaska Brawl Reportedly Involving Sarah Palin and Her Family There 8217 s Another Side to the Story That 8217 s Been in the News with links and quotes.
Ya, you're right. Now that an unidentified source claiming to be "close" to the Palin's has come out with a revised story the public should probably hold off at being judgmental. But that why? Lets compromise and keep make fun of the family until Todd has the balls to come out and defend his family. Until then, it's four guys in the Limo with Willow causing Track to go nutso along with daddyo while Bristo and momo acted like jerko's
You liberals just can't help pre-judging about Palin. It makes no difference that there may be another side to the story. Like this:

Palin “Brawl.” Another Side to the Story

Aha. It appears someone attacked Track Palin and they were only defending themselves. Even the NYT reports this. However, the Palin haters could care less about TRUTH and won't even bother to read this.

More @ That Alaska Brawl Reportedly Involving Sarah Palin and Her Family There 8217 s Another Side to the Story That 8217 s Been in the News with links and quotes.

LOL It took the white trash a few days to cobble up that story, meanwhile the eye witness who came forward and told the story got fired
The Palin Family Allegedly Got Into A Messy Brawl In Alaska And It Sounded Ridiculous

Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!” No, it’s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking. As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.

According to the grapevine Track had some altercation with a person who may or may not have once dated one of the Palin girls. That led to some pushing and shoving, which escalated somehow to the family being asked to leave the premises.

However before that could happen a certain former abstinence spokesperson unleashed a flurry of blows at some as of yet identified individual before being pulled off by by another partygoer, after which Todd apparently puffed up his chest and made some threatening remarks. (The "C' word may have been uttered at one point.)

Anchorage Police Department communications director Jennifer Castro confirmed to The Huffington Post that police responded to a "verbal and physical altercation" outside a residence just before midnight on Saturday, and that "some of the Palin family members were in attendance at the party." Police believe that alcohol was a "factor" in the incident.

"The case is still an open and active investigation and is being reviewed by APD and our Municipal Prosecutor’s office, therefore, we are unable to release any police reports or further information at this time," Castro wrote in an email.

I thought the bible thumping $arah only drank Dr Pepper.

NY Daily news :
Sarah Palin's family involved in drunken fight at snowmobile party

Sarah Palin s family involved in drunken fight at snowmobile party reports - NY Daily News

Sarah Palin Family Involved in Giant, ‘Hillbilly’-Style Drunken Brawl at Snowmobile Party

house party turned ugly over the weekend when former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family showed up in a stretch Hummer. Palin’s son, Track, almost immediately started a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Palin’s daughter Willow, The Washington Post confirms.

Sarah Palin Family Involved in Giant 8216 Hillbilly 8217 -Style Drunken Brawl at Snowmobile Party
The sad commentary is that these clowns can eat up so much bandwith in GOP circles. All because John McCain's staff couldn't do their vetting properly.

Waiting for the inevitable ... "BUt...but...but... Obama" Rejoinder from the right.
The logic becomes clear. Democrats are in mortal fear that Governor Palin will be Hillary's opponent in 2016!

Naturally Democrats are aligned in this with ISIS! Neigher can stomach the thought of America having a woman leader who doesn't back away from a fight.

Nay, they'd rather have one who takes abuse and sucks it up as (they both feel) is a woman's duty.

"Duty", you say?


Remember, Hillary just sucked it up when Slick paraded his infidelity before the world and she knuckled under like a woman "should".

The same Hillary who abandoned her commitment to the people of New York who elected her. Deserted them when the "man" who pushed under the bus in 2007 whistled and she sat up and begged for a role in His pseudo-cabinet.

Yeah, that Hillary.

Wonder why ISIS would love to see her pliant butt in the big chair?

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