The Palin Brawl


For a Democrat to concede that any non-Democrat could ever win anything again is reason for censure though perhaps not beheading unless your current leader's agenda advances more quickly than most imagine. In any case, I don't believe Governor Palin will run. First off she'd have to quit telling the truth about so much - presidents, after all, now are required to lie. Second, I doubt she'd be willing to take the pay cut since she's too honest to accept bribes even in the guise of "campaign contributions".
Hillary might indeed defeat Christie and Jindal but in order to do that Obama, the Godfather of your party, would have to smile His blessings on her and He is NOT going to forgive her for walking away and leaving him in the Benghazi lurch. No, more likely Biden and Pocahontas for your team.

What Benghazi lurch? The only Benghazi lurch is in the head of reactionary conservatives. Even Republicans have admitted there was nothing there....give it up.

There is another date to remember. That date is July 31, 2014. That is when the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence voted to release its unclassified portion of their investigation into Benghazi. There is something else to note about this report. It was unanimously approved by the committee. There were 12 Republicans on the committee. Surely there must be something that Mr. Gowdy can use in his investigation.

Well, according to reports, the House Permanent Select Committee found no conspiracy. They found no cover-up. They found no proof of a “stand-down” order. Basically, they found nothing.

As One House Benghazi Investigation Gets Ready To Begin Another House Investigation Says 8220 Nothing To See Here 8221 There Was No Conspiracy Lean Left
The Palin's are quite a family. One afflicted with Down Syndrome, the rest afflicted with Clown Syndrome.
I think Trigg is the smartest one in the family.
Levi was smart enough to beat it out of there after Momma Griz started buttin' in to his biz ;)

The palins parade their white trash lifestyle for all to see

The trash doesn't ball far from the trailer ...

Notice since this thread started it went from "its all made up" now when the white trash feces realize its true they try to deflect . I love it ! With the demographic shift this white trash is becoming even more marginalized , like a circus freak show
There we go with that RACIST "White Trash" pejorative again. And here liberals wanted the world to think they were made out of sweet spun political correctness.


Henry.....give it up. You've been found out. You tried to deflect away from Palin and her brawliness and you couldn't.....she had a trailer trash type of brawl and she's not WH with it....sorry....give it up.
Sorry, individuals are not allowed to exclude themselves from the Democrat Rules of Political Correctness. "White trash" is racist. Revel in your racism.
White trash is not a racist term. You are grasping in desperation. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Slow response and deficient in that it failed to assault Governor Palin, her children and her grandchildren. But, in fairness, it also ignored the problem of that abandonment of Obama by Hillary in his hour of need. Were Governor Palin to magically disappear could you liberals invent a suitable replacement? Or would you turn on one of your own? Oh, wait, that happened at the DNC convention where Hillary's rightful turn was snatched away.
Speaking of common white trash

If "White" were not a term to describe skin color then "white trash" would not be a politically incorrect pejorative. But it is, so it is.

Meanwhile, here's a cult dedicated to this "woman" who deserted the people who elected her to The U.S. Senate - the "only" candidate who loved and cared for them - and quit on a whim. But worse, a whim to serve the "man" who had thrown her under the bus when it was her turn to be nominated as Democrat's presidential candidate. Some sort of desire to be a victim, subservient to her oppressor? Yeah, I guess liberals can be proud of that. Then doubly proud when she QUITS, leaving her object of admiration holding the Benghazi bag? Ostensibly forgetting all about what happened.

A cult that displays its affection for that sad creature by waging war on a determined strong woman and her entire family? Including a challenged child.

But I guess Democrats need something to feel proud of.....
That Oak Grover feller is really latched onto this thread to basically say "nothing to see here, move along" when everyone knows that aint the case :eusa_whistle:
Palin drives them into complete stupidity.

she was my Governor and I'd gladly take her over Obama/Biden any day

She won governor with an 80% approval rating... I think that's something a Democrat politician can only dream about ever winning with. That's what chaps their asses so bad

you go Sarah
they need to stop crashin every pig roast rollin'-up in a stretch hummer like they're snowbilly royalty :thanks: then maybe they might get trwated differently :dunno:
Palin drives them into complete stupidity.

she was my Governor and I'd gladly take her over Obama/Biden any day

She won governor with an 80% approval rating... I think that's something a Democrat politician can only dream about ever winning with. That's what chaps their asses so bad

you go Sarah

Yea that's it !! Not because she and her family are drunken white trailer trash who embarrass America in front of the world

Lets roll steph !!!
You self-loathing racists (you ARE white, aren't you?) overlook so much!

One of the first budget reductions Governor Palin did was to get rid of the fancy private jet her predecessor had picked up for grins and giggles. Maybe, were she president, Air Force One might be something appropriate to flying a few people between places of national importance rather than a jumbo suitable for transporting the population of small cities from golf course to golf course. Not that such a relatively small saving, only a few hundreds of millions each year, would do much to offset Our Kenyan President's Trillion Dollar excesses but, hey, ya gotta start somewhere. Just think, the first fifteen minutes of each Obama golfing jaunt costs enough to buy 37 stretch Hummers, even with the GSA discount!
You self-loathing racists (you ARE white, aren't you?) overlook so much!

One of the first budget reductions Governor Palin did was to get rid of the fancy private jet her predecessor had picked up for grins and giggles. Maybe, were she president, Air Force One might be something appropriate to flying a few people between places of national importance rather than a jumbo suitable for transporting the population of small cities from golf course to golf course. Not that such a relatively small saving, only a few hundreds of millions each year, would do much to offset Our Kenyan President's Trillion Dollar excesses but, hey, ya gotta start somewhere. Just think, the first fifteen minutes of each Obama golfing jaunt costs enough to buy 37 stretch Hummers, even with the GSA discount!

they have no idea all she did for Alaska. they just spew SNL talking points
It scares me they vote
Henry, Sarah is not fit to govern Wasilla again, and one friend of mine who has moved there in the last three years tells me her neighbors have said, "Although Sarah is a good old girl, and we like here, we never should have elected her to anything."
Henry, Sarah is not fit to govern Wasilla again, and one friend of mine who has moved there in the last three years tells me her neighbors have said, "Although Sarah is a good old girl, and we like here, we never should have elected her to anything."
Never fear....Sarah will never be elected again
The Palin's are quite a family. One afflicted with Down Syndrome, the rest afflicted with Clown Syndrome.
I think Trigg is the smartest one in the family.
Levi was smart enough to beat it out of there after Momma Griz started buttin' in to his biz ;)

The palins parade their white trash lifestyle for all to see

The trash doesn't ball far from the trailer ...

Notice since this thread started it went from "its all made up" now when the white trash feces realize its true they try to deflect . I love it ! With the demographic shift this white trash is becoming even more marginalized , like a circus freak show

Now the trailer trash family isn't denying it, they are spinning it so they look like they are the victims!
That Alaska Brawl Reportedly Involving Sarah Palin and Her Family? There’s Another Side to the Story That’s Been in the News

That Alaska Brawl Reportedly Involving Sarah Palin and Her Family There 8217 s Another Side to the Story That 8217 s Been in the News
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The Palin's are quite a family. One afflicted with Down Syndrome, the rest afflicted with Clown Syndrome.
I think Trigg is the smartest one in the family.
Levi was smart enough to beat it out of there after Momma Griz started buttin' in to his biz ;)

The palins parade their white trash lifestyle for all to see

The trash doesn't ball far from the trailer ...

Notice since this thread started it went from "its all made up" now when the white trash feces realize its true they try to deflect . I love it ! With the demographic shift this white trash is becoming even more marginalized , like a circus freak show

Now the trailer trash family isn't denying it, they are spinning it so they look like they are the victims!
That Alaska Brawl Reportedly Involving Sarah Palin and Her Family? There’s Another Side to the Story That’s Been in the News

That Alaska Brawl Reportedly Involving Sarah Palin and Her Family There 8217 s Another Side to the Story That 8217 s Been in the News

"That dispute comes from a source who spoke with RealClearPolitics and is ”close to the Palin family and “wanted to provide their version of the events in question.”

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