The Palin Brawl

I always suspected that she quit as governor of Alaska because of all the duties involving foreign relations with Russia. I mean, have you ever had to stand out in your yard staring through a pair of binoculars all day? One's arms get tired....
Did you have a dream (nightmare) about that? Palin never resigned running for VP, she just wasn't the country's choice.:eusa_naughty:

So, on your planet, McCain had a different running mate?

Maybe you need to reword your statements. This is what you said. Thank you for confirming that Governor Palin did exactly the right thing in resigning to run for Vice President.

She didn't resign to run for Vice President.....she resigned after the country said "NO" to both McCain and Palin.

This is when Palin resigned:

The resignation of Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska was announced on July 3, 2009 and became effective on July 26. Sean Parnell, the lieutenant governor, took Palin's place as governor. (Wiki)

Maybe that is when you and she both realized that she was not going to be the VP? Kinda took you a little bit of time to become aware...........:D
So Mertie denies that Hillary resigned, leaving Our Kenyan President in a Gilbert O'Sullivan moment?

Maybe The Big Zero could substitute the Washington Monument for Gilbert's "nearby tower"?

Ha,ha, Henry thinks that Obama took office in July of 2003.....cause that is when Palin resigned to become Vice President, only she wasn't elected........:D
Still denying that Hillary resigned, leaving Obama "alone again, naturally"? Wow, is John Kerry NOT Secretary of State on your planet?

You're so desperate that you are funny. You don't even know when Palin resigned and you just made a fool of yourself claiming she quit to become Vice news for you....she didn't get elected and she quit because she's a quitter.
So what IS John Kerry doing on your planet since he's not Secretary of State?

Is he caught up in some horrible Groundhog Day scenario, repeatedly throwing "his" medals over the fence and into Michelle's sharecrop garden?
You're so desperate that you are funny. You don't even know when Palin resigned and you just made a fool of yourself claiming she quit to become Vice news for you....she didn't get elected and she quit because she's a quitter.

True, but only after she had won the title of "loser".
For the record, Alaska law requires that any state office holder running for office resign the state office.

Now, did Hillary, apparently still Secretary of State on your planet, find something to screw up after Benghazi? Or did she forget to do that?
Thank you for confirming that Governor Palin did exactly the right thing in resigning to run for Vice President.

Nice revisionist history there but the facts aren't on your side.

I remember the day she announced she was resigning. It was July 3, 2009. If you actually believe that the presidential campaign was still happening in July 2009, you're more delusional than I thought.

Meanwhile you might either want to stick to the truth or become a better liar.
I had no idea I could entertain an entire population of extraterrestrials so easily! But what's your side of the story? Did Hillary NOT abandon Obama in his hour of need on your planet?
Hillary left to become Secretary of State.....not to run around the country in an RV pretending to be Tea Party's next candidate. That you have to resort to lying to defend what is so obvious to most is hilarious.
So what IS John Kerry doing on your planet since he's not Secretary of State?

Is he caught up in some horrible Groundhog Day scenario, repeatedly throwing "his" medals over the fence and into Michelle's sharecrop garden?
Secretaries of State traditionally on serve a four year tour. Very few keep the job for a double, or eight year period. A few have, but not many. Maybe you can name all the Secretaries that have stayed on for more than four years.
BTW, Clinton gave notice long before the 2012 election that she was not interested in being reappointed as Secretary of Sate and would resign the position.
Bristol needs to hold a presser.

Hell, that little slut needs to join the WWW. She could dress in scanty little dresses, make more than she'll ever make giving little old lady permanents and show the other trailer trash how its done.
So what IS John Kerry doing on your planet since he's not Secretary of State?

Is he caught up in some horrible Groundhog Day scenario, repeatedly throwing "his" medals over the fence and into Michelle's sharecrop garden?

Quit deflecting with nonsensical babble. Go read wiki and find out when Palin resigned and why and quit making a fool of yourself saying the wrong thing.
Hillary left to become Secretary of State.....not to run around the country in an RV pretending to be Tea Party's next candidate. That you have to resort to lying to defend what is so obvious to most is hilarious.

And then she quit, leaving Obama in his moment of need. Oh, wait, that could count as having quit in the best interests of the nation.......

She resigned after the end of Obama's first term.

That's when political appointees usually resign.

I guess john ashcroft left the bush boy in his time of need too.

I guess colin powell left the bush boy in his time of need too.
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Hillary left to become Secretary of State.....not to run around the country in an RV pretending to be Tea Party's next candidate. That you have to resort to lying to defend what is so obvious to most is hilarious.
So what IS John Kerry doing on your planet since he's not Secretary of State?

Is he caught up in some horrible Groundhog Day scenario, repeatedly throwing "his" medals over the fence and into Michelle's sharecrop garden?
Secretaries of State traditionally on serve a four year tour. Very few keep the job for a double, or eight year period. A few have, but not many. Maybe you can name all the Secretaries that have stayed on for more than four years.
BTW, Clinton gave notice long before the 2012 election that she was not interested in being reappointed as Secretary of Sate and would resign the position.

I seriously doubt he can do that.....he still thinks Palin resigned to run for VP...........:D
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

what we are dealing with is a subculture of less then intelligent people who are are primarily fundamentalist christian and uneducated bitter white yahoos who think opinion is fact, Those are who her biggest fans and supporters are , They see her as one of them. Even her own party sees her as an embarrasment
And that is what all our Sarah supporters miss . Palin is an embarrassment to most republicans seeking higher office. They want nothing to do with her

This incident is one of the reasons why
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

Yikes? OK, I know that there exist people who only feel good when others are suffering, but sheesh, why would you prefer that we all suffer under Obama rather than prosper under Palin? Doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm sorry you are suffering.....but making comments like "prosper under Palin" just makes you sound as loony as those that wanted her to be President.

I'm pretty sure that a successful Governor would make a better President than a Constitutional law lecturer who consistently violates the Constitution.

You mean a quitter who couldn't be bothered to finish her term because she was more interested in running around town making money conning conservatives into thinking she would run for President.....Gotcha!

She hadn't quit at the time of the election, and Obama quit too. So, how does that make him more qualified?
Leaving one office to run for a higher office is not quitting

Is that like non-rape rape, you know the good kind of rape rather than the bad kind of rape?

Is that like non-violence violence, you know like when a man punches another guy in the bar, that's violence but when he punches his wife in the face while both are in the home, that's not violence, that's a marital spat.

Hilary was elected in 2006 as a Senator for NY. She quit her job only 2 year in and so let down her obligation to the citizens of New York. Obama did the same. Both quitters.

You mean rape as in, shut that whole thing down?

How many pubs hold down both their old job AND the new job they were hired for or elected to?

Like, say, The Shrub, fer example...

He failed at every single thing he ever did and he daddy just kept buying him new jobs.

Did he keep on putting Texass into the poor house after his daddy bought him the Oval Office?
For the record, Alaska law requires that any state office holder running for office resign the state office.

Now, did Hillary, apparently still Secretary of State on your planet, find something to screw up after Benghazi? Or did she forget to do that?

You're saying that sarah palin broke the law when she ran for VP?
I had no idea I could entertain an entire population of extraterrestrials so easily! But what's your side of the story? Did Hillary NOT abandon Obama in his hour of need on your planet?

No....she left at a time when most Secretary of State appointees leave. Of course, we know Collin Powell left Bush at that time too, because he couldn't stand his lying.

Powell is the latest member of the Cabinet to resign. Last week, Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Don Evans announced they would not stay on for Mr. Bush's second term.
Colin Powell Resigns as Secretary of State NPR

You know the old saying....when you're in a hole, it's best to quit might want to quit digging.

Such wonderfully imaginative excuses for Hillary having joined the pack of rats abandoning Obama's sinking ship! Keep up the good work and maybe there'll be jobs for you in her regime.

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