The Palin Brawl

The Palin's are quite a family. One afflicted with Down Syndrome, the rest afflicted with Clown Syndrome.


The Palin's are quite a family. One afflicted with Down Syndrome, the rest afflicted with Clown Syndrome.


Liberals write the rules, conservatives adapt to the new reality. Think of how much fun it will be for conservatives to destroy the reputations of Malia and Natasha.

The white trash palin kids did it to themselves

Trailer trash does not fall far from the tree
Those who equate with a politician leaving office to run for office to resigning and running away from duties to the citizens are laughable to the better informed citizens in this country.
You do understand that Governor Palin was, by law, forced to respond to all those frivolous ethics complaints and that they were taking up 50% of her time, meaning that her ability to perform her duties was impeded by those complaints and that the State didn't pay for her legal counsel.

No political official should have to bankrupt themselves in order to hold public office.

You liberals are the fucking devil in terms of how far you will go to destroy people.
That takes some nerve, coming from the Right who has been vicious in their attacks on Democrats.
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

Yikes? OK, I know that there exist people who only feel good when others are suffering, but sheesh, why would you prefer that we all suffer under Obama rather than prosper under Palin? Doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm sorry you are suffering.....but making comments like "prosper under Palin" just makes you sound as loony as those that wanted her to be President.

I'm pretty sure that a successful Governor would make a better President than a Constitutional law lecturer who consistently violates the Constitution.

You mean a quitter who couldn't be bothered to finish her term because she was more interested in running around town making money conning conservatives into thinking she would run for President.....Gotcha!

She hadn't quit at the time of the election, and Obama quit too. So, how does that make him more qualified?
Leaving one office to run for a higher office is not quitting

Is that like non-rape rape, you know the good kind of rape rather than the bad kind of rape?
You mean Akins legitimate rape? You tell us, you're on the same side.

Is that like non-violence violence, you know like when a man punches another guy in the bar, that's violence but when he punches his wife in the face while both are in the home, that's not violence, that's a marital spat.
I've never known any lib claim that domestic violence is not please. According to this article, it appears that conservatives are the ones that are upset that the "liberal media" is upset with Dr. Carson and think he's defending Ray Rice. Please explain. Here's an article written by a conservative.

Joshua Riddle

Co-founder of Young Conservatives. Graduate of Dartmouth College.

Read more at Liberal media is twisting Dr. Carson 8217 s words and saying he is defending Ray Rice
Liberal media is twisting Dr. Carson 8217 s words and saying he is defending Ray Rice

Hilary was elected in 2006 as a Senator for NY. She quit her job only 2 year in and so let down her obligation to the citizens of New York. Obama did the same. Both quitters.
Hillary left to become Secretary of State.....not to run around the country in an RV pretending to be Tea Party's next candidate. That you have to resort to lying to defend what is so obvious to most is hilarious.
Hillary left to become Secretary of State.....not to run around the country in an RV pretending to be Tea Party's next candidate. That you have to resort to lying to defend what is so obvious to most is hilarious.

And then she quit, leaving Obama in his moment of need. Oh, wait, that could count as having quit in the best interests of the nation.......
Thank you for confirming that Governor Palin did exactly the right thing in resigning to run for Vice President.

Did you have a dream (nightmare) about that? Palin never resigned running for VP, she just wasn't the country's choice.:eusa_naughty:
Hillary left to become Secretary of State.....not to run around the country in an RV pretending to be Tea Party's next candidate. That you have to resort to lying to defend what is so obvious to most is hilarious.

And then she quit, leaving Obama in his moment of need. Oh, wait, that could count as having quit in the best interests of the nation.......

That would be Palin's reason for quitting as governor of Alaska.....Alaskan's were better off.
So Mertie denies that Hillary resigned, leaving Our Kenyan President in a Gilbert O'Sullivan moment?

Maybe The Big Zero could substitute the Washington Monument for Gilbert's "nearby tower"?

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