The Palin Brawl

For the record, Alaska law requires that any state office holder running for office resign the state office.

Now, did Hillary, apparently still Secretary of State on your planet, find something to screw up after Benghazi? Or did she forget to do that?

You're saying that sarah palin broke the law when she ran for VP?
She probably broke the law before, during and after.......:D
The Palin's are quite a family. One afflicted with Down Syndrome, the rest afflicted with Clown Syndrome.
I think Trigg is the smartest one in the family.
Levi was smart enough to beat it out of there after Momma Griz started buttin' in to his biz ;)

The palins parade their white trash lifestyle for all to see

The trash doesn't ball far from the trailer ...

The double standards of so many liberals is disturbing to observe. You'd never tolerate someone slamming blacks in the identical manner you slam poor whites.
The Palin's are quite a family. One afflicted with Down Syndrome, the rest afflicted with Clown Syndrome.
I think Trigg is the smartest one in the family.
Levi was smart enough to beat it out of there after Momma Griz started buttin' in to his biz ;)

The palins parade their white trash lifestyle for all to see

The trash doesn't ball far from the trailer ...

The double standards of so many liberals is disturbing to observe. You'd never tolerate someone slamming blacks in the identical manner you slam poor whites.
The Palin's aren't poor whites. They showed up in a Hummer Limo. Bristol made her first couple hundred thousand collecting from a non profit group telling young teenage girls not to whore around and get pregnant like she did. True story.
Such wonderfully imaginative excuses for Hillary having joined the pack of rats abandoning Obama's sinking ship! Keep up the good work and maybe there'll be jobs for you in her regime.

Poor Henry....he's flailing now.......he can't defend poor Sarah......:crybaby:waaahhhhhhh!
The Palin's aren't poor whites. They showed up in a Hummer Limo. Bristol made her first couple hundred thousand collecting from a non profit group telling young teenage girls not to whore around and get pregnant like she did. True story.

OMG, if there's that much money in it look for Chelsea to deny she ever married!
The Palin's aren't poor whites. They showed up in a Hummer Limo. Bristol made her first couple hundred thousand collecting from a non profit group telling young teenage girls not to whore around and get pregnant like she did. True story.

OMG, if there's that much money in it look for Chelsea to deny she ever married!
Why would you mention Chelsea? What a scum bag thing to do. Lash out at some person not even remotely involved in the discussion just because you keep making stupid comments and getting called out on it. Bristol got knocked up for one of the many reasons girls at that age get pregnant. Rebel, trying to hurt mom and dad, stupid, careless, whatever. No big deal. It happens. But she went out with moms blessing and promoted abstinence like she was doing a good deed. Only she got busted. She drained a quarter million bucks in pay from the non profit group for her efforts. It wasn't a good deed at all. It was a scam on the public. They contributed to the non profit not knowing Bristol was stuffing the money down her shorts.
Isn't it interesting that Chelsea, pregnant, cannot be mentioned yet liberals feel they have license to verbally assault Governor Palin's children, even the severely handicapped one.

That, coupled with their "white trash" racism speaks volumes as to why they are mere turds in the gene pool of life.
I've been away for a few hours. When did this thread become about Hillary? Was she is a drunken brawl?

That was "poor Henry" with his ADHD trying to deflect and derail the thread on his precious Sarah Palin...........:D

Some just can't handle the truth............:rolleyes:
I've been away for a few hours. When did this thread become about Hillary? Was she is a drunken brawl?

Right after Sarah got in Hillary's face, called her a nasty name, and HRC went all like up in her face with "yo, bitch" and hit her in the face, dropping her like a wet bag of cement.
Now that we know the official Democrat Party position we can move along. Thank you Jammie Jake - we needed that.

Now back to that wonderful planet where Hillary Rodman Clinton (for now unless the polls show divorce might be well timed) is still Secretary of State and hasn't quit, abandoning her tormenter of so long ago to be devoured by His own disillusioned base!
Slow response and deficient in that it failed to assault Governor Palin, her children and her grandchildren. But, in fairness, it also ignored the problem of that abandonment of Obama by Hillary in his hour of need. Were Governor Palin to magically disappear could you liberals invent a suitable replacement? Or would you turn on one of your own? Oh, wait, that happened at the DNC convention where Hillary's rightful turn was snatched away.
Henry, are you drinking early again? That made no sense, son.

I am not worried about Hillary.

Hoping for a Christie and Jindal ticket.

That would tick off the far right.
Hillary might indeed defeat Christie and Jindal but in order to do that Obama, the Godfather of your party, would have to smile His blessings on her and He is NOT going to forgive her for walking away and leaving him in the Benghazi lurch. No, more likely Biden and Pocahontas for your team.
You are spluttering, Henry, that makes no sense.

I think Christie can win: no one one the far right has a chance.

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