The Palin Brawl

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Sarah Palin and family members confirmed present at party where fight occurred Alaska Dispatch

C'mon nutters. Tell us how this is a lie.


I fail to see anywhere in the article where Sarah Palin was present.

But then your "link" didn't work - I'll try it again - and I had to search the Anchorage Dispatch News website (used to be "Anchorage Daily News" until it sold out to DNC operatives). Now they don't put up all their articles unless you want to pay for them so maybe it's just for their own faithful to read.....

Believe me having lived in Alaska before moving in 2008, outside of Anchorage NO one subscribed to that liberal rag.
right! like you know everyone...anchorage is small but not that small.
A majority of the Palin family — Sarah, Todd, Bristol, and Track — was allegedly involved in a booze-filled brawl over the weekend in which the former vice presidential candidate reportedly screamed, “Don’t you know who I am?” ...

“This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!” a party-goer allegedly yelled, making a possible reference to “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” a failed reality series that ran for nine episodes between Nov. 2010 and Jan. 2011. ...

Palin Family Allegedly Involved In A Brawl - Yahoo News


this will go on all night. they need to get their hate on for a woman. again

I have more important thing's in life to worry over


carry on HATERS . It looks real good on you
Spin it how you will, it's not enough to wipe the memory of the left's diminished Messiah's disgrace on national television from the world.
yep it's that alternative conservative universe thing I hear so much about.
the speech last night was spot on.
but then again aren't you the guy that said "nelson mandela is a terrorist"
this will go on all night. they need to get their hate on for a woman. again

I have more important thing's in life to worry over


carry on HATERS . It looks real good on you

Translation: Since it's obvious this actually happened I'm gonna stop stupidly denying it did and slink away.

Btw, how's that American Spring thing goin'?
Whether or not anything happened is immaterial.

It's all about keeping simple minds away from thinking about Obama's Wednesday Night televised babble. About the only reasonable explanation is that somebody messed with the Teleprompter. Or....maybe that somebody DIDN'T!
Yup. There was a party, and they were there.

and they got in a fist fight.
you left that part out.
and no, it's not horrible. what's horrible is the thought that someone who would yell "Don't you know who I am?" while in a fight was a serious contender for vice president.

You can tell who doesn't think that low class wited trash stuff is no big deal, thankfully America dodged the bullet with her and her hoard

And unfortunately instead took a bullseye from a cannon right between the eyes.
Whether or not anything happened is immaterial.

It's all about keeping simple minds away from thinking about Obama's Wednesday Night televised babble. About the only reasonable explanation is that somebody messed with the Teleprompter. Or....maybe that somebody DIDN'T!
both bush's and reagan used teleprompters your point.?
Hey, RW nutters, instead of trying lie $appy $arah out of this, you should look at the bright side. Because they were so dumb as to have actually elected that loser, poor Alaska has really gotten a bad rap. It has been even worse for Wasilla, being the meth capital of AK and all that.

But, now that an actual resident has yelled, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!”, we can all feel a lot better about Alaska.

Don't you agree?

(Please ignore that Stoopid Stephanie lives there. No place is perfect.)

Whether or not anything happened is immaterial.

It's all about keeping simple minds away from thinking about Obama's Wednesday Night televised babble. About the only reasonable explanation is that somebody messed with the Teleprompter. Or....maybe that somebody DIDN'T!
both bush's and reagan used teleprompters your point.?

$o does $appy $arah.

So do all public speakers.

As far as I know, President Obama is the only one who has been criticized for doing exactly what everyone else does.

And, before teleprompters, politicians and others read from notes.

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