The Palin Brawl

Satire works because its very close to reality. Such as here ... coming from the ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, thought North Korea is our ally and who, along with Michelle Bachmann, wanted to retaliate with nuk-U-lur weapons against a cyber attack, this would not be at all surprising.

Read the entire letter at the link.


Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report
Dear Mr. President:

I call on you to immediately apply swift and immediate invasionary action against Ebola, located in [the] continent of Africa.

A dangerous and immediate threat to our freedoms and security is directly aimed at us from Ebola. It has demonstrated this against America and her allies and is inappropriate for us as a country. Because of the democratically elected traditions that you so obviously do not respect, I must ask you this: Why not put your past examples of outrageous abuses of power to good use and invade the evil Ebola empire?

- See more at: Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report

This real???


Only to idiot liberals. So in your case, yes, it's real.

Palin and you are the idiots..idiot.

Her, her meth snorting redneck KKKlan and you think having a drunken brawl at a party is BAU.
Another day dawns and still Governor Palin has declined to act "presidential".

No apology for fighting back.

No groveling.

How can she ever hope to squeeze into shoes sized for a little prick?
Say what?? You said esmeralda is my sock ... now you're saying Mertex is my sock too?? Who else do you hallucinate I am?

Dayam, you really are a fruit loop dingus. :cuckoo:

I'm not sure who's sock you are. But I'm fairly certain you're a sock.
Huh? You said it was proven I am a sock of Esmeralda. Now you confess it wasn't proven.

Actually, all that is proved is that you're a [paranoid] fruit loop dingus. :eek:

Grow the fuck up.
That's the best you've got after confessing you lied earlier?


OOh....looks like he's tying himself up in knots....can't keep his lies straight........Bwahahaha.

I let unhinged0002 know that Ted Nugent threatened the life of the President and put up the videos where he did it.

unhinged0002 STILL didn't believe it.

Satire works because its very close to reality. Such as here ... coming from the ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, thought North Korea is our ally and who, along with Michelle Bachmann, wanted to retaliate with nuk-U-lur weapons against a cyber attack, this would not be at all surprising.

Read the entire letter at the link.


Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report
Dear Mr. President:

I call on you to immediately apply swift and immediate invasionary action against Ebola, located in [the] continent of Africa.

A dangerous and immediate threat to our freedoms and security is directly aimed at us from Ebola. It has demonstrated this against America and her allies and is inappropriate for us as a country. Because of the democratically elected traditions that you so obviously do not respect, I must ask you this: Why not put your past examples of outrageous abuses of power to good use and invade the evil Ebola empire?

- See more at: Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report

This real???


Only to idiot liberals. So in your case, yes, it's real.

Palin and you are the idiots..idiot.

Her, her meth snorting redneck KKKlan and you think having a drunken brawl at a party is BAU.

I'm sorry I don't speak retard. Try again in English.
Satire works because its very close to reality. Such as here ... coming from the ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, thought North Korea is our ally and who, along with Michelle Bachmann, wanted to retaliate with nuk-U-lur weapons against a cyber attack, this would not be at all surprising.

Read the entire letter at the link.


Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report
Dear Mr. President:

I call on you to immediately apply swift and immediate invasionary action against Ebola, located in [the] continent of Africa.

A dangerous and immediate threat to our freedoms and security is directly aimed at us from Ebola. It has demonstrated this against America and her allies and is inappropriate for us as a country. Because of the democratically elected traditions that you so obviously do not respect, I must ask you this: Why not put your past examples of outrageous abuses of power to good use and invade the evil Ebola empire?

- See more at: Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report

This real???


Only to idiot liberals. So in your case, yes, it's real.

Palin and you are the idiots..idiot.

Her, her meth snorting redneck KKKlan and you think having a drunken brawl at a party is BAU.

I'm sorry I don't speak retard. Try again in English.

Retard is the language spoken in Texas. That and Asshole.
Another day dawns and still Governor Palin has declined to act "presidential".

No apology for fighting back.

No groveling.

How can she ever hope to squeeze into shoes sized for a little prick?

Like Uncensored, you don't read what doesn't fit right in with your agenda. ^^^
Another day dawns and still Governor Palin has declined to act "presidential".

No apology for fighting back.

No groveling.

How can she ever hope to squeeze into shoes sized for a little prick?

Like Uncensored, you don't read what doesn't fit right in with your agenda. ^^^

I'm sorry, did I ask another question you feel is too hard to answer?
I think that's why Governor Palin does it.

Not necessarily a good thing, tho, as one of those foamy liberals is someday going to be misdiagnosed as rabid and perhaps be put down before infecting anyone else.
Satire works because its very close to reality. Such as here ... coming from the ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, thought North Korea is our ally and who, along with Michelle Bachmann, wanted to retaliate with nuk-U-lur weapons against a cyber attack, this would not be at all surprising.

Read the entire letter at the link.


Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report
Dear Mr. President:

This real???


Only to idiot liberals. So in your case, yes, it's real.

Palin and you are the idiots..idiot.

Her, her meth snorting redneck KKKlan and you think having a drunken brawl at a party is BAU.

I'm sorry I don't speak retard. Try again in English.

Retard is the language spoken in Texas. That and Asshole.

At least you're consistent. Consistently wrong!
Cries a Fox News acolyte.

Do you think Fox should be shut down by the government, and the reporters put in prison?

Is reporting news without the approval of the party "sedition?"
This is why you're too delirious to converse with.

You failed to answer.

Since you view Fox as "fake," shouldn't the government move in to silence them? Shouldn't only "true" news, duly approved by the party, be the only thing allowed?
Too bad you don't have a brain in your head, otherwise you would have understood, I did indeed answer your ridiculous questions.

But being the kind Liberal I am, I will spell it out for you since you clearly don't understand otherwise. I dismissed your questions as the delirious nonsense they are. That means I find their premise absurd; which means, no, I don't believe them.

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