The Palin Brawl

Yours and your goons......"Lonely" and "Who" - because you have nothing. You're the one flinging shit because you can't stand that your Princess is no longer the Belle of the Ball but more like a dumbell around you reactionaries' neck. Accusing Faun of being a sock.....that's so trollish....maybe you're trying to cover your own baboon ass?

So let's recap - you scream "LAIR" as if the TruthMatters to you - but when pressed to highlight the alleged lies, you merely start flinging shit in every direction.

Well, you're a democrat - head full of shit, heart full of hate.
Umm, I already posted the lie. Do I need to walk you through this one too?
Too bad you don't have a brain in your head, otherwise you would have understood, I did indeed answer your ridiculous questions.

But being the kind Liberal I am, I will spell it out for you since you clearly don't understand otherwise. I dismissed your questions as the delirious nonsense they are. That means I find their premise absurd; which means, no, I don't believe them.


So in short, you avoided or "ducked" the question.

I find that most leftists who attack Fox support their attacks based on statements made on opinion shows such as Hannity. Generally what leftists mean by "fake" is "opinions that are at odds with the positions of the party."

Given the extreme intolerance you of the extreme left have for ideas and opinions which contrast or contradict those of your party, questioning your desire to silence dissent is far from "nonsense." The democratic party is engaged in a war on civil rights, with the 1st Amendment as the main target. As we speak, Obama's Shock Collar Eric Holder wages battle to crush religious freedom as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment from the "Little Sisters of the Poor"

SINCE it is a fact that your shameful party is actively engaged in revoking civil rights, it is hardly "delirious" to query the extent of your desire to censor opposing views.

The fact is that you leftists are a clear and present danger to basic civil liberty.
Retard is the language spoken in Texas. That and Asshole.

Retard is the language you speak everywhere Shallow, not just in Texas.

Speaking of being retarded, I think you must have missed my post to you above. The reason I think you missed it is that I'm quite certain you would not willfully ignore it because it contains facts you don't want to know.

As a special favor to you, I'm reposting it here.

Its okay. You don't have to thank me. If you need further review, its post #1280.

Its beyond stupid for you to compare me to Goebbels but I notice you call everyone who shows you up that same thing. Much like you keep saying "panty sniffer" over and over in the desperate hope that it will suddenly become relevant.

You're the one who disappeared when you thought my link was true. You didn't have the balls to face up to that or to defend it. Grow a pair.

OTOH, when I learned it was satire, I posted that fact.
There's no end to news accounts and now her side of it is avail as well. IOW, Sarah admits it happened. Notice that I have included a link to her version. Don't lie later and say that I didn't. Others posted her version earlier in the thread as well. Grow a pair.

Interestingly, the link that Mamooth posted that stated that Track wanted married female guests "bend them over on the lawn" and that the husbands of those women objected and beat the crap out of the little twerp - that site is down.

This website is currently unavailable.

However, the salient content was posted earlier in this thread.

The post is #691 and here is the quote from that post -
You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner
The Palins arrived at the party, but not just Sarah and Todd who were the only actual invitees from the clan – the whole fan-damnily and some other tagalong friends from Wasilla turned up in a stretch Hummer limo. Because, of course they did. The party was an adult and relaxed event, with most guests at least in their 30s. Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”


As Track and his companion were wooing the ladies with honeyed words, certain individuals took exception to it – namely the husbands of the women in question, whose presence right there with their wives the whole time was no deterrant to our confident and ambitious Casanovas from the Mat-Su.

Track did not fare well in the ensuing confrontation with the spouse. The irate husband punched Track with the full force of his annoyance, and the young Palin ended up “spread eagle lying on the grass.” You could say someone did end up bent over on the lawn, but not in the way he first envisioned.

Track’s buddies then got involved in the fracas to defend the honor of their fallen comrade, others followed, and soon Bristol Palin began to punch the host in the face for reasons we do not fully understand. Repeatedly. Then Todd showed up and joined the scrum, ending up with a bloody nose out of the deal. Did I mention that it happened to be his 50th birthday? He probably won’t forget the big 5-Ohhhh.

Then Sarah shrieked, “Don’t you know who I am?” and other such things making clear the importance of the Palins, and the lack of importance of the non-Palins to whom she was speaking. She then apparently tried to fling herself on top of the giant dog pile into the middle of the melée.
Click to expand...
It was at that time that somone yelled ‘This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!’

For your reading pleasure. As always, feel free to post proof to the contrary.

Sarah Palin s family involved in drunken fight at snowmobile party reports - NY Daily News
Sarah Palin s Family Allegedly in Alaska House Party Brawl - ABC News
New Eyewitness To Palin Family Brawl Bristol s Actions Were Quite Violent
Sarah Palin and family caught up in Alaska mass brawl - Telegraph
Sarah Palin steps out after family brawl WITHOUT her WEDDING RING - NY Daily News
The Palin Family s Side of the Anchorage Brawl Story RealClearPolitics
Cheat Sheets The alleged 8216 Palin brawl 8217 - The Washington Post
Sarah Palin Brawl Former Alaska Governor And Family Reportedly Caught In Drunken House Party Fight In Anchorage
Sarah Palin and Family Reportedly Involved in Brawl at Party - Crime Courts Bristol Palin Sarah Palin Todd Palin
Stretch Hummers. A bloody brawl. And Sarah Palin - The Washington Post
They are fake....and only the most uninformed who want to remain uninformed puts any stock into anything Faux News says.

Liar Liar Fox News Worse Than No News

So do you think the government should shut them down and arrest the infidels who speak against the party?

Let's look at the libel you link to;

{A study from the University of Maryland found that on a range political issues Fox News viewers were more likely to believe false information than others.}

Let's start with the fact that the hate site claims that Fox is lying, yet all they can do is cite a faux study that claims viewers are "more likely" to believe false information.

So, let's look at what this "study" claims was false;

{• Though the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded that the stimulus legislation has saved or created 2.0-5.2 million jobs, only 8% of voters thought most economists who had studied it concluded that the stimulus legislation had created or saved several million jobs. Most (68%) believed that economists estimate that it only created or saved a few jobs and 20% even believed that it resulted in job losses. }

Well wait a fucking minute - most economists certainly do NOT support the openly partisan bullshit that the Porkulus created millions of jobs.

So to recap, you link to hate site which lies, then links to a study that lies.

Fucking Communists, you're a bunch of sociopaths.

The difference here Playtex, is that I follow your links and read the bullshit - then point out that y'all are a bunch of fucking liars.

Yet you attack Fox?????

Faux can continue to feed you crap, like a mushroom, you'll swallow it and remain in the dark. Nobody can make you believe anything if your hard head is already set against it, Faux News counted on people like you and it's paid off. You will continue to believe the bullshit they feed you and accuse everyone else of being a communist as your party continues to favor the rich and stick it to you. Can't make that shit up.
Says the dumb reactionary, who thinks Palin is Presidential material, and who believes Faux News and hangs on their every word. I bet you still believe Romoney won! :D Ijit.

Look, you're a partisan hack, stupid as a pile of bricks.

Care to post a link to where I said Palin is presidential material?


Oh, you're lying through your fucking teeth - you're a leftist - it's what you do.

I've never heard of "Faux News.," Playtex.

Good thing you've got boobs, because you're not going to get by on your brains. :thup:

If you didn't think Palin was Presidential material you wouldn't be in here defending her for stupid shit she does. And, you're so stupid, you make bricks look smart, you fruit loop dingus. Take your head out of your butt and start using common sense. Your party is destroying the country and you are helping them by continuing to believe them and defend them. They don't give a crap about you, unless you happen to be a CEO with millions of dollars, which I doubt, or you wouldn't be in here spewing your stupid shit, dumbass.
I let unhinged0002 know that Ted Nugent threatened the life of the President and put up the videos where he did it.

unhinged0002 STILL didn't believe it.


Maybe that's because "I'll be dead or in jail" isn't a threat to the president and you're just a lying fuckwad!



By the way your hero crapped and pissed his pants to avoid nam and throat fucks 13 year old girlies.

Glad you look up to him. He's as admirable as KKKlan Palin.
Too bad you don't have a brain in your head, otherwise you would have understood, I did indeed answer your ridiculous questions.

But being the kind Liberal I am, I will spell it out for you since you clearly don't understand otherwise. I dismissed your questions as the delirious nonsense they are. That means I find their premise absurd; which means, no, I don't believe them.


So in short, you avoided or "ducked" the question.

I find that most leftists who attack Fox support their attacks based on statements made on opinion shows such as Hannity. Generally what leftists mean by "fake" is "opinions that are at odds with the positions of the party."

Given the extreme intolerance you of the extreme left have for ideas and opinions which contrast or contradict those of your party, questioning your desire to silence dissent is far from "nonsense." The democratic party is engaged in a war on civil rights, with the 1st Amendment as the main target. As we speak, Obama's Shock Collar Eric Holder wages battle to crush religious freedom as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment from the "Little Sisters of the Poor"

SINCE it is a fact that your shameful party is actively engaged in revoking civil rights, it is hardly "delirious" to query the extent of your desire to censor opposing views.

The fact is that you leftists are a clear and present danger to basic civil liberty.
I neither avoided it nor ducked it. How sad for you that you're still unable to understand my answer, even after I spelled it out for you. I pity you. It's sad to see someone so retarded, they can't grasp anything.
Says the dumb reactionary, who thinks Palin is Presidential material, and who believes Faux News and hangs on their every word. I bet you still believe Romoney won! :D Ijit.

Look, you're a partisan hack, stupid as a pile of bricks.

Care to post a link to where I said Palin is presidential material?


Oh, you're lying through your fucking teeth - you're a leftist - it's what you do.

I've never heard of "Faux News.," Playtex.

Good thing you've got boobs, because you're not going to get by on your brains. :thup:

If you didn't think Palin was Presidential material you wouldn't be in here defending her for stupid shit she does. And, you're so stupid, you make bricks look smart, you fruit loop dingus. Take your head out of your butt and start using common sense. Your party is destroying the country and you are helping them by continuing to believe them and defend them. They don't give a crap about you, unless you happen to be a CEO with millions of dollars, which I doubt, or you wouldn't be in here spewing your stupid shit, dumbass.

He like one of those civil war renactors..

Hopefully he doesn't start shooting state police or kids in the face.
Speaking of being retarded, I think you must have missed my post to you above. The reason I think you missed it is that I'm quite certain you would not willfully ignore it because it contains facts you don't want to know.

As a special favor to you, I'm reposting it here.

Its okay. You don't have to thank me. If you need further review, its post #1280.

Puddly, you're a lying fucking scumbag - which means you're a great democrat.

You know I refuted each of those "sources" by tracing them back to Amanda Coyne - the demagogue panty sniffer working for the DNC, stationed in Alaska to slander and libel the Palins

The Palin Brawl Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Palin Brawl Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Palin Brawl Page 11 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Palin Brawl Page 11 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Palin Brawl Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You fucking pile of shit.
Another day dawns and still Governor Palin has declined to act "presidential".

No apology for fighting back.

No groveling.

How can she ever hope to squeeze into shoes sized for a little prick?

She's not a Governor any more, is that too hard for your little prick-sized brain?

She declines to act Presidential from the time idiot McCain named her as VP....but these ijits are too stoopid to figure it out.
Another day dawns and still Governor Palin has declined to act "presidential".

No apology for fighting back.

No groveling.

How can she ever hope to squeeze into shoes sized for a little prick?

She's not a Governor any more, is that too hard for your little prick-sized brain?

She declines to act Presidential from the time idiot McCain named her as VP....but these ijits are too stoopid to figure it out.

well, as long as they are hootin and hollerin here in USMB, at least we are keeping them off the streets. We should count our blessings, here...
If you didn't think Palin was Presidential material you wouldn't be in here defending her for stupid shit she does. And, you're so stupid, you make bricks look smart, you fruit loop dingus. Take your head out of your butt and start using common sense. Your party is destroying the country and you are helping them by continuing to believe them and defend them. They don't give a crap about you, unless you happen to be a CEO with millions of dollars, which I doubt, or you wouldn't be in here spewing your stupid shit, dumbass.

If I didn't think the JOOOZZZ were gods chosen people, I wouldn't criticize you as a demagogue, Herr Goebbels?

Yer not that sharpest marshmallow in the bag, Playtex.
And the coke in Your New Messiah's (formerly "our") White House ain't made in Georgia.

You really think they drink a lot of sugary soda?

Yepp. Coke not pepsi
The Obama Team s Drink of Choice Coke Not Pepsi - TIME

You should have read your own link. It clearly states that while various staff drink soda -
Obama is, however, a well-known fan of Honest Tea, a drink made by a company that is 40% owned by Coca-Cola.

I cant believe the things you fools try to pick fights over.

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