The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

I've been wondering about the way these people were just so willing to invite the world as witness to their domestic terrorism.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that their "news" sources -- talk radio, the internet, and Trump himself -- never have to pay a real price for their words, distortions, accusations and conspiracies. Hannity and Limbaugh and the bloggers just cash the checks. Trump is adored by his sycophants when he behaves like a buffoon. Which is often.

So I wonder if these terrorists just thought that they were similarly immune to reality. Hell, they're detached from it to begin with, why should they have to play by its rules?
The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

Again, you’re a serial liar. Trump didn’t encourage any violence. Media lied all over the place on that one just like Charlottesville. Most ignorant lefties (redundancy) were duped by both but lefties like you are just total liars.
The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

You must take your Prog armies into the hinterlands then.
The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

I've been wondering about the way these people were just so willing to invite the world as witness to their domestic terrorism.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that their "news" sources -- talk radio, the internet, and Trump himself -- never have to pay a real price for their words, distortions, accusations and conspiracies. Hannity and Limbaugh and the bloggers just cash the checks. Trump is adored by his sycophants when he behaves like a buffoon. Which is often.

So I wonder if these terrorists just thought that they were similarly immune to reality. Hell, they're detached from it to begin with, why should they have to play by its rules?
The RWNJs have lived for so long in the fantasy reality created for them by GOP propaganda told them by the sources you cited, their view of the real world has become incredibly distorted. Everyone who believes differently that they do appears to them as almost otherworldly.

The thought patterns and logic of the real world cannot align with people who see non-violence as fascism, and dismiss all aspects of their own racism and bigotry as not existing.

They simply cannot grasp that there are those who go to protests to start trouble, and when all he11 breaks loose, take advantage of the chaos to rob and loot.

Rational conversations with people so far removed from reality are impossible.

The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

Again, you’re a serial liar. Trump didn’t encourage any violence. Media lied all over the place on that one just like Charlottesville. Most ignorant lefties (redundancy) were duped by both but lefties like you are just total liars.
Read the text of the pep talk he gave his devoted RWNJs Wednesday morning:

His cult members that attended found his compelling words extremely motivating. Obviously.

The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

Again, you’re a serial liar. Trump didn’t encourage any violence. Media lied all over the place on that one just like Charlottesville. Most ignorant lefties (redundancy) were duped by both but lefties like you are just total liars.
Read the text of the pep talk he gave his devoted RWNJs Wednesday morning:

His cult members that attended found his compelling words extremely motivating. Obviously.

Not really. They marched to the capitol per his suggestion and then a batch began to behave like BLM and antifa. That’s not on him. If he invites the rioters to the White House then you might have an argument.
You live in a make-believe world.
The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

I've been wondering about the way these people were just so willing to invite the world as witness to their domestic terrorism.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that their "news" sources -- talk radio, the internet, and Trump himself -- never have to pay a real price for their words, distortions, accusations and conspiracies. Hannity and Limbaugh and the bloggers just cash the checks. Trump is adored by his sycophants when he behaves like a buffoon. Which is often.

So I wonder if these terrorists just thought that they were similarly immune to reality. Hell, they're detached from it to begin with, why should they have to play by its rules?
The RWNJs have lived for so long in the fantasy reality created for them by GOP propaganda told them by the sources you cited, their view of the real world has become incredibly distorted. Everyone who believes differently that they do appears to them as almost otherworldly.

The thought patterns and logic of the real world cannot align with people who see non-violence as fascism, and dismiss all aspects of their own racism and bigotry as not existing.

They simply cannot grasp that there are those who go to protests to start trouble, and when all he11 breaks loose, take advantage of the chaos to rob and loot.

Rational conversations with people so far removed from reality are impossible.

I've given up for the most part. At least online.

But they can only be this certain and this passionate if they absolutely believe the distorted, fabricated reality they've been given. This is not a joke to them, and they are not lying.

That's what makes them dangerous. And, that's the worldview of a terrorist.
The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭



The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

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But trump's flock of a$$holes weren't protesting, they were terrorizing the people in the Capitol Building, planting explosives, threatening and causing bodily harm to others, not in there group.

When it all shakes out, some will be sentenced to prison for the deaths that occurred during their criminal acts.
And since they were so stupid as to record their crimes, then post them to the internet, they cannot deny any part of their participation.

Naturally, the RWNJs will believe they are heroes. Or they will deny the people who recorded their presence were actually there. No, those were incredible look-a-likes who are members of Antifa. You RWNJs can't have it both ways, but you will. Whichever version fits your need for the moment, will be the tale you tell.


The Party Is Over,‭ ‬It’s The Morning After,‭ ‬And‭ ‬Oooogh,‭ ‬What A Nasty Hangover

It was all fun and games on Wednesday.‭ ‬In an extraordinary display of white privilege,‭ ‬a mob of fascists celebrated as they overran U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Police,‭ ‬smashed windows,‭ ‬terrorized staff,‭ ‬trashed the place,‭ ‬left pipe bombs outside of offices on Capitol grounds,‭ ‬and assaulted people with metal pipes while hunting for House representatives,‭ ‬senators,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬the traitor-to-the-cause Vice President Mike Pence.‭

They took selfies,‭ ‬stole sensitive items from representatives‭’ ‬offices,‭ ‬and live-streamed the carnage.‭ ‬They wanted historians to see what fun a coup can be for the heroes.‭ ‬It’s not like anyone got hurt.‭ ‬There was‭ “‬no violence in the crowd,‭” ‬according to the leader of the Chicago’s police union,‭ ‬John Catanzara,‭ ‬a now infamous devoted RWNJ cultist.‭

Catanzara quickly forgot Capitol Police,‭ ‬several that remain in critical condition,‭ ‬as well as USCP Officer Brian Sicknick,‭ ‬who died from his wounds Thursday.‭ ‬Oh,‭ ‬and the death of several of the fun-loving insurrectionists must not count,‭ ‬either.‭

But other than that it was hilarious and fun,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Those pictures show the terrorists all having a ball.‭ ‬It was all good,‭ ‬they told themselves.‭ ‬Their cause was righteous and patriotic,‭ ‬because their cheeto-in-chief literally told them‭ ‬so.‭ ‬His words that he‭ “‬loves‭” ‬them and that they were‭ “‬special‭” ‬rang loudly in their ears while they were violently wreaking havoc.‭

Of course,‭ ‬he also told them he would march with them to the Capitol,‭ ‬right after he told them to head over there and make problems for‭ “‬weak‭” ‬Republicans.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as the many,‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many who have been screwed by the grifter-in-chief know,‭ ‬he isn’t good at keeping his word.‭ ‬He didn’t go with them.‭ ‬He grabbed his MAGA hat to keep his comb-over from getting mussed and got out of‭ ‬Dodge.‭

Twenty-four hours later,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬threw his devoted,‭ ‬RWNJ insurrectionists under the bus.‭ ‬The very same mob he incited to riot,‭ ‬which he praised as patriots.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬he now says they must‭ “‬be made to pay.‭” ‬What a great guy.

Oh,‭ ‬and the happy-go-lucky rebels should understand,‭ ‬their cheeto-in-chief’s box of presidential pardons...‭ ‬is empty.
Their beloved cult leader turned on them...‭ ‬to save his own skin.‭

But,‭ ‬the harsh reality is,‭ ‬the impeached president trump was trying to stage a coup.‭ ‬He resisted sending in troops to quell his own mob.‭ ‬He knows the mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges that,‭ ‬may or may not,‭ ‬await him at noon on Jan.‭ ‬20,‭ ‬if not sooner.‭ ‬The events of Jan.‭ ‬6‭ ‬were the grifter-in-chief’s last-ditch effort.‭ ‬It failed,‭ ‬so he’s cut his MAGA morons loose.‭ ‬The ultimate victims of his‭ “‬Election fraud scam‭” ‬that didn't succeed.

So,‭ ‬abandoned by their beloved cult leader,‭ ‬it’s beginning to dawn on those idiots that they aren’t going to be facing simple breaking and entering charges.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬and at the urging of their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬they‭ ‬could be indicted for serious federal crimes,‭ ‬which include:‭ ‬Seditious conspiracy.‭ ‬Damage to federal property.‭ ‬Use of explosives.‭ ‬Crossing state lines to commit crimes.‭ ‬Rebellion and Insurrection.

Now that the party is over,‭ ‬any hopes they that they won’t be found are immediately followed by the sinking realization that all their merriment was posted on Parler.‭ ‬WHOOPS‭!

Live-streaming their insurrection doesn’t seem like such brilliant idea to those already losing their jobs.‭ ‬And there’s a boatload of them.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬getting fired is nothing compared to what’s coming.‭ ‬Facing twenty years in prison or worse,‭ ‬their traitorous and celebratory fun suddenly doesn’t seem like so much fun.‭ ‬Especially for those who participated and still have a lot to lose.

But,‭ ‬it seems there is a bit of good news for those folks looking at twenty years in prison.‭ ‬That mountain of corruption and sexual assault charges your beloved cult leader may or may not face mentioned earlier,‭ ‬it’s been reported that those charges could be postponed until after Biden’s first one hundred days in the White House.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬stay hopeful,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬time heals all wounds,‭ ‬your beloved cult leader could get off scot-free.‭ ‬An uplifting thought for all of you to hold onto,‭ ‬as you await trial.‭‭

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But trump's flock of a$$holes weren't protesting, they were terrorizing the people in the Capitol Building, planting explosives, threatening and causing bodily harm to others, not in there group.

When it all shakes out, some will be sentenced to prison for the deaths that occurred during their criminal acts.
And since they were so stupid as to record their crimes, then post them to the internet, they cannot deny any part of their participation.

Naturally, the RWNJs will believe they are heroes. Or they will deny the people who recorded their presence were actually there. No, those were incredible look-a-likes who are members of Antifa. You RWNJs can't have it both ways, but you will. Whichever version fits your need for the moment, will be the tale you tell.


Whoever and whatever they are, you guys sure do not like it at this point.

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