The Party of Denial


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak at the same time. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Unless you are a Democrat.
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I would say the party of enemies of their own country.

It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak in the same sentence. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Unless you are a Democrat.

Yes you can have it both ways when it is true. The reason we are not at war with North Korea is James Mattis. Yet he has been a pussycat to Putin.

The Gang of Eight bill was a attempt to reform immigration laws. Republicans turned that down. The fact is voters do not want a wall.

Republicans opposed everything Obama wanted and offered no alternatives. That is okay with you.
It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak at the same time. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Unless you are a Democrat.
Hillary’s America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party
. For the first time, he saw America for what is was, not what it ought to be. America is a nation of gangs, with the biggest, most powerful gang—led by President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic Party—inhabiting the federal government with the intent of stealing the wealth of the American people. But HOW is the Democratic Party stealing America?
This movie came out, and after watching it, I understood how the Democrat's can get away with every crime, including murder. The jail scene where Dinesh says he is the "stupidest criminal' was a hoot. But it all is around the ability of the Democrats with the help of the liberal media to "Deny, deny, deny". Make it a night with friends and family, it is enlightening to how far the left has taken this country...

It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak in the same sentence. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Unless you are a Democrat.

Yes you can have it both ways when it is true. The reason we are not at war with North Korea is James Mattis. Yet he has been a pussycat to Putin.

The Gang of Eight bill was a attempt to reform immigration laws. Republicans turned that down. The fact is voters do not want a wall.

Republicans opposed everything Obama wanted and offered no alternatives. That is okay with you.
The republicans offered plenty of bills but thanks to Dirty Harry Reid, the never got past his desk. If you are going to debate, at least be truthful..Oh wait, if that happened then you wouldn't be a Democrap...

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told "Fox News Sunday" in June 2014 that then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was responsible for holding up 240 House bills.

"The Senate has not moved anything. They never send something to the president's desk. So, how do you even negotiate with the president if he doesn't have the bill on his desk?” he said at the time.
It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak at the same time. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Unless you are a Democrat.

I have little use for the GOP party save a few of them, or of Trump.
It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak at the same time. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Unless you are a Democrat.

I have little use for the GOP party save a few of them, or of Trump.
John F. Kennedy Quotes
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
Stupid fucks like you, have forgotten the whole basis on Camelot. You like a victim of liberalism want to do nothing to make this country great again, and just be a hole in society and have just enough of government assistance to keep your sorry ass alive...
It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

It seems like this criticism was popular, but aimed at Republicans, during the Obama administration. Maybe it has something to do with being an opposition party, given that Democrats don't control any branch of the federal government? But the accusation that Democrats have no ideas is clearly not true, although I do think there is a reasonable criticism that the DNC doesn't do a good enough job focusing on substantive issues in the Trump era. But take healthcare for example. Obamacare was a substantive policy idea, and one with a conservative pedigree. There are various ideas that involve expanding medicare. There is a meaningful debate on the left about the best approaches to healthcare policy. Meanwhile "repeal and replace" was always a farce. There was never any "replacement".

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

It's not even clearly true that a border wall will effectively prevent illegal entry into the US, let alone that it's the only way to do so. But there are also plenty of substantive liberal policy ideas on immigration that go beyond opposition to a border wall. I expect you are dismissing them simply because they will mostly involve expanding legal immigration, providing a path to legal status (citizenship or otherwise) for existing immigrants, and trying to rationalize our immigration policies. Just because you disagree with those ideas doesn't mean that they don't exist. The same is true on other issues.

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak at the same time. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

I personally think the idea of talking to NK is good. I think most liberals were justifiably skeptical that much would come from Trump's attempts specifically, but that's a slightly different question. Approximately no one thinks Trump is literally a Russian spy (the concerns are more prosaic), and it's not a common liberal belief that Trump is likely to start a war with Russia. None of these criticisms of Trump really have much to do with the existence or lack thereof of substantive foreign policy ideas in the Democratic party, though.

That gets back to the first comment: it's not surprising that the opposition party opposes the agenda of the President. That being true doesn't really tell you much about whether the party has a substantive platform. But even a cursory perusal of Democratic policy proposals will make it clear that there is more than denial. And don't get me wrong, I'm not really a big fan of the Democratic party as an organization, and I could also write a list of complaints. I just think this particular criticism is pretty vacuous.
It has occurred to me that Democrats, both in this forum and nationally, have become little more than a party of denial. In general they are opposed to anything the GOP supports, without offering any serious alternatives.

This is exemplified by opposition to a border wall, even that is the only way to prevent illegal entry into the U.S. (Once setting foot on U.S. soil, illegal entrants are immediately granted a panopoly of rights which practically guarantees they can stay indefinitely.)

Another example is their opposition to anything President Trump does in the area of foreign affairs, where he is often criticized for being too tough and too weak in the same sentence. Should we talk to NK or not? Is Trump a Russian spy or a war monger?

Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Unless you are a Democrat.

Yes you can have it both ways when it is true. The reason we are not at war with North Korea is James Mattis. Yet he has been a pussycat to Putin.

The Gang of Eight bill was a attempt to reform immigration laws. Republicans turned that down. The fact is voters do not want a wall.

Republicans opposed everything Obama wanted and offered no alternatives. That is okay with you.
The republicans offered plenty of bills but thanks to Dirty Harry Reid, the never got past his desk. If you are going to debate, at least be truthful..Oh wait, if that happened then you wouldn't be a Democrap...

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told "Fox News Sunday" in June 2014 that then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was responsible for holding up 240 House bills.

"The Senate has not moved anything. They never send something to the president's desk. So, how do you even negotiate with the president if he doesn't have the bill on his desk?” he said at the time.

Poison Pill Bills which were politically toxic, and convinced biddable fools that the D's engaged in obstruction. Unlike the non feasance of McConnell who refused to bring Obama's choice for the Supreme Court up for and up or down vote.

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