The "Party of No" lives up to their namesake

Funny how Repubs never EVER mention the rocky start that Medicare Part D (AKA- Bu$h II care) had :eusa_eh: Why is that repub voters? :eusa_think:

Most Republicans were not in favor of Medicare Part D.

That and No Child Left Behind were President Bush's ideas to reach across the aisle.

Of course when he pulled back, he had two bloody stumps.

Not true

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy - Forbes

for a final vote of 220 to 215. In the end, only 25 Republicans voted against the budget-busting drug bill. (All but 16 Democrats voted no.)

In the Senate, 42 republicans favored Medicare Part D while only 8 opposed
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Rubio & Jeb are trying to reach out to other people than just the SOCON base (angry white guys and their submissive [Bachmann (R) said it, not me] wives). They got shunned for trying to enlarge the tent.
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Funny how Repubs never EVER mention the rocky start that Medicare Part D (AKA- Bu$h II care) had :eusa_eh: Why is that repub voters? :eusa_think:

Most Republicans were not in favor of Medicare Part D.

That and No Child Left Behind were President Bush's ideas to reach across the aisle.

Of course when he pulled back, he had two bloody stumps.

Not true

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy - Forbes

for a final vote of 220 to 215. In the end, only 25 Republicans voted against the budget-busting drug bill. (All but 16 Democrats voted no.)

In the Senate, 42 republicans favored Medicare Part D while only 8 opposed

I'm not talking about who voted for it. I'm talking about Republicans at the grass roots level. We voiced our opposition through the party heads. Some of us even told the President he would be screwed by the democrats.

But when all was said and done, we supported our President.
Most Republicans were not in favor of Medicare Part D.

That and No Child Left Behind were President Bush's ideas to reach across the aisle.

Of course when he pulled back, he had two bloody stumps.

Not true

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy - Forbes

for a final vote of 220 to 215. In the end, only 25 Republicans voted against the budget-busting drug bill. (All but 16 Democrats voted no.)

In the Senate, 42 republicans favored Medicare Part D while only 8 opposed

I'm not talking about who voted for it. I'm talking about Republicans at the grass roots level. We voiced our opposition through the party heads. Some of us even told the President he would be screwed by the democrats.

But when all was said and done, we supported our President. are talking about super secret opposition while your idols were voting in favor of it
After bickering/stonewalling/gnashing teeth for 5 years Repubs, yesterday renewed their ODS efforts. This is why the party of No isn't winning national elections, they don't stand "for" anything other than letting *cough* "job creators" steam roll the middle class:

GOP to Obama: We're Not Moving On - NBC News
When President Obama announced on Thursday that eight million Americans have now enrolled for insurance under the health-care law’s exchanges, he delivered this message to Republicans: It’s time to move on from the five-year Health Care War. And Republicans immediately responded with their own message -- no.


If I were a Repub, gawd forbid, I'd ask them to work on tax reform but thats just me.
The president is correct, of course.

It's time for the GOP to come up with its own plan, not just seek to destroy what's been accomplished.

Why should the GOP come up with a plan,don't we have the best thing since sliced bread installed already??
Fair enough

Then you agree that Republicans should stop filibustering Democratic bills in the Senate and let them come to a vote

I'm sure that if Republicans offered to stop filibustering Democratic bills, Reid would jump at the chance to let the Republican bills come up for a vote

But even an "idiot" knows Republicans would never agree to that

Only someone as naive as yourself, Winger...doesn't realize that what Reid is doing has nothing to do with Republican's filibustering and everything to do with not having Democratic Senators on the record voting against legislation that would have created jobs. That's why Harry won't let this legislation come to the Senate floor!


Why would Reid bring a Republican bill to the floor when they block Democratic bills?

I assure you, if Republicans allow Democratic bills to proceed with less than 60 votes, I am sure Reid would do the same for Republicans

Sounds fair doesn't it?

How about we start with the Jobs Bill that Republicans have blocked for two years?

American Jobs Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason Harry Reid isn't allowing GOP bills to come to the floor even for discussion...let alone a that he doesn't want his fellow Democratic Senators on the record opposing what's in those bills. Harry Reid won't let those bills come to the floor because he's protecting Democrats before they go up for reelection.

Now contrast those two strategies...the GOP Senators are willing to go on record with their views regarding controversial legislation...whereas the Democratic side wants nothing to do with showing the voters where they stand on bills that the GOP has authored.

So tell me who's REALLY the "Party of No"! Tell me which Party has the courage to come out and argue their point of view and which one hides from votes while accusing the other side of being "obstructionists"!
The only problem with your talking point, Dottie is that since 2010 the real Party of No has been the Democrats. Harry Reid tables legislation sent over from the GOP controlled House...refusing to even bring it to the Senate floor.

Why should GOP legislation be brought to the Senate floor when they only have 45 votes?

Democrats need 60 votes to bring something to the floor

Why should House legislation be brought to the Senate floor? Because if you don't bring legislation to the floor to even be DEBATED then nothing will get done! If you don't like the legislation that the GOP controlled House has sent you then debate those bills on the floor and send your own version back to the House for reconciliation. When Harry Reid tables what ever bills he doesn't want his Democratic Senatorial colleagues to be on the record voting for or against then he has brought our legislative process to a screeching halt. For him (and liberals like yourself) to then turn around and accuse the GOP of being the "Party of No" is farce of the highest order.

Damn....that is a great idea!

Actually bringing things to a debate on the Senate floor, not requiring 60 votes just to talk about it, wait....wait

How about an actual up or down vote?

There is hope for you yet
Only someone as naive as yourself, Winger...doesn't realize that what Reid is doing has nothing to do with Republican's filibustering and everything to do with not having Democratic Senators on the record voting against legislation that would have created jobs. That's why Harry won't let this legislation come to the Senate floor!


Why would Reid bring a Republican bill to the floor when they block Democratic bills?

I assure you, if Republicans allow Democratic bills to proceed with less than 60 votes, I am sure Reid would do the same for Republicans

Sounds fair doesn't it?

How about we start with the Jobs Bill that Republicans have blocked for two years?

American Jobs Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason Harry Reid isn't allowing GOP bills to come to the floor even for discussion...let alone a that he doesn't want his fellow Democratic Senators on the record opposing what's in those bills. Harry Reid won't let those bills come to the floor because he's protecting Democrats before they go up for reelection.

Now contrast those two strategies...the GOP Senators are willing to go on record with their views regarding controversial legislation...whereas the Democratic side wants nothing to do with showing the voters where they stand on bills that the GOP has authored.

So tell me who's REALLY the "Party of No"! Tell me which Party has the courage to come out and argue their point of view and which one hides from votes while accusing the other side of being "obstructionists"!

They are???

Why didn't they say so? Then they would they have to hide behind a filibuster?
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Why would Reid bring a Republican bill to the floor when they block Democratic bills?

I assure you, if Republicans allow Democratic bills to proceed with less than 60 votes, I am sure Reid would do the same for Republicans

Sounds fair doesn't it?

How about we start with the Jobs Bill that Republicans have blocked for two years?

American Jobs Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason Harry Reid isn't allowing GOP bills to come to the floor even for discussion...let alone a that he doesn't want his fellow Democratic Senators on the record opposing what's in those bills. Harry Reid won't let those bills come to the floor because he's protecting Democrats before they go up for reelection.

Now contrast those two strategies...the GOP Senators are willing to go on record with their views regarding controversial legislation...whereas the Democratic side wants nothing to do with showing the voters where they stand on bills that the GOP has authored.

So tell me who's REALLY the "Party of No"! Tell me which Party has the courage to come out and argue their point of view and which one hides from votes while accusing the other side of being "obstructionists"!

They are???

Why didn't they say so? Then they would they have to hide behind a filibuster?

How is a filibuster "hiding" in any way shape or form? You're standing up on the floor of the US Senate and voicing your opposition to a proposed bill.

Now compare that with Harry Reid refusing to even allow GOP House bills to come to the floor for discussion let alone a vote! Who's doing the "hiding" here, Winger? The guys standing in plain sight telling the world they oppose what's been proposed...or the guys who's leader won't even let bills that could be embarrassing to oppose come to the floor?
After bickering/stonewalling/gnashing teeth for 5 years Repubs, yesterday renewed their ODS efforts. This is why the party of No isn't winning national elections, they don't stand "for" anything other than letting *cough* "job creators" steam roll the middle class:

GOP to Obama: We're Not Moving On - NBC News
When President Obama announced on Thursday that eight million Americans have now enrolled for insurance under the health-care law’s exchanges, he delivered this message to Republicans: It’s time to move on from the five-year Health Care War. And Republicans immediately responded with their own message -- no.


If I were a Repub, gawd forbid, I'd ask them to work on tax reform but thats just me.
The president is correct, of course.

It's time for the GOP to come up with its own plan, not just seek to destroy what's been accomplished.

They have four of their own plans, but you would never know it, thanks to the media who won't report on them and the left wing politicians who continue to lie that there is no plans and Harry Reid who is siting on 3 of them that has passed the House.
The only problem with your talking point, Dottie is that since 2010 the real Party of No has been the Democrats. Harry Reid tables legislation sent over from the GOP controlled House...refusing to even bring it to the Senate floor.

Did you really have to go and hit them with the real truth? Libbies hate that!
The reason Harry Reid isn't allowing GOP bills to come to the floor even for discussion...let alone a that he doesn't want his fellow Democratic Senators on the record opposing what's in those bills. Harry Reid won't let those bills come to the floor because he's protecting Democrats before they go up for reelection.

Now contrast those two strategies...the GOP Senators are willing to go on record with their views regarding controversial legislation...whereas the Democratic side wants nothing to do with showing the voters where they stand on bills that the GOP has authored.

So tell me who's REALLY the "Party of No"! Tell me which Party has the courage to come out and argue their point of view and which one hides from votes while accusing the other side of being "obstructionists"!

They are???

Why didn't they say so? Then they would they have to hide behind a filibuster?

How is a filibuster "hiding" in any way shape or form? You're standing up on the floor of the US Senate and voicing your opposition to a proposed bill.

Now compare that with Harry Reid refusing to even allow GOP House bills to come to the floor for discussion let alone a vote! Who's doing the "hiding" here, Winger? The guys standing in plain sight telling the world they oppose what's been proposed...or the guys who's leader won't even let bills that could be embarrassing to oppose come to the floor?

What do you think the impact of Republican filibuster is? There is not even a vote on filibuster

What a bunch of assholes Republicans are. They expect that as a minority, their bills should come to the floor with only 45 votes while they demand Democrats come up with 60

You can't make this shit up
If we allow, once again, the party of stupid on our far reactonary right to call the shots in this election, the Dems will keep the Senate.
How dare the GOP stick up for the majority of the American people who did not want this health care bill in the beginning and still do not want this health care bill now.

Americans Remain Negative Toward Healthcare Law

The majority will soon want it though. Government is todays "crack", and the more government that gets spread around, the more people start expecting it.
Why pay for something, when others will pay your way ?
The reason Harry Reid isn't allowing GOP bills to come to the floor even for discussion...let alone a that he doesn't want his fellow Democratic Senators on the record opposing what's in those bills. Harry Reid won't let those bills come to the floor because he's protecting Democrats before they go up for reelection.

Now contrast those two strategies...the GOP Senators are willing to go on record with their views regarding controversial legislation...whereas the Democratic side wants nothing to do with showing the voters where they stand on bills that the GOP has authored.

So tell me who's REALLY the "Party of No"! Tell me which Party has the courage to come out and argue their point of view and which one hides from votes while accusing the other side of being "obstructionists"!

They are???

Why didn't they say so? Then they would they have to hide behind a filibuster?

How is a filibuster "hiding" in any way shape or form? You're standing up on the floor of the US Senate and voicing your opposition to a proposed bill.

Now compare that with Harry Reid refusing to even allow GOP House bills to come to the floor for discussion let alone a vote! Who's doing the "hiding" here, Winger? The guys standing in plain sight telling the world they oppose what's been proposed...or the guys who's leader won't even let bills that could be embarrassing to oppose come to the floor?

Simple offer

You allow one Democratic bill come up for a vote in the Senate and Reid allows one Republican bill to come up for a vote

After bickering/stonewalling/gnashing teeth for 5 years Repubs, yesterday renewed their ODS efforts. This is why the party of No isn't winning national elections, they don't stand "for" anything other than letting *cough* "job creators" steam roll the middle class:

GOP to Obama: We're Not Moving On - NBC News
When President Obama announced on Thursday that eight million Americans have now enrolled for insurance under the health-care law’s exchanges, he delivered this message to Republicans: It’s time to move on from the five-year Health Care War. And Republicans immediately responded with their own message -- no.

If I were a Repub, gawd forbid, I'd ask them to work on tax reform but thats just me.
You do realize that the party of NO is the democrats, right?

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