The "Party of No" lives up to their namesake

If we allow, once again, the party of stupid on our far reactonary right to call the shots in this election, the Dems will keep the Senate.

Not according to all of the polls.
Dems know that that their large voting base does not vote in primary elections, only in the General ones.
They so far can't get them motived for this Nov. election.
They are???

Why didn't they say so? Then they would they have to hide behind a filibuster?

How is a filibuster "hiding" in any way shape or form? You're standing up on the floor of the US Senate and voicing your opposition to a proposed bill.

Now compare that with Harry Reid refusing to even allow GOP House bills to come to the floor for discussion let alone a vote! Who's doing the "hiding" here, Winger? The guys standing in plain sight telling the world they oppose what's been proposed...or the guys who's leader won't even let bills that could be embarrassing to oppose come to the floor?

Simple offer

You allow one Democratic bill come up for a vote in the Senate and Reid allows one Republican bill to come up for a vote

Sure, just as soon at you allow Reid to allow a GOP bill to come up for a vote...then we'll continue to vote on every bill that comes up in the house.
After bickering/stonewalling/gnashing teeth for 5 years Repubs, yesterday renewed their ODS efforts. This is why the party of No isn't winning national elections, they don't stand "for" anything other than letting *cough* "job creators" steam roll the middle class:

GOP to Obama: We're Not Moving On - NBC News
When President Obama announced on Thursday that eight million Americans have now enrolled for insurance under the health-care law’s exchanges, he delivered this message to Republicans: It’s time to move on from the five-year Health Care War. And Republicans immediately responded with their own message -- no.

If I were a Repub, gawd forbid, I'd ask them to work on tax reform but thats just me.

I remember when liberals would have been up in arms at anyone, especially the President of the United States, telling them the debate is over.
How is a filibuster "hiding" in any way shape or form? You're standing up on the floor of the US Senate and voicing your opposition to a proposed bill.

Now compare that with Harry Reid refusing to even allow GOP House bills to come to the floor for discussion let alone a vote! Who's doing the "hiding" here, Winger? The guys standing in plain sight telling the world they oppose what's been proposed...or the guys who's leader won't even let bills that could be embarrassing to oppose come to the floor?

Simple offer

You allow one Democratic bill come up for a vote in the Senate and Reid allows one Republican bill to come up for a vote

Sure, just as soon at you allow Reid to allow a GOP bill to come up for a vote...then we'll continue to vote on every bill that comes up in the house.

Good for you

Let's vote on every one of those Republican bills in he Senate and Republucans allow every Democratic bill to come to a Senate vote

Democracy in action
The only problem with your talking point, Dottie is that since 2010 the real Party of No has been the Democrats. Harry Reid tables legislation sent over from the GOP controlled House...refusing to even bring it to the Senate floor.
Like what kind of legislation? A bill to privatize Social Security? A bill to raise student loan rates? A bill to kill food stamps?

It is truly sad that a substantial number of Americans will vote for these Republican fascists. Those ignorant, self-defeating, political masochists deserve that kind of punitive legislation. Those of us who know better don't deserve it.
The only problem with your talking point, Dottie is that since 2010 the real Party of No has been the Democrats. Harry Reid tables legislation sent over from the GOP controlled House...refusing to even bring it to the Senate floor.
Like what kind of legislation? A bill to privatize Social Security? A bill to raise student loan rates? A bill to kill food stamps?

It is truly sad that a substantial number of Americans will vote for these Republican fascists. Those ignorant, self-defeating, political masochists deserve that kind of punitive legislation. Those of us who know better don't deserve it.

It's truly sad that a substantial number of Americans have their heads so far up their ass and so helpless that they'll vote to have the government hold their hands, wipe their asses, and tuck them in at night.
The only problem with your talking point, Dottie is that since 2010 the real Party of No has been the Democrats. Harry Reid tables legislation sent over from the GOP controlled House...refusing to even bring it to the Senate floor.
Like what kind of legislation? A bill to privatize Social Security? A bill to raise student loan rates? A bill to kill food stamps?

It is truly sad that a substantial number of Americans will vote for these Republican fascists. Those ignorant, self-defeating, political masochists deserve that kind of punitive legislation. Those of us who know better don't deserve it.

It's truly sad that a substantial number of Americans have their heads so far up their ass and so helpless that they'll vote to have the government hold their hands, wipe their asses, and tuck them in at night.

Good thing we have the Party of No then

They won't lift a finger to help struggling Americans. But they do love those tax cuts for billionaires
After bickering/stonewalling/gnashing teeth for 5 years Repubs, yesterday renewed their ODS efforts. This is why the party of No isn't winning national elections, they don't stand "for" anything other than letting *cough* "job creators" steam roll the middle class:

GOP to Obama: We're Not Moving On - NBC News


If I were a Repub, gawd forbid, I'd ask them to work on tax reform but thats just me.
The president is correct, of course.

It's time for the GOP to come up with its own plan, not just seek to destroy what's been accomplished.

They have four of their own plans, but you would never know it, thanks to the media who won't report on them and the left wing politicians who continue to lie that there is no plans and Harry Reid who is siting on 3 of them that has passed the House.

when did they come out w/ those plans? :eusa_whistle: (see post #7 :eusa_shhh: )
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The GOP has had plenty of opportunity to come up w plans...and they can't just blame the media for not "showing"them...There's always FOX..their very own outlet... ideas, no plans no how...
Like a 2 y.o. Tantrumming...
Maybe they're just stuck at the anal stage of development?

Sent from my iPhone using
Obamacare is going to bite the GOP in the ars in November. They should vote to repeal it again!

Yep. There will always be the Limbaugh Lunkheads who will just blindly believe whatever he tells them to believe but we're up to 12 mil now so the more they whine, the better.
Move on from the "unaffordable health care act" when the freaking president amended the law without consulting with congress about 35 freaking times?
It is amazing to me that the people who are self-proclaimed to be the smartest people on the planet do not understand how our government works.
It is amazing to me that the people who are self-proclaimed to be the smartest people on the planet do not understand how our government works.

You are a prime example

Thanks for volunteering
Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president with a possibly mentally impaired democrat senate majority leader but democrats still control 2/3 of the government. Why do they continue to behave like losers?
The president is correct, of course.

It's time for the GOP to come up with its own plan, not just seek to destroy what's been accomplished.

They have four of their own plans, but you would never know it, thanks to the media who won't report on them and the left wing politicians who continue to lie that there is no plans and Harry Reid who is siting on 3 of them that has passed the House.

when did they come out w/ those plans? :eusa_whistle: (see post #7 :eusa_shhh: )


This one
It passed the House with 39 Democrats voting for it.
House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes | Reuters

Many listed here over the years.
Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

H.R.3121 : American Health Care Reform Act of 2013

H.R.3165 : Common Sense Health Reform Americans Actually Want Act

Not to even mention all the ones they had in 2010, 2011 and 2012
Bills that would actually work and really lower the cost of Health Care.
Speaking of no the Obama administration has again delayed making a decision on the keystone pipeline pushing the decision back till wait for it..........After the November midterms party before country.
Speaking of no the Obama administration has again delayed making a decision on the keystone pipeline pushing the decision back till wait for it..........After the November midterms party before country.

Who needs a keystone pipeline?

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