The past 48 hours in Mueller investigation news, explained


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
As complex as this has become, it's important to keep in mind that Mueller knows minimally ten times what everyone else does. And we now know that the FBI paid the Trump Server a little visit to see why it was palling around with Alpha Bank. I'll wager that all his information is protected from a Sessions firing post election and raid of his offices. Bob is ALWAYS one step ahead. :)

New reports over the past two days have brought increased attention to three long-simmering subplots in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

First, the Wall Street Journal revealed new details about GOP operative Peter W. Smith’s quest to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 campaign — including that he raised at least $100,000 for the effort and then pitched in $50,000 of his own money. (Smith was found dead last year, and local authorities ruled his death a suicide.)

Second, the New Yorker revisited the question of mysterious online communications between a Russian bank and a domain tied to the Trump Organization. This topic came up during the campaign and was received skeptically, but now the New Yorker quotes experts who’ve reviewed the data and still suspect there’s something there.

Third, the New York Times revealed that an Israeli firm called Psy-Group pitched its “social media manipulation” services to Trump campaign aide Rick Gates in early 2016, but that Gates didn’t hire the firm. Mueller’s team has been investigating Psy-Group closely for months for reasons that are not entirely clear but seem to be about whether the firm did in fact do work on behalf of Trump’s campaign.​

Mucho Mas:

The past 48 hours in Mueller investigation news, explained
All you really have to do to "explain" it is just say he don't got nuthin. Never will. Trump needs to shit can him.
As complex as this has become, it's important to keep in mind that Mueller knows minimally ten times what everyone else does. And we now know that the FBI paid the Trump Server a little visit to see why it was palling around with Alpha Bank. I'll wager that all his information is protected from a Sessions firing post election and raid of his offices. Bob is ALWAYS one step ahead. :)

New reports over the past two days have brought increased attention to three long-simmering subplots in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

First, the Wall Street Journal revealed new details about GOP operative Peter W. Smith’s quest to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 campaign — including that he raised at least $100,000 for the effort and then pitched in $50,000 of his own money. (Smith was found dead last year, and local authorities ruled his death a suicide.)

Second, the New Yorker revisited the question of mysterious online communications between a Russian bank and a domain tied to the Trump Organization. This topic came up during the campaign and was received skeptically, but now the New Yorker quotes experts who’ve reviewed the data and still suspect there’s something there.

Third, the New York Times revealed that an Israeli firm called Psy-Group pitched its “social media manipulation” services to Trump campaign aide Rick Gates in early 2016, but that Gates didn’t hire the firm. Mueller’s team has been investigating Psy-Group closely for months for reasons that are not entirely clear but seem to be about whether the firm did in fact do work on behalf of Trump’s campaign.​

Mucho Mas:

The past 48 hours in Mueller investigation news, explained
/------/ you forgot the Tri-Lateral Commission, Area 51 and "Steel don't melt."
In other words, nothing is happening. Trump took another free shit in Dr Hate's empty skull this morning and Kanye made it cry.
As complex as this has become, it's important to keep in mind that Mueller knows minimally ten times what everyone else does. And we now know that the FBI paid the Trump Server a little visit to see why it was palling around with Alpha Bank. I'll wager that all his information is protected from a Sessions firing post election and raid of his offices. Bob is ALWAYS one step ahead. :)

New reports over the past two days have brought increased attention to three long-simmering subplots in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

First, the Wall Street Journal revealed new details about GOP operative Peter W. Smith’s quest to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 campaign — including that he raised at least $100,000 for the effort and then pitched in $50,000 of his own money. (Smith was found dead last year, and local authorities ruled his death a suicide.)

Second, the New Yorker revisited the question of mysterious online communications between a Russian bank and a domain tied to the Trump Organization. This topic came up during the campaign and was received skeptically, but now the New Yorker quotes experts who’ve reviewed the data and still suspect there’s something there.

Third, the New York Times revealed that an Israeli firm called Psy-Group pitched its “social media manipulation” services to Trump campaign aide Rick Gates in early 2016, but that Gates didn’t hire the firm. Mueller’s team has been investigating Psy-Group closely for months for reasons that are not entirely clear but seem to be about whether the firm did in fact do work on behalf of Trump’s campaign.​

Mucho Mas:

The past 48 hours in Mueller investigation news, explained

Your explanation seems to have left out Rosenstein's little ride on AF1 with TRUMP...pretty sure the Mueller investigation is finished.
Your explanation seems to have left out Rosenstein's little ride on AF1 with TRUMP...pretty sure the Mueller investigation is finished.

LoL - Sure it is! :D
Pssst: Firing Rosenstein, Sessions AND Mueller won't put an end to this investigation.
The FBI would pick it up - The Southern District of NY continues - the court cases continue ....
AND Mueller's findings thus far are very much protected against trolls who might raid his offices.
And he's about to wind things up - Bottom of the 9th, he's pitching a no-hitter and sitting on a 12-zip lead!
Conclusion: Trump is fucked regardless of what ultimate obstruction of justice he pulls out of his pathetic Orange Ass.
As complex as this has become, it's important to keep in mind that Mueller knows minimally ten times what everyone else does. And we now know that the FBI paid the Trump Server a little visit to see why it was palling around with Alpha Bank. I'll wager that all his information is protected from a Sessions firing post election and raid of his offices. Bob is ALWAYS one step ahead. :)

New reports over the past two days have brought increased attention to three long-simmering subplots in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

First, the Wall Street Journal revealed new details about GOP operative Peter W. Smith’s quest to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 campaign — including that he raised at least $100,000 for the effort and then pitched in $50,000 of his own money. (Smith was found dead last year, and local authorities ruled his death a suicide.)

Second, the New Yorker revisited the question of mysterious online communications between a Russian bank and a domain tied to the Trump Organization. This topic came up during the campaign and was received skeptically, but now the New Yorker quotes experts who’ve reviewed the data and still suspect there’s something there.

Third, the New York Times revealed that an Israeli firm called Psy-Group pitched its “social media manipulation” services to Trump campaign aide Rick Gates in early 2016, but that Gates didn’t hire the firm. Mueller’s team has been investigating Psy-Group closely for months for reasons that are not entirely clear but seem to be about whether the firm did in fact do work on behalf of Trump’s campaign.​

Mucho Mas:

The past 48 hours in Mueller investigation news, explained
Mueller is about to blow the lid off the Hillary investigation -- this will once and forever prove that Hillary and Obama colluded with Russia -- and they are now trying to frame Trump
Your explanation seems to have left out Rosenstein's little ride on AF1 with TRUMP...pretty sure the Mueller investigation is finished.

LoL - Sure it is! :D
Pssst: Firing Rosenstein, Sessions AND Mueller won't put an end to this investigation.
The FBI would pick it up - The Southern District of NY continues - the court cases continue ....
AND Mueller's findings thus far are very much protected against trolls who might raid his offices.
And he's about to wind things up - Bottom of the 9th, he's pitching a no-hitter and sitting on a 12-zip lead!
Conclusion: Trump is fucked regardless of what ultimate obstruction of justice he pulls out of his pathetic Orange Ass.

I take it you haven't been paying attention TRUMP doesn't need to fire Rosenstein or Sessions to end the Mueller investigation.

You are on to something with the FBI picking things up...they did do a great job working on the Kavanaugh investigation.
Your explanation seems to have left out Rosenstein's little ride on AF1 with TRUMP...pretty sure the Mueller investigation is finished.

LoL - Sure it is! :D
Pssst: Firing Rosenstein, Sessions AND Mueller won't put an end to this investigation.
The FBI would pick it up - The Southern District of NY continues - the court cases continue ....
AND Mueller's findings thus far are very much protected against trolls who might raid his offices.
And he's about to wind things up - Bottom of the 9th, he's pitching a no-hitter and sitting on a 12-zip lead!
Conclusion: Trump is fucked regardless of what ultimate obstruction of justice he pulls out of his pathetic Orange Ass.

I take it you haven't been paying attention TRUMP doesn't need to fire Rosenstein or Sessions to end the Mueller investigation.

Yes - he does. But go ahead .. Tell Donald to fire Mueller. Do it today. See what happens :D
Mueller is about to blow the lid off the Hillary investigation -- this will once and forever prove that Hillary and Obama colluded with Russia -- and they are now trying to frame Trump

Changing my response. This ^ was satire. Well done Biff! :D
As explained by the New York Times. They are desperately trying to keep this Russia story alive by political CPR until the mid terms.
Your explanation seems to have left out Rosenstein's little ride on AF1 with TRUMP...pretty sure the Mueller investigation is finished.

LoL - Sure it is! :D
Pssst: Firing Rosenstein, Sessions AND Mueller won't put an end to this investigation.
The FBI would pick it up - The Southern District of NY continues - the court cases continue ....
AND Mueller's findings thus far are very much protected against trolls who might raid his offices.
And he's about to wind things up - Bottom of the 9th, he's pitching a no-hitter and sitting on a 12-zip lead!
Conclusion: Trump is fucked regardless of what ultimate obstruction of justice he pulls out of his pathetic Orange Ass.

I take it you haven't been paying attention TRUMP doesn't need to fire Rosenstein or Sessions to end the Mueller investigation.

Yes - he does. But go ahead .. Tell Donald to fire Mueller. Do it today. See what happens :D

Why would TRUMP fire Mueller when Mueller is responsible for so many people resigning or being fired from the FBI?
As complex as this has become, it's important to keep in mind that Mueller knows minimally ten times what everyone else does. And we now know that the FBI paid the Trump Server a little visit to see why it was palling around with Alpha Bank. I'll wager that all his information is protected from a Sessions firing post election and raid of his offices. Bob is ALWAYS one step ahead. :)

New reports over the past two days have brought increased attention to three long-simmering subplots in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

First, the Wall Street Journal revealed new details about GOP operative Peter W. Smith’s quest to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 campaign — including that he raised at least $100,000 for the effort and then pitched in $50,000 of his own money. (Smith was found dead last year, and local authorities ruled his death a suicide.)

Second, the New Yorker revisited the question of mysterious online communications between a Russian bank and a domain tied to the Trump Organization. This topic came up during the campaign and was received skeptically, but now the New Yorker quotes experts who’ve reviewed the data and still suspect there’s something there.

Third, the New York Times revealed that an Israeli firm called Psy-Group pitched its “social media manipulation” services to Trump campaign aide Rick Gates in early 2016, but that Gates didn’t hire the firm. Mueller’s team has been investigating Psy-Group closely for months for reasons that are not entirely clear but seem to be about whether the firm did in fact do work on behalf of Trump’s campaign.​

Mucho Mas:

The past 48 hours in Mueller investigation news, explained


Keeping the hope alive!
As complex as this has become, it's important to keep in mind that Mueller knows minimally ten times what everyone else does. And we now know that the FBI paid the Trump Server a little visit to see why it was palling around with Alpha Bank. I'll wager that all his information is protected from a Sessions firing post election and raid of his offices. Bob is ALWAYS one step ahead. :)

New reports over the past two days have brought increased attention to three long-simmering subplots in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

First, the Wall Street Journal revealed new details about GOP operative Peter W. Smith’s quest to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 campaign — including that he raised at least $100,000 for the effort and then pitched in $50,000 of his own money. (Smith was found dead last year, and local authorities ruled his death a suicide.)

Second, the New Yorker revisited the question of mysterious online communications between a Russian bank and a domain tied to the Trump Organization. This topic came up during the campaign and was received skeptically, but now the New Yorker quotes experts who’ve reviewed the data and still suspect there’s something there.

Third, the New York Times revealed that an Israeli firm called Psy-Group pitched its “social media manipulation” services to Trump campaign aide Rick Gates in early 2016, but that Gates didn’t hire the firm. Mueller’s team has been investigating Psy-Group closely for months for reasons that are not entirely clear but seem to be about whether the firm did in fact do work on behalf of Trump’s campaign.​

Mucho Mas:

The past 48 hours in Mueller investigation news, explained

10 x 0 is still 0.

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