The PC Police should apologize....

In the two weeks after the shooting, as a massive manhunt unfolded in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Fox programs mentioned Frein's name in just six reports, according to Nexis transcripts. One of the reports mentioned Frein's hatred of law enforcement, but none mentioned Frein's vocal anti-government leanings.

When Frein was finally captured in late October, Fox News covered the stories a handful of times. Again, there was no emphasis on his possible anti-government motivations and why the "survivalist" set out to assassinate law enforcement officers.

Well said. You also didn't see Fox go nuts when Jerad Miller and his wife executed two cops who were eating their lunch at a pizza place in Las Vegas.

Nor did you hear much about the four cops killed by a guy that Mike Huckabee pardoned because he said Jesus convincingly enough times.
Fox News is an ongoing circus act that caters to the right wing.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the behavior and tactics of the PC Police, which continues to cause such damage.

I swear, you people are so programmed to deflect that you're like little partisan robots, political Pavlov's dogs.

You really don't see it.

You can't see what's not there, guy.

People aren't mad because the PC police told them to be.

People are mad because they see an obvious injustice where you can choke a man to death, it gets filmed, and the only person who goes to jail is the guy who filmed it.

You people are trying so hard.


I know you crave that this thread be about you, but it isn't.

Please answer a simple question...

Are you or are you not blaming others for the heinous act of an individual?

I know you already know this (hardcore partisan ideologues are big on being obtuse), but I'll go ahead and say it.

The primary fault of any negative act lies with the individual who perpetrates the act. Like, say, resisting arrest.

I think I'd better say it again, since I suspect you'll pretend you didn't see it: The primary fault of any negative act lies with the individual who perpetrates the act.

Then, if you possess any intellectual curiosity whatsoever (so you're off the hook here), you drill down a bit and examine the macro environment in which the perpetrator exists as you look for clues. In this case, the macro environment is quite clear, at least to those of us who are not living in a partisan vacuum (you're off the hook again, cool!).

Okay, deny and deflect away, I'll try not to fall asleep from the boredom.


Yes, the 'macro environment' is clear...crystal clear. Especially in the Eric Garner case because we have a crystal clear video of what caused the man's death. He was not resisting arrest, he was swarmed by thugs with badges who choked him to death on an American street. And even when he pleaded that he couldn't breath, they didn't stop. The man was no danger to those thugs with badges.
Their blood is on the hands of the race baiters, including BO, Holder, Sharpton, and de Blasio.

Yes, you are correct. They should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they have no shame.

And exactly WHAT did Obama, Holder, Sharpton or de Blasio SAY that was anything but condemnation of violence?

They incited anger and violence. They're evil shit-stirrers. They should be ashamed of themselves. These brutal murders are on them.
Their blood is on the hands of the race baiters, including BO, Holder, Sharpton, and de Blasio.

Yes, you are correct. They should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they have no shame.

And exactly WHAT did Obama, Holder, Sharpton or de Blasio SAY that was anything but condemnation of violence?

They incited anger and violence. They're evil shit-stirrers. They should be ashamed of themselves. These brutal murders are on them.

Well at least we know where you get your propaganda...

Right-Wing Media Hide Obama And De Blasio Statements To Blame Them For Violence Against Police

De Blasio: Protest Organizers "Must Denounce Violence ... You Cannot Talk About Social Change And Then Commit An Act Of Violence Against A Police Officer." On December 17, Mayor de Blasio stated that protesters "absolutely... must denounce violence" if they hope to achieve progress in police-community relations. His statements strongly condemning violence against police were made in response to reports that two NYPD officers had been injured days before as thousands of protesters clogged the Brooklyn Bridge:

DE BLASIO: You cannot talk about social change and then commit an act of violence against a police officer. It makes no sense. It denigrates the cause. It undermines the legitimacy. It's illegal, it's wrong, it's immoral. [Capital New York, 12/17/14]

De Blasio: "We Cannot Accept Violence Against Our Police Officers." During a December 19 press conference after a meeting with community activist group Justice League NYC, New York mayor Bill de Blasio stressed the importance of peaceful organization "to bring [the] police and [the] community together" in the wake of several isolated acts of violence against police during city-wide demonstrations the weekend prior:

DE BLASIO: This is what our democracy respects. This is what our democracy allows for, is people to make their voices heard peacefully, in an organized way - and that's what this group and others have been doing. I made very clear that we cannot accept any violence against our police officers or against anyone. And they were very quick to affirm that they were appalled equally by the events on Saturday night. They find it unacceptable and they will work with the police to identify anyone who seeks to harm the police or harm anyone and undermine their non-violent peaceful progressive movement. [Office of the Mayor, 12/19/14 emphasis added]

President Obama's Response To Nov. 24 Michael Brown Grand Jury Decision: "There's Never An Excuse For Violence." During a November 24 press conference called in response to a St. Louis County grand jury's decision not to indict the police officer responsible for the death of Michael Brown, President Obama acknowledged that minority communities do face real problems with law enforcement, but made clear that "there's never an excuse for violence":

OBAMA: I also appeal to the law enforcement officials in Ferguson and the region to show care and restraint in managing peaceful protests that may occur. Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They've got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law. As they do their jobs in the coming days, they need to work with the community, not against the community, to distinguish the handful of people who may use the grand jury's decision as an excuse for violence


Those of you who are watching tonight understand that there's never an excuse for violence, particularly when there are a lot of people in goodwill out there who are willing to work on these issues. [White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 11/24/14]

President Obama Condemned Violence That Followed Grand Jury Decision. On November 25, President Obama condemned "criminal" violence that erupted in Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown case. The president condemned "burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property" and "putting people at risk" as inexcusable "criminal acts." [Agence-France Presse, 11/25/14]
This thread is long and rich in denials and deflections from hardcore partisan ideologues. And that tells me all I need to know. My point is made and I'm quite satisfied.

Yes, Mac, it's all about you, not the arguments being made.

The PC Police are practicing insidious mind control on the Darkies, and it has nothing to do with the fact there are things people should really be upset about.
They incited anger and violence. They're evil shit-stirrers. They should be ashamed of themselves. These brutal murders are on them.

So what ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?

It strikes me these brutal murders are on the career criminal who had by the age of 28 been arrested or committed crimes in 4 states.

They're on him and his fellow Democrat assholes who incited it. To hell with em all.

Your point is very are doing EXACTLY the same thing as Fox News, blaming others for the heinous act of an individual.

Ah, claiming deflection to deflect.

Seriously, aren't you bored by this conversation yet?

This had become tedious a few dozen pages ago.

I've made my point, you don't like it. I'm not surprised.


It is not deflection to point out that your attack is politically one-sided.

As for your attack itself, since you never supported it with any credible evidence, there is no real need for an argument against it.

Wouldn't all this time, energy and attention be better spent trying to destroy the career of someone who said something that "offended" you?


Do you have evidence of what exactly incited the guy to kill the two cops?

Post that. Otherwise nothing else you claim has any merit.

You want the so-called PC Police to apologize. Offer at least one shred of evidence that we did something we should apologize for.

No amount of evidence would ever be "good enough" for you.

Why? Because you're a hardcore partisan ideologue, and hardcore partisan ideologues are going to stick to their script no matter what. Party affiliation irrelevant, of course.

I don't expect you to agree with me on this. But I'm very impressed by the energy that has been put into denying my point.

This thread is long and rich in denials and deflections from hardcore partisan ideologues. And that tells me all I need to know. My point is made and I'm quite satisfied.

Bored, but satisfied.


So that's your idea of a sound argument? That you don't have to present any evidence at all because some people won't be satisfied with your evidence?

You have presented zero evidence to support your accusation. Case closed.
They incited anger and violence. They're evil shit-stirrers. They should be ashamed of themselves. These brutal murders are on them.

So what ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?

It strikes me these brutal murders are on the career criminal who had by the age of 28 been arrested or committed crimes in 4 states.

They're on him and his fellow Democrat assholes who incited it. To hell with em all.

Maybe all of the people like yourself who rant every day about the 'police state' and its oppressive abuses inspired this guy,

Their blood is on the hands of the race baiters, including BO, Holder, Sharpton, and de Blasio.

Yes, you are correct. They should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they have no shame.

The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest.

"I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

This is what happens when you go through life with just one eye open, refusing to see the damage you're causing because your ego is at stake.


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Their blood is on the hands of the race baiters, including BO, Holder, Sharpton, and de Blasio.

Yes, you are correct. They should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they have no shame.

The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest.

"I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

This is what happens when you go through life with just one eye open, refusing to see the damage you're causing because your ego is at stake.



Why aren't you taking paulitician to task for his constant attacks on law enforcement?
They incited anger and violence. They're evil shit-stirrers. They should be ashamed of themselves. These brutal murders are on them.

So what ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?

It strikes me these brutal murders are on the career criminal who had by the age of 28 been arrested or committed crimes in 4 states.

They're on him and his fellow Democrat assholes who incited it. To hell with em all.

Maybe all of the people like yourself who rant every day about the 'police state' and its oppressive abuses inspired this guy,


Nah, he was a loony Democrat like you.
Their blood is on the hands of the race baiters, including BO, Holder, Sharpton, and de Blasio.

Yes, you are correct. They should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they have no shame.

The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest.

"I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

This is what happens when you go through life with just one eye open, refusing to see the damage you're causing because your ego is at stake.



Why aren't you taking paulitician to task for his constant attacks on law enforcement?

I'm not a Communist Race-Baiter asshole like you. I have serious problems with this expanding Police State, but i don't make it solely about race. This Police State effects all of us. It's not about race.

Only you and your Democrat comrades make it all about race and incite racial division. These brutal murders are on you guys. Period, end of story.
Their blood is on the hands of the race baiters, including BO, Holder, Sharpton, and de Blasio.

Yes, you are correct. They should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they have no shame.

The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest.

"I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

This is what happens when you go through life with just one eye open, refusing to see the damage you're causing because your ego is at stake.



Why aren't you taking paulitician to task for his constant attacks on law enforcement?

I'm not a Communist Race-Baiter asshole like you. I have serious problems with this expanding Police State, but i don't make it solely about race. This Police State effects all of us. It's not about race.

Only you and your Democrat comrades make it all about race and incite racial division. These brutal murders are on you guys. Period, end of story.
The D party has a vested interest in promoting racial division. This is clear to anyone capable of objective thought.

I too despise the ever expanding police state, but condemning all cops and jumping to conclusions every time a white cop shoots a black man, is proof the D party and the left are actively promoting racial division for nefarious reasons.
Their blood is on the hands of the race baiters, including BO, Holder, Sharpton, and de Blasio.

Yes, you are correct. They should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they have no shame.

The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest.

"I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

This is what happens when you go through life with just one eye open, refusing to see the damage you're causing because your ego is at stake.



Why aren't you taking paulitician to task for his constant attacks on law enforcement?

I'm not a Communist Race-Baiter asshole like you. I have serious problems with this expanding Police State, but i don't make it solely about race. This Police State effects all of us. It's not about race.

Only you and your Democrat comrades make it all about race and incite racial division. These brutal murders are on you guys. Period, end of story.

lol, so you demonize the Police in a non-racial manner, so that's okay??

lol good one.
we get it...the people with grievances and those who see injustices should just keep their mouths shut....that way it won't aggravate the racists....

it's their fault for speaking out against injustices, NOT the injustices themselves, the racists say.....

who's right?

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