The PC Police should apologize....

WTF are you ranting about???? More lies and distortion, YOU and you ILK are the problem. "Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus" version of events. What right wing consensus? A liberal state NY Grand Jury conclusion? Really? No wonder cops are being shot when people like you post crap.

How about we just judge what happened on merit instead of instigating riot? Either that or never ever confront a black man again. If I were a COP I wouldn't enter into any black community. Sorry white folks you are on your own if you get caught up in the black knock out game. Should have known better and stayed away from the blacks. Do you see where you and your ilks rhetoric logically lead?

I've already pointed out the ridiculous hypocrisy of the liberal haters over this matter vs. the Clive Bundy affair,

which was also connected to 2 cops being killed.

I'm not going to go over it again. The sane people see my point.

You didn't win that argument, hypocrisy is not evidence to win your case. So what if I supported the Bundy idiots, I don't, but if I did how does that change what the black man did to the minority police officers? Doesn't change it one bit. How does it bring either of the black men who died back to life? It does not.

A better show of hypocrisy is how the left circled the wagons for Clinton when the children died at Waco.

See, you proved my point. You take the side of the white criminals at Waco.

btw, Waco was a botched affair, but I don't recall too many conservatives attacking the ensuing inflammatory rhetoric from the right that eventually led to Oklahoma City.
You are silly as fuck, you know that? One minute you're blaming "the inflammatory rhetoric from the right that eventually led to Oklahoma City," as an argument that the more subtle yet equally inflammatory rhetoric from the Bams, Holdys, and Blasy's can't be shown as leading to the assaults and murders of the NYPD.

lol, you people don't like it when someone uses your exact same 'reasoning' to put the shoe on your foot, do you?

You walked right into that one.

And how do you feel having blamed conservatives for the Oklahoma City bombing?

You used it. Was the OKC bomber a conservative, and did he quote Waco as his motivation for his murders?

btw, how's he doing these days?

You used it. Was the OKC bomber a conservative, and did he quote Waco as his motivation for his murders?

He did so repeatedly. Google up Timothy McVeigh's Manifesto.
Tim McVeigh's conviction and death sentence took place in record time -- clearly because the Clinton Administration wanted to silence his condemnations of the Waco massacre.

Ah, my little stalker friend must be posting to me, yet again. A couple of years after I put him on ignore!

I can always tell that my calm, reasoned, reasonable, mature, civil comments are on target, by the sheer volume and ferocity of the deflections and denials in response by hardcore partisan ideologues.

Good, good, good.


Oh, baby! You ignore me so good! the face of such ferocity!!

Maybe you have a different definition of "stalker" than everyone else. I comment on shit you say. You can't handle it. It's clear.


You sum it up well and correctly.
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
Sounds EXACTLY like Fox News...

Fox News' Double Standard For Right-Wing Cop Killers

The politicization surrounding the killing of two New York Police Department officers over the weekend was amazingly swift. Fox News led the right-wing media charge, immediately claiming Democratic elected officials were somehow responsible for the gun rampage, which began in Baltimore when Ismaaiyl Brinsley allegedly shot his ex-girlfriend, and extended to Brooklyn when the mentally troubled shooter assassinated two police officers, before killing himself on a city subway platform.

On Fox, hosts and guests were sure who was to blame for the tragedy; not the gunman necessarily, but political and community leaders like President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Mayor Bill de Blasio and MSNBC's Al Sharpton. Why? Because the men, to varying degrees, have spoken out about the troubled relationship between law enforcement and the black community, and raised concerns about two recent high-profile cases, Michael Brown and Eric Garner, in which unarmed black men were killed, and police officers responsible were not indicted.

Against that backdrop of civil protest, former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Fox News, "I personally feel that Mayor de Blasio, Sharpton and others like them, they actually have blood on their hands."

"Let's talk about the president as well," responded Fox's Jeanine Pirro, suggesting Obama and Mayor de Blasio were to blame. "The two of them have undoubtedly created racial tensions that worsens, not betters the situation for law enforcement."

Appearing on Fox News, former New York City Mayor Rudolf Giuliani insisted the message from recent Obama "propaganda" was that "everybody should hate the cops." (No such Obama "propaganda" actually exists.)

The coverage of the Brooklyn killings on Fox News has leaned heavily on assigning a larger cultural and political blame. Yet in stark contrast, as Media Matters has documented, Fox News has routinely paid very little attention to breaking news stories that feature right-wing, or anti-government, gunmen who target law enforcement officials as a way to deliver their warped political messages.

And critically, when they have touched on those deadly attacks, Fox talkers have stressed that it's not fair to blame politics. Note that in 2013, after racist skinhead Michael Page started killing worshipers at an Oak Creek, WI., Sikh temple, and then murdered a police officer, Fox's Andrea Tantaros stressed that the killing spree was an isolated event that didn't have any larger implications. "How do you stop a lunatic?" she asked. "This is not a political issue."

At Fox, that has been the pattern: These kind of deadly right-wing attacks are treated as isolated incidents that are mostly void of politics. Instead, the perpetrators are portrayed as lone gunmen (and women) who do not represent any cultural or political movement.

On a September night this year, 31-year-old marksman Eric Frein was allegedly laying in wait outside the Blooming Grove police barracks in northeastern Pennsylvania, preparing to assassinate state troopers. That night, state police officer Bryon Dickson was shot and killed as he walked towards his patrol car.

He "made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and to commit mass acts of murder," state police commissioner Frank Noonan warned the public at the time. Another official noted the shooter has a "longstanding grudge against law enforcement and government in general" dating back to at least 2006.

"He was obviously a big critic of the federal government," a man name Jack told CNN. "No indications of really any malice towards law enforcement in particular. Mostly--most of his aggression was towards the federal government."

In the two weeks after the shooting, as a massive manhunt unfolded in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Fox programs mentioned Frein's name in just six reports, according to Nexis transcripts. One of the reports mentioned Frein's hatred of law enforcement, but none mentioned Frein's vocal anti-government leanings.

When Frein was finally captured in late October, Fox News covered the stories a handful of times. Again, there was no emphasis on his possible anti-government motivations and why the "survivalist" set out to assassinate law enforcement officers.

Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


Disproven time and again but whatever.

Given your 24/7 war on women, I'm surprised you have time to isolate and victimize blacks. You must be really organized.
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
Sounds EXACTLY like Fox News...

Fox News' Double Standard For Right-Wing Cop Killers

The politicization surrounding the killing of two New York Police Department officers over the weekend was amazingly swift. Fox News led the right-wing media charge, immediately claiming Democratic elected officials were somehow responsible for the gun rampage, which began in Baltimore when Ismaaiyl Brinsley allegedly shot his ex-girlfriend, and extended to Brooklyn when the mentally troubled shooter assassinated two police officers, before killing himself on a city subway platform.

On Fox, hosts and guests were sure who was to blame for the tragedy; not the gunman necessarily, but political and community leaders like President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Mayor Bill de Blasio and MSNBC's Al Sharpton. Why? Because the men, to varying degrees, have spoken out about the troubled relationship between law enforcement and the black community, and raised concerns about two recent high-profile cases, Michael Brown and Eric Garner, in which unarmed black men were killed, and police officers responsible were not indicted.

Against that backdrop of civil protest, former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Fox News, "I personally feel that Mayor de Blasio, Sharpton and others like them, they actually have blood on their hands."

"Let's talk about the president as well," responded Fox's Jeanine Pirro, suggesting Obama and Mayor de Blasio were to blame. "The two of them have undoubtedly created racial tensions that worsens, not betters the situation for law enforcement."

Appearing on Fox News, former New York City Mayor Rudolf Giuliani insisted the message from recent Obama "propaganda" was that "everybody should hate the cops." (No such Obama "propaganda" actually exists.)

The coverage of the Brooklyn killings on Fox News has leaned heavily on assigning a larger cultural and political blame. Yet in stark contrast, as Media Matters has documented, Fox News has routinely paid very little attention to breaking news stories that feature right-wing, or anti-government, gunmen who target law enforcement officials as a way to deliver their warped political messages.

And critically, when they have touched on those deadly attacks, Fox talkers have stressed that it's not fair to blame politics. Note that in 2013, after racist skinhead Michael Page started killing worshipers at an Oak Creek, WI., Sikh temple, and then murdered a police officer, Fox's Andrea Tantaros stressed that the killing spree was an isolated event that didn't have any larger implications. "How do you stop a lunatic?" she asked. "This is not a political issue."

At Fox, that has been the pattern: These kind of deadly right-wing attacks are treated as isolated incidents that are mostly void of politics. Instead, the perpetrators are portrayed as lone gunmen (and women) who do not represent any cultural or political movement.

On a September night this year, 31-year-old marksman Eric Frein was allegedly laying in wait outside the Blooming Grove police barracks in northeastern Pennsylvania, preparing to assassinate state troopers. That night, state police officer Bryon Dickson was shot and killed as he walked towards his patrol car.

He "made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and to commit mass acts of murder," state police commissioner Frank Noonan warned the public at the time. Another official noted the shooter has a "longstanding grudge against law enforcement and government in general" dating back to at least 2006.

"He was obviously a big critic of the federal government," a man name Jack told CNN. "No indications of really any malice towards law enforcement in particular. Mostly--most of his aggression was towards the federal government."

In the two weeks after the shooting, as a massive manhunt unfolded in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Fox programs mentioned Frein's name in just six reports, according to Nexis transcripts. One of the reports mentioned Frein's hatred of law enforcement, but none mentioned Frein's vocal anti-government leanings.

When Frein was finally captured in late October, Fox News covered the stories a handful of times. Again, there was no emphasis on his possible anti-government motivations and why the "survivalist" set out to assassinate law enforcement officers.

I don't know whom you are quoting here but I heard all about his anti-police stand and everything else this story seems to think FOX news covered up. I don't normally watch FOX but many outlets covered the strory just like your quoted source says they did not. Not sure where they get their information.

Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


Disproven time and again but whatever.

Given your 24/7 war on women, I'm surprised you have time to isolate and victimize blacks. You must be really organized.

My 24/7 war on women.

Wow, that takes the prize so far here for deflection.


Please explain, looking forward to this one.


Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


Disproven time and again but whatever.

Given your 24/7 war on women, I'm surprised you have time to isolate and victimize blacks. You must be really organized.

My 24/7 war on women.

Wow, that takes the prize so far here for deflection.


Please explain, looking forward to this one.


No need to never seem to. Just post a bunch of cut-and-paste talking points and when confronted with counter arguments, claim "they" don't understand your you've done 100 times.

So to save us some just don't understand. Deal?

Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


Disproven time and again but whatever.

Given your 24/7 war on women, I'm surprised you have time to isolate and victimize blacks. You must be really organized.

My 24/7 war on women.

Wow, that takes the prize so far here for deflection.


Please explain, looking forward to this one.


No need to never seem to. Just post a bunch of cut-and-paste talking points and when confronted with counter arguments, claim "they" don't understand your you've done 100 times.

So to save us some just don't understand. Deal?

So now you're going to deflect from your deflection?

This just gets better.

And which cut and paste talking points? These are all my words.

How many times are you planning on posting silly things?


Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


You are delusional. What do you have to say about what Fox News does on a daily basis to divide America?

Ironic, you are in perfect lock step with Fox News...Fox too wants to blame others for the act of an individual. They blame President Obama, Mayor Bill DeBlasio, saying they "All But Encouraged Retaliation On The Police After The Eric Garner Situation"

Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


You are delusional. What do you have to say about what Fox News does on a daily basis to divide America?

Ironic, you are in perfect lock step with Fox News...Fox too wants to blame others for the act of an individual. They blame President Obama, Mayor Bill DeBlasio, saying they "All But Encouraged Retaliation On The Police After The Eric Garner Situation"

Fox News is an ongoing circus act that caters to the right wing.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the behavior and tactics of the PC Police, which continues to cause such damage.

I swear, you people are so programmed to deflect that you're like little partisan robots, political Pavlov's dogs.

You really don't see it.


Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


You are delusional. What do you have to say about what Fox News does on a daily basis to divide America?

Ironic, you are in perfect lock step with Fox News...Fox too wants to blame others for the act of an individual. They blame President Obama, Mayor Bill DeBlasio, saying they "All But Encouraged Retaliation On The Police After The Eric Garner Situation"

Fox News is an ongoing circus act that caters to the right wing.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the behavior and tactics of the PC Police, which continues to cause such damage.

I swear, you people are so programmed to deflect that you're like little partisan robots, political Pavlov's dogs.

You really don't see it.


You folks need to stop watching FOX news if they are so biased.
PC has nothing to do with criticizing the cops for killing an innocent man.

PC also has nothing to do with criticizing the people who inspired that assassin to kill two innocent cops, either.

Who would that be? Name names.

Al Sharpton, Bill DeBlasio, anyone who helped further the racist narrative and the anti-cop movements. They opened a can of worms.

But hey, black lives matter, cops do not.

So one must pretend that the cops can do no wrong?

lol, that is absurd.

Indeed, all the energy put into deflection reminds me that I'm right on target.

But I already knew that.

And the isolation and victimization of American Blacks continues.


You are delusional. What do you have to say about what Fox News does on a daily basis to divide America?

Ironic, you are in perfect lock step with Fox News...Fox too wants to blame others for the act of an individual. They blame President Obama, Mayor Bill DeBlasio, saying they "All But Encouraged Retaliation On The Police After The Eric Garner Situation"

Fox News is an ongoing circus act that caters to the right wing.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the behavior and tactics of the PC Police, which continues to cause such damage.

I swear, you people are so programmed to deflect that you're like little partisan robots, political Pavlov's dogs.

You really don't see it.


Then what act in that circus is you? You are doing the EXACT SAME thing as Fox are blaming someone else for the heinous act of an individual.
Answering only yes or no,
did the supporters of Clive Bundy 'inspire' the two rightwingers to kill 2 cops in Las Vegas?

No trap questions, Carbine.Try that bullshit on someone else.

As soon as someone plays the trap card, you know they've been checkmated.

Nope, when someone plays the trap card, they have no argument. Sorry.

All I asked you is did the supporters of Clive Bundy inspire the two rightwingers to kill 2 cops in Las Vegas.

Why is that a trap? You had no problem accusing the supporters of Eric Garner, or the protestors against the actions of the cops,

inspiring the killing of the two cops Saturday.

Other than your obvious desire to stay in lockstep with the rightwing cult, why wouldn't you be able to take a position on what I brought up?

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