The PC Police should apologize....

The rightwing propaganda machine did every bit as much 'fanning'.

Right off of the bat you totally deflect from the point of the OP. I'm guessing that you're a liberal.

First post after mine.

This is why it's impossible to have an honest conversation on this.


They're like toddlers with an attention span as long as their "pee pee."

So we're supposed to simply accept as fact the right's propagandized version of this story, that, once again,

it's all the fault of liberals?

lol, that would make it easy for simpletons like you wouldn't it?
WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.
WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

It's clear that you can only communicate in dishonest straw men.

Over and over and over.

As I said before, you're a habitual liar.

At least I know for sure now.

WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

It's clear that you can only communicate in dishonest straw men.

Over and over and over.

As I said before, you're a habitual liar.

At least I know for sure now.


You blamed the cop killing on people protesting, on people criticizing the police.

Are you backing off now?
WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

It's clear that you can only communicate in dishonest straw men.

Over and over and over.

As I said before, you're a habitual liar.

At least I know for sure now.


You blamed the cop killing on people protesting, on people criticizing the police.

Are you backing off now?

Wrong, yet again.

My last post to you on this topic.

Read post 592 on this thread. It explains, in detail, the tactics of the PC Police that have fanned the flames.

After that, please play your games with someone else.

WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

WTF are you ranting about???? More lies and distortion, YOU and you ILK are the problem. "Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus" version of events. What right wing consensus? A liberal state NY Grand Jury conclusion? Really? No wonder cops are being shot when people like you post crap.

How about we just judge what happened on merit instead of instigating riot? Either that or never ever confront a black man again. If I were a COP I wouldn't enter into any black community. Sorry white folks you are on your own if you get caught up in the black knock out game. Should have known better and stayed away from the blacks. Do you see where you and your ilks rhetoric logically lead?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

It's clear that you can only communicate in dishonest straw men.

Over and over and over.

As I said before, you're a habitual liar.

At least I know for sure now.


You blamed the cop killing on people protesting, on people criticizing the police.

Are you backing off now?

Wrong, yet again.

My last post to you on this topic.

Read post 592 on this thread. It explains, in detail, the tactics of the PC Police that have fanned the flames.

After that, please play your games with someone else.


Do you even remember that you started this thread?

You started this thread blaming the 'PC Police' for the killing of the cops.

Then, A FEW POSTS LATER, you made some clarification as to who the PC Police were...

"The PC Police here always claim to not know who or what I'm talking about when I refer to them.

Yet, like Pavlov's Dogs, they always jump right in to deny and divert.

They can't help themselves."

The posters you referred to in the above included myself and some others.

Thus, you identified me and those others as examples of the PC Police you were referring to,

i.e., the PC Police you were blaming directly for the cops being killed.

So once again, where's that apology?

WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

WTF are you ranting about???? More lies and distortion, YOU and you ILK are the problem. "Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus" version of events. What right wing consensus? A liberal state NY Grand Jury conclusion? Really? No wonder cops are being shot when people like you post crap.

How about we just judge what happened on merit instead of instigating riot? Either that or never ever confront a black man again. If I were a COP I wouldn't enter into any black community. Sorry white folks you are on your own if you get caught up in the black knock out game. Should have known better and stayed away from the blacks. Do you see where you and your ilks rhetoric logically lead?

I've already pointed out the ridiculous hypocrisy of the liberal haters over this matter vs. the Clive Bundy affair,

which was also connected to 2 cops being killed.

I'm not going to go over it again. The sane people see my point.
WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

WTF are you ranting about???? More lies and distortion, YOU and you ILK are the problem. "Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus" version of events. What right wing consensus? A liberal state NY Grand Jury conclusion? Really? No wonder cops are being shot when people like you post crap.

How about we just judge what happened on merit instead of instigating riot? Either that or never ever confront a black man again. If I were a COP I wouldn't enter into any black community. Sorry white folks you are on your own if you get caught up in the black knock out game. Should have known better and stayed away from the blacks. Do you see where you and your ilks rhetoric logically lead?

I've already pointed out the ridiculous hypocrisy of the liberal haters over this matter vs. the Clive Bundy affair,

which was also connected to 2 cops being killed.

I'm not going to go over it again. The sane people see my point.

You didn't win that argument, hypocrisy is not evidence to win your case. So what if I supported the Bundy idiots, I don't, but if I did how does that change what the black man did to the minority police officers? Doesn't change it one bit. How does it bring either of the black men who died back to life? It does not.

A better show of hypocrisy is how the left circled the wagons for Clinton when the children died at Waco.
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.




Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

WTF are you ranting about???? More lies and distortion, YOU and you ILK are the problem. "Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus" version of events. What right wing consensus? A liberal state NY Grand Jury conclusion? Really? No wonder cops are being shot when people like you post crap.

How about we just judge what happened on merit instead of instigating riot? Either that or never ever confront a black man again. If I were a COP I wouldn't enter into any black community. Sorry white folks you are on your own if you get caught up in the black knock out game. Should have known better and stayed away from the blacks. Do you see where you and your ilks rhetoric logically lead?

I've already pointed out the ridiculous hypocrisy of the liberal haters over this matter vs. the Clive Bundy affair,

which was also connected to 2 cops being killed.

I'm not going to go over it again. The sane people see my point.

You didn't win that argument, hypocrisy is not evidence to win your case. So what if I supported the Bundy idiots, I don't, but if I did how does that change what the black man did to the minority police officers? Doesn't change it one bit. How does it bring either of the black men who died back to life? It does not.

A better show of hypocrisy is how the left circled the wagons for Clinton when the children died at Waco.

See, you proved my point. You take the side of the white criminals at Waco.

btw, Waco was a botched affair, but I don't recall too many conservatives attacking the ensuing inflammatory rhetoric from the right that eventually led to Oklahoma City.


Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

WTF are you ranting about???? More lies and distortion, YOU and you ILK are the problem. "Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus" version of events. What right wing consensus? A liberal state NY Grand Jury conclusion? Really? No wonder cops are being shot when people like you post crap.

How about we just judge what happened on merit instead of instigating riot? Either that or never ever confront a black man again. If I were a COP I wouldn't enter into any black community. Sorry white folks you are on your own if you get caught up in the black knock out game. Should have known better and stayed away from the blacks. Do you see where you and your ilks rhetoric logically lead?

I've already pointed out the ridiculous hypocrisy of the liberal haters over this matter vs. the Clive Bundy affair,

which was also connected to 2 cops being killed.

I'm not going to go over it again. The sane people see my point.

You didn't win that argument, hypocrisy is not evidence to win your case. So what if I supported the Bundy idiots, I don't, but if I did how does that change what the black man did to the minority police officers? Doesn't change it one bit. How does it bring either of the black men who died back to life? It does not.

A better show of hypocrisy is how the left circled the wagons for Clinton when the children died at Waco.

See, you proved my point. You take the side of the white criminals at Waco.

btw, Waco was a botched affair, but I don't recall too many conservatives attacking the ensuing inflammatory rhetoric from the right that eventually led to Oklahoma City.
You are silly as fuck, you know that? One minute you're blaming "the inflammatory rhetoric from the right that eventually led to Oklahoma City," as an argument that the more subtle yet equally inflammatory rhetoric from the Bams, Holdys, and Blasy's can't be shown as leading to the assaults and murders of the NYPD.
Right you are. The only acceptable behaviour in this matter, according to the RWnuts, would have been,

1. Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus' version of events.
2. No one may protest
3. All government officials must come out 100% in support of the actions of the police.

WTF are you ranting about???? More lies and distortion, YOU and you ILK are the problem. "Everyone must accept the rightwing consensus" version of events. What right wing consensus? A liberal state NY Grand Jury conclusion? Really? No wonder cops are being shot when people like you post crap.

How about we just judge what happened on merit instead of instigating riot? Either that or never ever confront a black man again. If I were a COP I wouldn't enter into any black community. Sorry white folks you are on your own if you get caught up in the black knock out game. Should have known better and stayed away from the blacks. Do you see where you and your ilks rhetoric logically lead?

I've already pointed out the ridiculous hypocrisy of the liberal haters over this matter vs. the Clive Bundy affair,

which was also connected to 2 cops being killed.

I'm not going to go over it again. The sane people see my point.

You didn't win that argument, hypocrisy is not evidence to win your case. So what if I supported the Bundy idiots, I don't, but if I did how does that change what the black man did to the minority police officers? Doesn't change it one bit. How does it bring either of the black men who died back to life? It does not.

A better show of hypocrisy is how the left circled the wagons for Clinton when the children died at Waco.

See, you proved my point. You take the side of the white criminals at Waco.

btw, Waco was a botched affair, but I don't recall too many conservatives attacking the ensuing inflammatory rhetoric from the right that eventually led to Oklahoma City.
You are silly as fuck, you know that? One minute you're blaming "the inflammatory rhetoric from the right that eventually led to Oklahoma City," as an argument that the more subtle yet equally inflammatory rhetoric from the Bams, Holdys, and Blasy's can't be shown as leading to the assaults and murders of the NYPD.

lol, you people don't like it when someone uses your exact same 'reasoning' to put the shoe on your foot, do you?

You walked right into that one.

And how do you feel having blamed conservatives for the Oklahoma City bombing?


Ah, my little stalker friend must be posting to me, yet again. A couple of years after I put him on ignore!

I can always tell that my calm, reasoned, reasonable, mature, civil comments are on target, by the sheer volume and ferocity of the deflections and denials in response by hardcore partisan ideologues.

Good, good, good.


Oh, baby! You ignore me so good! the face of such ferocity!!

Maybe you have a different definition of "stalker" than everyone else. I comment on shit you say. You can't handle it. It's clear.


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