The PC Police should apologize....

Al Sharpton, Bill DeBlasio, anyone who helped further the racist narrative and the anti-cop movements. They opened a can of worms.

But hey, black lives matter, cops do not.

Really? Quote them. What words of theirs inspired cop killing?

No Justice, No Peace.

That doesn't sound like a call to shoot cops. Try again.

This is the new Benghazi. The demented rightwingers have found two more deaths that they can falsely blame liberals for.

Then who do we blame them on? Who or what inspired that man to blow their brains out?

He had a long history of being anti-government. Who are the anti-government types?
And this folks, is how you make a liberal's head explode.

Just FYI, my Dad was an MP as well trained at Fort Gordon before I was born. So yes I have heard of it. So sit your candy ass down.

Why do you keep thinking you should get credit for the efforts of relatives.

Hey, why don't you list your greatest accomplishments.

lol, it would be something if I went through AIT at Ft Gordon with Kormac's dad.

lol, in hindsight I'd have shown him what condoms are for.
lol, it would be something if I went through AIT at Ft Gordon with Kormac's dad.

lol, in hindsight I'd have shown him what condoms are for.

LMAO. I mean FUNNY. Well except maybe to Carmac. But he doesn't have a sense of humor from what I can tell.
lol, it would be something if I went through AIT at Ft Gordon with Kormac's dad.

lol, in hindsight I'd have shown him what condoms are for.

LMAO. I mean FUNNY. Well except maybe to Carmac. But he doesn't have a sense of humor from what I can tell.

What sayeth thee?! Dost thou dare impugn the depth of a night of the Templar's bone of funny! Thou runeth the risk of being!
PC has nothing to do with criticizing the cops for killing an innocent man.

PC also has nothing to do with criticizing the people who inspired that assassin to kill two innocent cops, either.

Who would that be? Name names.

Al Sharpton, Bill DeBlasio, anyone who helped further the racist narrative and the anti-cop movements. They opened a can of worms.

But hey, black lives matter, cops do not.

So your argument is that murders of this nature can only occur through 'inspiration'?

Dost thou dare impugn the depth of a night of the Templar's bone of funny!

Yep. I did it. I admit it. And now I am prepared to suffer the consequences of Carmac not talking to me.

Thou runeth the risk of being!

Smote is the word. As in; I have been smote with the rules of logic and common sense.
Or I have been smitten with a healthy skepticism of ALL things coming from a Temple of Carmac.
And I smighted him when the opportunity presented itself.

Past, present and future participles are a coming. Just as soon as Carmac comes back.
The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.

The only one who was clearly false was Witness #40 who claimed she was walking around that neighborhood so she would stop saying the N-word. and she was the one the Right Wing kept tauting as vindicating Officer Fife.
FALSE! Sounds like you've been reading the false reports that are flooding the internet. Anti-Wilson Witness 22 was clearly false (she admitted it), as did witness 35, among others. Try reading my OP on this, and learn the TRUTH.

WATCH OUT Misleading Report on Wilson Prosecutor Flooding the Internet US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Many witnesses admitted lying. example > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examnation, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

The prosecutor went out of his way to show partiality that made sure Wilson didn't stand trial. This was a travesty of 'justice'. The SOLE role of a Grand Jury is to decide 'just cause' to elevate a case to trial.

The fact that some witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot is just cause.

Most 'targets' (Wilson) of a Grand Jury investigation aren't even aware they are under investigation. And targets don't get to testify for hours UNCHALLENGED by cross examination.

It boggles the mind just how warped the right wing mind is...
The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.


Many witnesses admitted lying. Examples > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examination, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

And the fact that " most targets don't get to testify", and that Wilson did, is something in favor of a Wilson acquittal. Ordinarily, if targets testify, that is BAD for them, but Wilson did anyway. That's a big point in his favor. I'm guessing you don't watch Fox News too much.

You didn't mention witness come?

Or THIS...

Dorian Johnson was one witness who remained consistent. He was with Brown at the time of the shooting.

Johnson told a nearly identical "hands up" version of what happened to county and federal authorities, the grand jury and the media.

“He shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands up in the air and started to get down, but the officer continued to come with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots," Johnson said.
You have got to be kidding about Johnson. He, like Brown, has a criminal past, and has the credibility of a wart hog. As for witness 40, of course I know about her. Shirley McElroy is her name. But the internet is currently being flooded by lying propaganda garbage that slams the prosecutor, on the pretense, that he supposedly slanted the case by having her testify. Well, the anti-Wilson 'witnesses" testified too, and they later were found to be lying, as are the unscrupulous articles flooding the internet right now trying to paint McCullough as a bad prosecutor, and trying to reopen the case. Amazing, the energy these people display, just to go nowhere.

PS- the hands up "version" was debunked by the forensic evidence. Didn't you know?

Ignorance is not an argument, it is a affliction. Your first statement proves you have no interest in justice. You don't care how corrupt the process was because the good guy won and the bad guy lost. There is a good reason this case should have gone to trial, to guard against malfeasance of the justice system by government. But to statists like you the government agent is ALWAYS the good guy.

Keep watching Fox News pea brain...
The likely result of this conflict with de Blasio will be a "rule-book" job action by NYPD's PBA membership, which will dramatically reduce police attention to the Black criminal element. And once that element becomes aware that cops are looking the other way the citizens of New York City will be subjected to an epidemic of street crime they can't anticipate, including armed robbery, mugging, rape, home invasion, car theft, car-jacking, burglary, assault and battery.

I am concerned with this because two of my married daughters live in New York, one in Brooklyn and one in Queens. Their husbands are good men, but they work and cannot be home all the time.

If such a job action takes place I would strongly advise Whites (and peaceful, law-abiding Blacks) in New York to avoid placing themselves in vulnerable positions -- and to make sure they have at least one firearm in the home.

If your premise is true, then they are not police officers, they are thugs with badges. They would be the lowest form of human life.

... to the families of the two dead NY cops.

You fan the flames, you are responsible for the consequences.


WHO fanned the flames?

Protesters Didn't Actually Chant 'Kill A Cop.' Sorry For The 'Misunderstanding'

Sunday evening in Baltimore, with the nation still reeling from the shooting deaths of two NYPD officers the previous day, Fox affiliate WBFF aired a story claiming that law enforcement officials were facing increased threats amid nationwide, largely nonviolent protests against police brutality and misconduct. To make the point, WBFF included a clip of a local woman leading a protest chant allegedly urging others to "kill a cop." As WPYR reporter P. Kenneth Burns was quick to point out, however, this claim was completely inaccurate. (Gawker was also among the first to report WBFF's error.)

The clip was taken from video filmed at the National "Justice For All" March in Washington, D.C. earlier this month. Tawanda Jones is the woman in the video leading protesters in the following chant: "We won't stop! We can't stop! Till killer cops are in cell blocks!" But when WBFF aired the clip -- or at least a version of it that cuts off midway through the chant -- this is how an anchor interpreted Jones' words: "We won't stop, we can't stop, so kill a cop."

(Here's the original video of Jones' chant, which a confused YouTube poster uploaded with the title "Sharpton's 'Go Kill A Cop' march in Wash DC." In the video description field, the user wrote: "Did I really hear this right?" As it turns out, no.)

On Monday, WBFF apologized to Jones, whose brother, Tyrone West, died in police custody in 2013. WBFF characterized the incident as an "honest misunderstanding."

“Fox45 is apologizing for an error made on Fox45 News at Ten last night. We aired a clip from a protest in Washington, D.C. where we reported protesters were chanting 'kill a cop,'" the station said in a statement. "We here at Fox45 work hard every day to earn your trust and bring you fair and comprehensive news from around the country. Although last night's report reflected an honest misunderstanding of what the protesters were saying, we apologize for the error."
WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Last edited:
  • Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  • Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  • Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  • Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks

There you go again. Doing exactly what you complain about. The only thing you didn't do was include the hyphen in "American Blacks".

And speaking of leverage identity. You seem obsessed with this idea of your about using race to gain leverage.
All the while you are using race to gain leverage. As in how you want to identify Americans as "black Americans"
And claim that Dems are using Americans for their own advantage. While you do the same.

Are you not the one that says we are all just Americans? Or all should just be treated as Americans? Then you go on about American Blacks. Like they are some sort of separate species. They are just Americans dude.
  • Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  • Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  • Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  • Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks

There you go again. Doing exactly what you complain about. The only thing you didn't do was include the hyphen in "American Blacks".

And speaking of leverage identity. You seem obsessed with this idea of your about using race to gain leverage.
All the while you are using race to gain leverage. As in how you want to identify Americans as "black Americans"
And claim that Dems are using Americans for their own advantage. While you do the same.

Are you not the one that says we are all just Americans? Or all should just be treated as Americans? Then you go on about American Blacks. Like they are some sort of separate species. They are just Americans dude.

I'm Irish on one side and German on the other. I guess I can't be friends with anyone who isn't Irish or German?

The whole "divisiveness" offensive by the conservatives is BS. I think most of them know that.

If you're able to be "divided" away from someone or something by some dude in Washington with mere were not that committed in the first place.

Anyone using this "divisiveness" hooey is not very honest.
WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.



WHO fanned the flames?
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people.

This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history.

We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

I particularly chuckle at #6.

Enable bad behavior by ignoring it. Oh...okay..

Please explain why, as a percentage, there are more blacks in Prison than any other race if we're ignoring it?

Shouldn't the "cumulative effect" be less blacks?

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