The Peaceniks of the Media Suddenly Deplore Dialogue


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The bed wetting of the left over this historical meeting has been the best thing for the flaccid Republicans in Congress that could have ever occurred. Once again the left show America why they must be kept out of power.

On Monday night, MSNBC assembled a panel of spiteful Trump critics to throw a wet blanket over the summit. The doves turned into hawks and spent much of the evening trying to peck at Trump. Most of the people on the panel are apologists for this or that communist thug—just go back and look at MSNBC’s fawning coverage of Fidel Castro’s death—but on Monday night they played hardliners. Rachel Maddow, furrowing her brow as usual, objected to Trump even holding a summit. She has finally found a communist leader she thinks America should ostracize. When Obama met with the Castro brothers, she burbled with enthusiasm. But she covered this moment of historic diplomacy like a funeral, shuddering at the thought of North Korea joining the “community” of nations.

MSNBC saw the summit as just one more occasion for obsessive anti-Trump fault-finding. The disgraced Brian Williams is still hanging around for some reason and looked like he wanted to give the summit the kind of newsy, anchormanish treatment of old, but he couldn’t pull it off in the company of jabbering Trump haters, for whom wild opining is all that counts. Plus, Williams is too reduced a figure for the cocksure Maddow to give any equal time. But Williams’s ego still asserts itself from time to time. On Monday night he fed it by asking one of the sham historians on the panel an arcane, look-at-what-I-know style question about the USS Pueblo, a ship the North Koreans captured in 1968.

The utterly contemptible Nicole Wallace, whose smugness and nastiness are beyond caricature, drove much of the shrill coverage. She was at her whiny, know-it-all worst, droning on about Trump’s lack of “preparation” and so forth. But Trump seemed perfectly at ease, getting a stiff Kim Jong Un to crack a smile. Trump had said it would only take “a minute” for him to sense if the relationship between the two countries could improve. By that measure, the summit appeared to start promisingly. Normally such friendly gestures between an American leader and an adversary would warm the hearts of liberals. Not this time. The MSNBC panel looked on coldly and muttered suspiciously about Trump’s body language.

Scoring the Summit
That's why I hate leftist parasites.

I hope they commit mass suicide when the GOP sweeps the 2018 election cycle.

MSNBC? Other than the low info clowns of the dimocrat base, who cares what they espouse regarding anything? They’re in a irrelevancy battle to the death with CNN as they fight for hearts and minds of the stupid people. That’s it. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as a lot of the on camera meltdowns are quite entertaining.
MSNBC? Other than the low info clowns of the dimocrat base, who cares what they espouse regarding anything? They’re in a irrelevancy battle to the death with CNN as they fight for hearts and minds of the stupid people. That’s it. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as a lot of the on camera meltdowns are quite entertaining.
Wishful thinking.

MSNBC has millions of viewers because there are more than enough psychos in this country that will everything they can to undermine America and the west.
Naaaa...If the Hildebeast’s loss didn’t Jim Jones them nothing will.

I remain hopeful.

Suicide rates are on the rise after all, if the republicrats sweep out the filthy leftist parasites in the DNC across the board all it can do is help.


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