The People vs Uber - The people win

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
So now that they're employees, don't they have to work the shifts that corporate demands they work? And won't they need corporate Big Brother looking over their shoulders all the time to make sure they're not stopped in a parking lot taking a nap? No more cutting a day short to be at your child's birthday party. No more nipping off home to have lunch with the wife. IOW, being self-employed does have some advantages. Now, instead of working for themselves, drivers will be working for the corporate Man. And here I thought that was a bad thing.

IOW, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

In America, we've had commercials on TV, pushing the idea of working for Uber as the "ideal side hustle", not as a regular job. I guess that is history if Uber workers become employees.
Why would that be the case ?

If you're getting minimum wage, sick pay, paid holidays, etc. you're going to have to work
a minimum number of company set hours, not just when you feel like it.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
So now that they're employees, don't they have to work the shifts that corporate demands they work? And won't they need corporate Big Brother looking over their shoulders all the time to make sure they're not stopped in a parking lot taking a nap? No more cutting a day short to be at your child's birthday party. No more nipping off home to have lunch with the wife. IOW, being self-employed does have some advantages. Now, instead of working for themselves, drivers will be working for the corporate Man. And here I thought that was a bad thing.

IOW, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
I am self employed but I am also "on the books" for some projects. I quite like the mix. But when I am ill or want to go on holiday I like being "employed"

I dont see there being much difference to their working conditions but their package will be a lot better.
A self-employed person does what he does because it puts him in control of his work life but of course it also makes him responsible for his own benefits like time off. IOW, he is the company owner, CEO, fatcat, whatever you want to call him of his own life. You're acting as if being an Uber driver is all these people do but for many it's just a side gig to generate some extra money while they're out. They log in, pick up a few riders then log out and go about their lives with some extra money in their pockets. This move will make that almost impossible. That was the whole attraction of the Uber business model. You could pop in when you wanted to, make some money, then pop out again. Now you're going to have to work assigned shifts, account for all the time in that shift, and have regulations on when and where you can stop and for how long.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
So now that they're employees, don't they have to work the shifts that corporate demands they work? And won't they need corporate Big Brother looking over their shoulders all the time to make sure they're not stopped in a parking lot taking a nap? No more cutting a day short to be at your child's birthday party. No more nipping off home to have lunch with the wife. IOW, being self-employed does have some advantages. Now, instead of working for themselves, drivers will be working for the corporate Man. And here I thought that was a bad thing.

IOW, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
I am self employed but I am also "on the books" for some projects. I quite like the mix. But when I am ill or want to go on holiday I like being "employed"

I dont see there being much difference to their working conditions but their package will be a lot better.
A self-employed person does what he does because it puts him in control of his work life but of course it also makes him responsible for his own benefits like time off. IOW, he is the company owner, CEO, fatcat, whatever you want to call him of his own life. You're acting as if being an Uber driver is all these people do but for many it's just a side gig to generate some extra money while they're out. They log in, pick up a few riders then log out and go about their lives with some extra money in their pockets. This move will make that almost impossible. That was the whole attraction of the Uber business model. You could pop in when you wanted to, make some money, then pop out again. Now you're going to have to work assigned shifts, account for all the time in that shift, and have regulations on when and where you can stop and for how long.
You are projecting. The fact that these guys took the corporation to court underlines that. I cant see them queueing up to reject basic decent working conditions.
Your opposition to this move really baffles me. Are you against it because you are corporate cock suckers or is it because I have rightly stated that it is a good move ?
That is more about the relations about a private business and a state. Some private company starts a certain business model and tries to develop it and begins cooperating with freelancers and then some state brunch orders to significantly change this model to the point that the core idea becomes screwed.

The point is those drivers knew the rules from the very beginning. This service isnt an employer, it is like a middle man. If you dont like what they offer, dont use their services.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
So now that they're employees, don't they have to work the shifts that corporate demands they work? And won't they need corporate Big Brother looking over their shoulders all the time to make sure they're not stopped in a parking lot taking a nap? No more cutting a day short to be at your child's birthday party. No more nipping off home to have lunch with the wife. IOW, being self-employed does have some advantages. Now, instead of working for themselves, drivers will be working for the corporate Man. And here I thought that was a bad thing.

IOW, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
I am self employed but I am also "on the books" for some projects. I quite like the mix. But when I am ill or want to go on holiday I like being "employed"

I dont see there being much difference to their working conditions but their package will be a lot better.
A self-employed person does what he does because it puts him in control of his work life but of course it also makes him responsible for his own benefits like time off. IOW, he is the company owner, CEO, fatcat, whatever you want to call him of his own life. You're acting as if being an Uber driver is all these people do but for many it's just a side gig to generate some extra money while they're out. They log in, pick up a few riders then log out and go about their lives with some extra money in their pockets. This move will make that almost impossible. That was the whole attraction of the Uber business model. You could pop in when you wanted to, make some money, then pop out again. Now you're going to have to work assigned shifts, account for all the time in that shift, and have regulations on when and where you can stop and for how long.
You are projecting. The fact that these guys took the corporation to court underlines that. I cant see them queueing up to reject basic decent working conditions.
The difference is between being an employee and not being an employee. I would wager that many would prefer not being an employee so the could set when and how long they wanted to work. Again, it's the difference between a side gig for a few extra bucks and trying to make a full time career out of it. You don't seem to realize that many don't want to make a full time career out of it.
Your opposition to this move really baffles me. Are you against it because you are corporate cock suckers or is it because I have rightly stated that it is a good move ?
The opposition to the move is quite simple. They are destroying a business model that would suit many just fine, the idea of being in control of their own lives. Flexibility and options rule. Or are you a corporate toady that wants someone to set your schedule and watch every move you make?

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

Would this mean that, say, Uber can now force a driver to be available at certain times on certain days, and for a prescribed number of hours, whether the driver wants to or not? On the surface I can't see how it wouldn't. If Uber is essentially an employer, and the driver is the employee, then the employer should be able to demand certain things from the employee, true?

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
So now that they're employees, don't they have to work the shifts that corporate demands they work? And won't they need corporate Big Brother looking over their shoulders all the time to make sure they're not stopped in a parking lot taking a nap? No more cutting a day short to be at your child's birthday party. No more nipping off home to have lunch with the wife. IOW, being self-employed does have some advantages. Now, instead of working for themselves, drivers will be working for the corporate Man. And here I thought that was a bad thing.

IOW, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
I am self employed but I am also "on the books" for some projects. I quite like the mix. But when I am ill or want to go on holiday I like being "employed"

I dont see there being much difference to their working conditions but their package will be a lot better.
A self-employed person does what he does because it puts him in control of his work life but of course it also makes him responsible for his own benefits like time off. IOW, he is the company owner, CEO, fatcat, whatever you want to call him of his own life. You're acting as if being an Uber driver is all these people do but for many it's just a side gig to generate some extra money while they're out. They log in, pick up a few riders then log out and go about their lives with some extra money in their pockets. This move will make that almost impossible. That was the whole attraction of the Uber business model. You could pop in when you wanted to, make some money, then pop out again. Now you're going to have to work assigned shifts, account for all the time in that shift, and have regulations on when and where you can stop and for how long.
You are projecting. The fact that these guys took the corporation to court underlines that. I cant see them queueing up to reject basic decent working conditions.
The difference is between being an employee and not being an employee. I would wager that many would prefer not being an employee so the could set when and how long they wanted to work. Again, it's the difference between a side gig for a few extra bucks and trying to make a full time career out of it. You don't seem to realize that many don't want to make a full time career out of it.
But these guys will just move on to zero hours contracts, albeit with benefits. On that basis there are no obligations on either party. Nobody is going to see any major life change apart from the workers having more benefits.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

Would this mean that, say, Uber can now force a driver to be available at certain times on certain days, and for a prescribed number of hours, whether the driver wants to or not? On the surface I can't see how it wouldn't. If Uber is essentially an employer, and the driver is the employee, then the employer should be able to demand certain things from the employee, true?
Nope. That business model would not work. Uber would have to pay these guys for that time whether they work or not. That is too big a risk for them. They will carry on as they do now but have to look after their employees a bit better.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

Would this mean that, say, Uber can now force a driver to be available at certain times on certain days, and for a prescribed number of hours, whether the driver wants to or not? On the surface I can't see how it wouldn't. If Uber is essentially an employer, and the driver is the employee, then the employer should be able to demand certain things from the employee, true?
Nope. That business model would not work. Uber would have to pay these guys for that time whether they work or not. That is too big a risk for them. They will carry on as they do now but have to look after their employees a bit better.

That's an odd situation.

Are they basing everything off a 40 hour work week?

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

Would this mean that, say, Uber can now force a driver to be available at certain times on certain days, and for a prescribed number of hours, whether the driver wants to or not? On the surface I can't see how it wouldn't. If Uber is essentially an employer, and the driver is the employee, then the employer should be able to demand certain things from the employee, true?
Nope. That business model would not work. Uber would have to pay these guys for that time whether they work or not. That is too big a risk for them. They will carry on as they do now but have to look after their employees a bit better.

That's an odd situation.

Are they basing everything off a 40 hour work week?
They have a range of employees from full time to "as and when" people who work when they can. They were all classed as self employed meaning Uber had no obligation to pay them any of the usual benefits a full time staff member would have.

However if you work full time for the company on a permanent basis then this just becomes a way of passing an employers obligations on to the state. It will benefit the guys who work a few hours more than those who do an odd job now and then.

I suspect that uber rent the only company who will be affected by this.

The gig economy has thrown up a lot of opportunities for those with capital but it has not really helped workers or the community.

A bit of reflection on the implications of a gig economy.When you treat your staff as a part of the process then society picks up the tab. We cant continually subsidise these robbing bastards.

Unfortunately, there is little chance of our conservative government doing anything to help the working man.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
God I'm glad I live in a civilized country and not the shithole the UK has become.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
God I'm glad I live in a civilized country and not the shithole the UK has become.
Living wage is not civilised ? Ok.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!
God I'm glad I live in a civilized country and not the shithole the UK has become.
Living wage is not civilised ? Ok.
People being free to decide what they choose to do and how they do it is perhaps more important than "civilization" by you standard.

I mean, were you regulated as a rent boy? Did you want to be?

Well contrary to the wet fannies on here it looks like UBer has keeled over and the Unions have won a great victory.
Lets be clear though, being offered these basics is just a hollow victory.
Americans could have these benefits if they had spines and were willing to fight for justice.

Well these grabbing bastards have fought for several years to deny their staff sick and holiday pay. And now they have to pay up.
Power to the People !!!

We need to grab back the huge profits Uber has been making, eh?

For all of 2020, Uber’s net losses amounted to $6.77 billion, around a 20% improvement from a staggering $8.51 billion loss in 2019.

Uber earnings Q4 2020 (

CEO was paid $200m to join them. Let him take a pay cut. Why do you hate the workers so much ?

Why do you? As private contractors they set their own work times. If they become employees they have to work when they are told. They can't refuse rides, and they pay higher taxes.

But what the hell, YOU are dumbass on the Dole, what do you know about work.

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