The Perfect Response To White People's Vitriolic Rage Against Affirmative Action

Why not focus on understanding and changing the problems facing urban education which so disproportionately affects black students? Why not encourage black students to take education seriously by promoting education within the black community?

AFROS ARE STUPID animals. We already try very hard to encourage Afros to do better academically. They don't have it in them.

There are only two options: Let Afros sink to the bottom of society, like turds in a toilet. Or, give Afros tremendous amounts of preferences and pretend that they're people too. We've chosen the latter.

There is a third option, which recognizes the humanity of all races. That's racial separation.
So, in summary, there are blacks who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.
So, in summary, there are blacks who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.

AA is not just a black thing.
Good point. Allow me to edit:

So, in summary, there are minorities who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.
Instead of sending this message, instead of telling one person that they can't make it on their own without big brother's help and instead of telling another person that even though they did everything they were supposed to do but it doesn't matter because of their skin color....why not focus on making sure colleges are using fair admission standards? Why not focus on understanding and changing the problems facing urban education which so disproportionately affects black students? Why not encourage black students to take education seriously by promoting education within the black community? I feel that these alternatives would ALL be far more beneficial than telling a young black student that he isn't good enough to go to a school - but that we'll let him take the spot of a more qualified student (of ANY race) because he's black and needs all the help he can get.

Uhmm...actually, this is what is currently going on now. This is why you have brothers like Al Sharpton speaking out against injustices and racial inequalities, and why organizations such as the NAACP exist, to straiten out these issues.

Yet many whites say they are not needed and/or are "race baiters/hustlers."

Can't win for trying I tell you.
Doing away with normal standards and whatnot just so Negroes can get by. Yeah, that's a great idea. Too dumb to pass a police test like in Boston, no problem we'll make it easier for you black cops. That the diverse citizenry then have to rely on dumbbells on the force is no big deal.

negroes? what decade are you living in?
So, in summary, there are blacks who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.

AA is not just a black thing.
Good point. Allow me to edit:

So, in summary, there are minorities who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.

White women benefit from AA too.
AA is not just a black thing.
Good point. Allow me to edit:

So, in summary, there are minorities who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.

White women benefit from AA too.
Women are minorities.

So, how do you feel, as a woman, being told you can't succeed without the help of liberals? That you're just not quite good enough?
Good point. Allow me to edit:

So, in summary, there are minorities who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.

White women benefit from AA too.
Women are minorities.

So, how do you feel, as a woman, being told you can't succeed without the help of liberals? That you're just not quite good enough?

Women are 50% of the population, why are we considered a minority? Anywho, I've made my position on AA pretty clear :)
Doing away with normal standards and whatnot just so Negroes can get by. Yeah, that's a great idea. Too dumb to pass a police test like in Boston, no problem we'll make it easier for you black cops. That the diverse citizenry then have to rely on dumbbells on the force is no big deal.

negroes? what decade are you living in?

then we can get rid of the United Negro College Fund, right?
Instead of sending this message, instead of telling one person that they can't make it on their own without big brother's help and instead of telling another person that even though they did everything they were supposed to do but it doesn't matter because of their skin color....why not focus on making sure colleges are using fair admission standards? Why not focus on understanding and changing the problems facing urban education which so disproportionately affects black students? Why not encourage black students to take education seriously by promoting education within the black community? I feel that these alternatives would ALL be far more beneficial than telling a young black student that he isn't good enough to go to a school - but that we'll let him take the spot of a more qualified student (of ANY race) because he's black and needs all the help he can get.

Uhmm...actually, this is what is currently going on now. This is why you have brothers like Al Sharpton speaking out against injustices and racial inequalities, and why organizations such as the NAACP exist, to straiten out these issues.

Yet many whites say they are not needed and/or are "race baiters/hustlers."

Can't win for trying I tell you.

but they only speak out against white people
Instead of sending this message, instead of telling one person that they can't make it on their own without big brother's help and instead of telling another person that even though they did everything they were supposed to do but it doesn't matter because of their skin color....why not focus on making sure colleges are using fair admission standards? Why not focus on understanding and changing the problems facing urban education which so disproportionately affects black students? Why not encourage black students to take education seriously by promoting education within the black community? I feel that these alternatives would ALL be far more beneficial than telling a young black student that he isn't good enough to go to a school - but that we'll let him take the spot of a more qualified student (of ANY race) because he's black and needs all the help he can get.

Uhmm...actually, this is what is currently going on now. This is why you have brothers like Al Sharpton speaking out against injustices and racial inequalities, and why organizations such as the NAACP exist, to straiten out these issues.

Yet many whites say they are not needed and/or are "race baiters/hustlers."

Can't win for trying I tell you.

but they only speak out against white people
How your comment relate to the post I responded to?
I came across this today and found it to be quite profound

white racist lady gets bummed out see look on her face at end lol mpeg2video - YouTube

Here we have a white woman that's totally incensed at the "wrongness" of quotas, aka Affirmative Action in colleges/universities and we see a perfect response that depicts the reality of the situation.

I witness this intellectually on this very board as well.

THIS is the most race baiting clip you could find with which to start a thread?
Aside from the panel member's ridiculous response...I'm not getting it.
White women benefit from AA too.
Women are minorities.

So, how do you feel, as a woman, being told you can't succeed without the help of liberals? That you're just not quite good enough?

Women are 50% of the population, why are we considered a minority? Anywho, I've made my position on AA pretty clear :)

EEO Terminology
The many peoples with origins in Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East make up the dominant white population. Of course, many more minority groups can be identified in the American population. However, they are not classified separately as minorities under EEO law. It should be noted that women are not classified as a minority. However, they have experienced the same kind of systematic exclusion from the economy as the various minorities. Thus, they are considered as having "minority status" as far as the law is concerned.​
Affirmative action was never a good idea the way it played out.
A better way, would have been to make applications blind so that no identification of sex, race or age, would be impossible. Then you simply take the ones with the highest scores. No quotas, no discrimination and best of all.... No Excuses.

^.. Agreed with this guy. :thup:
Uhmm...actually, this is what is currently going on now. This is why you have brothers like Al Sharpton speaking out against injustices and racial inequalities, and why organizations such as the NAACP exist, to straiten out these issues.

Yet many whites say they are not needed and/or are "race baiters/hustlers."

Can't win for trying I tell you.

but they only speak out against white people
How your comment relate to the post I responded to?

your "brother" Sharpton and the NAACP only speaks out about injustices when it's a black person. On other injustices they are mute or back the perp.

perfect examples are Tawana
brawley, the Duke lacrosse rape" and the hoax in the school in Miss.

Lies all of them

And the end game is to get revenge against white people and extort money.

nice racist in your Avi BTW......
The problem with affirmative action as designed by Congress is that it demands that non-minorities that have gained no benefit from past racism pay the price for affirmative action.

The people who are wealthy in large part BECAUSE of the system of the past?

Well they don't end up every paying the cost of AA.

What do you suppose the chances would have been that Bush II or Al Gore wouldn't have gotten into college because some minority took their seat in college?


But some po' white dude?

Well he actually IS competing for those college places or for that job.

The concept of AA is sound, in my opinion, but the modus operandi is pure CLASSISM IN ACTION.
So, in summary, there are blacks who don't mind being told by white liberals that there's no way they can succeed without the help of white liberals.

The vast majority of blacks know they cannot compete with whites, and are not the least bit ashamed of relying upon government to raise the standard of living. This old fashioned idea of individualism and self-sufficiency is a white thing.

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