The plan to turn swing States blue through illegal immigration will fail.

There is no PLAN.

Immigrants becoming citizens (eventually) is what Republicans fear
The Statue of Liberty weeps
That bitch can cry me a river.

How stupid were we to accept a statue from the French extoling the virture of immigration for the sake of the immigrant? The Trojan skank, I call her.

You bet your ass that France doesn't let whoever wants to become French by walking across the border.
So you're saying they'll never be citizens?

Get a clue dude, of course many of these flooding in will eventually be citizens, and it's almost guaranteed they'll be voting for the party that trains and addicts' people to government handouts!

In the meantime, we have you and your evil party trying in various places around the country, to allow illegals to vote in local elections!

So, you were saying?
It is extremely difficult for an illegal alien to become a citizen
You have to legally establish residency before becoming a citizen

You are spouting a fantasy
I welcome you to show any proof that illegal aliens are voting

Thread Killer

School and local elections?

THAT is what you're worried about?

School Board?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
There is no PLAN.

Immigrants becoming citizens (eventually) is what Republicans fear
That IS the plan. These people:


Are obviously never going back, if any get deported, they will be back over the river in as long as it takes them to raise money to pay the cartels the toll.

The majority will eventually get citizenship, through another deal with the GOP that the Democrats will renege on again.

Even more obvious is how Democrats expect them to vote.

That part will work. The part about the Dems become the sole party in power will not work, for the reasons I carefully explained.
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Let's look at your challenge again, shall we:

Have you changed the rules, again?

We are talking FEDERAL ELECTIONS Skippy
Nobody cares if they vote for School Board

Trump claimed 3 million illegals voted in 2016
You have a long way to go
Only citizens vote

Thread Killer
Tens of millions of illegal aliens = Litters of free shit begging Dem voting anchor babies….You didn’t know that?

The Statue of Liberty weeps
”Emma Lazarus, a 32 year old New Yorker wrote our forever immigration policy in 1883 damnit!”

I welcome you to show any proof that illegal aliens are voting

Thread Killer
Tens of millions of illegal aliens = Millions of litters of free shit begging Dem voting anchor babies….You didn’t know that?
We are talking FEDERAL ELECTIONS Skippy
Nobody cares if they vote for School Board

Trump claimed 3 million illegals voted in 2016
You have a long way to go
I'm talking about all elections, as were you until you got smacked in the face by facts.

I care if they vote for school boards. They will surely vote themselves even more benefits than public school already give them.

I dont' have to back up Trump's claims.
No, I don't think that the GOP's ONLY problem is with minorities, and nothing in my post would have given a thinking person reason to think that it meant that.

The GOP just took control of congress, so whatever their problems, it is not stopping them from controlling the courts, and the people's house.

The GOP took the house (barely) through Gerrymandering, voter suppression and the fact the out of power party always loses seats in midterms.

If this is the quality of guys you are sending to the House, you have issues.

I'm talking about all elections, as were you until you got smacked in the face by facts.

I care if they vote for school boards. They will surely vote themselves even more benefits than public school already give them.

I dont' have to back up Trump's claims.
Nobody gives a shit about School Board and Dog Catcher elections

Republicans are claiming illegals are voting in National Elections
They are not
That IS the plan. These people:

View attachment 742607

Are obviously never going back, if any get deported, they will be back over the river in as long as it takes them to raise money to pay the cartels the toll.

The majority will eventually get citizenship, through another deal with the GOP that the Democrats will renege on again.

Even more obvious is how Democrats expect them to vote.

That part will work. The part about the Dems become the sole party in power will not work, for the reasons I carefully explained.
“The majority will eventually get citizenship”?

Total bullshit. It’s exceptionally hard for that to happen

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