The Plot to Sabotage U.S. Court System With Thousands of Deportation Cases


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Another alt/leftie trying to ruin America, why not fix your governments so you don't have to run here. Well if we shut the door they will have to fix their governments, that's why south american officials are trying to keep the door open, they don't want to get TRUMPED by their people like we did here...
The Plot to Sabotage U.S. Court System With Thousands of Deportation Cases
The curious Stalinist background of an open-borders activist.
February 22, 2017
Humberto Fontova

“Yes I want to use the U.S. judicial system—the immigration courts in particular-- to jam, to backlog it so perhaps President Trump will change his mind and stop this ridiculous policy-- this unpleasant and hostile policy-- of deporting people..” (Jorge Castañeda to Tucker Carlson, Fox News, 2/14/17.)

The “ridiculous policy”consists of President Trump’s executive orders to deport lawbreaking foreigners, mostly Mexicans.

In other words, this “unpleasant and hostile policy” consists of Presidential candidate Trump’s fulfillment of his campaign pledges and of President Trump’s fulfillment of his pledge with his hand on the Bible on Jan. 20th—to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

The Mexican government itself has pledged $50 million in legal defense funds towards this jamming of U.S. courts as planned and promoted by Jorge Castañeda, who was introduced by Tucker Carlson as “Mexico’s former Foreign Minister, also a NYU professor and Board member of Human Rights Watch.”

Democrats and the mainstream media would have us gag and shudder at such fulfillments of the U.S. Constitution—because they offend the sensibilities of a former Mexican Communist Party member and spy for Cuba’s terror-sponsoring Stalinist regime.

“Whoops! What was that?” some readers ask.

Yes, amigos, I’m afraid that -- either due to politeness or ignorance --Tucker Carlson scrimped on his guest Jorge Castañeda’s curriculum vitae. (We’ll flesh it out in a second.)

But firstly, from 2000-2003 Jorge Castañeda served as Mexico’s Foreign Minister. On March 2nd, 2002 twenty one desperate Cuban refugee wannabes crammed into Mexico’s embassy in Havana hoping to emigrate from Castro’s Cuba to Mexico. (In prosperous, European immigrant-swamped pre-Castro Cuba, by the way, the family and friends of any Cuban seeking to immigrate to Mexico would have promptly recommended him to a psychiatrist.)

At any rate, promptly upon notice of this violation of Mexican sovereignty by immigrant wannabes, Jorge Castañeda —a man apparently scandalized by U.S. judicial procedures, especially as regards to illegal immigrants---ordered Castro’s Stalinist police to enter the embassy and drag the desperate Cubans out.

Now let’s expand a bit on Jorge Castaneda’s “credentials.” I hold here in my hands a document detailing how this very Jorge Castañeda was recruited by Cuba’s KGB-trained secret police as a spy, where he served loyally for almost five years.

This document consists of an investigative report by Mexico’s biggest and most prestigious newspaper El Universal dated Feb. 4, 2008. The reporter got his hands on secret documents belonging to Mexico’s intelligence service that detail how in 1979 this card-carrying member of Mexico’s Communist party and subsequent Mexican Foreign Minister and NYU professor, was recruited into Castro’s spy service by Jorge Luis Joa Campos, Cuba’s master spy in Mexico.


The “former” Mexican Communist who describes Che Guevara as “Christ-like” presumes to “reform” the U.S. judicial system—and liberals applaud.

The Plot to Sabotage U.S. Court System With Thousands of Deportation Cases
They can demand all they want (form the other side of the border). We don't have to accommodate them.

Tucker is right. Castaneda is a hypocrite of monumental proportions. The SOB should go back to Mexico and demand the same sort of social nets be installed there instead of demanding them of the United States.


I love Tucker Carlson's expressions when he's talking to a particularly stupid guest. They all seem to say What the fuck are you talking about.

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