The political cost of misdiagnosing overpopulation vs climate


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Here we go again...

First it was the Syrian Civil War, caused by a drought "because of global warming" according to the NYT....

Problem - a warmer Earth is a wetter Earth. The extremes show the truth. An Earth with a high temperature of 30F has no moisture at all, because all H2O is ice. If Earth's lowest temp is 212F, everything is wet, because all water is steam...

Warmer Earth does not cause droughts. It causes just the opposite....

So now we have the Amazon rainforest on fire. Must be "global warming" because that's what idiots can parrot....


Every country south of the US has been engaged in massive population growth, having 5-12 kids per couple. More people consume more and more fresh water. Suck too much fresh water from nature and what happens.... you dry out the foliage, and it BURNS. We are clearly in a STAGE 1 of planetary overpopulation. Fires caused by humans consuming too much fresh water are happening all over the planet.

What also happens to countries with too many people?

People leave to go overpopulate the rest of the planet = immigrants.

What is the driving force behind overpopulation?


Religious leaders are the most selfish, arrogant, pompous, greedy fuckheads alive. All they care about is increasing their own power and wealth, and to do that, they simply grow their own flock, and care not about the consequences.

We live on an overpopulated planet right now, and as long as we buy into Algore's FRAUD and misdiagnose the real problem, the more we will pay, and the worse it will get...
Here we go again...

First it was the Syrian Civil War, caused by a drought "because of global warming" according to the NYT....

Problem - a warmer Earth is a wetter Earth. The extremes show the truth. An Earth with a high temperature of 30F has no moisture at all, because all H2O is ice. If Earth's lowest temp is 212F, everything is wet, because all water is steam...

Warmer Earth does not cause droughts. It causes just the opposite....

So now we have the Amazon rainforest on fire. Must be "global warming" because that's what idiots can parrot....


Every country south of the US has been engaged in massive population growth, having 5-12 kids per couple. More people consume more and more fresh water. Suck too much fresh water from nature and what happens.... you dry out the foliage, and it BURNS. We are clearly in a STAGE 1 of planetary overpopulation. Fires caused by humans consuming too much fresh water are happening all over the planet.

What also happens to countries with too many people?

People leave to go overpopulate the rest of the planet = immigrants.

What is the driving force behind overpopulation?


Religious leaders are the most selfish, arrogant, pompous, greedy fuckheads alive. All they care about is increasing their own power and wealth, and to do that, they simply grow their own flock, and care not about the consequences.

We live on an overpopulated planet right now, and as long as we buy into Algore's FRAUD and misdiagnose the real problem, the more we will pay, and the worse it will get...
i noticed the Open Borders is not working out in Europe and Soros is very upset over the people not excepting it. Boy that guy is really screwed up and needs to be put in the funny farm. Crime in Europe is out of control from the little that the newspapers are reporting.
They have their own CNN type of reporters. Rape and Murder seem to be the leading causes of the incidents.
Individuals from every race can be crooks. Most "immigrants" are decent people who follow a religious leader who is not.

To survive Earth for the next century, not only must we close our border, we must put guns to the heads of religious leaders advocating large families.

I mean it.

Take the leader at gunpoint outside of the house of worship and OFF HIM right in front of the flock.

You folks can live with 2 kids per couple...

If anyone disagrees, plug them too.
Jews from the field of science tend to be really top notch.

Ehrlich was totally right.
Paul Ehrlich was right. He predicted this. He was such a smart Jew.
Ehrlich was wrong about everything....He couldn't have been more wrong if he were paid to do so.

Reason vs. Faith: The Economist Who Won a $1,000 Bet With Doomsayer Paul Ehrlich | Marian L. Tupy, Gale Pooley

This is the standard. Until there are millions of humans actually starving from lack of food, there is no overpopulation, because religious leaders want more supporters and donors.

It is the same with the US federal debt. Those getting checks will not care until the checks bounce.

Either way, it will be TOO LATE if we wait for THAT TYPE OF "EVIDENCE."

Earth is finite. It can only host so many humans. We are clearly more than half of that number now...
This is the standard. Until there are millions of humans actually starving from lack of food, there is no overpopulation, because religious leaders want more supporters and donors.

It is the same with the US federal debt. Those getting checks will not care until the checks bounce.

Either way, it will be TOO LATE if we wait for THAT TYPE OF "EVIDENCE."

Earth is finite. It can only host so many humans. We are clearly more than half of that number now...
Oddball = homosexual who is receiving a government check and won't care about the US Federal Debt until that check bounces....

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