The Political Might Of Adultery


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Divorce used to be a scandal. Today, divorce is so common it has become not only socially acceptable, it has become a norm.

So how is it that gays end up as the political scapegoats for the utter ruination of the institution of marriage? What bizarro line of thinking led to the conclusion that homos will ruin an institution which collapsed a long, long time ago?

Why does the mob wave the Bible about when condemning gays, but fails to rail against the mass adultery going on?

When will the mob remember their Bible and start politically campaigning against divorce except in case of adultery? When will the mob remember their Bible and start politically campaigning for not allowing divorcees to re-marry?

Why do they only remember their Bible when ranting about the mote in their neighbor's eye and forget the Bible when it comes to the beam in their own?

Is it because the very people bashing gays over the head with the Bible are adulterers themselves? Hmmmm...

Premarital sex. Porn sites. Masturbation. All these other forms of adultery are also acceptable and a norm. All hugely violating the Bible.

Adultery, as defined by the Bible, has become so widespread and so rampant, it is now politically embedded into the very fabric of our country. No politician would dare go after the tens upon tens upon tens of millions of biblically-defined adulterers.

Evil has already won, kids. A long time ago. Wakey wakey.

The Bible has a lot to say about a people who have gone so far away from God.

Making gays the scapegoat would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
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Wow a troll thread worthy of Billy Triple Fail.
Divorce has been accepted by Christians since Henry VIII. Homosexuality, never.
yep, cross grovelers have made a mockery of the institution well before the homosexuals started saying they wanted equal rights to marry
Making gays the scapegoat would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

You mean like making rich people the scapegoat for people who don't work hard? Making the wealthy the scapegoat for people who don't save? Liberals have it all figured out, don't you?
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Divorce used to be a scandal. Today, divorce is so common it has become not only socially acceptable, it has become a norm.

So how is it that gays end up as the political scapegoats for the utter ruination of the institution of marriage? What bizarro line of thinking led to the conclusion that homos will ruin an institution which collapsed a long, long time ago?

Why does the mob wave the Bible about when condemning gays, but fails to rail against the mass adultery going on?

When will the mob remember their Bible and start politically campaigning against divorce except in case of adultery? When will the mob remember their Bible and start politically campaigning for not allowing divorcees to re-marry?

Why do they only remember their Bible when ranting about the mote in their neighbor's eye and forget the Bible when it comes to the beam in their own?

Is it because the very people bashing gays over the head with the Bible are adulterers themselves? Hmmmm...

Premarital sex. Porn sites. Masturbation. All these other forums of adultery are also acceptable and a norm. All hugely violating the Bible.

Adultery, as defined by the Bible, has become so widespread and so rampant, it is now politically embedded into the very fabric of our country. No politician would dare go after the tens upon tens upon tens of millions of biblically-defined adulterers.

Evil has already won, kids. A long time ago. Wakey wakey.

The Bible has a lot to say about a people who have gone so far away from God.

Making gays the scapegoat would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Verily, you give voice to the mockery of the clerk languishing in chains. But, I still think the decision was wrong. The decision to ban gay marriage should only have had to pass the rational relationship. If some Kentucky bumpkin legislators from Bumpkinville thought that banning gays from marrying would save one or maybe three heteromarriages, then it should get a pass. Its simply not exactly like Loving. No one rationally thought all us white men were gonna dump our wives to jump on some black strange.
Making gays the scapegoat would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

You mean like making rich people the scapegoat for people who don't work hard? Making the wealthy the scapegoat for people who don't save? Liberals have it all figured out, don't you?
So, if I agreed some made scapegoats of the rich would that make it ok to make scapegoats out of gays?
Gays have been around for thousands of years and will still be around when the gay bashers are dead of old age.
Horaay, it's time for another gay thread!!! We never get tired of their endless bullshit!!ig

Check it out, idiot! Everything you mentioned is still considered a sin by the Catholic Church!!!

People who divorce and remarry are not allowed to take the Eucharist.

It doesn't matter that other churches allow divorce, they are wrong. Jesus' condemnation of divorce was very specific and cannot be wished away.
Newt Gingrich. Had a mistress while married to his first wife. Divorced first wife, married mistress. Then got another mistress while married the second time. Divorced first mistress (second wife), and married second mistress (third wife). All while trying to impeach Bill Clinton for getting a blowjob and lying about it. A one man marriage institution wrecking ball. Came this close to winning Republican nomination for President.

Bill Clinton. Serial adulterer.

Senator David Vitter. Wears diapers with prostitutes. Re-elected.

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. Abandons his post as Governor to run off to Argentina to see his mistress. Tells his staff to lie about his whereabouts and tell people he is hiking the Appalachian trail. Very macho, macho man, hiking in the wilderness. Comes back and is sighted in airport. Admits his adultery, calls mistress his "soul mate". When asked by he won't resign, he actually uses the Bible to justify himself! What was good enough for King David and Bathsheba is good enough for Mark Sanford. Rewarded by the Republican voters of his state after serving out his full term by being elevated to national office.

Rush Limbaugh has wolfed down four wedding cakes. That makes him holier than thou.

But somehow gays will be the ones who destroy the institution of marriage!
Horaay, it's time for another gay thread!!! We never get tired of their endless bullshit!!ig

Check it out, idiot! Everything you mentioned is still considered a sin by the Catholic Church!!!

People who divorce and remarry are not allowed to take the Eucharist.

It doesn't matter that other churches allow divorce, they are wrong. Jesus' condemnation of divorce was very specific and cannot be wished away.
And yet I do not see Reverend Huckabee campaigning against allowing divorcees to remarry. Even though it is a far, far, far more destructive influence on the institution of marriage.

I do not see right wingers foaming at the mouth for years on end about stopping divorcees from remarrying. I do not see them saying, "If we allow these adulterers to remarry, we will have to allow dogs to marry cats!"
You can walk into any county clerk's office in America and get a marriage license, even if you are a serial adulterer by the Bible's standards.

That is some serious political clout right there.

You can be positively dripping with sin and vice, oozing brimstone, wearing a diaper while surrounded by hookers, with a ginormous beam in your eye, and still get married. Kim Davis will whip out her pen and sign the papers quicker than you can say, "Holy! Holy! Holy!"

And then you whine and moan if a gay couple asks to get married.

Serious, serious political clout.
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Making gays the scapegoat would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

You mean like making rich people the scapegoat for people who don't work hard? Making the wealthy the scapegoat for people who don't save? Liberals have it all figured out, don't you?
So, if I agreed some made scapegoats of the rich would that make it ok to make scapegoats out of gays?

What a stupid question, there is no way to get that out of what I said. I don't think there's anything wrong with gays, Holmes, so no, it isn't.

I have never understood the socon's obsession with gays over other sins with actual victims even. But hypocrisy is still not a valid attack. It's either a standard or it isn't, to g5000 it isn't
You can walk into any county clerk's office in America and get a marriage license, even if you are a serial adulterer by the Bible's standards.

That is some serious political clout right there.

You can be positively dripping with sin and vice, oozing brimstone, with a ginormous beam in your eye, and still get married.

And then you whine and moan if a gay couple asks to get married.

Serious, serious political clout.

In North Carolina if you cheat on your spouse they can sue your ass off, you can't sue people for being gay
You can walk into any county clerk's office in America and get a marriage license, even if you are a serial adulterer by the Bible's standards.

That is some serious political clout right there.

You can be positively dripping with sin and vice, oozing brimstone, with a ginormous beam in your eye, and still get married.

And then you whine and moan if a gay couple asks to get married.

Serious, serious political clout.

In North Carolina if you cheat on your spouse they can sue your ass off, you can't sue people for being gay
Until recently, in North Carolina if you cheat on your spouse and they sue for divorce, you can get married again before the ink is even dry on the divorce papers. But you couldn't even get married once if you are gay.

That's some serious political clout adultery has.

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