The political spectrum

The only thought process most people engage in is this:

Democrat = liberal. I am a democrat therefore I am liberal. If the Democrat establishment says something, it must be liberal, so I follow suit in order to be a liberal.

These are not the brightest bulbs on the marquee.
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?
If the OP is meant to introduce a parody thread, well played.

Otherwise, it's jackassery of the most ridiculous sort.

It's such an utter mess it's impossible to correct it, but suffice to say that most leftists are libertarian, and many on the right favor tyranny.
If the OP is meant to introduce a parody thread, well played.

Otherwise, it's jackassery of the most ridiculous sort.

It's such an utter mess it's impossible to correct it, but suffice to say that most leftists are libertarian, and many on the right favor tyranny.
I certainly didnt mean to draw in this retard. GG was enough 🤦‍♂️
A free pass from what?
You dont know what my point was.

We are living in a country where both the right and the left are becoming more authoritarian each passing day, yet you ignore what is in front of your face for some stupid new "spectrum" that does not touch on reality.
We are living in a country where both the right and the left are becoming more authoritarian each passing day, yet you ignore what is in front of your face for some stupid new "spectrum" that does not touch on reality.

The point you miss is that they are not 'right and left', they are left and further left. The right is not represented by a party in this country.
The point you miss is that they are not 'right and left', they are left and further left. The right is not represented by a party in this country.

And as is your norm, you are wrong. they are right and left. There is a very strong rightwing movement in this country pushing nationalism and race purity and more.
The point you miss is that they are not 'right and left', they are left and further left. The right is not represented by a party in this country.

Both parties are comprised primarily, if not exclusively, of far right warmongering deranged self-serving criminals.

The left is nowhere to be found in any of this, only conservatives who call themselves liberals, and conservatives who call themselves conservative.
The terms left and right come from the seating arraignments of the French parliament during the French Revolution. Those who sat on the right supported the Church and Monarch. Those on the left supported Enlightenment ideas. In the US and many other countries around there world there is, for all intents and purposes, no right wing. Every single party in the US is left wing.
The terms left and right come from the seating arraignments of the French parliament during the French Revolution. Those who sat on the right supported the Church and Monarch. Those on the left supported Enlightenment ideas. In the US and many other countries around there world there is, for all intents and purposes, no right wing. Every single party in the US is left wing.
The two major parties in the US are ultra-right wing.

Both parties are comprised primarily, if not exclusively, of far right warmongering deranged self-serving criminals.

The left is nowhere to be found in any of this, only conservatives who call themselves liberals, and conservatives who call themselves conservative.
Golfing Gator
Come be an illogical retard in this thread.
The secret is to ONLY vote Democratic until the GOP stop being the party for the rich. Force them to change their platform. They have to stop being anti abortion. Stop being anti environment. Stop being anti labor. And stop serving the 1%. Serve the middle class first. Like Biden is doing. Keep that up for 8 or 9 elections and you'll see Republicans will stop being bad actors.

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