The political spectrum

We are living in a country where both the right and the left are becoming more authoritarian each passing day, yet you ignore what is in front of your face for some stupid new "spectrum" that does not touch on reality.
Its not new.
Tell me something, how can something that is supposed to be a scale of opposites, be a scale of the same thing?
Im still waiting on you to tell me who and what I am giving a free pass for.
The secret is to ONLY vote Democratic until the GOP stop being the party for the rich. Force them to change their platform. They have to stop being anti abortion. Stop being anti environment. Stop being anti labor. And stop serving the 1%. Serve the middle class first. Like Biden is doing. Keep that up for 8 or 9 elections and you'll see Republicans will stop being bad actors.

The secret is to ONLY vote Democratic until the GOP stop being the party for the rich. Force them to change their platform. They have to stop being anti abortion. Stop being anti environment. Stop being anti labor. And stop serving the 1%. Serve the middle class first. Like Biden is doing. Keep that up for 8 or 9 elections and you'll see Republicans will stop being bad actors.
If im not going to vote for the GOP because they are the party of the rich, why wouldnt i not vote for democrats who are also the party of the rich?
This thread exemplifies why Republicans will likely never regain national power.

The People are more easily duped into voting for criminal conservatives who call themselves liberals than crimianl conservatives who call themselves conservatives because:

1) Republicans make no secret of their contempt for The People

2) Democrats pretend to give a shit while giving The People the shaft

Also, Democrats are merely insane, while Republicans are hyper-insane.
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They say a picture is worth 1000 make this fit in our country today replace Radical with Dem and Reactionary with Repub.


Let's go through our history shall we? Us liberals wanted to free the slaves. Then we wanted to give women the right to vote. Then we passed Civil Rights, labor laws, the New Deal. Liberals built a middle class the world had never seen before. Then the right/rich fought back. Starting with Reagan.

We want gays to have the same rights as straight couples.

We want cops to be reformed. We want criminal justice reform too.

We want clean air

We want social security, medicare and public schools. Does this make us socialists? Are you Republicans against social security? Because I say if you win the election there will be major cuts to all these programs. Republicans here deny it. They say I'm fear mongering. But you list socialism as one of your concerns and these are social programs.

I don't think we are going to fall into Communism. Us Democrats are capitalists. We just don't believe in unregulated free markets like Libertarians do. Republicans can't run government because they don't believe in government.
None of you can refute the OP. Just crying and whining.
Your OP is pure idiocy, and thus irrefutable except in that it refutes itself.

For instance, Antifa identifies as an anarchist ideology, and not as conservative.

Too many more examples of your Ivory-pure fail to bother noting.

You are the weakest link; goodbye. :)
None of you can refute the OP. Just crying and whining.
At least when I cry and whine, I do it with style.

I don't really call my views by any particular name, but simply have certain principles I apply to the world at large. The first of these is "my right to swing my fist ends at your nose". Everything else is extrapolated from there.
This thread exemplifies why Republicans will likely never reagin national power.

The People are more easily duped into voting for liberals who call themselves conservatives than conservatives who call themselves conservatives because:

1) Republicans make no secret of their contempt for The People

2) Democrats pretend to give a shit while giving The People the shaft

Also, Democrats are merely insane, while Republicans are hyper-insane.

All I need to do is look at my dad to see what Democrats and Liberals do for a country. He worked at Ford for only 20 years. Saved his ass off. With union benefits, he was able to retire before he was 62. Ford paid him a suppliment (i can't explain the details) until he turned 62 and even still, he still gets benefits from Ford. Even though he took the buy out.

And Ford was profitable in the 90's. So don't give me that crap about the company couldn't afford to stay in business and pay employees so well. Oh yes they could.

Anyways, long story short. If Liberals produce a society where a immigrant who didn't even graduate high school can become a success like my dad and so many other blue collar men did, that's the way to go. Republicans do away with pensions, turned a blind eye to the rising costs of healthcare, want to cut or eliminate social security and medicare. Republicans want to dismantle all the things that created the middle class us liberals created. Why? Because cuts to us mean increased profits for their masters. Corporations. Billionaires. Look at how the Supreme Court right wingers are OWNED by Billionaires. Do you trust their decisions? I don't.
Your OP is pure idiocy, and thus irrefutable except in that it refutes itself.

For instance, Antifa identifies as an anarchist ideology, and not as conservative.

Too many more examples of your Ivory-pure fail to bother noting.

You are the weakest link; goodbye. :)
ANTIFA isnt anarchist. They are big govt stooges.
But good job at succeeding at failing :thup:

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