The political spectrum

So golfing gators belief of the political spectrum is based on what people call themselves, not reality. :lol:
........while calling himself a libertarian, no less.

My only question has to do with whether there is a method to the deception ala Mac1958, or he is simply so stupid that he believes he is actually what he claims.
Then they are not on the 'right'. :dunno:

If small government was the one and only tenet of the right you might have a point.

You all remind me of those folks that when a Christian does something wrong they are all "well, they are not really a Christian"
Nope, it is based on what they are, not what you choose to call them.
Not shit dumbass. What they ACTUALLY are, you are getting there.
Righties are supposed to be small govt advocates that believe in individuality. If they are for the opposite of that, that would mean they ACTUALLY belong on the other side of the spectrum. Not sure how that doesnt make sense to you. Of course, I dont have an extra chromosome either...
Bless your little heart, you actually believe that, don't you?
I know it. My brother is a VP. He's worked for several Fortune 500 companies. None of his bosses have ever been liberal Democrats.

Corporations own Republicans. Democrats have to kiss labors ass. If corporations owned us like they owned the Republicans, labor wouldn't endorse Democrats all the time. Right?
This thread is one big delusion to give your beloved side a free pass for their authoritarianism
",y side" doesnt have any authoritarianism. If they are authoritarian, they are on the opposite side.
Logic fucking hates you, I assume.
........while calling himself a libertarian, no less.

My only question has to do with whether there is a method to the deception ala Mac1958, or he is simply so stupid that he believes he is actually what he claims.
IDK if he actually believes in anything. He is a true fence sitter.
If small government was the one and only tenet of the right you might have a point.

You all remind me of those folks that when a Christian does something wrong they are all "well, they are not really a Christian"

Today people can label themselves whatever they want, obviously it doesn't make it true. Each of these ideologies have parameters that define them, if you're not following those parameters then you're not following the ideology. Pretty simple.
Not shit dumbass. What they ACTUALLY are, you are getting there.
Righties are supposed to be small govt advocates that believe in individuality. If they are for the opposite of that, that would mean they ACTUALLY belong on the other side of the spectrum. Not sure how that doesnt make sense to you. Of course, I dont have an extra chromosome either...

If small government was the one and only tenet of the right you might have a point.

But since it is not, you do not.

Buy hey, get triggered some more, call me some more names...that should make you feel so much better.
If small government was the one and only tenet of the right you might have a point.

But since it is not, you do not.

Buy hey, get triggered some more, call me some more names...that should make you feel so much better.
I never said it was. Its a SPECTRUM.
Jesus :rolleyes:
Your stupidity doesnt trigger me. It makes me feel sorry for the people that know you.
If small government was the one and only tenet of the right you might have a point.

But since it is not, you do not.

Buy hey, get triggered some more, call me some more names...that should make you feel so much better.

Why? Just because they follow some and not others doesn't mean they are 'on the right'.
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?
Excellent discussion topic and well presented. However, the chart/graphics need a bit of tweaking I think. It stops short on the left side.

On the left the extreme is not fascism but communism, i.e. presumed total freedom. Fascism is a stage on the road to totalitarianism which is a necessary stage of the Marxist process before communism can be achieved. Unfortunately no government having achieved those stages on the road to communism has been willing to voluntarily relinquish it as Marx/Engles envisioned. No country calling itself communist actually is communist as all stopped at some part of the fascist or totalitarian stage.
Excellent discussion topic and well presented. However, the chart/graphics need a bit of tweaking I think. It stops short on the left side.

On the left the extreme is not fascism but communism, i.e. presumed total freedom. Fascism is a stage on the road to totalitarianism which is a necessary stage of the Marxist process before communism can be achieved. Unfortunately no government having achieved those stages on the road to communism has been willing to voluntarily relinquish it as Marx/Engles envisioned. No country calling itself communist actually is communist as all stopped at some part of the fascist or totalitarian stage.
It seems when they made this chart, they werent considering what actual communism is. Most people dont even know what actual communism is. They look at the ussr or something and think thats what it is. It isnt. Just like how "American capitalism" isnt actual capitalism.
So a good question would be, is anarchy and actual communism interchangeable?
I never said it was. Its a SPECTRUM.

Yes, a SPECTRUM you made up that does not allow for any authoritarianism at all on the right, even though history is full of rightwing authoritarian movements/governments.

But yes, I know you will say they were not really rightwing.

When you get to make up your own definitions it is easy to call everyone else names.

Once upon a time you did not do that, now you do it to everyone that does not bow down to your amazing intellect.

How boring you have become.
Yes, a SPECTRUM you made up that does not allow for any authoritarianism at all on the right, even though history is full of rightwing authoritarian movements/governments.

But yes, I know you will say they were not really rightwing.

When you get to make up your own definitions it is easy to call everyone else names.

Once upon a time you did not do that, now you do it to everyone that does not bow down to your amazing intellect.

How boring you have become.
It doesnt allow for it because it is a SPECTRUM of tyranny. In order to be a spectrum, it has to have an OPPOSITE.
I dont make up my own definitions but you are sitting there ignoring them. How ironic.
When each of us are making up our own definition of what is right and left, the two words become meaningless.

Who's making up their own definitions? What about the actions of the republican party allows them to be defined as on the right?

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