The political spectrum

Excellent discussion topic and well presented. However, the chart/graphics need a bit of tweaking I think. It stops short on the left side.

On the left the extreme is not fascism but communism, i.e. presumed total freedom. Fascism is a stage on the road to totalitarianism which is a necessary stage of the Marxist process before communism can be achieved. Unfortunately no government having achieved those stages on the road to communism has been willing to voluntarily relinquish it as Marx/Engles envisioned. No country calling itself communist actually is communist as all stopped at some part of the fascist or totalitarian stage.
Distinctions without much of a difference....Both are brutal, conformist, individual-killing ideologies...they only differ ever-so-slightly in form.
They say a picture is worth 1000 make this fit in our country today replace Radical with Dem and Reactionary with Repub.


Nazism is not is also left......fascism isn't right, it is left......but the crimes of the nazis recieved their day in court and in public for the world to see, while the mass murder by the communists remain hidden to the majority of can tell this by the idiots who wear Che and mao the left pushes the nazis as being on the right because if they can't get away with that, then people might realize that all of the mass murder of innocents since 1917 were committed by the left.....
Excellent discussion topic and well presented. However, the chart/graphics need a bit of tweaking I think. It stops short on the left side.

On the left the extreme is not fascism but communism, i.e. presumed total freedom. Fascism is a stage on the road to totalitarianism which is a necessary stage of the Marxist process before communism can be achieved. Unfortunately no government having achieved those stages on the road to communism has been willing to voluntarily relinquish it as Marx/Engles envisioned. No country calling itself communist actually is communist as all stopped at some part of the fascist or totalitarian stage.
the farthest left is a dictatorship/king where power is in the smallest control such as a single person,,

as for true communism,, thats about the same as anarchy where there is no formal government and the people decide, far right,,
If small government was the one and only tenet of the right you might have a point.

You all remind me of those folks that when a Christian does something wrong they are all "well, they are not really a Christian"

And if they are breaking the 10 commandments then no, they are not acting like Christians....a Vegan who eats a stead is not a sell that crap to the biden voters...
Excellent discussion topic and well presented. However, the chart/graphics need a bit of tweaking I think. It stops short on the left side.

On the left the extreme is not fascism but communism, i.e. presumed total freedom. Fascism is a stage on the road to totalitarianism which is a necessary stage of the Marxist process before communism can be achieved. Unfortunately no government having achieved those stages on the road to communism has been willing to voluntarily relinquish it as Marx/Engles envisioned. No country calling itself communist actually is communist as all stopped at some part of the fascist or totalitarian stage.

Fascism was a made up term by communist mussolini after he was kicked out of the Italian communist party....he needed to start his own grift, so he hid his communism behind a new word....fascism......
Fascism was a made up term by communist mussolini after he was kicked out of the Italian communist party....he needed to start his own grift, so he hid his communism behind a new word....fascism......
Exactly....Much like the term "liberal" was stolen by the progressives, when people discovered what they were "progressing" toward.

It's the fist rule of the committed leftist: hijack the language and you confine the range of thought...Golfing Gomer is giving us a real-time example of the effectiveness of the strategy.
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Scrapping 200 years of political thought just to blame every bad thing in human governance on the left might be the most retarded thing the right has ever done.
The left are the biggest current threat to our future.
Not white supremacy.
Not Muslim terrorism.
Not domestic terrorism.
Not Russia.
Not even China.
Not Christians.
Not Catholics.
Not parents.

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It doesnt allow for it because it is a SPECTRUM of tyranny. In order to be a spectrum, it has to have an OPPOSITE.
I dont make up my own definitions but you are sitting there ignoring them. How ironic.

So, it is not a political SPECTRUM and left and right are meaningless in it when speaking of the political right and left.
It seems when they made this chart, they werent considering what actual communism is. Most people dont even know what actual communism is. They look at the ussr or something and think thats what it is. It isnt. Just like how "American capitalism" isnt actual capitalism.
So a good question would be, is anarchy and actual communism interchangeable?
In effect yes. In theory no. Marx/Engles envisioned a selfless society in which each would receive according to his needs from each according to his ability, i.e. no private property, no private ambitions, but all working for the good of the whole and ensuring everyone had what they needed. What they left out of the equation was human nature that those who receive without working rarely have incentive to work and also those who work without reward are not likely to have incentive to keep voluntarily working. The result of course is either starvation or anarchy, i.e. survival of the strongest.
In effect yes. In theory no. Marx/Engles envisioned a selfless society in which each would receive according to his needs from each according to his ability, i.e. no private property, no private ambitions, but all working for the good of the whole and ensuring everyone had what they needed. What they left out of the equation was human nature that those who receive without working rarely have incentive to work and also those who work without reward are not likely to have incentive to keep voluntarily working. The result of course is either starvation or anarchy, i.e. survival of the strongest.

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