The Pollard "release" by Obama is very sneaky


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
In fact, the OBama admin is doing nothing. They aren't going to oppose his mandatory parole hearing after 30 years. But that's enough to get liberal antisemites into a tizzy, which will spark more anti israel sentiment which they hope will change the relations with the US and Israel.
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
Israel is still butt hurt over the Iranian nuclear deal.

So Obama is throwing the zionists a bone by releasing Pollard. ..... :cool:
Who's pollard, and why should I give a shit?

Jonathan Jay Pollard (born August 7, 1954) was a United States government employee who pleaded guilty in 1987 to selling classified information to Israel while ...
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
So you welcome genocide, but think one of the people you want dead got too harsh of a sentence? That's fascinating.
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
I despise Muslims, and can't wait till they are defeated at Israels hands.
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
So you welcome genocide, but think one of the people you want dead got too harsh of a sentence? That's fascinating.

I know you don't get that, Tranny Steve. So let me explain.

The Zionists are going to get driven out. (most of them will probably survive) because they stole someone else's land for religious purposes. Pretty much the dumbest reason to do anything. I'm not getting them into trouble, they've gotten themselves in trouble.

That said, Pollard got locked up for giving the Israelis information on Saddam's weapons programs. Intel we had promised the Israelis we were going to share with them and didn't. Spies caught working for the United Kingdom and South Korea got only a few years. locking up Pollard for 30 years for handing over information we had already promised to share was a bit- harsh.

Now, we know the only reason Obama is doing this is to mollify Bibi over the Iran deal. so he's doing the right thing for hte wrong reasons....
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
I despise Muslims, and can't wait till they are defeated at Israels hands.

There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
In fact, the OBama admin is doing nothing. They aren't going to oppose his mandatory parole hearing after 30 years. But that's enough to get liberal antisemites into a tizzy, which will spark more anti israel sentiment which they hope will change the relations with the US and Israel.

Since Ashkenazi Israelis (or Ashkenazis in America or elsewhere, for that matter) aren't semitic, what exactly do you mean when you use the pejorative label "anti-semite" ?

Arabs are semites. When you say "anti-semite", are you referring to the Islamophobes?
Who's pollard, and why should I give a shit?

Jonathan Jay Pollard (born August 7, 1954) was a United States government employee who pleaded guilty in 1987 to selling classified NUCLEAR information to Israel while ...

Fixed it for you.

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I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
I despise Muslims, and can't wait till they are defeated at Israels hands.

There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.

Color me unsurprised you support mass murder. No wonder you want everyone disarmed. Makes your goal much easier to accomplish.
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
I despise Muslims, and can't wait till they are defeated at Israels hands.

There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.
Who's pollard, and why should I give a shit?

Jonathan Jay Pollard (born August 7, 1954) was a United States government employee who pleaded guilty in 1987 to selling classified NUCLEAR information to Israel while ...

Fixed it for you.

Oh and by the way, Israel was paying pollard for our top secret nuclear information.

That's why Pollard was given a FULL life sentence. As in...his WHOLE life.

Pollard and Charles Manson. They aren't EVER getting out.
Linked to the article in my above post;

I'm with the critics on this one

Supporters argue that he was punished excessively given that he spied for a country that's a U.S. ally and point to other cases where spies from less-friendly countries were treated more leniently.

Critics, including prosecutors and government officials, call him a traitor who they say damaged U.S. national security by disclosing a trove of sensitive documents.

He becomes eligible for parole in November, on the 30th anniversary of his arrest on charges of selling classified information to Israel.

This week, there was widespread media speculation that Pollard could be released sooner.
Linked to the article in my above post;

I'm with the critics on this one

Supporters argue that he was punished excessively given that he spied for a country that's a U.S. ally and point to other cases where spies from less-friendly countries were treated more leniently.

Critics, including prosecutors and government officials, call him a traitor who they say damaged U.S. national security by disclosing a trove of sensitive documents.

He becomes eligible for parole in November, on the 30th anniversary of his arrest on charges of selling classified information to Israel.

This week, there was widespread media speculation that Pollard could be released sooner.

He spied for a country that is purported to be our ally; by a media that consists of the SAME ethnic group whom our alleged ally is comprised of.

They aren't our ally. They never have been and they never will be.

With an "ally" like Israel, we do not need any deadly enemies.

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