The Pollard "release" by Obama is very sneaky

I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
I despise Muslims, and can't wait till they are defeated at Israels hands.

There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.
Linked to the article in my above post;

I'm with the critics on this one

Supporters argue that he was punished excessively given that he spied for a country that's a U.S. ally and point to other cases where spies from less-friendly countries were treated more leniently.

Critics, including prosecutors and government officials, call him a traitor who they say damaged U.S. national security by disclosing a trove of sensitive documents.

He becomes eligible for parole in November, on the 30th anniversary of his arrest on charges of selling classified information to Israel.

This week, there was widespread media speculation that Pollard could be released sooner.

He spied for a country that is purported to be our ally; by a media that consists of the SAME ethnic group whom our alleged ally is comprised of.

They aren't our ally. They never have been and they never will be.

With an "ally" like Israel, we do not need any deadly enemies.

Yeah, you know what, I'm not surprised that our Hollywood driven news media mistakenly believes no harm was done, so why is pollard sitting in prison
Linked to the article in my above post;

I'm with the critics on this one

Supporters argue that he was punished excessively given that he spied for a country that's a U.S. ally and point to other cases where spies from less-friendly countries were treated more leniently.

Critics, including prosecutors and government officials, call him a traitor who they say damaged U.S. national security by disclosing a trove of sensitive documents.

He becomes eligible for parole in November, on the 30th anniversary of his arrest on charges of selling classified information to Israel.

This week, there was widespread media speculation that Pollard could be released sooner.

He spied for a country that is purported to be our ally; by a media that consists of the SAME ethnic group whom our alleged ally is comprised of.

They aren't our ally. They never have been and they never will be.

With an "ally" like Israel, we do not need any deadly enemies.

Yeah, you know what, I'm not surprised that our Hollywood driven news media mistakenly believes no harm was done, so why is pollard sitting in prison

The U.S. nuclear missile program (for defense) cost America trillions of dollars back when a trillion dollars WAS a trillion dollars, Pollard GAVE our nuclear missile tech away to Israel. All those trillions of dollars down the drain since our "ALLY"...America's GREATEST Ally....immediately turned around and sold our nuclear secrets to Russia and China.

Seriously, I can't imagine why ANY of you guys support Israel. It's beyond me.
I feel no sympathy for Pollard. He was a greedy duplicitous s.o.b. who's only "regret" was that he got caught. He did it for money and he didn't just sell out to Israel, but to other countries as well.

Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Shortly after Pollard began working at NIC/TF-168, he met Aviem Sella, a combat veteran of the Israeli Air Force. At the time, he was on leave from his position as a colonel to gain a master's degree in computer science as a graduate student at New York University. Pollard told Sella that he worked for U.S. naval intelligence, told him about specific incidents where U.S. intelligence was withholding information from Israel, and offered to work as a spy. Though Sella had wondered whether Pollard was part of an FBI sting operation to recruit an Israeli, he ended up believing him. Sella phoned his air-force intelligence commander in Tel Aviv for further instructions, and the call was switched to the air-force chief of staff. Sella was ordered to develop a contact with Pollard, but to be careful. He was warned that either the Americans were offering a "dangle" in order to root out foreign intelligence operations, or if this was a genuine spy, Sella would have to pay careful attention to his work.[28]

Within a few days, in June 1984 Pollard started passing classified information to Sella. He was paid $10,000 cash and given a very expensive diamond and sapphire ring, which Pollard later offered to his girlfriend Anne when proposing to her. Pollard was paid well by the Israelis: he received a salary that eventually reached twenty-five hundred dollars a month, and tens of thousands of dollars in cash disbursements for hotels, meals, and jewelry. In his pre-sentencing statement to Judge Robinson, Pollard said the money was a benefit that was forced on him. "I did accept money for my services," he acknowledged, but only "as a reflection of how well I was doing my job." He said that he had later told his controller, Rafi Eitan, a longtime spy who at the time headed Lekem, a scientific-intelligence unit in Israel, that "I not only intended to repay all the money I'd received but, also, was going to establish a chair at the Israeli General Staff's Intelligence Training Center outside Tel Aviv."[29][30]

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) investigator Ronald Olive has alleged that Pollard passed classified information to South Africa,[31] and attempted, through a third party, to sell classified information to Pakistan on multiple occasions.[12] Pollard also stole classified documents related to China on behalf of his wife, who used the information to advance her personal business-interests. She kept these secret materials around the house, where investigating authorities discovered them when Pollard's espionage activity came to light.[11][32][33]

During Pollard's trial, the U.S. government's memorandum in aid of sentencing challenged the "defendant's claim that he was motivated by altruism rather than greed." The government said that Pollard had "disclosed classified information in anticipation of financial gain" in other instances:

The government's investigation has revealed that defendant provided to certain of his acquaintances U.S. classified documents which defendant obtained through U.S. Navy sources. The classified documents which defendant disclosed to two such acquaintances, both of whom are professional investment advisers, contained classified economic and political analyses which defendant believed would help his acquaintances render investment advice to their clients... Defendant acknowledged that, although he was not paid for his unauthorized disclosures of classified information to the above-mentioned acquaintances, he hoped to be rewarded ultimately through business opportunities that these individuals could arrange for defendant when he eventually left his position with the U.S. Navy. In fact, defendant was involved in an ongoing business venture with two of these acquaintances at the time he provided the classified information to them...[34]

During the course of the Pollard trial, Australian authorities reported the disclosure of classified American documents by Pollard to one of their own agents, a Royal Australian Navy officer who had been engaged in a personnel-exchange naval-liaison program between the U.S. and Australia.[35] The Australian officer, alarmed by Pollard's repeated disclosure to him of data caveated No Foreign Access Allowed, reported the indiscretions to his chain of command. It recalled the officer from his position in the U.S., fearing that the disclosures might be part of a "CIA ruse".[35] Confronted with this accusation after entering his plea, Pollard admitted only to passing a single classified document to the Australian; later, he changed his story, and claimed that his superiors ordered him to share information with the Australians.[35]

As of 2014 the full extent of the information Pollard passed to Israel has still not been officially revealed. Press reports cited a secret 46-page memorandum, which Pollard and his attorneys were allowed to view.[36] They were provided to the judge by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who described Pollard's spying as including, among other things, obtaining and copying the latest version of Radio-Signal Notations (RASIN), a 10-volume manual comprehensively detailing America's global electronic surveillance network.[9][37]
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
I despise Muslims, and can't wait till they are defeated at Israels hands.

There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
I despise Muslims, and can't wait till they are defeated at Israels hands.

There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.
There are a billions Muslims and only 6 million Zionists, a lot of whom would probably go back to Europe, given the oppurtunity.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.

LMAO...I requested you cite the Book, Chapter, and Verse and after a couple of hours, the BEST you could come up with is to try and send me on a wild goose chase.

Since you consider yourself an "expert", care to tell us why and how "Jews" aren't mentioned in the OT until 2nd Kings...which is a LONG ways after Exodus.

Christians are the ones who have a covenant with God, bub. Not the so called "Jews" tm.

Israel belongs to Christians...NOT to the squatters from Eastern Europe and communist Russia.
Nope, Israel belongs to the Jews, God gave it to them.

Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.

LMAO...I requested you cite the Book, Chapter, and Verse and after a couple of hours, the BEST you could come up with is to try and send me on a wild goose chase.

Since you consider yourself an "expert", care to tell us why and how "Jews" aren't mentioned in the OT until 2nd Kings...which is a LONG ways after Exodus.

Christians are the ones who have a covenant with God, bub. Not the so called "Jews" tm.

Israel belongs to Christians...NOT to the squatters from Eastern Europe and communist Russia.
Iraelites-Hebrews-Jews, same people. Do some honest work, read Exodus, not a goose chase. Unless you are afraid satan worshiper.
Nope, God did not. God NEVER made a covenant with the so called "Jews" tm.

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.

LMAO...I requested you cite the Book, Chapter, and Verse and after a couple of hours, the BEST you could come up with is to try and send me on a wild goose chase.

Since you consider yourself an "expert", care to tell us why and how "Jews" aren't mentioned in the OT until 2nd Kings...which is a LONG ways after Exodus.

Christians are the ones who have a covenant with God, bub. Not the so called "Jews" tm.

Israel belongs to Christians...NOT to the squatters from Eastern Europe and communist Russia.
Iraelites-Hebrews-Jews, same people. Do some honest work, read Exodus, not a goose chase. Unless you are afraid satan worshiper.

I know what Exodus says. That is how I know you are lying. And if anyone is a Satan worshiper it is likely you or your beloved "jews" tm.

"Hey, we ARE god's chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." --- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein

You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.

LMAO...I requested you cite the Book, Chapter, and Verse and after a couple of hours, the BEST you could come up with is to try and send me on a wild goose chase.

Since you consider yourself an "expert", care to tell us why and how "Jews" aren't mentioned in the OT until 2nd Kings...which is a LONG ways after Exodus.

Christians are the ones who have a covenant with God, bub. Not the so called "Jews" tm.

Israel belongs to Christians...NOT to the squatters from Eastern Europe and communist Russia.
Iraelites-Hebrews-Jews, same people. Do some honest work, read Exodus, not a goose chase. Unless you are afraid satan worshiper.

I know what Exodus says. That is how I know you are lying. And if anyone is a Satan worshiper it is likely you or your beloved "jews" tm.

"Hey, we ARE god's chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." --- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein
Another thing, Christianity did not exist in Moses day. You are a bofoon.
You're welcome to prove it with the Book, Chapter, and Verse that verifies your claim. Go ahead, post it. Post what you THINK is correct. Heck, post anything.

Then I will gut you like a fish and enjoy doing it.

You might want to make a separate thread for that though since our,,..."debate" will be off topic in this thread.
Read Exodus. You will find versus yourself if you are smart enough. I am not worried about some satan worshipping retard gutting me.

LMAO...I requested you cite the Book, Chapter, and Verse and after a couple of hours, the BEST you could come up with is to try and send me on a wild goose chase.

Since you consider yourself an "expert", care to tell us why and how "Jews" aren't mentioned in the OT until 2nd Kings...which is a LONG ways after Exodus.

Christians are the ones who have a covenant with God, bub. Not the so called "Jews" tm.

Israel belongs to Christians...NOT to the squatters from Eastern Europe and communist Russia.
Iraelites-Hebrews-Jews, same people. Do some honest work, read Exodus, not a goose chase. Unless you are afraid satan worshiper.

I know what Exodus says. That is how I know you are lying. And if anyone is a Satan worshiper it is likely you or your beloved "jews" tm.

"Hey, we ARE god's chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." --- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein
Another thing, Christianity did not exist in Moses day. You are a bofoon.

I didn't say it did....but go ahead and twist my words, Moshe.
I feel no sympathy for Pollard. He was a greedy duplicitous s.o.b. who's only "regret" was that he got caught. He did it for money and he didn't just sell out to Israel, but to other countries as well.

yes, but all of those countries were our allies. And like it or not, other people like Robert Kim who have been caught spying for allies got much lesser sentences.

Pollard got a stiff sentence because Cap Weinberger was vindictive. The same Cap Weinberger who was complicit in selling weapons to Iran and got a last minute pardon from Poppy Bush.
Iraelites-Hebrews-Jews, same people. Do some honest work, read Exodus, not a goose chase. Unless you are afraid satan worshiper.

But are they the same people? OR do they just happen to share a religion? The fact is, most of the "Jews" came from Europe either through Central Europe (the Ashkenazim) or through Spain, passing into the MIddle East after the inquisition. (The Sephardi)
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

Of course you do, Nazi boy.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.

They should get LWOP in solitary confinement, or a firing squad, no exceptions.
Color me unsurprised you support mass murder. No wonder you want everyone disarmed. Makes your goal much easier to accomplish.

when you are the kind of asshole who steals someone else's land because a magic fairy in the sky said to, you kind of bring it on yourself.

You mean like the "Palestinians" did to those before them? And the Ottomans before them? If you go back far enough it is obvious who was there first. Unless your point is he who gets the land is he can hold it, in which case it's the Israeli's land because not only are they holding it they're making it better than when they arrived.

Your argument fails on multiple points.
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

Of course you do, Nazi boy.

This jewish fellow apparently disagree's with you.

You mean like the "Palestinians" did to those before them? And the Ottomans before them? If you go back far enough it is obvious who was there first. Unless your point is he who gets the land is he can hold it, in which case it's the Israeli's land because not only are they holding it they're making it better than when they arrived.

Your argument fails on multiple points.

It's not really quite the same thing, guy. the Ottomans and the British ruled Palestine, but they didn't drive the Palestinians off their land.

The Zionists are engaging in a policy of ethnic cleansing and have been since 1948. Except they are running out of people to replace the folks they are running off, as more young Israelis would rather live in Europe or America, given the oppurtunity.

Demographics is not the Zionist Entity's friend. a Two-State solution probably buys them more time.

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