The Pollard "release" by Obama is very sneaky


Israel is the only nation on earth expected to live alongside people dedicated to
murdering them all and not do a damned thing about it.

Maybe they should go the fuck back to Europe where they came from. Then they wouldn't have those problems. At least until the Europeans get fed up with their shit.
And then what? Into the ovens? I'll bet that'd be okay with you.
Not all Israelis are from Europe. I don't know if you are aware.

According to the web site Deadline Hollywood, a movie production company affiliated with Fox is developing a feature film whose plot will be based on the events leading up to the arrest and incarceration of the former US Navy analyst who passed sensitive information to Israel.

Pollard, who has spent 30 years in jail, is due to be released in November as per the decision of a federal parole board.

The movie will be produced by The Jackal Group, and it will be based on a play by Martin Blank titled The Law of Return. Gail Berman will co-produce the film along with Rory Koslow.


If there’s a buck to be made, Hollywood is ready ….

This one should surely get an Oscar for best comedy of the year

No doubt Hollywood will attempt to make Pollard look like a poor innocent victim of US anti-Semtitic-jew-hate-Hitler-lovers or some such silliness. I certainly won't be bothering with this film, although it will be useful to remind the world that Hollywood serves a particular political point of view!

Keep trying to rewrite history. People are tired of European colonization.
By "rewriting history" I assume you mean presenting you with the facts?
The Israelis were run out of the area hundreds of years ago by the same people who want them out today. If it wasn't for the holocaust and murder of millions of Jews in Europe there would be no need for UN Resolution 181 and if folks like you didn't want European colonization they shouldn't have killed so many of them.
Keep trying to rewrite history. People are tired of European colonization.
By "rewriting history" I assume you mean presenting you with the facts?
The Israelis were run out of the area hundreds of years ago by the same people who want them out today.

Uh, no, guy, the Judeans really don't share anything with the European Jews other than a religion. The reason why they were driven out of Judea (as opposed to the Samaritans, the Nabateans, the Idumeans, who were allowed to stay) was because they kept revolting against Rome. Nothing to do with the modern Palestinians.

If it wasn't for the holocaust and murder of millions of Jews in Europe there would be no need for UN Resolution 181 and if folks like you didn't want European colonization they shouldn't have killed so many of them.

So by that logic, we should totally give YOUR house to a black person because slavery was such a bad thing, right?

I mean, that makes sense. Clearly those bad old slave owners did terrible things to the black people, and they deserve SOMETHING for their troubles. So what if you didn't have anything to do with slavery.

Same kind of logic here. The Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust. A lot of them, as subjects of the British Empire, even fought against the Axis. And for their troubles, the British gave away THEIR country because they felt kind of bad they didn't stop Hitler.
Keep trying to rewrite history. People are tired of European colonization.
By "rewriting history" I assume you mean presenting you with the facts?
The Israelis were run out of the area hundreds of years ago by the same people who want them out today. If it wasn't for the holocaust and murder of millions of Jews in Europe there would be no need for UN Resolution 181 and if folks like you didn't want European colonization they shouldn't have killed so many of them.

Joey would not recognize a fact if it bit him on the scrotum.
Keep trying to rewrite history. People are tired of European colonization.
By "rewriting history" I assume you mean presenting you with the facts?
The Israelis were run out of the area hundreds of years ago by the same people who want them out today.

Uh, no, guy, the Judeans really don't share anything with the European Jews other than a religion. The reason why they were driven out of Judea (as opposed to the Samaritans, the Nabateans, the Idumeans, who were allowed to stay) was because they kept revolting against Rome. Nothing to do with the modern Palestinians.

If it wasn't for the holocaust and murder of millions of Jews in Europe there would be no need for UN Resolution 181 and if folks like you didn't want European colonization they shouldn't have killed so many of them.

So by that logic, we should totally give YOUR house to a black person because slavery was such a bad thing, right?

I mean, that makes sense. Clearly those bad old slave owners did terrible things to the black people, and they deserve SOMETHING for their troubles. So what if you didn't have anything to do with slavery.

Same kind of logic here. The Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust. A lot of them, as subjects of the British Empire, even fought against the Axis. And for their troubles, the British gave away THEIR country because they felt kind of bad they didn't stop Hitler.
That's some "logic" you got there. Of course it mistakenly assumes that someone's possession was given away (the Palestinian were stateless outcast squatter peasants whose idea of "ownership" was to tie their donkey to a tree, literally, as a sign of possession).
The Palestinians had nothing to lose in any legal sense and whatever claim they had to land was made moot by the UN awarding them their own mandate
to match that of Israel's.

When the UN partition was instituted Israel was awarded their portion of land
in large part due to land acquisition in the latter 19th century by Zionists who actually purchased their land from absentee Turkish land lords.
So Palestinians are like urban squatters battling police when a building is legally purchased out from under them except that the UN gave them their own building next door so there really is no need to bitch and murder except they just like killing Jews. Look around and learn.
That's some "logic" you got there. Of course it mistakenly assumes that someone's possession was given away (the Palestinian were stateless outcast squatter peasants whose idea of "ownership" was to tie their donkey to a tree, literally, as a sign of possession).
The Palestinians had nothing to lose in any legal sense and whatever claim they had to land was made moot by the UN awarding them their own mandate
to match that of Israel's.

I love how rightwingers suddenly just LOVE them the UN when it comes to the Zionist entity.

Except all those UN resolutions condemning the Zionists treatment of the Palestinians.

Sorry, guy, people who had lived their thousands of years had a better claim than a bunch of Europeans whose only claim was, "The other Europeans hadn't gotten around to turning us into lampshades."

If you wanted to carve a Jewish State out of the remains of Germany, I'd have been fine with that. That was just compensation.

That's not what the UN and the Zionists and British did.
That's some "logic" you got there. Of course it mistakenly assumes that someone's possession was given away (the Palestinian were stateless outcast squatter peasants whose idea of "ownership" was to tie their donkey to a tree, literally, as a sign of possession).
The Palestinians had nothing to lose in any legal sense and whatever claim they had to land was made moot by the UN awarding them their own mandate
to match that of Israel's.

I love how rightwingers suddenly just LOVE them the UN when it comes to the Zionist entity.

Except all those UN resolutions condemning the Zionists treatment of the Palestinians.
And I love how you love the UN when it condemns Israel but not when the UN settles the issue of an Israeli homeland (something no other people on earth seem to worry about). Hypocritical much?

Sorry, guy, people who had lived their thousands of years had a better claim than a bunch of Europeans whose only claim was, "The other Europeans hadn't gotten around to turning us into lampshades."
You realize the nation of Israel is several thousand years old, right?

If you wanted to carve a Jewish State out of the remains of Germany, I'd have been fine with that. That was just compensation.

That's not what the UN and the Zionists and British did.
The UN gave Israel back the land it had held before being run out by successive waves of conquerors, the most recent being the Muslims. How fitting and karmic the Muslim Arabs should give back a sliver of their land to pay for their genocidal ways (I take it you have no problem with the UN giving Palestinians their own land?).
I despise Israel and think it will be a happy day when the Arabs drive it into the sea.

But frankly, I've always thought the government's treatment of Pollard has been extreme. Most other people caught spying for allied countries usually get only a few years.
So you welcome genocide, but think one of the people you want dead got too harsh of a sentence? That's fascinating.

I know you don't get that, Tranny Steve. So let me explain.

The Zionists are going to get driven out. (most of them will probably survive) because they stole someone else's land for religious purposes. Pretty much the dumbest reason to do anything. I'm not getting them into trouble, they've gotten themselves in trouble.

That said, Pollard got locked up for giving the Israelis information on Saddam's weapons programs. Intel we had promised the Israelis we were going to share with them and didn't. Spies caught working for the United Kingdom and South Korea got only a few years. locking up Pollard for 30 years for handing over information we had already promised to share was a bit- harsh.

Now, we know the only reason Obama is doing this is to mollify Bibi over the Iran deal. so he's doing the right thing for hte wrong reasons....

You don't think Muslims conquered their lands in the name of their religion?

You really are the dumbest D-bag around here.
And I love how you love the UN when it condemns Israel but not when the UN settles the issue of an Israeli homeland (something no other people on earth seem to worry about). Hypocritical much?

The issue isn't settled. Whatever Israel started out as, it's become an apartheid state that violates the notions of UN membership. The fact it tries to pull some of the same shit South Africa pulled with "Homelands" is the problem.

You realize the nation of Israel is several thousand years old, right?

no, not really. The Zionist Entity is 68 years old. It's actually kind of doubtful something called "Israel" was a thing. The archeological evidence is a bit scant and doesn't really back up the book about the talking snakes.

The UN gave Israel back the land it had held before being run out by successive waves of conquerors, the most recent being the Muslims. How fitting and karmic the Muslim Arabs should give back a sliver of their land to pay for their genocidal ways (I take it you have no problem with the UN giving Palestinians their own land?).

I want to see the Zionists driven into the sea, and maybe, just maybe they will finally get it through their thick skulls THAT THERE IS NO GOD.

Then they can get on with their lives.
You don't think Muslims conquered their lands in the name of their religion?

You really are the dumbest D-bag around here.

Uh, yeah, Dummy, that was 1500 years ago when people didn't know what a germ was or where the sun went at night.

No Jackass, it started 1500 years ago. They've continued with their same murderous, barbaric ways and are still at it.
You don't think Muslims conquered their lands in the name of their religion?

You really are the dumbest D-bag around here.

Uh, yeah, Dummy, that was 1500 years ago when people didn't know what a germ was or where the sun went at night.

No Jackass, it started 1500 years ago. They've continued with their same murderous, barbaric ways and are still at it.

You're talking about the Khazars, right? The people who are more commonly known as "Jews" today.

They rode with Attila the Hun pillaging mankind.....and haven't stopped.
And then what? Into the ovens? I'll bet that'd be okay with you.
Not all Israelis are from Europe. I don't know if you are aware.

Yeah, actually, they are. It's just some of them got to the Middle east through Spain.
No. Israelis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They aren't.

Ziopedia? LOL

A History Department Bans Citing Wikipedia as a Research Source
Dim witted trolls dispute the source.
Thinkers and serious people dispute the issue and facts.

Suit yourself.
And then what? Into the ovens? I'll bet that'd be okay with you.
Not all Israelis are from Europe. I don't know if you are aware.

Yeah, actually, they are. It's just some of them got to the Middle east through Spain.
No. Israelis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They aren't.

Ziopedia? LOL

A History Department Bans Citing Wikipedia as a Research Source
Dim witted trolls dispute the source.
Thinkers and serious people dispute the issue and facts.

Suit yourself.

When I actually see some genuine facts posted in this thread aside from what I have posted, I'll let you know.
The issue isn't settled. Whatever Israel started out as, it's become an apartheid state that violates the notions of UN membership. The fact it tries to pull some of the same shit South Africa pulled with "Homelands" is the problem.
You would do well not to get your talking points from discredited leftist sources because Israeli law makes no distinctions between Jewish and non Jewish citizens (of which there are many including Arabs in the Israeli Knesset).
List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Does this seem like "apartheid" to you? Not to me.
Do they tightly control who does and does not enter their borders? You bet!
Constantly having buses, buildings and people blown up will do that.

no, not really. The Zionist Entity is 68 years old. It's actually kind of doubtful something called "Israel" was a thing. The archeological evidence is a bit scant and doesn't really back up the book about the talking snakes.
The nation of Israel is known by scholars and archaeologists to go back to at least 2,000 BCE and it's dealings with other nations in antiquity is proof of that.
Only a holocaust denier would also deny the very historical record of the nation.
Too funny.

I want to see the Zionists driven into the sea, and maybe, just maybe they will finally get it through their thick skulls THAT THERE IS NO GOD.

Then they can get on with their lives.
Maybe the fact that they survive
against the fevered wishes of hateful anti Semitic scum is proof there is a God.
Who knows? They certainly aren't going anywhere. Deal with it.

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